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MakeMyTrip Software Engineer III Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 19 Nov 2024

MakeMyTrip Software Engineer III Interview Experiences

1 interview found

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Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
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I applied via LinkedIn and was interviewed in Oct 2024. There was 1 interview round.

Round 1 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Explain current projects ?
  • Q2. Train water trapping problem
  • Ans. 

    Train water trapping problem involves calculating the amount of water that can be trapped between blocks.

    • Calculate the maximum height of blocks on left and right of each block

    • Find the minimum of the two heights and subtract the height of the current block to get trapped water

    • Sum up the trapped water for all blocks to get total trapped water

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Good coding and technical expertise is needed

Interview questions from similar companies

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Round 1 - Resume Shortlist 
Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
Keep your resume crisp and to the point. A recruiter looks at your resume for an average of 6 seconds, make sure to leave the best impression.
View all Resume tips
Round 2 - Technical 

(3 Questions)

  • Q1. Maximum Length of increasing subsequence
  • Ans. 

    Find the maximum length of increasing subsequence in an array of strings.

    • Use dynamic programming to keep track of the length of increasing subsequences ending at each index.

    • Iterate through the array and update the length of increasing subsequences.

    • Return the maximum length found.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. LLD for a storage based system
  • Ans. 

    LLD for a storage based system involves designing the detailed architecture and components of the system to efficiently store and retrieve data.

    • Identify the requirements for the storage system, including data types, volume, access patterns, and performance expectations.

    • Design the data storage architecture, including data structures, indexing mechanisms, and storage technologies like databases or file systems.

    • Define the...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Hashmap based question
Round 3 - Technical 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. LLD for a S3 or a storage based system
  • Ans. 

    LLD for a S3 or a storage based system involves designing the detailed architecture and components of the system.

    • Define the data model including objects, metadata, and storage classes

    • Design the system components like storage nodes, metadata servers, and access control mechanisms

    • Consider scalability, fault tolerance, and data consistency in the design

    • Implement features like versioning, encryption, and access control pol...

  • Answered by AI

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
2-4 weeks

I applied via LinkedIn and was interviewed in Jan 2024. There was 1 interview round.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

45 mins coding interview with medium leetcode question from graph

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Not Selected

I applied via Company Website and was interviewed in Jul 2024. There were 2 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

Asked two 2 pointer based questions

Round 2 - Case Study 

Asked lru cache system design question

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Selected Selected

I applied via Approached by Company and was interviewed before May 2023. There were 4 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

Two 1 easy 1medium leetcode problem give

Round 2 - Technical 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. In this interview, discussion was all around the technology I worked. In depth knowledge was checked
Round 3 - Technical 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Design Round, one open ended problem statement is given to Design
Round 4 - HR 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Generic HR question and discussion on joining date and salary

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - - Simple question asked
- Design around focus on OOPs concept

Interview Questionnaire 

17 Questions

  • Q1. Find if a string is substring of other string
  • Ans. 

    The function checks if a string is a substring of another string.

    • Use the built-in string methods like 'indexOf' or 'includes' to check for substring.

    • If the language supports regular expressions, you can also use them to find substrings.

    • Consider the case sensitivity of the strings when comparing.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Write a code to multiply two matrices of dimension M*N and N*K
  • Ans. 

    Code to multiply two matrices of dimension M*N and N*K.

    • Create a result matrix of dimension M*K.

    • Iterate through each row of the first matrix.

    • For each row, iterate through each column of the second matrix.

    • For each element in the row of the first matrix, multiply it with the corresponding element in the column of the second matrix.

    • Sum up the products and store the result in the corresponding position of the result matrix.

    • ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Write a Sql to perform Matrix Multiplication.Two tables has three columns row,col and value
  • Ans. 

    SQL query to perform matrix multiplication using two tables with row, col, and value columns.

    • Use JOIN operation to combine the two tables based on matching row and col values.

    • Use GROUP BY clause to group the result by row and col values.

    • Use SUM function to calculate the dot product of corresponding row and col values.

    • Use INSERT INTO statement to insert the result into a new table.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. What is prototype in javascript?
  • Ans. 

    Prototype in JavaScript is an object that is associated with every function and object by default.

    • Prototype is used to add properties and methods to an object.

    • It allows objects to inherit properties and methods from other objects.

    • Modifying the prototype of a function affects all instances of that function.

    • Prototypes can be used to create new objects based on existing objects.

    • The prototype chain allows for property and

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. How do we write classes in javascript?
  • Ans. 

    Classes in JavaScript are written using the class keyword.

    • Use the class keyword followed by the class name to define a class.

    • Use the constructor method to initialize class properties.

    • Add methods to the class using the class prototype.

    • Use the new keyword to create an instance of the class.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. There is a ladder of N steps.We can either take 1 step or 2 steps.In how many different ways one can climb the ladder?
  • Ans. 

    The number of different ways to climb a ladder of N steps by taking 1 or 2 steps at a time.

    • This is a classic problem that can be solved using dynamic programming.

    • The number of ways to climb N steps is equal to the sum of the number of ways to climb N-1 steps and N-2 steps.

    • The base cases are when N is 0 or 1, where there is only 1 way to climb the ladder.

    • For example, for N=4, there are 5 different ways: [1, 1, 1, 1], [1

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Print a square matrix in spiral order
  • Ans. 

    Print a square matrix in spiral order

    • Start by defining the boundaries of the matrix

    • Iterate through the matrix in a spiral pattern, printing each element

    • Adjust the boundaries after each iteration to move inward

    • Repeat until all elements are printed

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Given a table with 3 columns StudentName,Subject and Marks.Write a sql to retrieve second highest Marks Obtained for each student
  • Ans. 

    Retrieve the second highest marks obtained by each student from a table with student name, subject, and marks.

    • Use the RANK() function to assign a rank to each row based on the marks in descending order.

    • Filter the result to only include rows with rank 2 for each student.

    • Group the result by student name to get the second highest marks for each student.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. Given a Website with header,footer,side ads(Google ads,Internal ads).How will you extract only useful data from the page
  • Q10. Difference between .live() and .delegate() in jquery
  • Ans. 

    The .live() method attaches an event handler to the current and future elements, while .delegate() attaches an event handler to a parent element.

    • The .live() method is deprecated in newer versions of jQuery.

    • The .delegate() method is preferred over .live() for performance reasons.

    • Both methods are used to handle events for dynamically added elements.

    • Example: $(document).live('click', 'button', function() { ... });

    • Example:...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. What is chaining in jquery?
  • Ans. 

    Chaining in jQuery allows multiple methods to be called on a single element in a single line of code.

    • Chaining simplifies code and improves readability.

    • Each method in the chain operates on the result of the previous method.

    • The chain ends with a method that does not return a jQuery object.

    • Example: $('div').addClass('highlight').fadeOut();

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. What is callback function?
  • Ans. 

    A callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed later.

    • Callback functions are commonly used in event-driven programming.

    • They allow asynchronous execution of code.

    • Callback functions can be used to handle responses from APIs or user interactions.

    • They can be anonymous functions or named functions.

    • Example: setTimeout(function() { console.log('Hello!'); }, 1000);

  • Answered by AI
  • Q13. What is .bind() function in jquery?
  • Ans. 

    The .bind() function in jQuery is used to attach an event handler function to one or more elements.

    • It allows you to specify the event type and the function to be executed when the event occurs.

    • The .bind() function can be used to bind multiple events to the same element.

    • It can also be used to pass additional data to the event handler function.

    • The .bind() function is deprecated in jQuery version 3.0 and above. It is reco

  • Answered by AI
  • Q14. Find the angle between hour handle and minute handle in a clock
  • Ans. 

    The angle between the hour and minute hands of a clock can be calculated using a formula.

    • The hour hand moves 30 degrees per hour and 0.5 degrees per minute.

    • The minute hand moves 6 degrees per minute.

    • Calculate the angle between the two hands using the formula: |30H - 11M/2|, where H is the hour and M is the minute.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q15. Is it possible to create slideshow without using javascript
  • Ans. 

    Yes, it is possible to create a slideshow without using JavaScript.

    • Use CSS animations and transitions to create the slideshow.

    • Use HTML and CSS to structure and style the slideshow.

    • Utilize keyframe animations to create the slide transitions.

    • Use radio buttons or checkboxes to control the slideshow navigation.

    • Apply the :target pseudo-class to create a simple slideshow without JavaScript.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q16. Questions about my current project and academic project
  • Q17. Given two points A and B with distance between them lets say D.there are N men who want to go from point A to point B.All men walk with same speed.They also have one scooter with them which has speed grea...
  • Ans. 

    The men can take turns riding the scooter, allowing them to reach point B faster.

    • The men can form a queue and take turns riding the scooter.

    • The person riding the scooter can drop it off at a certain point and the next person can pick it up.

    • The scooter can be passed along the line of men until everyone reaches point B.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Skills: Algorithm, Javascript
College Name: na

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about your self Why do you want to work in Oyo What is the life in Bangalore
  • Ans. 

    I am a dedicated professional with experience in management. I want to work in Oyo for its innovative approach to hospitality. Life in Bangalore is vibrant and diverse.

    • I have a strong background in management and leadership roles

    • I am attracted to Oyo for its innovative technology-driven approach to hospitality

    • Bangalore offers a vibrant cultural scene with diverse food options and entertainment

    • The city is known for its

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Same question
  • Q3. About salary

Interview Preparation Tips

Skill Tips: To crack Yatra interview Java, Data Structures and Algorithms concepts should be clear.
Skills: Java, Data structures, Algorithm
College Name: na

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 1. Rotate a matrix by 90 degrees clockwise.( He asked me have you heard of question.I said Yes.Then he asked me to code)2. Find vertical sum of nodes present in same vertical line in binary tree. ( He again asked me have you heard of question. I have heard it but didn’t remember the approach. It took some time and then I started telling my approach.He aasked me to write code and question regarding get sums from left to right , for which I made use of linked hashmap)
Overall It was very cool for me
Total Questions: 2

Round: Test
Experience: 1.Reverse K blocks of nodes in linked list.There are two interviewers this time, probably, guy was senior he was asking me question.He was very particular in coding. Checked every edge case.and asked me evrything.Initially I told the approach and then started coding.2.Find min in stack in O(1)Pretty straightforward written code.Again he checked all edge cases with my code.3. Then asked about counting sort and its code.4. And a simple question on array sorting.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I thought this was last round as they have said like.She asked me about my strengths and challenges I faced.How I overcame through it1.Basic question on oops concepts.(runtime polymorphism).
2.Design tables for getting all employees under manager. I screwed it little bit.But some how I got answer which I was not satisfied as well.I was expecting result either yes/no.But they called me for another round of interview may be because of my expected salary which was high compared to my previous.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1.Given “aaabbbccc” it should return “a3b3c3″ in place. Initially I explained brute force approach then he said array has 2n space.I was able to remember approach for quicksort and started explaining after which I grew confident on it.He was satisfied.Questions on time complexity of algo and space complexity discussions.2.Again a question on OOPs.This time I was completely wrong in answering it.I thought interview with yatra was closing for me.He was not satisified much with this.Luckily, there was another round with manager.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: 1.He asked me to find words which are having particular pattern.Then I said it was KMP algo. Can I explain it ?? I started explaining approach, may be he was busy with something, he asked me to write pseudo code.He left the room for 15 mins then he came back I had almost completed the code, which he was satisified.Some basic questions on spring ( my previous work was related to it). Then my expected salary and my position If I got selected in yatra were discussed.

College Name: NA

I applied via Monster and was interviewed in Dec 2017. There was 1 interview round.

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. They are asked question tell about yourself in general questions.

Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: I attend in interview last candidate so just 5 minits faced HR interview.
Skills: Analytical Skills
Duration: 1-4 weeks
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MakeMyTrip Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in MakeMyTrip Software Engineer III interview?
MakeMyTrip interview process usually has 1 rounds. The most common rounds in the MakeMyTrip interview process are Technical.

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