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Snapdeal Software Engineer Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 22 Feb 2024

Top Snapdeal Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. Find top k (or most frequent) numbers in a stream You are given an Integer array ‘ARR’ and an Integer ‘K’. Your task is to find the ‘K’ most frequent elements in ‘ARR’. R ...read more
  • Q2. Check for balanced parentheses in an expression. You're given string ‘STR’ consisting solely of “{“, “}”, “(“, “)”, “[“ and “]” . Determine whether the parentheses are ba ...read more
  • Q3. Vertical Sum in a given Binary Tree Given a binary tree having a positive integer written on each of its nodes. Your task is to find the vertical sum of node values i.e. ...read more
View all 12 questions

Snapdeal Software Engineer Interview Experiences

5 interviews found

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Level order tree traversal
  • Q2. Find the pair element from the array
  • Ans. 

    Find the pair element from the array

    • Iterate through the array and use a hashmap to store elements and their counts

    • Check if the current element's complement exists in the hashmap

    • Return the pair if found, otherwise return null

  • Answered by AI

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed before Apr 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 90 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

There were 22 MCQ questions of aptitude and technical based while 3 questions were of coding type.
Tips: MCQ questions were not time consuming , so try to do that questions in less time , so you will get enough time for coding questions.

  • Q1. Check for balanced parentheses in an expression.

    You're given string ‘STR’ consisting solely of “{“, “}”, “(“, “)”, “[“ and “]” . Determine whether the parentheses are balanced.

    Input Format:
    The f...
  • Ans. 

    A stack can be used to solve this question. 
    We traverse the given string s and if we:
    1. see open bracket we put it to stack
    2. see closed bracket, then it must be equal to bracket in the top of our stack, so we check it and if it is true, we remove this pair of brackets.
    3. In the end, if and only if we have empty stack, we have valid string.

    Complexity: Time complexity is O(n): we put and pop each element of string ...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Find next greater number with same set of digits

    You are given a string S which represents a number. You have to find the smallest number strictly greater than the given number which contains the same set ...

  • Ans. 

    1. If all digits are sorted in descending order, then output is always “Not Possible”. 
    2. If all digits are sorted in ascending order, then we need to swap last two digits. 
    3. For other cases, we need to process the number from rightmost side to find the smallest of all greater numbers. 

    1. Traverse the given number from rightmost digit, keep traversing till you find a digit which is sm...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

My experience was very awesome , I answered all the questions , although in starting I was very nervous , so at starting interviewer help me get my confidence, interviewer was very helpful.

  • Q1. Find maximum level sum in Binary Tree

    You are given an arbitrary binary tree consisting of N nodes, where each node is associated with a certain value, your task is to find the maximum sum for a level in t...

  • Ans. 

    The idea is to do a level order traversal of the tree. While doing traversal, process nodes of different levels separately. For every level being processed, compute the sum of nodes in the level and keep track of the maximum sum.

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Find top k (or most frequent) numbers in a stream

    You are given an Integer array ‘ARR’ and an Integer ‘K’. Your task is to find the ‘K’ most frequent elements in ‘ARR’. Return the elements sorted in ascend...

  • Ans. 

    The idea is to store the top k elements with maximum frequency. To store them a vector or an array can be used. To keep the track of frequencies of elements creates a HashMap to store element-frequency pairs. Given a stream of numbers, when a new element appears in the stream update the frequency of that element in HashMap and put that element at the end of the list of K numbers (total k+1 elements) now compare adjacen...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This round was based on DSA and questions on core subjects that I had studied throughout college.

  • Q1. Vertical Sum in a given Binary Tree

    Given a binary tree having a positive integer written on each of its nodes. Your task is to find the vertical sum of node values i.e. the sum of nodes that can be connec...

  • Ans. 

    We need to check the Horizontal Distances from the root for all nodes. If two nodes have the same Horizontal Distance (HD), then they are on the same vertical line. The idea of HD is simple. HD for root is 0, a right edge (edge connecting to right subtree) is considered as +1 horizontal distance and a left edge is considered as -1 horizontal distance.
    We can do an in-order traversal of the given Binary Tree. While trave...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Computer Network Question

    What is TCP/IP?

  • Ans. 

    TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and is a suite of communication protocols used to interconnect network devices on the internet. TCP/IP is also used as a communications protocol in a private computer network (an intranet or extranet). The entire IP suite -- a set of rules and procedures -- is commonly referred to as TCP/IP. TCP and IP are the two main protocols, though others are includ...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 4 - HR 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 30 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Experience : Keep confidence and show them good communication skills. Previous round's performance also matters in this rounds

  • Q1. Basic HR Questions

    1. Tell About Yourself
    2. Family Background
    3. Why Snapdeal?

  • Ans. 

    Tip 1 : The cross questioning can go intense some time, think before you speak.

    Tip 2 : Be open minded and answer whatever you are thinking, in these rounds I feel it is important to have opinion.

    Tip 3 : Context of questions can be switched, pay attention to the details. It is okay to ask questions in these round, like what are the projects currently the company is investing, which team you are mentoring. How all is the

  • Answered by CodingNinjas

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPASnapdeal interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, Aptitude, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 5 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Software Engineer Interview Questions Asked at Other Companies

asked in Qualcomm
Q1. Bridge and torch problem : Four people come to a river in the nig ... read more
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Q2. In a dark room,there is a box of 18 white and 5 black gloves. You ... read more
asked in TCS
Q3. Find DuplicateYou have been given an integer array/list(ARR) of s ... read more
Q4. Tell me something about yourself. Define encapsulation. What is i ... read more
asked in Paytm
Q5. Puzzle : 100 people are standing in a circle .each one is allowed ... read more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Algorithmic coding test was conducted on hackerank platform. Around 60 students gave online test. There were 4-5 algo questions to be done in 90 mins duration.

Tips: Try to do at least 2 questions.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: First Interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then he asked me questions on data structures & Algo. He asked me about tree data structures, why it is used, time complexities of various operations on tree, balancing of tree, AVL Tree. He asked me write AVL Tree insertion, deletion, update code. Then he jumps to BTree, B+Tree and asks me write code on paper for various operations. Questions were asked on indexing, various types of indexing, how it is used in databases, etc. Then he briefly asked about the project I done in my internship.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interviewer asked me how was my 1st round, I said it was great. He first asked me introduce myself. Then he asked about my projects mentioned in my resume. I done a project in machine learning on spam webpage detection. He was interested in that. He asked me what language, libraries I used to implement that project. Then he gave me real time scenario to predict whether an item is explosive or not. Then I approached this problem and asked information related to problem. He was impressed by the approach I target the problem. He asked me what machine learning model will be best and what are their pros and cons. Then he asked me question that given 100 sorted linked lists, you have to merge them and return single sorted linked list. I gave 3-4 solutions with their time & space complexities.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Interviewer asked me common HR questions like tell me about yourself, my family background, why do you want to join the company, what impact you can make in Snapdeal, why should we hire you. After that he congratulated me for the role of SDE at Snapdeal. I was very happy at that moment.

All the 5 students cleared this round.

Skills: SQL, ML, Algorithms And Data Structures, Python, Basic C/C++
College Name: IIT Guwahati

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD was conducted for shortlisted candidates and candidates were divided into groups of 6 people.There were 3 topics and each topic was discussed for 2 minutes.No specific rules,like each person needs to speak,are to be followed during the GD.Anyone can initiate,intervene,etc. Finally we were asked to link all three topics and this discussion went on for another 2 minutes.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Only a single round lasting about 40-45 minutes.There were only 4 people in the panel and technical as well as HR questions were asked. First I was asked to go through my own resume, “Introduce/Tell us about yourself?".  E.g.:“Where have you shown leadership qualities?Have you led a
team?Size of team? What new initiatives did you take?”.Core questions starting form basics like “How does an airplane fly?” to specific questions about the different types of engines used in airplanes,their specifications, etc. were asked. HR questions were put up like"What was the most difficult decision in your life?" and grilled on my internship for 15-20 minutes which I did in Transocean. (Another oil field services company).

General Tips: You need to be very good in the basics of your
core courses and if you have done an internship in the oil industry,
you will definitely be grilled on that.Questions will be asked in quick succession.
Skill Tips: Highlight any intern in Oil industry or anything related to that in your resume.Any POR or any sport activity which shows your leadership qualities should me mentioned in your resume.
Skills: Leadership qualities, Athletic, Quick thinking, presence of mind
College Name: IIT MADRAS

Snapdeal interview questions for designations

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Software Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

user image Sarvesh Maheshwari

posted on 10 Apr 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

9 Questions

  • Q1. Calculate the level sum of the binary tree
  • Ans. 

    Calculate the level sum of a binary tree.

    • Traverse the tree level by level using BFS

    • Add the values of nodes at each level

    • Store the level sum in an array

    • Return the array of level sums

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Defective ball puzzle problem
  • Q3. Some basic problems (OOP concept,basic datastructures)
  • Q4. Vertical sum of binary tree
  • Ans. 

    Vertical sum of binary tree is the sum of all nodes in each vertical line of the tree.

    • Traverse the tree in-order and keep track of the horizontal distance of each node from the root.

    • Use a hash table to store the sum of nodes at each horizontal distance.

    • Recursively traverse the left and right subtrees and update the hash table accordingly.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Questions on TCP/IP, Database, OS, Data-structures, (and on many more which you studied in your whole college life)
  • Q6. Calculate the top 10 words , which comes frequently in 1 hour time span , on facebook, (dynamically)
  • Ans. 

    Calculate top 10 frequently used words on Facebook in 1 hour dynamically.

    • Use Facebook API to fetch data

    • Implement a script to count word frequency

    • Sort the words based on frequency and return top 10

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Tell About Yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a software engineer with experience in developing web applications and a passion for problem-solving.

    • Proficient in programming languages such as Java, Python, and JavaScript

    • Experience with front-end frameworks like React and Angular

    • Familiarity with back-end technologies such as Node.js and Spring Boot

    • Strong understanding of data structures and algorithms

    • Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Family Background
  • Q9. Number of rectangles/squares in chess board
  • Ans. 

    There are 204 squares and 1296 rectangles on a standard 8x8 chess board.

    • The number of squares can be calculated using the formula n(n+1)(2n+1)/6, where n is the number of rows/columns.

    • The number of rectangles can be calculated using the formula n(n+1)m(m+1)/4, where n and m are the number of rows and columns respectively.

    • For an 8x8 chess board, there are 64 squares of size 1x1, 49 squares of size 2x2, 36 squares of siz...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were 22 MCQ questions  on the technical .while 3 questions were of coding type .1.check for balanced parentheses in an expression2. Find out next higher number with same set of digits3. Doesn't Remember.
Tips: MCQ questions were not time consuming , so try to do that questions in less time , so you will get enough time for coding questions.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 25

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: My experience was very awesome , i answered all the questions , although in starting i was very nervous , so at starting interviewer help me get my confidence, interviewer was very helpful.
Tips: Don't get panic. Just listen the questions carefully and then answer it.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was not confident while answering Q3, and my answer was not appropriate, though after with little help of interviewer i got the answer properly.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Keep confidence and show them good communication skills.Previous round's performance also matters in this rounds

Funny Moments: In H.R. RoundOne of my friend was interviewed before me, so he told me the questions,H.R. asked him, and one of them was, number of squares in chess board, and then there was my turn for H.R. interview, i went, and he asked me , In chess board , there are how many , before completing his question i answered,204,  while his question was , how many rectangles,  "ye question pakka tune apne friend se pucha hoga :p " then we passed smiles, but i gave him proper solution of calculation of 204, and then answered my question too.

Skills evaluated in this interview

Get interview-ready with Top Snapdeal Interview Questions

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Not Selected

I applied via LinkedIn and was interviewed in Oct 2024. There was 1 interview round.

Round 1 - One-on-one 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Find the missing smallest positive integer
  • Ans. 

    Find the missing smallest positive integer in an array of integers

    • Sort the array to easily identify missing integers

    • Iterate through the sorted array to find the smallest missing positive integer

    • Return the missing integer

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Given an array of 0,1,2, Sort the array
  • Ans. 

    Sort an array of strings containing only 0, 1, and 2.

    • Use a three-way partitioning algorithm like Dutch National Flag algorithm to sort the array in a single pass.

    • Keep track of three pointers - low, mid, and high to partition the array into three sections.

    • Swap elements based on their values to achieve the sorted array.

  • Answered by AI

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Not Selected

I applied via campus placement at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (NIT), Bhopal and was interviewed in Jul 2024. There were 2 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

3 questions easy-medium level leetcode problem I solved 2 completely and 3rd question partially (9/15 test cases passed) to move on to 2nd round

Round 2 - Coding Test 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Implement an app similar to splitwise
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Find the leaves of the tree.
  • Ans. 

    Leaves of a tree are the nodes with no children in a tree data structure.

    • Traverse the tree and identify nodes with no children.

    • Use depth-first search or breadth-first search algorithms to find leaves.

    • Examples: In a binary tree, leaves are nodes with no left or right child.

    • In a general tree, leaves are nodes with no children in their child list.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Find the LCA of tree.
  • Ans. 

    The Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of a tree is the shared ancestor of two nodes farthest from the root.

    • Start from the root and traverse the tree to find the paths from the root to the two nodes.

    • Compare the paths to find the last common node between them, which is the LCA.

    • If one of the nodes is an ancestor of the other, then the ancestor node is the LCA.

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. What projects you worked upon?
  • Ans. 

    I have worked on projects involving web development, mobile app development, and data analysis.

    • Developed a web application using React and Node.js for a client in the e-commerce industry

    • Created a mobile app using Flutter for a startup in the healthcare sector

    • Performed data analysis on customer behavior using Python and SQL for a marketing company

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What internships you did?
  • Ans. 

    I completed internships at ABC Company and XYZ Company during my undergraduate studies.

    • Interned at ABC Company working on web development projects

    • Interned at XYZ Company assisting with software testing and quality assurance

    • Gained hands-on experience in coding, debugging, and problem-solving

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Prepare tree and graph well.

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Not Selected

I applied via Company Website and was interviewed in Nov 2024. There was 1 interview round.

Round 1 - Coding Test 


Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
No response

I applied via Approached by Company and was interviewed in Sep 2024. There was 1 interview round.

Round 1 - Technical 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Create pagination component using an api show the data for the pages
  • Ans. 

    Create a pagination component using an API to display data for different pages.

    • Use API to fetch data for each page

    • Implement pagination logic to display data for each page

    • Allow users to navigate between pages

  • Answered by AI

Skills evaluated in this interview

Snapdeal Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Snapdeal Software Engineer interview?
Snapdeal interview process usually has 1 rounds. The most common rounds in the Snapdeal interview process are Technical.
How to prepare for Snapdeal Software Engineer interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Snapdeal. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Snapdeal expect are Hibernate, Java, Redis, Software Engineering and Spring.
What are the top questions asked in Snapdeal Software Engineer interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Snapdeal Software Engineer interview -

  1. calculate the top 10 words , which comes frequently in 1 hour time span , on fa...read more
  2. Calculate the level sum of the binary t...read more
  3. Number of rectangles/squares in chess bo...read more

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