Take-Home Salary is the total salary that an employee gets after all necessary deductions are made.
Understand from below how AmbitionBox salary calculator exactly calculates the in-hand or take home salary.
Step 1. Start with calculating the Gross Salary:
Gross salary is not your basic salary nor your CTC. It is obtained by subtracting the Employer's contribution to Provident Fund (EPF) and Gratuity from Cost to Company (CTC).
Gross Salary = Cost to Company (CTC) - Employer's PF Contribution (EPF) - Gratuity
Gratuity calculation:
Gratuity = (Basic salary + Dearness allowance) × 15/26 × No. of Years of Service
We can assume dearness allowance to be zero as it is a cost of living adjustment allowance paid to Government employees, Public sector employees (PSU) and pensioners in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. Dearness Allowance is calculated as a percentage of an Indian citizen's basic salary to mitigate the impact of inflation on people.
The gratuity that is subtracted every year is = 15/26 x Basic Salary (Monthly) X 1
Step 2. Then calculate the Taxable Income:Taxable income is obtained by subtracting Tax-free Allowance, House Rent Allowance (HRA), Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) Professional Tax, Medical Insurance, Tax Saving Investments.
Taxable Income = Gross Salary - Employees PF Contribution(PF)/PPF investment - Tax free Allowance - HRA - LTA - Medical Insurance - Tax. Saving Investments - Other Deductions
HRA that can be exempted is calculated as the minimum of three values:
The amount received as the HRA from the employer.
Actual rent paid minus 10% of the basic salary.
50% of the basic salary if staying in a metro city and 40% in a non-metro city
Step 3. Calculate Income Tax: Calculate Income tax by applying the one of the below Income Tax Slabs and rates. FY21-22, Individuals have options to choose from 2 different Tax Slabs and Rates.
Option-1 Old Tax Regime
Individual (resident or non-resident), who is of the age of less than 60 years on the last day of the relevant previous year:
This will be applicable for Financial Year 2025-26 (or Assessment year 2026-27).
Income Slab
Tax Rate
Upto 2,50,000
From Rs.2,50,001 to Rs.5,00,000
5% + Cess
(Rs.12,500 rebate will be available to individuals who have an income of up to Rs.5 lakh under Section 87A of the Income Tax Act, 1961)
From Rs.5,00,001 to Rs.10,00,000
12,500 + 20% of (Taxable income - Rs.5 lakh) + Cess
Income from Rs 10,00,001 – 50,00,000
1,12,500 + 30% of (Taxable income - Rs.10 lakh) + Cess
Surcharge: - 10% of income tax where total income exceeds Rs. 50,00,000.
15% of income tax where total income exceeds Rs. 1,00,00,000.
*In 2019, Govt has proposed to levy surcharge of 25% on those having taxable income of more than Rs 2 Cr upto 5 Cr.
Cess: - 4% of taxable income.
Step 4. Now, calculate the Take Home Salary: Use the below formula for the same. Professional tax varies from
state to state. It is not very significant. And hence we approximate it to 200 per month. The maximum Professional tax possible in a year is 2500.
Take-Home Salary = Gross Salary - Income Tax - Employees PF Contribution (PF) - Prof. Tax