Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Round: Test Experience: Algorithmic coding test was conducted on hackerank platform. Around 60 students gave online test. There were 4-5 algo questions to be done in 90 mins duration.
Tips: Try to do at least 2 questions.
Round: Technical Interview Experience: First Interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then he asked me questions on data structures & Algo. He asked me about tree data structures, why it is used, time complexities of various operations on tree, balancing of tree, AVL Tree. He asked me write AVL Tree insertion, deletion, update code. Then he jumps to BTree, B+Tree and asks me write code on paper for various operations. Questions were asked on indexing, various types of indexing, how it is used in databases, etc. Then he briefly asked about the project I done in my internship.
Round: Technical Interview Experience: Interviewer asked me how was my 1st round, I said it was great. He first asked me introduce myself. Then he asked about my projects mentioned in my resume. I done a project in machine learning on spam webpage detection. He was interested in that. He asked me what language, libraries I used to implement that project. Then he gave me real time scenario to predict whether an item is explosive or not. Then I approached this problem and asked information related to problem. He was impressed by the approach I target the problem. He asked me what machine learning model will be best and what are their pros and cons. Then he asked me question that given 100 sorted linked lists, you have to merge them and return single sorted linked list. I gave 3-4 solutions with their time & space complexities.
Round: HR Interview Experience: Interviewer asked me common HR questions like tell me about yourself, my family background, why do you want to join the company, what impact you can make in Snapdeal, why should we hire you. After that he congratulated me for the role of SDE at Snapdeal. I was very happy at that moment.
All the 5 students cleared this round.
Skills: SQL, ML, Algorithms And Data Structures, Python, Basic C/C++ College Name: IIT Guwahati
Round: Test Experience: It was a test of speed as well as accuracy. There were very basic questions of maths and aptitude. Anyone with some practice could clear the test. Duration: 12 minutes Total Questions: 50
Round: Test Experience: The second round was a test of your coding ability, again basic C++ questions, which could be solved easily with some practice of competitive coding. Tips: Do practice coding on online platforms(hacker-rank, co-cubes, etc) before, as the test was held on these platforms only.
Round: interview 1 Experience: Most of the puzzles asked were of standard type, that can be practiced by following any standard text book or any site. Tips: Keep discussing puzzles among your group, that would benefit you and the group at the same time.
Round: interview 2 Experience: It was a test of my approach to any question rather than the exact solution. It was kind of a very interactive session rather than a formal one. They asked questions related to the courses that I had undergone and not anything from some other planet. Tips: Feel free to ask the interviewer for some hints or if your approach is correct or not.
General Tips: Be confident and just try to tackle every problem in a very organised manner (as you would have practiced before in your group or during practice). Skill Tips: You need to have a strong grip on DS and Algo as this is the most important aspect that they wanted any student to have. Skills: Data structures, Parallel computing, algorithms College Name: IIT GUWHATI
Round: Test Experience: Keep your Calm Tips: Practice matters Duration: 90 minutes Total Questions: 30
Round: Interview Tips: They are not going to eat you.. they will help you out only... So just go inside the interview room as some of your friends called you to ask some question..relax
Skills: Thinking Process College Name: IIT GUWHATI