Atos is rated
2.7 out of 5 stars on
AmbitionBox, based on 21 company reviews.This rating
reflects a below average employee experience, indicating poor satisfaction with
the company’s work culture, benefits, and career growth opportunities. AmbitionBox gathers authentic employee reviews and ratings, making it a trusted platform for job seekers and employees in India.
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Atos is rated
2.7 out of 5 stars on
AmbitionBox, based on 21 company reviews.This rating
reflects a below average employee experience, indicating poor satisfaction with
the company’s work culture, benefits, and career growth opportunities. AmbitionBox gathers authentic employee reviews and ratings, making it a trusted platform for job seekers and employees in India.
We strive to keep our reviews 100% genuine. Employers cannot manipulate reviews.
Their are Many aspects
As of now this company has splitted apart
They have also not incremented our salary till now!!
They have done too much cost cutting
They don’t even give work from home
They don’t even turn on the AC
If there are not more than 10 employees sitting
They turn off the AC
Then why the **** you call us at the office
Their is no equality in this company
Everything just based on partiality
I would recommend don’t join this company anyway!!!
Now it’s been 1 year to me here
My designation still trainee
Hate this compony...Read More