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ITC AUT - Assistant Under Training Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 10 Apr 2018

Top ITC AUT - Assistant Under Training Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. What is a boundary layer flow, how is it different from main stream flow? How does it vary with Reynold's number?
  • Q2. A whisky manufacturer sees more demand in the market. Has options of renting external factory or expanding own factory to meet demands. Considering the cost and returns, ...read more
  • Q3. How did you model the bubble dynamics in this project?
View all 21 questions

ITC AUT - Assistant Under Training Interview Experiences

30 interviews found

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Luckily, there was no tech interview for me. But they asked me from my resume about my internships etc. Be thorough with that and don't bluff. They can make out the exaggeration.
  • Q2. HR part was about what I wanted to do, my interests and how I fit in the company. Try to make a connect with the interviewer on some common ground.
  • Q3. This was again no tech interview for me. It was with the CEO of Agri-Business Division. Pretty cool guy and awesome too.
  • Q4. He again try to look for fit and I had previous experiences to justify my desire to be at ITC. Plus a clarity of what the company does and which function can you excel in gives more power in making a compe...

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Two types of profiles are generally shortlisted by ITC. Either good tech profile. Or good non-tech profile with lot of team work, different experiences etc. So choose one of the two. Half in one and half in the other would be a gamble.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Standard points of a GD apply. Most of the GDs are to rank the stakeholders in a situation in a particular order. Be polite to others and appreciate their inputs too but make sure you make a couple of strong points or at least drive the discussion forward.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Resume Based.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Yes, there was a group discussion.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Yes, for around 20 minutes. "They started with asking about myself, family back ground etc. and then I directed the interview towards my comfort zone, highlighting both success and failure stories, connecting dots. Most of the questions during this time were based on what I had already told them about myself. A couple of questions at the end were why ITC? and What do you think your work will be? etc.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Yes for about 45 minutes. It was like a rapid fire of questions on me. A lot about Energy Tech..wind turbine, solar water heating, solar PV, R&AC and what not! And in between there were also questions on Gears, Differential (Very Imp!), Working of Lathe, Difference between lathe and milling machines etc. They were checking both fundamental and fact's knowledge. Apart from this, there were tech qs on interns & projects.

General Tips: I think i was selected because of 3 successful interns in diverse yet core field, a good basic technical knowledge of Mech, ability
to bounce back hard from failures, good communication and leadership skills were more or less the reasons for my selection.
Skill Tips: Prepared a little bit in August for interviews for PPO. Got it and put peace. Read all the material posted by BC and focused a little more on my area of expertise. Arranged PPO from a second day company.
College Name: IIT MADRAS

AUT - Assistant Under Training Interview Questions Asked at Other Companies

asked in ITC
Q1. What is a boundary layer flow, how is it different from main stre ... read more
asked in ITC
Q2. A whisky manufacturer sees more demand in the market. Has options ... read more
asked in ITC
Q3. How did you model the bubble dynamics in this project?
asked in ITC
Q4. Why transmission power is always in multiple of 11 e.g. 11kv?
asked in ITC
Q5. Suppose one of the workers is absent how would you deal with it

Interview Questionnaire 

7 Questions

  • Q1. Tell us about yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a recent graduate with a degree in business administration and a passion for learning new skills and taking on challenges.

    • Graduated with a degree in business administration

    • Eager to learn new skills and take on challenges

    • Have experience in customer service and sales

    • Volunteered at local non-profit organizations

    • Enjoy reading and traveling

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What are your strengths, weaknesses, achievements and failures?
  • Ans. 

    I am a hardworking and dedicated individual with a positive attitude towards learning and growth.

    • Strengths: Strong work ethic, quick learner, good communication skills

    • Weaknesses: Tendency to overthink, can be too self-critical

    • Achievements: Graduated with honors, completed multiple internships in relevant field

    • Failures: Did not get selected for a competitive internship, struggled with time management in the past

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Why did you choose this branch?
  • Ans. 

    I chose this branch because of my interest in the field and the potential for growth and development.

    • I have always been fascinated by the field and its applications

    • I believe that this branch offers a lot of opportunities for personal and professional growth

    • I have done extensive research on the field and its current trends and advancements

    • I have relevant skills and experience that make me a good fit for this branch

    • I am ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Why this particular sector?
  • Ans. 

    I have a passion for this sector and believe in its potential for growth and impact.

    • I have always been interested in this field and have pursued relevant education and experience.

    • I believe this sector has the potential to make a positive impact on society and improve people's lives.

    • I am excited about the opportunities for growth and innovation in this sector.

    • For example, in the technology sector, there is constant inno...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Why this firm?
  • Ans. 

    I chose this firm because of its reputation for providing excellent training and growth opportunities.

    • The firm has a strong track record of promoting from within

    • I was impressed by the positive feedback from current and former employees

    • The firm's commitment to innovation and staying ahead of industry trends aligns with my own values

    • I believe that the skills and experience I will gain here will be invaluable to my future

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Which other companies are you interviewing and why do you chose us over them?
  • Ans. 

    I am currently interviewing with a few other companies, but I am particularly interested in this position because of the company's reputation and growth potential.

    • I am interviewing with a few other companies, including XYZ and ABC.

    • I am interested in this position because of the company's reputation for innovation and excellence.

    • I am also excited about the growth potential of this company and the opportunities it offers...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Why not pursue higher studies?
  • Ans. 

    I believe gaining practical experience is more valuable at this point in my career.

    • I want to apply the theoretical knowledge I have gained in a practical setting

    • I want to gain hands-on experience in my field

    • I believe that practical experience is more valuable than just academic qualifications

    • I want to start my career and gain financial independence sooner rather than later

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Making a resume is a vital step in for placement preparation. Resume is your first impression.
Tips: Try to make it as impactful as possible. Align your resume according to the needs of the company.

Round: Group Discussion
Tips: Practice a lot since it is an inevitable part of the process. Improve communication skills by speaking inpromptu on as many topics as you can.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This is the final step for many companies. You simply can't afford to lose here.
Tips: Take mock interviews. Moreover, well prepared answers to these questions will give you the confidence to crack the personal interview.

General Tips: Choose your career option early. Do not run after monetary benefits while selecting your career option.
Skills: Engineering Chemistry, Core Mechanical Engineering topics, Specific Electrical Engineering topics
College Name: IIT KANPUR

AUT - Assistant Under Training Interview Questions & Answers

user image Jyoti Prakash Maheswari

posted on 8 Mar 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Pointer and decent CCA.

Round: Group Activity
Experience: Similar GD topic every time. Consult online to get an idea

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Mostly about your projects and internship. Basic questions related to subject. Be confident and be ready to answer regarding the application of your work.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: A normal basic HR round

College Name: NIT WARANGAL

ITC interview questions for designations

 Assistant Under Technical


 Assistant Manager


 Account Assistant


 Assistant Officer


 Office Assistant


 HR Assistant


 Assistant Technical Officer


 Assistant Design Engineer


Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The application procedure of ITC requires you to submit the resume and fill their form. The form contains various question on your projects, attitude, extra-curricular activities etc. Fill the form honestly because this form will be the base of your interview

Making resume is very important step for placement preparation and hence take it very seriously. In summers I started building my resume. I used all the resources available on the student placement office IITK website along with help from seniors and my wing mates, to prepare a one page resume to fit for ITC profile. It took almost one month for me to get the final version of resume through which I can apply for the company.Form : It includes few question related to your grades, projects/internship, Position of responsibilities(POR), extracurricular activities and 2 or 3 HR based questions, Details are as follow:
Few personal details specifically Semester wise SPI, GRE score etc.
Details of internship/projects, extracurricular activities, PORs etc.
Your short terms and long term objectives
Why do u want to work with ITC
What do you think is your most significant achievement
Give an instance where you put Mind Over Matter
Your social engagement
Tips: Be honest and creative while making resume

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: ITC GD is based on a given case where you have to prioritize the given set of things. One GD group consist of 8 students and approximately 25 min time duration. There are 3 person to judge a single GD and hence its almost a fare GD.
Tips: Please follow all the general rules of GD that is : Don’t shout, don’t be aggressive etc.

Round: Interview
Experience: Before the interview I was very nervous and It was a sleepless night. And it was my first professional interview and it went very smooth. During internship I was failed to clear GD rounds for ITC and HUL and then I decided not to apply in any other companies .Hence this interview was very first interview for me.ITC interview was scheduled on 1st December from 6 am to 11 am . My interview started with a question “Tell me something about yourself” I started with my school life and then gradually moved towards IITK life and here I described about My most significant achievement of IITK i.e. “TEAM ABUS-DCS” with the help of designs I carried in my file and there after the rest of the interview was based on TEAM ABUS-DCS projects. No extra technical question were asked to me. Some of my friends who were selected for ITC interview told me that they were grilled over Technical question based on pumps, Thermodynamics cycles etc.

Topics generally asked in the ITC interview: - Pumps, cooling towers, Thermodynamics(TD) cycles, TD laws, desert coolers, Refrigeration cycle, Valves, Mixers, Process control scheme, ,Distillation columns, VLE, Derivation of Navier stokes equation, Bernoulli equation etc.  I used my notes and Wikipedia to revise all these topics.
Tips: Do’s and Don’ts:

Do’s :

Make your priority very clear
Make a general time timeline for your placement preparation to keep track of your time
Prepare for the placement with a positive hope but at the same time you have to be realistic
Make a group in wing or outside wing, it will help you to make your placement preparation easy and interesting
Take healthy food and keep yourself healthy

Don’t’s :
Don’t underestimate your self
Don’t prepare alone otherwise soon you will be bored/tired of preparation

Round: Interview
Experience: My HR interview too was started with a question “Tell me something about yourself” and there were few questions about my family, school life, hobbies, and major portion of interview was focused on TEAM ABUS-DCS  
Here question were based on both types i.e. HR and technical. I answered few of the HR questions in Hindi and this is the point where I become friendly with the interviewer and then a general conversation started about my projects and family. I was lucky to have such a smooth experience , The day was not at all hectic for me.  The only time between my interview and declaration of final results was the most tensed time for me.
Tips: Be honest and cool

Skill Tips: These skills can not be developed in just a day, Be sincere throughout your academic duration and do your assignments regularly to improve technical skills. Try to get involved in some management activities as well.
Follow the books which your professor recommends you while doing a course work, For final revision follow your class notes. Along with my notes I also used wikipedia for the revision.
If any of your topic is too weak, Then follow the corresponding NPTEL lectures on youtube
Skills: Technical skills, Communications skills, Management skills, Frankness
College Name: IIT KANPUR
Motivation: ITC is one of the leading Indian company in FMCG sector which constantly endeavours to benchmark its products, services and processes to global standards and thus best suitable for the job
ITC's Core Values are aimed at developing a customer-focused, high-performance organization, which creates value for all its stakeholders.
Wide business insight. ITC being a conglomerate, gives an exposure of diverse functions like supply chain, marketing etc.

Get interview-ready with Top ITC Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The GD was easy, based on a case study.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The first round of interview started with general HR questions like tell me about yourself, why ITC, why not so good cpi in first year and so on. Somehow the mention of industrial tour came and from there on, all the questions were based on TATA steel and steel-making in general (we went to Jamshedpur for our industrial tour). In case of ITC it is very important to know about the company fully. Hence reading the company’s website before the interview helps. I was asked its motto and when I answered it correctly the entire panel was very impressed.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The 2nd round was a one-on-one interview. What went wrong here was that I knew about my major projects (like btp, summer intern) very well but didn't remember the exact details of the TA project that I had done during my 3rd
semester. The interviewer somehow found that project quite interesting and kept on asking me questions about it and I couldn't answer many. Later, he jumped onto the term paper that I had written for one of the psychology courses and again I stumbled. Hence I feel I didn’t know my resume too well at that time (just focused on the main projects) and perhaps that went against me.

College Name: IIT KANPUR

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: In the first round, the questions asked included 'How to increase profits of pharmacy?', 'How to increase the profits of airline companies?' etc. Some HR questions were asked as well. The second round dealt with  a case study to evaluate the usefulness of strategic alliance and a few general questions.The third round case study was to increase rating of an insurance company in the Sri Lankan market from the 3rd to 1st position

Skill Tips: ""
College Name: IIT Madras

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Tell us about your project
  • Ans. 

    My project was a web application for managing employee schedules and tasks.

    • Developed using React and Node.js

    • Implemented a calendar view for scheduling

    • Included task assignment and progress tracking features

    • Used MongoDB for data storage

    • Received positive feedback from beta testers

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What was the biggest challenge during your intern
  • Ans. 

    The biggest challenge during my intern was adapting to the fast-paced work environment.

    • Adapting to the fast-paced work environment was difficult

    • Learning new skills and software quickly was challenging

    • Working on multiple projects simultaneously was overwhelming

    • Communicating effectively with team members was a struggle

    • Managing time efficiently was a constant challenge

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. What is your fav course (questions relating to that field)

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Selected in Resume Shortlist.
Tips: Make a balanced resume and tweak it a little bit according to what the company is looking for. So incase of ITC have more projects than Postion of Responsibilites.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The GD was a case discussion. A plane had crashed into a jungle and there were 7-8 survivors. we were given brief intro of each person and had to decide certain things
Tips: in a 25 minute GD one should be careful that the time available is neither too less nor too much. You need not jump directly into the discussion and give away all the points that you have thought. that way you wont have anything to speak in the later half. nor should you wait too long. your points should be placed well apart so that you remain in the picture throughout your GD. Also try to frame your points clearly and support them with examples or analogies. That too helps. You may start or conclude the GD if you are really confident about it.
Duration: 25 minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: it was like a pleasant chat. they asked me questions regarding my projects and internships.
Tips: Do not be too conscious. In a technical interview you should be calm and comfortable. Treat it like a chat bcoz major focus is on the answers or your technical knowledge and not your body language or attitude. THINK ALOUD. all the steps involved in the solution should be explained elaborately

Round: Interview
Tips: Prepare your CV well. Be confident about answers to questions like why this company. Research the company once thorougly.

College Name: IIM Bangalore
Motivation: Indian company. Huge diversity. Top package. high opportunities

Interview Questionnaire 

5 Questions

  • Q1. Which other companies have you appeared for ? What happened there ?
  • Q2. Tell us about yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a motivated and dedicated individual with a strong interest in the AUT field.

    • I have recently completed my Bachelor's degree in Engineering.

    • During my studies, I gained practical experience through internships at two different companies.

    • I have a strong understanding of AUT principles and techniques.

    • I am a quick learner and have excellent problem-solving skills.

    • I am highly organized and can effectively manage multipl...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Why not family business ?
  • Q4. You have an intern and your IDD Dissertation on optimization. Did you have choices in these?
  • Q5. Explain any other project
  • Ans. 

    Developed a mobile app for tracking daily water intake

    • Designed and developed a mobile application using React Native

    • Implemented features to track and record daily water intake

    • Integrated with health tracking APIs to provide personalized recommendations

    • Utilized Firebase for user authentication and data storage

    • Conducted user testing and gathered feedback for iterative improvements

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Initial shortlisting was based on resume. Everyone above 8 was shortlisted.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Our GD was about an old man which died on a Christmas eve. Roles of various individuals/groups were given and they had to be arranged from the most responsible to the least responsible.Some of the roles were like:
1) The old man didn't save enough for old age and didn't had insurance. 
2) The doctor didn't attend a house call as he had a 70 h week. 
3) The hospital administration didn't admit the old man in the morning because of lack of facilities. 
4) The taxpayers didn't allow a bill on better health facilities because it would lead to an increase in taxes. Our GD turned out to be a cool one because almost everyone supported the same order. The total time for reading and discussion was 25 mins but we concluded by around 20 mins only. We spent most of the time discussing how the roles could have been to prevent the death.
Tips: Try to develop a good vocab and fluency for GD. 
The key to any GD is to put as many ideas and to discuss with the group. 
Don't try to make it a monologue or just sit there supporting everyone. 
Try to rationally think about the topic. 
Starting the GD is advantageous only when you have really understood the topic. 
Otherwise, try to listen to other speakers and understand the topic. 
Even if you speak 2-3 times for reasonable length of time and put impressive points, you should make it through.
Duration: 25 mins minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: It was a technical plus HR round. 
This was how it went:1) Which other companies have you appeared for ?
Rio Tinto.
2) What happened there ?
I screwed up in HR.
3) Tell us something about yourself.
Did so. Told a little about family and campus life. Try to talk about things which you wish to be interviewed upon.
4) Why not family business ?
Convinced them about my liking of corporate life :)
5) You have an intern and your IDD Dissertation on optimization. Did you have choices in these?
Said Yes and explained why i chose optimization and also explained the projects a little. One of the guys had worked on electrocoagulation and was impressed by my understanding :)
6) Explain any other project.
Told them about shale gas project.
7) What's the distribution of shale gas in the world and what's its composition?
Told them.
8) Why do we have flaring of gas when we take out crude?
It depends on the amount of gas in place. If the gas in place is low, building a pipeline to take gas would be costly, hence it is flared.
9) Why do we flare it in petrochemical complexes?
Greenhouse potential of methane is higher than that of carbon dioxide.
10) How high?
Err....90 times.?!! (actually it is 72 times)
11) How would you calculate the efficiency of a boiler?Told them. Try to use bookish language in your answers.
12) Laws of thermodynamics and their statements.
Simplest Question :)
13) How do you relate the Clausius Statement with the Kelvin Statement.
Explained with a diagram.
14) Tell me about your learnings while working as a team leader and as a team member.
Told them about Cogni. Tried to explain my role but was asked to be specific on learnings.
15) Why ITC ?
ITC being an Indian company has gone upto the standards of global giants like P&G and HUL in terms of quality. You have the best people working for you and its easier to learn from people rather than to learn from books.
16) You want to work for an indian company and just appeared for Rio Tinto ?!!
Umm....Sir, it has just started working in India !!

General Tips: I started preparing for placements by the start of November. For ITC, the first step is writing your
resume correctly. Don't write things just to make your resume attractive. Write about things in which you are really confident. For interns and projects, write in a manner to clearly indicate the aim of work, your personal contribution, your learnings and the final result. Read relevant coursework to your projects as it will help you in interview. Prepare 3-4 subjects really well as you might be asked an area of interest. You need to be good in your core courses as ITC pays attention to how well you can recall them. Try to go through as many subjects atleast once.
Think about 3-4 companies that you have a good chance in. Know their procedures and past year questions and prepare accordingly. It helps.
College Name: IIT-ROORKEE

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Why transmission power is always in multiple of 11 e.g. 11kv?
  • Ans. 

    Transmission power is in multiples of 11kv due to historical reasons and practical considerations.

    • Historically, the standard voltage levels for transmission were established based on the capabilities of early power generation and transmission equipment.

    • Using multiples of 11kv allows for efficient power transmission and reduces losses.

    • It provides a balance between transmission efficiency and equipment cost.

    • Higher voltag...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. How to use capacitor for power factor compensation?
  • Ans. 

    Capacitors can be used to improve power factor by storing and releasing reactive power.

    • Connect capacitors in parallel with inductive loads to offset their reactive power consumption

    • Choose the appropriate capacitance value based on the load's reactive power and voltage

    • Use a power factor correction controller to automatically switch capacitors on and off as needed

    • Capacitors can also be used in series with inductive loads...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Motor safety measures and safety measures of other machines?
  • Ans. 

    Motor safety measures include regular maintenance, proper training, and the use of protective equipment.

    • Regular maintenance and inspection of motors to ensure they are in good working condition

    • Proper training for operators to understand the safe operation of motors

    • Use of protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, and ear protection when working with motors

    • Ensuring proper grounding and electrical safety measures are ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. You are given two work profiles – office work and field work. Which one will you choose?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Form-BASED
Experience: Initially they sent a form which contained 4-6 HR questions like: Short term and long term goals, One instance where you put mind over matter?

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Second topic was: There is a group of ministers which are rating the solutions of power source like wind power etc. You have to give your rating and then discuss it. 8 people were present.
Tips: 1. No shouting.

2. Come up with a proper point.

3. They prefer quality of your solutions.

4. There is no right or wrong answer in GD.

5. Main point is that how you are supporting your points.

6. If you are able to put useful data or statistics to prove your point in GD then it is highly recommended.

7. During GD of ITC, we did not need to match our rating with group rating which was a misunderstanding. We need to defend our points.
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: It was of 30 minute duration and had a panel of 3 persons.
Tips: Some students were asked to design gates? For such gates design questions, books like MANOKIND of digital logic is useful.

Round: Interview
Experience: There were also tricky HR questions were which did not have any right or wrong answer. You just need to remain positive while defending your point . It lasted 45 minutes and had a panel of two people.

General Tips: 1. Write answers in their form very seriously because they grill more on your answers.
2. They remain concern about technical knowledge. So, prepare your core courses very well.
Skill Tips: Questions were generally asked about machines.
Skills: Knowledge of gates., ,
College Name: IIT- Kanpur
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ITC Interview FAQs

What are the top questions asked in ITC AUT - Assistant Under Training interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the ITC AUT - Assistant Under Training interview -

  1. What is a boundary layer flow, how is it different from main stream flow? How d...read more
  2. A whisky manufacturer sees more demand in the market. Has options of renting ex...read more
  3. How did you model the bubble dynamics in this proje...read more

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