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Will TCS retain without an offer
Will TCS try to retain me if I don't have an offer in hand? I have 6+ years of experience and a salary of 5 LPA. I'm planning to resign and search for other opportunities. I'm a critical resource in my project. I would be happy even if TCS offers 8 LPA
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TCS - Background verification and offer letter after ctc break up - please reply
After how many days of receiving the ctc break up will the background verification gets initiated and i will receive an offer letter?
Thanks in advance
a tecnology associate and software developer
1w (edited)
Joining letter
Hi - I wanted to get a general idea as to how long before a shared joining date during offer acceptance - does TCS share the joining letter? Kindly help. Thanks
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Underpaid Despite Top Performance - Need Career Advice
I'm a Process Automation Developer with 6 years of experience, currently working as a BPO3. My performance has been consistently excellent, receiving 'A' band ratings for 5 consecutive years, with another expected this year. Within my two-person team, both of us are likely to receive A bands again.
Despite my strong performance, I'm significantly underpaid at 5.8 LPA. While this is better than my peers who joined with me (still at 4 LPA), it's well below market standards. Even with the expected 10% hike after my next A band, my CTC would only reach about 6.5 LPA (approximately 40K monthly).
Current challenges:
- 90-day notice period making job switches difficult
- Working with proprietary technology only available within TCS
I'm considering 3 options:
1. Request a transfer from BPS to IT
2. Push for promotion to BPO4
3. Serve notice period and explore opportunities outside
For those who've been in similar situations: What would you recommend? Is this a good time to make a move?
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Scope of MBA in TCS for a SDET
Hi I'm working as a SDET with TCS for the past 2 years & 9 months. If I do MBA in Information Systems, is it possible to switch from Tester role to management role? Any TCS employee switched to Management line, kindly advise. Thanks in Advance.
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