Our Mission
Our Values
1. Focus on impact.
2. Crazy passion.
3. Think different. Think 10x.
4. Work smart. Work hard. Work long.
5. It’s best to do one thing really really well.
6. Empathy.
7. Ownership.
8. Execute more. Talk less.
9. There’s only one boss: The User.
Mayur Mundada
T H Subramanya
Sr. V.P. Engineering
Mohit Gupta
A.V.P Product Development
Vishal Bagla
A.V.P Engineering
Nitin Goyal
A.V.P Product Development
Nitish Khattar
Sr. Product Manager
Sumant Malhotra
Product Manager
Damini Kapoor
Product Manager
Arpit Goel
Product Manager
Tushar Gupta
Product Manager
Shashank Kumar Garg
Engineering Manager
Saumya Singh
AmbitionBox was started in 2015 by two IIT Madras alums with the goal to help job seekers prepare for interviews. We grew from 0 to 1.5 Lakh users/month in 1.5 years and became one of the most loved platforms for interview prep in the country.
In 2016, we had a new home. We were acquired by Naukri.com who believed in our vision to help people build happy careers.
AmbitionBox has morphed from a small startup in an apartment to 40+ employees today that serve more than 1 Crore users every month. Special thanks to our growing list of contributors without whom we could not have existed.
We now have company reviews, interview questions, salary and company information, jobs and so much more to help our users in their careers.
We have pivoted multiple times throughout our journey and learnt every time we did. Our vision has never changed but our mission has evolved.
Though we are more than 5 yrs old, it still feels like day 1. 😃