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Snapdeal Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

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Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 14 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Detailed Discussion on projects
  • Q2. Code
  • Q3. DBMS concepts
  • Q4. DNS

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Duration : 1 hr

Content : 22 MCQs , 2 codes

Platform : HackerRank22 MCQs : (Non trivial)

Quantitative Analysis : Time Speed Distance , Races , Percentage , Ratio Proportion , Probability , Number SystemCode Snippets :

Some very good questions which require an in depth understanding of pointer concepts, increment decrement operators, printf function, union etc

Examples :

->for(printf(“1″ ; !printf(“0″);printf(“2″))


->int a=-6


->printf(“%s”,”snap” “deal”);

->union u1{

     int a:2;

     int b:3;

     int c:4;


int main() {




     cout << var.a << " " << var.b << " " << var.c;

}Codes : 

1)Overlapping paintings, find no. of paintings that can be seen distinctly, extreme co-ordinates of paintings are given. Ordering of paintings matter. ( Assume heights of all paintings are same, start and end coordinates are given )E.g.


1 4

2 6

3 4

8 10

7 10




XXX <- This painting is hidden completely


2)Given points of two lines segments A(x1,y1 x2,y2) & B(x3,y3 x4,y4) find whether the 2 segments intersect or not.

----- solved 2nd code ( all test cases ), all mcqs, 1st code ( 2/6 test cases) [ranked 3rd in online test]

Its very important to solve atleast one code.

My advice :->Before the test : check geeksforgeeks snapdeal interview archives and solve all the online coding questions ->During the test : (If you think you cannot do both the codes) Find the easier one and ‘complete’ it within 20 mins,solve as many mcqs in 30 mins , in last 5-10 mins try to pass the sample test case of the 2nd code (something is better than nothing)
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 24

Round: TEST
Experience: 3 coding questions ( any language )

duration : 1 hour

Only function to be written (no main())1) Check for balanced parentheses in an expression (STL allowed )


2)Given an array of positive and negative numbers , find the maximum sum of any subsequence.

Return both the sum and the subsequence.Ambiguous Question:

Maximum sum of any subsequence (note: it’s not increasing subsequence)will be sum of all the positive numbers in the array [Trivial]

Therefore, I interpreted subsequence as subarray -----/

3)Check if Btree is a BST


Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1)Detailed Discussion on projects -> Note : He didn’t ask anything related to the content of my project but the actual use of the project in the real time world , the pros and cons of it , the scope in future , where is the technology applied presently etc

2) code : There are two sorted arrays. First one is of size m+n containing only ‘first’ m elements. Another one is of size n and contains n elements. Merge these two arrays into the first array of size m+n such that the output is sorted.This question was a modified form of -----/

But this solution is of O(m +n ) for merging + O(m) for shifting : he asked me to optimize without shiftingDon’t give the optimized solution first : My plan of action : O(n2) , O(nlogn) , O(m) + O(m+n) , O(m+n)

He was very happy with the way i approached the problem.

3) DBMS concepts : Indexing : why is it required , how is it achieved , why B+ tree , difference between B tree and B+ trees , types of indexing , difference between them , advantages and situations where they can be used , can we make an index for a group of tuples (ans : yes ) , why do we need such an index , multilevel indexing.

4)DNS – Domain name servers : what are they , how do they operate , what is iterative dns search , recursive dns search , TLD servers , Authoritative servers , why do we need them , how are they maintained , what are proxy servers , why do we need them , what are mail servers , under which server are they maintained (ans : under authoritative servers)

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1)Design a placement software


     a)Choose a group of panelists for a particular college.

     b) panelists have different expertise

     c) colleges may have engineering , arts , science sections as well

     d) A panelist can be out for recruitment max 3 days in a fortnight (I asked him to give access to the personal calenders of all panelists )

     He asked me to draw the ER diagrams first

     Than asked me to show the normalized tables

     Then he asked me to code the whole thing especially the 4th requirement : time constraint (i did it using boolen vectors and kmp algorithm)

     He was happy with my design.Advice for design question : Ask for requirements first and keep writing them on a paper , and keep cross questioning on the available data.

2) code : Find square root of a number

     I gave an interative O(n) solution ,

     He told me to optimize : I did it in O(logn) with binary search

     Further optimize to O(1) : I got stuck ,after a lot of discussion on different techiniques he gave me a hint that he would be using my function a lot of times then I immediately told him to use hash maps and save the previous results.

He started smiling and asked me if i had any questions for him 

3)OOPs concepts :Aggregation , composition, encapsulation , abstraction , inheritance , polymorphism.Went further deep into the concepts of encapsulation and abstraction, difference between them , a real world example (i used mobile phone : mobile phone blue print is abstract class , bluprints for different versions of the same mobile i5,i6 etc are derived classed , actual mobile phones are objects encapsulated.),what is data hiding , relation between data hiding , encapsulation , abstraction.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: If you have made till here that means you are selected.The HR guy in snapdeal is the coolest HR I have met .He asked me name of the campanies that have hired me till now,i gave him both their names and he was like ‘tab toh tum rejected ho bhai ‘.(non)Typical HR questions followed :D.

College Name: NA

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 14 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

17 Questions

  • Q1. Why e-commerce and not others
  • Q2. Find the number of connected components [islands] in a matrix formed with only 0’s and 1’s. [With Code] -----/
  • Q3. In a matrix of only 0’s and 1’s, where in each row, there are only 0’s first and then 1’s, find the row with maximum number of 1’s. [Start with right top corner O(m+n) ] [With Code]
  • Ans. 

    Find the row with maximum number of 1's in a matrix of 0's and 1's.

    • Start from the top right corner of the matrix

    • If the current element is 1, move left in the same row

    • If the current element is 0, move down to the next row

    • Repeat until you reach the bottom left corner of the matrix

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. About a language apart from C and C++, so I said C#, and then discussion about Collections and Exception Handling in C#
  • Q5. The interviewer introduced himself and then told me tell about myself
  • Q6. Discussion on the languages I am familiar with [C,C++ and C# in my case], then whether or not I’m strongly familiar with Java or any other Web Development Languages
  • Q7. Little discussion on Final Year Project and the summer training
  • Q8. Basics of DBMS, difference between RDBMS and DBMS, Keys and its types, indices, joins and its types with example, normalization and denormalization. [Some of my friends were asked about OOP Concepts as wel...
  • Q9. A simple program to check whether a number is palindrome or not
  • Ans. 

    A program to check if a number is a palindrome or not.

    • Convert the number to a string

    • Reverse the string

    • Compare the reversed string with the original string

    • If they are the same, the number is a palindrome

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. Different types of traversals of a tree, with example
  • Ans. 

    Tree traversals are methods used to visit each node in a tree data structure.

    • Inorder traversal: Visit left subtree, then root, then right subtree. Example: 1. Left -> Root -> Right

    • Preorder traversal: Visit root, then left subtree, then right subtree. Example: 1. Root -> Left -> Right

    • Postorder traversal: Visit left subtree, then right subtree, then root. Example: 1. Left -> Right -> Root

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. Codes for Post-Order, In-Order and Level-Order Traversal of a binary tree.P.S : These questions were asked to my friends
  • Ans. 

    Codes for Post-Order, In-Order, and Level-Order Traversal of a binary tree.

    • Post-Order Traversal: Left subtree, Right subtree, Root

    • In-Order Traversal: Left subtree, Root, Right subtree

    • Level-Order Traversal: Visit nodes level by level, from left to right

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. Intersection of 2 linked lists
  • Ans. 

    Intersection of 2 linked lists

    • Traverse both lists and compare each node to find the intersection

    • Use a hash set to store visited nodes and check for intersection

    • Calculate the length of both lists and adjust the starting point for comparison

  • Answered by AI
  • Q13. Check whether or not a linked list has a loop
  • Ans. 

    To check if a linked list has a loop, we can use the Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm.

    • Use two pointers, one moving at twice the speed of the other

    • If there is a loop, the fast pointer will eventually catch up with the slow pointer

    • If the fast pointer reaches the end of the list, there is no loop

  • Answered by AI
  • Q14. Left [or Right] view of a tree
  • Ans. 

    Left view of a tree shows the nodes visible when viewed from the left side.

    • Left view of a tree is the nodes that are visible when looking at the tree from the left side.

    • It includes the leftmost node at each level of the tree.

    • Example: For a tree with root node A and left child B, the left view would be [A, B].

  • Answered by AI
  • Q15. Kth element from the end, of a linked list
  • Ans. 

    To find the Kth element from the end of a linked list, we can use the two-pointer approach.

    • Initialize two pointers, 'fast' and 'slow', pointing to the head of the linked list.

    • Move the 'fast' pointer K steps ahead.

    • Move both 'fast' and 'slow' pointers one step at a time until 'fast' reaches the end of the linked list.

    • The 'slow' pointer will be pointing to the Kth element from the end.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q16. Check if a linked list is palindrome or not
  • Ans. 

    The answer describes how to check if a linked list is a palindrome or not.

    • Traverse the linked list and store the values in an array

    • Compare the elements of the array from both ends to check for palindrome

    • Alternatively, use two pointers to traverse the linked list, one slow and one fast, and reverse the first half of the list while traversing

  • Answered by AI
  • Q17. Boundary of a tree
  • Ans. 

    The boundary of a tree refers to the outermost edges of the tree canopy or the perimeter of the tree's root system.

    • The boundary of a tree is defined by the outermost branches and leaves of the tree canopy.

    • The root system of a tree also contributes to its boundary, with roots extending outward from the trunk.

    • The boundary of a tree can be influenced by factors such as soil type, available nutrients, and competition from ...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: TEST
Experience: Test was on hackerrank. We had to do 22 MCQs and 3 coding problems which are as follows:

1) Given a string of parenthesis only, check if it’s valid or not.-----/

2)Find next greater number with same set of digits.


3) Given an array where each element is the money a person have and there is only Rs. 3 note. We need to check whether it is possible to divide the money equally among all the persons or not. If it is possible then find Minimum number of transactions needed

Round: HR Interview
Experience: All students who got selected for Technical Round 2, were selected for HR Round.This round was a really good one, because the HR interviewer asked different questions to different peopleA few puzzles like 25 horse puzzle were asked and a few maths problems like number of rectangles in a chess board.He asked me to tell something about myself, which isn’t there in the resume.And mind well each and every word you speak, each and every conscious or sub-conscious gesture of yours is taken into account. [The HR round was one of the bests I’ve ever had, gave some feeling of the Roadies Interview XD]The most important thing for SnapDeal is that, don’t give up on the questions at all, because even if you don’t hit the solution, the interviewer provides lots of hints, and in the end, even though you give him an inefficient solution, but provide the proper code, you will be through :).

College Name: NA

Skills evaluated in this interview

Snapdeal Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
illustration image

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Online Test-21 (MCQ) +2 (Coding) in 1 hr. Test conducted on hackerrank21 MCQ had almost 10 aptitude and 11 C output based questions.

Give preference to coding questions. Try to solve both questions ( Pass all test cases for one of the questions and do attempt the other question ( even brute force would pass many test cases )

Aptitude can’t be solved just within a minute. Solve C o/p based questions first.Questions-

1. Overlapping paintings, find no. of paintings that can be seen distinctly, extreme co-ordinates of paintings are given. Ordering of paintings matter. ( Assume heights of all paintings are same, start and end coordinates are given )E.g.

1 4
2 6
3 4
8 10
7 10

XXX <- This painting is hidden completely
XXXX Simple O(N^2) solution. Starting from rightmost painting, check if it completely hides any painting or not based on start and end coordinates. ( modification of interval selection problem )2- Given points of two lines segments A(x1,y1 x2,y2) & B(x3,y3 x4,y4) find whether the 2 segments intersect or not.

Simpler approach ( short code )-

-----?module=Static&d1=tutorials&d2=geometry2#line_line_intersectionLength / complicated soln-

----- cut-off -

I solved 2nd question and passed 1 test case for first question ( misunderstood the question during online round !! :p ) and solved 4 MCQ's only ( all fluke )

So my advice, do solve both coding questions for sure and solve C o/p questions in last 15 min
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Avg 20-30 mins. 22 shortlisted

My went on for 1 hr to 1hr 15 minsInternship based dicussion (20-30 mins ). Based on Cloud, Virtualization, Networking

Q1- Given N, find LCM from of all numbers from 2 to N. Give the complexity expressed in the form of Number of prime numbers <= N. Had to be really precise in terms of complexity ( in terms of prime factors, maximum recurrences, each recurrence complexity ). Long dicussion on complexity. Don't say any method whose complexity you cannot prove. (E.g saying that i can use Sieve of Eratosthenes for prime pre-processing will lead to question of complexity of Sieve which is O( Log LogN), that cannot be proved trivally. ) So avoid using any such termsQ3- Spring / Hibernate in JAVA

Told him i work in C/C++ only. No experience in JAVAQ2- Types of SQL- NoSQL and SQL(Relational DBMS ). Why the need of NoSQL- Big Data AnalyticsQ3- How would you design DBMS for Snapdeal's website's shoe section.

Now if you want to further break it into Sports and Casual Shoe would you break the DB into two or add another entity ? Full justificdation

I initially answered with a multi-level indexed structure for DBMS storage. Could not answer on the second part of the question. He asked if i knew DBMS and i told him I do not know DBMS. He skipped the question and ended the interview. Told him i had advanced DBMS lab in my course currenlty and would learn it before graduating.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: Q1- -----/

Q2- -----/

Q3- ----- was the first one to solve all 3 in 45 mins roughly and went for next interview. Shortlisting criteria- 2 questions in 1 hr – 1hr 15 mins even though they said that we had 2 hrs to solve all 3 questions !!

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 4 shortlisted. This round went for almost 1hr 45 min - 2 hrs for me since I solved the Round 2 question earliest. Other 3 had almost 45 mins interview.Q1- Variation of


Given a dictionary of words and a number n. Find count of all words in dictionary that can be formed by given number n.

I started by exponential solution and reduced it to polynomial. We discussed various approaches and tried a variety of methods and after 1-1.5 hrs of discussion finally ended up with an O(1) solution with some pre-processing overhead. After achiveing O(1) time complexity, he asked to further optimize the space complexity.

Usage of Trie / TST. Internal Implementation of Hashing structure and replacing the hashing mechanism using Trie / TST.Q2- Given an array of elements. We can perform following operation only- Increase an array element. Cost of operation is the amount of increment made per array element. Now for a given H, we need to make any H ( not necessarily consecutive ) elements of array equal with minimum cost.E.g.

N=6, H=4

2 3 5 6 4 4changes to -> 4 4 5 6 4 4

Cost is ( 4-2 + 4-3 = 3 )N=6, H=3

2 3 5 6 4 4changes to -> 2 4 5 6 4 4

Cost is ( 4-3 = 1 )

Optimal complexity- O(N)

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 3 shortlistedTypical HR round.I would like to thank geeksforgeeks for a exhaustive set of interview questions and study material on data structures-algorithms.

College Name: NA

Top Snapdeal Software Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Closest Pair of Points Problem Statement Given an array containing 'N' points in a plane, your task is to find the distance between the closest pair of points. Explanation: The distance between two points, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), is calculat... read more
View answer (1)

Software Developer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Maximum Subarray Sum Problem Statement Given an array of integers, determine the maximum possible sum of any contiguous subarray within the array. Example: Input: array = [34, -50, 42, 14, -5, 86] Output: 137 Explanation: The maximum sum is... read more
View answer (42)

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

8 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me the logic of the program written in the first round!Improve it, try for O(n) complexity!
  • Q2. Write a recursive function for nth fibonacci number!Now make some changes in the same code in order to get O(1) complexity in most cases.(Use Dynamic Programming!)
  • Q3. Given a 2-d array with sorted rows and columns, write efficient code for searching a number!Puzzle : a glass, a tap given! fill the glass half without the use of any measuring instruments!
  • Q4. Tell me something about yourself!
  • Q5. How were the interviews?
  • Q6. How were the interview questions?
  • Q7. What are the demerits in SnapDeal?
  • Q8. Rank Snap Deal?Suggestions?Questions?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 20 Aptitude Questions.

2 Coding Questions – 1. Given points of two lines A(x1,y1 x2,y2) & B(x3,y3 x4,y4) find whether the points intersect or not!

2. Overlapping paintings, find no. of paintings that can be seen distinctly, extreme co-ordinates of paintings are given
Total Questions: 20

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Formal Intro!
Coding :
1. Given a binary search tree, and a number k, find two nodes in the tree such that their sum adds upto k!
2. Print a binary tree in zig-zag order!
I was asked to code both using Java!Some simple puzzles.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Write a program to print “Hello” and “World” infinitely using two threads, such that one thread prints the String “Hello” and the other prints “World”!
– Why sleep() cannot be used?
– Why have you used synchronized keyword?
– How will a deadlock occur in this program?
– What will be the solution for breaking the deadlock?Write a program in Java to find whether a given tree is a subtree of another one or not! both iterative as well as recursive!

College Name: NA

Skills evaluated in this interview

Snapdeal interview questions for popular designations

 Software Developer




 Business Analyst


 Software Engineer


 Data Scientist


 Senior Manager


 Associate Category Manager


 Graduate Engineer


Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

17 Questions

  • Q1. Little discussion on the project
  • Q2. Find the LCA of a binary tree in place
  • Ans. 

    The Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of a binary tree can be found in place using a recursive approach.

    • Start from the root node and recursively check if both nodes are present in the left and right subtrees.

    • If one node is found in the left subtree and the other in the right subtree, then the current node is the LCA.

    • If both nodes are found in the left subtree, recursively search for the LCA in the left subtree.

    • If both nodes...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. About virtual constructors and destructors
  • Q4. Design a recommendation system as you see on e-commerce sites recommending the items for you to buy. You just have to tell the ideas and design the classes accordingly
  • Q5. Design a product review system with posts being categorized as a review, question or an answer. Also consider the case of upvotes, downvotes, like, share, comment
  • Q6. Given a dictionary you have to list the anagrams
  • Q7. In array find sum closest to zero
  • Q8. Knapsack and coin change problem
  • Ans. 

    Knapsack and coin change problems are classic dynamic programming problems.

    • Knapsack problem involves maximizing the value of items in a knapsack without exceeding its capacity.

    • Coin change problem involves finding the minimum number of coins needed to make a certain amount of change.

    • Both problems can be solved using dynamic programming techniques.

    • Examples: 0/1 Knapsack, Fractional Knapsack, Coin Change with limited coin

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. In array find max product of three numbers
  • Ans. 

    Find the maximum product of three numbers in an array.

    • Sort the array in ascending order.

    • Multiply the last three numbers in the sorted array to get the maximum product.

    • If there are negative numbers in the array, consider multiplying the two smallest negative numbers with the largest positive number.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. DBMS queries on SELF JOIN and Cartesian Product
  • Q11. Which e-commerce site you normally purchase from and why?
  • Q12. If a shipment is changed in between i.e. product is replaced by say, a soap how will you tackle this problem?
  • Q13. Tell me about yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a highly motivated and experienced professional with a strong background in project management and team leadership.

    • Over 10 years of experience in managing complex projects and leading cross-functional teams

    • Proven track record of delivering projects on time and within budget

    • Strong communication and interpersonal skills, able to effectively collaborate with stakeholders at all levels

    • Expertise in implementing project...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q14. What is your real goal in life
  • Q15. Your manager is being bossy. How will you tackle this situation
  • Ans. 

    I would address the situation by communicating with my manager and finding a solution together.

    • Initiate a conversation with the manager to understand their expectations and concerns

    • Express your own concerns and feelings respectfully

    • Propose alternative approaches or suggestions

    • Seek a compromise or find common ground

    • Maintain open and honest communication throughout the process

  • Answered by AI
  • Q16. Toughest challenge you faced in your college
  • Ans. 

    Balancing academics, extracurricular activities, and part-time job

    • Juggling multiple responsibilities

    • Time management challenges

    • Prioritizing tasks effectively

  • Answered by AI
  • Q17. You are the favorite of your manager but others are being jealous. What will you do?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Same questions were asked in every NIT and test was on hackerrank. We had to do 22 MCQs and 3 coding problems which are as follows:
1) Given a string of parenthesis only, check if it’s valid or not. -----/
2) Find next greater number with same set of digits. -----/
3) Given an array where each element is the money a person have and there is only Rs. 3 note. We need to check whether it is possible to divide the money equally among all the persons or not. If it is possible then find Minimum number of transactions needed.
Total Questions: 25

Round: Test
Experience: Around 32 students were selected for a written coding round. 2 ques were asked in this round:
1) Print the power set of a given set. -----/
2) Output the no of binary strings of length n having no consecutive 0’shttp://www.geeksforgeeks.org/count-number-binary-strings-without-consecutive-1s/

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Nothing technical was asked to me although be prepared with concepts of Threading.
This was actually more of a conversation than an interview. The interviewer was very friendly. We discussed the elements in and about Snapdeal.

College Name: NA

Skills evaluated in this interview

Get interview-ready with Top Snapdeal Interview Questions

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 May 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: First round was online written round.It consists of 25 Questions.
22 MCQ’s and 3 Coding questions
1) Check for balanced parentheses in an expression.
2) Find next greater number with same set of digits.
3) Given an array where each element is the money a person have and there is only Rs. 3 note.
We need to check whether it is possible to divide the money equally among all the persons or not.
If it is possible then find Minimum number of transactions needed.
Total Questions: 25

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Round 2:(45 min.)
F2F Technical Interview 1:
1) Largest contiguous subarray sum in an array containing both positive and negative numbers.
2) Merge two sorted arrays of integers.
3) Merge Sort for integer array.
4) Counting Sort.
5) Given 100 weights having weights 1,2,3,4—-100 and also given a number K.
You have to choose the minimum number of weights such That you can measure each quantity from 1 to K.
6) 3 couples crossing the river puzzle with many more constraints.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Round 2: (1 hr 45 min.)
F2F Technical Interview 2:
1) Tell me about yourself.
2) Difference between Process and Thread.
3) Find 3 elements in an array having sum K.(different approaches)
4) Implement stack using Queue. I gave him 2 queues solution.he said do it using 1 queue only.Lot of discussion
on it ,Different approaches
5) Given an array having 0,1,2 only sort it.Different approaches.
6) What is cascading effect.
7) How many permutions are there for a string.
8) Mathematical proof for the above question.
9) Print all the permutations of string.Also dry run on given test case.
10) Binary tree to DLL.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Round 3: (20-25 min.)
F2F HR Interview:
Basic behavioral questions and Some situational questions.

College Name: NA

Jobs at Snapdeal

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Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

20 Questions

  • Q1. How will you decide what data structure should use?
  • Q2. Circular linkList meeting point and proof
  • Ans. 

    Circular linked list meeting point and proof

    • To find the meeting point in a circular linked list, use Floyd's Tortoise and Hare algorithm

    • Start with two pointers, one moving at twice the speed of the other

    • When they meet, reset one pointer to the head and move both at the same speed until they meet again

    • The meeting point is the start of the loop in the linked list

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Reverse link list of given chunk k
  • Ans. 

    Reverse a linked list in chunks of k nodes

    • Break the linked list into chunks of size k

    • Reverse each chunk individually

    • Connect the reversed chunks back together

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Print Left view of tree
  • Ans. 

    Printing the left view of a tree involves printing the leftmost nodes at each level of the tree.

    • Traverse the tree level by level using BFS or DFS

    • At each level, print the first node encountered

    • Continue this process until all levels are covered

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Explanation of Opps Concepts
  • Q6. Why HTTPs
  • Q7. About Cookie
  • Q8. You are receiving 0/1 in the left side of previous number dynamically and for each insert you have to print whether decimal of new generated number is divisible by 3. Print “YES” or “NO” accordingly
  • Ans. 

    Check if the decimal of a dynamically generated number is divisible by 3 based on the left side of the previous number.

    • Generate new number by adding 0 or 1 to the left side of previous number

    • Check if the decimal of the new number is divisible by 3

    • Print 'YES' if divisible by 3, 'NO' otherwise

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. Same above question if you are receiving number from right
  • Q10. Binary Search in Rotated sorted array. i.e. 567891234
  • Ans. 

    Binary search in rotated sorted array involves finding a target element efficiently.

    • Identify the pivot point where the array is rotated

    • Determine which half of the array the target element lies in

    • Apply binary search in the appropriate half

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. Binary Search in Biotonic sorted array. i.e. 12345XXXXX2
  • Ans. 

    Binary search in a biotonic sorted array involves finding a target value in an array that first increases and then decreases.

    • Start by finding the peak element in the array to determine the increasing and decreasing halves.

    • Perform binary search on both halves separately to find the target value.

    • Example: Array 12345XXXXX2, target value 2. Peak element is 5, search left half (12345) and then right half (5432) for the targ

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. You have given two arrays, all the elements of first array is same as second array except 1, You have to find out distinct pair
  • Ans. 

    Find the distinct pair in two arrays where all elements are same except one.

    • Iterate through both arrays and compare elements at each index.

    • If elements are not equal, those are the distinct pair.

    • Handle edge cases like empty arrays or arrays with different lengths.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q13. Introduction
  • Q14. Coin change problem of DP
  • Ans. 

    The coin change problem in dynamic programming involves finding the minimum number of coins needed to make a certain amount of change.

    • Start by defining the problem - given a set of coin denominations and a target amount, find the minimum number of coins needed to make the target amount.

    • Use dynamic programming to build up solutions for smaller subproblems and eventually solve the main problem.

    • Consider the base case wher...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q15. Write query for second max salary, then asked to optimize it
  • Q16. Concept of group by and having in SQL
  • Ans. 

    Group by is used to group rows that have the same values into summary rows. Having is used to filter groups based on a specified condition.

    • Group by is used with aggregate functions like COUNT, SUM, AVG, etc.

    • Having is used to filter groups based on conditions after the grouping has been done.

    • Example: SELECT department, COUNT(*) FROM employees GROUP BY department HAVING COUNT(*) > 5;

  • Answered by AI
  • Q17. Asked about Git, what? why? and some git commands
  • Q18. About selenium
  • Q19. About access specifiers
  • Q20. About previous projects

Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: Note: In each round :1. They were asking runnable code and were checking each and every corner case by dry run.2. They were asking multiple solutions for a single problem. i.e. they were asking for a better solution until you drop.3. They were giving more then enough time to write the code.
College Name: NA

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 21 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Fibonacci series (both recursion and memoisation and why memoisation solution is better than than recursion).Tree traversals and write the codes for inorder and postorder WITHOUT RECURSION
  • Q2. Your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Ans. 

    My strengths include strong communication skills and attention to detail. My weaknesses include a tendency to overthink and difficulty saying no.

    • Strengths: strong communication skills

    • Strengths: attention to detail

    • Weaknesses: tendency to overthink

    • Weaknesses: difficulty saying no

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. If your colleague is slow in catching up and deadline is fast approaching, what will you do?
  • Q4. Your manager from the beginning has set high expectations on you and you’ve proved your worth to him. But one time, he assigned you something which no matter how much you try you just can’t understand and ...

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 25 questions of which 22 MCQs (puzzles, P&C, coding..basically all those genres you expect from any standard Software Developer profile test) and 3 coding questions
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 25

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It’ll range from the very very basics of programming to the toughest of DPs. In between questions were being popped up on your projects. If you’ve some worth-discussing developement projects in your resume (like I’ve my BTP and an Android game), substantial amount of time goes in discussing that. The questions I was asked were :fibonacci series (both recursion and memoisation and why memoisation solution is better than than recursion).Tree traversals and write the codes for inorder and postorder WITHOUT RECURSION (prepare very well for this without recursion solution as many companies ask).simple 0,1 – knapsack DPhttp://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-rectangle-under-histogram/ (I managed a O(n2) solution there)Propose a datastructure which you’ll use to implement the swipe feature in today’s keyboards (came with a decent enough solution though the complexity was bad)The last two questions were almost unanswerable from my side, but the key thing is DON’T GIVE UP. They’re looking for people who don’t give up a fight. And at the end, if interview went decent enought, ASK for the solutions of the unsolved questions.

Experience: Director (search) had come along with the recruitment team this time. So, he was only taking the rounds for all the candidates in this round. Summary, two questions, one I managed somehow other one way beyond my comprehension.You’ve a universe of infinite pointsm seperated by finite measurable distances. Give me the most efficient solution to find a pair of points that have the minimum distance in the entire universe. (I proposed Flloyd Warshell, but these are inifinte points, not finite)I’ve to find a point in a 2D matrix which is sorted row-wise left to right and column-wise top-bottom. This has to be done in O(n + n) complexity. This is a standard question, but I just couldn’t remember the procedure. And since he was sitting in front of me all the time, pressurized, I came up with some solution using Binary search.After these two, he asked me if I’d any questions for him. I asked about the work culture and what kind of people he was looking for. It’ll give you an idea whether you’re selected or not. Be eager to hear the answer he gives and feel attracted to the prospects he puts forward about the company! AGAIN IMPORTANT, DON’T GIVE UP ANY QUESTION. UNTIL HE DECIDES TO MOVE ON TO THE NEXT. If you’re not able to come up with a solution. Don’t panic. Show your fighting spirit.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: MOST IMPORTANT here is DO NOT FAKE your personality here. They’re HR guys, they’re trained to catch the FAKE ones. So, be genuine and APNI DIL KI BAAT BOLNA!BEST OF LUCK!

College Name: NA

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD was conducted for shortlisted candidates and candidates were divided into groups of 6 people.There were 3 topics and each topic was discussed for 2 minutes.No specific rules,like each person needs to speak,are to be followed during the GD.Anyone can initiate,intervene,etc. Finally we were asked to link all three topics and this discussion went on for another 2 minutes.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Only a single round lasting about 40-45 minutes.There were only 4 people in the panel and technical as well as HR questions were asked. First I was asked to go through my own resume, “Introduce/Tell us about yourself?".  E.g.:“Where have you shown leadership qualities?Have you led a
team?Size of team? What new initiatives did you take?”.Core questions starting form basics like “How does an airplane fly?” to specific questions about the different types of engines used in airplanes,their specifications, etc. were asked. HR questions were put up like"What was the most difficult decision in your life?" and grilled on my internship for 15-20 minutes which I did in Transocean. (Another oil field services company).

General Tips: You need to be very good in the basics of your
core courses and if you have done an internship in the oil industry&#44;
you will definitely be grilled on that.Questions will be asked in quick succession.
Skill Tips: Highlight any intern in Oil industry or anything related to that in your resume.Any POR or any sport activity which shows your leadership qualities should me mentioned in your resume.
Skills: Leadership qualities, Athletic, Quick thinking, presence of mind
College Name: IIT MADRAS

Top Snapdeal Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Find the Next Greater Number with the Same Set of Digits Given a string S that represents a number, determine the smallest number that is strictly greater than the original number and has the same set of digits. The frequency of each digit ... read more
View answer (1)

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Q1. Bridge and torch problem : Four people come to a river in the night. There is a narrow bridge, but it can only hold two people at a time. They have one torch and, because it's night, the torch has to be used when crossing the bridge. Person... read more
View answer (196)

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 23 Aug 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 10 candidates shortlisted through aptitude test (50 ques in 12 min, cut off was 50).
Duration: 12 minutes minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1st interview was technical with some general HR questions. I related the work done in internships to the work being done in the snapdeal company. I was asked if I had any other interview to which I replied flipkart. He then asked me why snapdeal and not flipkart. I had studied everything about the 2 companies and was thus able to defend my choice. Next he gave me some puzzles, I did all with little inputs from him. I was asked to wait for 2nd interview and not go to Flipkart GD but I went anyway.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This interview round was again technical. This time there were 2 panellists and they again gave me 4-5 puzzles, which I did successfully. I was asked to wait for a HR interview.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR interview was just a formality, he explained me my responsibilities in the organization and made me a spot offer.

General Tips: 1. Pre placement preparation is very important. Begin early and try to distribute time to all the areas especially your shortcomings.
2. Try to remain calm and confident in the interview.
3. Do not cram up the answers to hr questions or puzzles.
4. There are plenty of companies with handsome compensation. Just give your best in preparations and interviews.

College Name: IIT Kanpur

Top Snapdeal Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Cube with six colors how many different cubes can be obtained?
View answer (1)

Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. N-th Fibonacci Number Problem Statement Given an integer ‘N’, your task is to find and return the N’th Fibonacci number using matrix exponentiation. Since the answer can be very large, return the answer modulo 10^9 + 7. Formula: F(n) = F(n-... read more
View answer (1)
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Snapdeal Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Snapdeal interview?
Snapdeal interview process usually has 2-3 rounds. The most common rounds in the Snapdeal interview process are One-on-one Round, Resume Shortlist and Technical.
How to prepare for Snapdeal interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Snapdeal. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Snapdeal expect are Excel, SQL, Communication Skills, Java and Content Writing.
What are the top questions asked in Snapdeal interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Snapdeal interview -

  1. You have a deck of 10 cards.You take one card out and put it on table and put n...read more
  2. There is a file which contains ip addresses and corresponding url. Example 192....read more
  3. How are you suppose to deal with a customer who is already pissed off with the ...read more
How long is the Snapdeal interview process?

The duration of Snapdeal interview process can vary, but typically it takes about less than 2 weeks to complete.

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