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MakeMyTrip Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 9 Jan 2025

Top MakeMyTrip Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. Minimum Jumps Bob lives with his wife in a city named Berland. Bob is a good husband, so he goes out with his wife every Friday to ‘Arcade’ mall. ‘Arcade’ is a very famou ...read more
    asked in Software Developer interview
  • Q2. Tower of Hanoi You are given three rods (numbered 1 to 3), and ‘N’ disks initially placed on the first rod, one on top of each other in increasing order of size ( the lar ...read more
    asked in Full Stack Developer interview
  • Q3. In a normal e-commerce user flow, how will you determine the points at which the drop-off rates are high and what to do about them? (Take any e-commerce website and walk ...read more
    asked in Product Manager interview
View all 120 questions

MakeMyTrip Interview Experiences

Popular Designations

121 interviews found

Interview Questionnaire 

10 Questions

  • Q1. Communication skill should be strong because HR check only your attitude and communication .
  • Q2. Related to profile in same industry
  • Q3. Self introduce
  • Q4. Advace Excel knowledge
  • Q5. Basic accounting concept should be clear
  • Q6. Joural entry
  • Q7. Banking entries
  • Q8. Intercompany entry
  • Q9. Excel formula
  • Q10. Problem solving skills

Accounts & Finance Executive Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. What is TDS? Describe section 192 C of TDS.
View answer (1)

I was interviewed before Feb 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 90 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

Questions on aptitude, English, logical reasoning, C/C++ and 5 coding ques. (only pseudo code).

  • Q1. Minimum Jumps

    Bob lives with his wife in a city named Berland. Bob is a good husband, so he goes out with his wife every Friday to ‘Arcade’ mall.

    ‘Arcade’ is a very famous mall in Berland. It has a very ...

  • Ans. 

    It can be solved by using mathematics. If the height of wall is less than or equal to x, only one jump is required. Otherwise run a while loop while height is greater than x, and calculate the jumps required by updating the height to height of wall – (climb up-climb down).

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Smallest Window

    You are given two strings S and X containing random characters. Your task is to find the smallest substring in S which contains all the characters present in X.


    Let S = “abdd” ...
  • Ans. 

    The naïve approach is to generate all substrings of string1 and for each substring, check whether the substring contains all characters of string2. Finally, print the smallest substring containing all characters of string2.

    The efficient solution is to use hashing. First check if the length of the string is less than the length of the given pattern, if yes then no such window can exist . Next, store the occurrence of ch...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q3. Rat In A Maze

    You are given a starting position for a rat which is stuck in a maze at an initial point (0, 0) (the maze can be thought of as a 2-dimensional plane). The maze would be given in the form of a...

  • Ans. 

    1. Start from the cell[0,0] and look for the valid moves through the adjacent cells in the order Down->Left->Right->Up in the grid.
    2. If the move is possible, then move to that cell while storing the character corresponding to the move(D,L,R,U) and again start looking for the valid move until the last cell [n-1,n-1] is reached.
    3. Along with it, keep on marking the cells as visited and when all the ...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Questions based on OOPS were asked in this round.

  • Q1. OOPS Question

    What is a virtual function?

  • Ans. 

    A C++ virtual function is a member function in the base class that you redefine in a derived class. It is declared using the virtual keyword. It is used to tell the compiler to perform dynamic linkage or late binding on the function. A 'virtual' is a keyword preceding the normal declaration of a function. When the function is made virtual, C++ determines which function is to be invoked at the runtime based on the type

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. OOPS Question

    What are the types of polymorphism?

  • Ans. 

    Polymorphism is of two types :
    1. Compile Time Polymorphism : 
    Invokes the overloaded functions by matching the number and type of arguments. The information is present during compile-time. This means the C++ compiler will select the right function at compile time. It is achieved through function overloading and operator overloading.
    2. Run Time Polymorphism : 
    This happens when an object’s method is called durin...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q3. OOPS Question

    Difference between deep copy and shallow copy

  • Ans. 

    A shallow copy of a collection is a copy of the collection structure, not the elements. With a shallow copy, two collections now share the individual elements.
    Deep copies duplicate everything. A deep copy of a collection is two collections with all of the elements in the original collection duplicated.

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 3 - HR 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 30 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

HR round with typical behavioral problems.

  • Q1. Basic HR Questions

    1. Questions on strengths, weakness and hobbies.
    2. What you know about their company apart from ppt ?
    3. Discussion on my projects

  • Ans. 

    Make sure you study their website inside-out before you go for interviews, this shows your passion to work for their company. Be yourself.

  • Answered by CodingNinjas

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAMakeMyTrip interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, Aptitude, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 5 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Top MakeMyTrip Software Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Minimum JumpsBob lives with his wife in a city named Berland. Bob is a good husband, so he goes out with his wife every Friday to ‘Arcade’ mall. ‘Arcade’ is a very famous mall in Berland. It has a very unique transportation method between s... read more
View answer (5)

Software Developer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Maximum Subarray SumGiven an array of numbers, find the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray of the array. For example, given the array [34, -50, 42, 14, -5, 86], the maximum sum would be 137, since we would take elements 42, 14, -5, and ... read more
View answer (39)

I was interviewed before Feb 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 65 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

There were 2 sections – 
Aptitude and Logical Reasoning and MCQ based on Java question ,C++, coding for 20 min and 45 min respectively.
Section A- Not very difficult to clear this round although less time was a problem.
Section B- It contains 15 multiple choice question on c/c++,java and 4 simple coding questions

  • Q1. Cycle Detection in a Singly Linked List

    You have given a Singly Linked List of integers, determine if it forms a cycle or not.

    A cycle occurs when a node's next points back to a previous node in the ...

  • Ans. 

    Floyd's algorithm can be used to solve this question.
    Define two pointers slow and fast. Both point to the head node, fast is twice as fast as slow. There will be no cycle if it reaches the end. Otherwise, it will eventually catch up to the slow pointer somewhere in the cycle.
    Let X be the distance from the first node to the node where the cycle begins, and let X+Y be the distance the slow pointer travels. To catch up, t...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 2 - Coding Test 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 75 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

It was an online coding test in which 3 coding question were given.

  • Q1. Smallest Window

    You are given two strings S and X containing random characters. Your task is to find the smallest substring in S which contains all the characters present in X.


    Let S = “abdd” ...
  • Ans. 

    The naïve approach is to generate all substrings of string1 and for each substring, check whether the substring contains all characters of string2. Finally, print the smallest substring containing all characters of string2.

    The efficient solution is to use hashing. First check if the length of the string is less than the length of the given pattern, if yes then no such window can exist . Next, store the occurrence of ch...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Find Smallest Integer

    You are given an array 'ARR' consisting of 'N' positive numbers and sorted in non-decreasing order, and your task is to find the smallest positive integer value that c...

  • Ans. 

    The Brute force approach would be to find the sum of all the possible subsets and then compare sum with the sum of remaining elements.
    A better approach would be to sort the array in descending order and then take the largest elements. Now, take elements from the largest, until we get strictly more than half of total sum of the given array. As soon as the current sum is greater than half of the total sum of the given ar

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q3. Minimum steps to reach target by a Knight

    You have been given a square chessboard of size ‘N x N’. The position coordinates of the Knight and the position coordinates of the target are also given.

    Your t...

  • Ans. 

    This problem is similar to finding the shortest path in an unweighted graph. BFS can be used to solve this problem. 
    Make a queue that stores the coordinate and distance from its starting node for each cell. Try all 8 possible positions where a Knight can reach from its position. If reachable position is not already visited and is inside the board, we push this state into queue with distance 1 more than its parent ...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(4 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

It started with a discussion on the programs given in coding round. They asked me about my interest field after that they directly jumped into Networking, Linux and Ethical Hacking part looking my interest domain. They asked me various question on networking and linux.
Then they asked me to code a simple c program

  • Q1. Reverse Linked List

    Given a singly linked list of integers. Your task is to return the head of the reversed linked list.

    For example:
    The given linked list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4-> NULL. Then th...
  • Ans. 

    This can be solved both: recursively and iteratively.
    The recursive approach is more intuitive. First reverse all the nodes after head. Then we need to set head to be the final node in the reversed list. We simply set its next node in the original list (head -> next) to point to it and sets its next to NULL. The recursive approach has a O(N) time complexity and auxiliary space complexity.
    For solving the question is c...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Networking Question

    Port numbers of protocols like FTP,SMTP

  • Ans. 

    Port number 20 is used for FTP data while port number 21 is used for FTP Control.
    Port number 161 is used for SMTP.

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q3. Networking Question

    Explain the OSI Model

  • Ans. 

    Physical Layer
    The lowest layer of the OSI Model is concerned with electrically or optically transmitting raw unstructured data bits across the network from the physical layer of the sending device to the physical layer of the receiving device. It can include specifications such as voltages, pin layout, cabling, and radio frequencies.

    Data Link Layer
    At the data link layer, directly connected nodes are used to perform nod...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q4. OS Question

    How to copy files in Linux ?

  • Ans. 

    The cp command is the primary method for copying files and directories in Linux. Virtually all Linux distributions can use cp. The basic format of the command is: cp [additional_option] source_file target_file
    For example:
    cp my_file.txt my_file2.txt
    This Linux command creates a copy of the my_file.txt file and renames the new file to my_file2.txt.

  • Answered by CodingNinjas

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAMakeMyTrip interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, Aptitude, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 4 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Top MakeMyTrip Software Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Minimum JumpsBob lives with his wife in a city named Berland. Bob is a good husband, so he goes out with his wife every Friday to ‘Arcade’ mall. ‘Arcade’ is a very famous mall in Berland. It has a very unique transportation method between s... read more
View answer (5)

Software Developer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Maximum Subarray SumGiven an array of numbers, find the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray of the array. For example, given the array [34, -50, 42, 14, -5, 86], the maximum sum would be 137, since we would take elements 42, 14, -5, and ... read more
View answer (40)

I was interviewed before Feb 2021.

Round 1 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Technical round with 3 problems based on DSA and Algorithms.

  • Q1. Find Smallest Integer

    You are given an array 'ARR' consisting of 'N' positive numbers and sorted in non-decreasing order, and your task is to find the smallest positive integer value that c...

  • Ans. 

    The Brute force approach would be to find the sum of all the possible subsets and then compare sum with the sum of remaining elements.
    A better approach would be to sort the array in descending order and then take the largest elements. Now, take elements from the largest, until we get strictly more than half of total sum of the given array. As soon as the current sum is greater than half of the total sum of the given ar

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Reverse Linked List

    Given a singly linked list of integers. Your task is to return the head of the reversed linked list.

    For example:
    The given linked list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4-> NULL. Then th...
  • Ans. 

    This can be solved both: recursively and iteratively.
    The recursive approach is more intuitive. First reverse all the nodes after head. Then we need to set head to be the final node in the reversed list. We simply set its next node in the original list (head -> next) to point to it and sets its next to NULL. The recursive approach has a O(N) time complexity and auxiliary space complexity.
    For solving the question is c...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q3. Smallest Window

    You are given two strings S and X containing random characters. Your task is to find the smallest substring in S which contains all the characters present in X.


    Let S = “abdd” a...
  • Ans. 

    The naïve approach is to generate all substrings of string1 and for each substring, check whether the substring contains all characters of string2. Finally, print the smallest substring containing all characters of string2.

    The efficient solution is to use hashing. First check if the length of the string is less than the length of the given pattern, if yes then no such window can exist . Next, store the occurrence of ch...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Technical round with questions based on OOPS and Angular.

  • Q1. OOPS Question

    What are the different OOPS concepts?

  • Ans. 

    The building blocks of OOPs are : 
    1. Classes & Objects : An Object can be defined as an entity that has a state and behavior. Class is basically a collection of objects which act as building blocks. 
    2. Abstraction : It helps in displaying the essential features without showing the details or the functionality to the user. It avoids unnecessary information or irrelevant details and shows only that specific...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. OOPS Question

    Given two classes C1 and C2 which are almost same.(remember not exactly same). You want to choose best among these classes so that it can be use as key in hash map. What question will you ask ...

  • Q3. Technical Question

    What is Lazy Loading? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

  • Ans. 

    Lazy loading is a strategy to identify resources as non-blocking (non-critical) and load these only when needed. It's a way to shorten the length of the critical rendering path, which translates into reduced page load times.Lazy loading can occur on different moments in the application, but it typically happens on some user interactions such as scrolling and navigation.

    Advantages of Lazy loading:
    1. On-demand loading re...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Questions based on System Design, ajax, jquery were asked.

  • Q1. System Design Question

    Design a traffic light system.

  • Ans. 

    Tip 1: Firstly, remember that the system design round is extremely open-ended and there’s no such thing as a standard answer. Even for the same question, you’ll have a totally different discussion with different interviewers.
    Tip 2:Before you jump into the solution always clarify all the assumptions you’re making at the beginning of the interview. Ask questions to identify the scope of the system. This will clear the in...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q2. Technical Question

    How ajax works?

  • Ans. 

    1. An event occurs in a web page (the page is loaded, a button is clicked). 
    2. An XMLHttpRequest object is created by JavaScript.
    3. The XMLHttpRequest object sends a request to a web server.
    4. The server processes the request. 
    5. The server sends a response back to the web page.
    6. The response is read by JavaScript.
    7. Proper action (like page update) is performed by JavaScript.

  • Answered by CodingNinjas
  • Q3. Technical Question

    Difference between angular js and jquery.

  • Ans. 

    1. jQuery is a Java script-based library. Angular is a Typescript-based, front-end development framework. 
    2. jQuery is used for DOM manipulation. Angular is used for creating single-page applications.
    3. jQuery is suitable for small size projects. Angular is suitable for large, complex projects.
    4. jQuery is simple and easy to learn. Angular is comparatively tougher to comprehend.
    5. jQuery is unidirectional. Angular...

  • Answered by CodingNinjas

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAMakeMyTrip interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Javascript, Ajax, Angular JS, Jquery, Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 6 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewRejected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Top MakeMyTrip Software Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Minimum JumpsBob lives with his wife in a city named Berland. Bob is a good husband, so he goes out with his wife every Friday to ‘Arcade’ mall. ‘Arcade’ is a very famous mall in Berland. It has a very unique transportation method between s... read more
View answer (5)

Software Developer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Maximum Subarray SumGiven an array of numbers, find the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray of the array. For example, given the array [34, -50, 42, 14, -5, 86], the maximum sum would be 137, since we would take elements 42, 14, -5, and ... read more
View answer (40)

MakeMyTrip interview questions for popular designations

 Software Developer


 Senior Software Engineer


 Software Engineer


 Holiday Expert


 Product Manager


 Senior QA Engineer


 Full Stack Developer


 Senior Software Engineer 2


Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 24 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

13 Questions

  • Q1. A brief intro of yourself and discussion on my projects
  • Q2. Then he asked me about my favorite subject and language (DS and C++)
  • Q3. Questions on OOPS (almost all the concepts were covered like polymorphism, overriding, overloading, inheritance, concept of virtual fxns etc.)
  • Q4. He wrote a C++ code and asked me to write the output
  • Q5. Some questions on DS and then he asked me to write algo for reversing a linked list
  • Q6. Then he asked me to explain one of the questions that I had attempted in the coding round. (They just want to make sure that you know the logic)
  • Q7. Topics in DS that I am comfortable with and the ones with which I am not
  • Q8. Questions from bit-wise operators
  • Q9. To explain other one of the two questions I had attempted in coding round
  • Q10. A quick intro
  • Q11. Discussion on my projects
  • Q12. What you know about their company apart from ppt.
  • Q13. Questions on strengths, weakness and hobbies.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions on aptitude, English, logical reasoning, C/C++ and 5 coding ques. (only pseudo code).

Round: TEST
Experience: 1. A prisoner broke out from jail. In order to escape, he will have to jump n no. of walls and length of each wall is given. Maximum height to which prisoner can jump is given. Now since it was a rainy day all the walls are wet and when prisoner makes a jump he slips down l units. Calculate total no. of jumps he will have to make in order to escape. (Simple logical question)2. Find smallest substring which contains all characters from a given string?

Input string1: “This is a test string”

Input string2: “tist”

Output: “t stri”3. Given a maze. Drop a mouse in the maze randomly, and place a piece of cheese in any cell. The mouse can move 4 directionsup down left rightThere are some walls on the way to block certain directions for certain position.Design an algorithm for the mouse to find the cheese.Note: the mouse does not know where he is, and where the cheese is. He cannot find x,y for the position he is right now.for instanceX X B


A X XD is the block with walls on 4 sides.

If the mouse reaches the end of row or column, it gets the dead end.Mouse is A, cheese is B. Return true if mouse can reach the cheese else return false.Note: if your code doesn’t compile, they will not accept it even if your logic is correct.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Make sure you study their website inside-out before you go for interviews, this shows your passion to work for their company.Be yourself.

College Name: NA

Get interview-ready with Top MakeMyTrip Interview Questions

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. 1. Difference between C and C++
  • Q2. 2. Can one edit standard libraries of C?
  • Q3. 3. what is function overloading and overriding (difference between them)
  • Ans. 

    Function overloading and overriding are concepts in object-oriented programming that involve the use of multiple functions with the same name.

    • Function overloading refers to the ability to have multiple functions with the same name but different parameters in a class.

    • Function overriding refers to the ability to have a derived class provide a different implementation of a method that is already defined in its base class.

    • ...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 1. Recruitment processThere was a written test which had four sections. Technical, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability.
Shortlisted candidate went for technical interview round.
Then further shortlisted candidate went for hr interview round
Those who got shortlisted after the hr round got the full time offer.
2. Questions and answers
Written test questions
     technical:- questions were from C C++. Find out the error type questions and also output type
     quantitative apti:- I’m a bit weak at it, never practiced. So, i found them a bit tough, however they were standard
     verbal ability:- damn easy, work on synonyms, antonyms and some basic english grammar
     logical reasoning:- number series, coded words and very pretty easy thinking questions

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical Interview     To many of my friends, it was a puzzle round and they faced only puzzles(8-9). But i got lucky, I was asked 4-5 puzzles and jumped into technical questions
1. I was to imagine a situation where there’s is an empty wet, water spilled room(ceiling to floor height- 12 ft), a dead man(7 ft height) hung by a 3 ft rope. I’m asked how could the man hung himself there?
reply:- I said there had been a 2ft ice cube on which he might have stood and tied himself and hung, (ice cube melting away killing him)
2. I’m given 8 sticks to use to make two squares and four right angled triangles
reply:- a rhombus inside a square
3. I was given two non-uniform sticks which burn one hour each. I had to measure 15 minutes using them.
reply:- I set one stick to fire on both ends and the other stick on only end. I let the first stick burn completely which measures me 30 minutes. Then I put the other end of the burning second stick on fire and let it burn completely. Now, the second stick takes 15 minutes to burn completely
4. I was given 9 balls which all are identical except one which is hollow! How many trials would you take to figure out the hollow one!
reply:- logarithmic answer. log 9 base 3 . i Said its two trials, I don’t know if its a right answer5. There are three ants on three corners of an equilateral triangle. they can move in any direction but only along the triangle edges. probability that any two ants collide each other.
reply:- i gave up. couldn’t find out the answer
He asked me to explain about my project which was on Service Oriented architecture for building a middleware in JADE. I explained it all to him. I wonder how much he might have understood.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR InterviewIt started with him telling about himself. He told his position and his work role. I couldn’t get a single thing of what he was talking about. :p Flew over my head 
Then i started to tell about myself, strengths weakness, hobbies.
He asked why i like listening music a lot. I was like- I love it without any reason.
He asked me if i like maths. I said no!  He gave me a small problem
How many squares are there on a chess board.
without further thinking, i spit out 64. He asked for my surity. Then i thought and said no(there are plenty of them inside, bigger and nested squares)
so, i gave up, he finally told me the answer. (sum of squares of numbers from 1 to 8)
He asked about software development life cycle. I gave an honest reply i forgot. Then he started scolding me saying that my pointer is 8.30 and i forgot this! He started saying to go prepared for the next interview.
Then he asked me what if i don’t perform well if they hired me.
i said- kick my ass.
He started giving me life lessons in hindi.
Then he asked me what would i want first in process of making tea. (related to software development life cycle)
i said- gas(fire). but he says the first step would be knowing the no. of people who will drink that and what are their requirements(same as a software needs)That’s it. It ended. and after news came over. I got selected :p

College Name: NA

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 May 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Experience: Began with the introduction. Why are you looking for another job blah blah.Then he gave me a puzzle that there are two robots in the air and they have a parachute each with them. On each there is a big infinite assembly of cells units. The robots land on the assembly of chain. Now that cell remembers whether a robot landed and placed parachute on it or not. Now you have to program the robots in such a way that they meet after some time. There should be only one function which does that (for both the robots). A robot has option to either move left or right or stand still.Then he asked me a question that there is large array. With 0’s initially and 1’s at the end. You need to find out the position of first one.

NOTE(Just in the interviewer is reading this): I read somewhere recently that person should always ask questions to the interviewer before start coding. So, I never did that when I was in my college, actually never had tobecause 99% of the questions are either from geeksforgeeks or careercup or the pdf – How to crack coding interview. Well, I had a genuine question that by large you mean infinite or finite array. The interviewer suddenly looked blanked when he heard infinite and binary search together. I am pretty sure he must be thinking what will the last index and how will I calculate mid in that case. But, binary search can be modified to look for an element even if you don’t know ‘n’.Then some questions related to the freelancing work I do. Then another “coding” question to segregate even and odd numbers – again form geeksforgeeks.One question on ArrayList and LinkList.And few small questions related to Java(like difference between xyz and abc) – which I have no clue, how does that helps the interviewers to judge a candidate’s java knowledge. But the interviewer was happy and I was happy.

Experience: The weirdest interview I have ever had. First question – What is coupling and cohesion. I told him what I remembered from Sangeeta Sabharwal book I read back in college.

Then he asked me about my resume – that how can I work in two companies (one of which was freelancing) and being a girl how can I be into technology. The idea altogether seemed very confusing to him, plus I was appearing for Dev profile. Well, he asked me to name a few data structures from Java. I answered quite a few like “ArrayList”, “Set”, “Stacks”, “Queues”. Then he asked me to name a data structure in Java which is actual implementation of Queues – this was the only sane question till this point. Then he all of a sudden started shouting – that I don’t know Java blah blah. If he ever gives me assignment to get data from database, populate POJOs with it and then convert it into JSON, then I won’t be able to do that- because I don’t know the difference between ArrayList and List (which he definitely assumed in his head).Then he asked me to name the library which converts POJO to JSON object. I said there is some third party API, whose name I don’t remember. He asked question on database queries and indices-which made sense. Then he asked me any questions- I felt like asking are you the only one insane and dumb here or everybody here is the same, but then I said no and he rushed to HR. The HR came with the feedback but before she could give me the feedback, I told her about the interviewer and asked her to keep the feedback with herself.The point I want to make is that first of all, a programmer’s work can never get limited by a language. Plus Java, C#, Python are something which just translate your thoughts/algorithm into something runnable. Secondly, in my 1.5 year of experience I have never crammed the API documentation of either Java or C# or Python. My idea is to just start writing “Hello World”, the associated modules,data structures will automatically come to your head . Even then, I have never fared less than any other computer programmer because ultimately what makes a difference is whether you have the brains to visualize how will data move in the memory, which operation will you mostly use-deletion, insertion, updation, sorting etc , the knowledge of ArrayList, List, LinkList will follow. All you need is to be clear about in your head how threads will access the static variables, how will they work simultaneously keep their own copy of variables, which variable I want to protect and which variable do I need to be updated by all threads. To understand the API and more important to tweak the API is not more than an hour’s work.Most importantly, don’t aim to become a crammer, become a programmer.

College Name: NIT NAGPUR

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Why do you want to join make my trip
  • Ans. 

    I want to join MakeMyTrip because of its strong reputation in the travel industry and its commitment to providing exceptional customer service.

    • MakeMyTrip is a well-established and reputable company in the travel industry.

    • I am impressed by MakeMyTrip's commitment to providing exceptional customer service.

    • I believe joining MakeMyTrip will provide me with valuable opportunities for professional growth and development.

    • I am...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were 2 sections – Aptitude and Logical Reasoning and MCQ based on Java question ,C++, coding for 20 min and 45 min respectively.Section A- Not very difficult to clear this round although less time was a problem.Section B- It contains 15 multiple choice question on c/c++,java and 4 simple coding questions like Sorting words in a large file , pseudo code for detect a loop in linked list and remove it.
Duration: 65 minutes

Round: TEST
Experience: It was an online coding test in which 3 coding question were given.Questions were as follows-1. Find out the subset of an array of continuous positive numbers from a larger array whose sum of of the elements is larger in comparision to other subset. eg: {1,2 5 -7, 2 5} .The two subarrays are {1,2,5} {2,5} and the ans is {1,2, 5} as its sum is larger than{2,5}2. You have a 8*8 chess board and given a starting and final location of a knight.Find the shortest possible path for the knight.3. You are given two strings s1 and s2.Now, find the smallest substring in s1 containing all characters of s2.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It started with a discussion on the programs given in coding round.They asked me about my interest field after that they directly jumped into Networking,Linux and Ethical Hacking part looking my interest domain.They asked me various question on networking and linux.Question were simple like Explain the OSI model with examples,Port numbers of protocols like FTP,SMTP etc,How to send data of file into another file in linux etc.

Then they asked me to code simple c program to reverse a linked list.

Experience: This round was started with two puzzles.I got stuck in the first puzzle itself but in this round the interviewer was checking our approcah,our logical thinking.Then I was given one program and was asked to optimize it.Question was simple based on hashmap. Next question was based on ethical hacking.I was asked to explain SQL attack.

The interview ended with some discussions over my project.

College Name: NA

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

11 Questions

  • Q1. Given an array in which all numbers except two are repeated once. (i.e. we have 2n+2 numbers and n numbers are occurring twice and remaining two have occurred once). Find those two numbers in the most effi...
  • Q2. Given a linked list with next and arbitrary pointers, clone it
  • Q3. A lot of questions around Spring, Hibernate, REST, Dependency Injection, AOP
  • Q4. Reverse a linked list in groups of n
  • Ans. 

    Reverse a linked list in groups of n

    • Create a function that takes a linked list and a group size as input

    • Iterate through the linked list, reversing each group of nodes

    • Keep track of the previous and current node to update the pointers

    • Handle cases where the group size is larger than the remaining nodes

    • Return the head of the reversed linked list

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Vertical level order traversal of a tree
  • Q6. Reverse the second half of the linked list in the most efficient way
  • Ans. 

    Reverse the second half of a linked list efficiently.

    • Find the middle node of the linked list

    • Reverse the second half of the linked list using a pointer

    • Update the pointers to connect the reversed second half with the first half

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Find the merging point of two linked list
  • Q8. Again a lot of drilling questions on Java, Spring, MVC, Singleton, Hibernate, REST
  • Q9. Why do you want to join Makemytrip
  • Q10. What are your career aspirations
  • Q11. How do you think it aligns with MMT

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Q1. Given a stream of around billion numbers in an array, which has approximately only 1000 unique numbers. Print the unique numbers. Complexity should be less than O(n).


Input: 1,1,1,1,….2,2,2,…3,4,4,4,4……1111,1111,………..

Output : 1,2,3,4,1111Q2: Write a program to print the frequency of all words in a given paragraph.Q3: Write a program to reverse the string word wise.

Eg: I/P : “I am a boy”

O/P: “boy a am I”Q4: Write a program to explain producer consumer program using threads.Q5: (Only theory) What data structures will you use to design a garbage collector.

Experience: This round had questions more around various technology stacks,

Design Patterns ( Interceptor, Singleton, Publisher Subscriber, MVC etc etc )

UI Templates




In memory database

Log appenders

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Write a function to generate all possible n pairs of balanced parentheses.For example, if n=1{}
for n=2

College Name: NA

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 10 May 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Mode of interview : Online Coding
Experience: Question 1: Given an array with n elements consisting of numbers between 1 to n-1 with some numbers being repeated multiple times in the array. 
Give a result[] array as output containing all the repeated/duplicate elements.Code: package arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class MultipleDuplicateValues {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 6, 6 };
int[] result = getduplicates(arr);
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {


private static int[] getduplicates(int[] arr) {
ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
int[] result;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[Math.abs(arr[i])] >= 0) {
arr[Math.abs(arr[i])] = -arr[Math.abs(arr[i])];
} else {


result = new int[l.size()];
int i = 0;
while (i < l.size()) {
result[i] = l.get(i);

return result;
Question 2: Given an array containing a sequence of numbers , you need to identify whether that sequence is Fibonacci , Arithmetic Expression or Geometric Expression
============ And give it’s next term as output.

College Name: NA

MakeMyTrip Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in MakeMyTrip interview?
MakeMyTrip interview process usually has 2-3 rounds. The most common rounds in the MakeMyTrip interview process are Technical, One-on-one Round and Coding Test.
How to prepare for MakeMyTrip interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at MakeMyTrip. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at MakeMyTrip expect are Sales, B2B Sales, Key Account Management, Corporate Sales and SQL.
What are the top questions asked in MakeMyTrip interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the MakeMyTrip interview -

  1. find out the subset of an array of continuous positive numbers from a larger ar...read more
  2. In a normal e-commerce user flow, how will you determine the points at which t...read more
  3. Given an integer array of size n, find the maximum circular subarray sum. A cir...read more
How long is the MakeMyTrip interview process?

The duration of MakeMyTrip interview process can vary, but typically it takes about less than 2 weeks to complete.

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