Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (NIT), Bhopal

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

What if you can't knock at your Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (NIT), Bhopal seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (NIT), Bhopal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 6 Jan 2025

128 interviews found

user image Anjali Mathe

posted on 16 Apr 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There was no negative marking in test(but our seniors got the paper with negative marking so nothing can be predicted for future) but there was time limit so u have to maintain ur speed,once u move forward for next question u can not go back to previous question so u have to be careful which question u have to skip.questions were not very easy nor they were tough,mathematics questions were from 11 12 class not from the B.Tech course.
Tips: for aptitude questions plz go through all types of patterns(work,wages,profit loss,capital interest,principal interest,average.speed,distance,time ), u can get them in MADE EASY aptitude book,for technical go through all the subjects(machines,power system,analog,digital,instrumentation,networks,control system)because there was atleast one question from each subject although they were easy ,if u r preparing for GATE u just need remember the basic ,the can be solved on finger tips
Duration: 2 HR minutes
Total Questions: 120

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: topic was very easy so everyone was ready with the points,boys were speaking with dominating voice,u have to be very careful to get a chance to speak
Tips: search common GD topics on net and write ur own points for them, go through the GD on net so u can get an idea how to start the topic or else join any of the coaching for GD,dont speak much but when u speak be confident and speak simple language don't use complicated words
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Other Interview
Experience: they asked me to speak about myself for 5 min they were very cool,they were continuously looking in my CV and questioning about what I have written in it(about my sport,schooling,brother,my family,childhood)for technical they asked me about sensors and as an ee student which instrument I will be using for measuring fuel level in the automobiles,they were very much impressed by my written test (as they said to me,so try to do it well)  they were very much cool and smiling all the time,with their body language I was able to make it out that they will select me
Tips: if u r a girl from non mechanical branch then ur chances of getting selected is quite more as compared with the boys of non mechanical branch(provided u also give them answer for their question confidently with good body language   ) , for boys if u want to clear ur interview prepare thoroughly with ur technical subjects

General Tips: give the written test of consultancy companies so u can have an idea of aptitude questions,if u clear the test of those companies and get selected for GD give 100% in the GD,if u get selected for next round interview and u dont want to join the company say no to them in the interview,but plz if u dont want to join a company just dont leave it because u want to wait for ur dream company ,the above trick will help u to get experience and gain confidence but be careful
Skill Tips: go through the campus placement papers on net
Skills: alertness, speed, acuracy
College Name: NIT BHOPAL
Motivation: My brother is a pass from MANIT 2011 mechanical batch,he wanted to join tata motors but as he had a drop after his 12th class he was not allowed to sit for the written,when I said him about tata motors vist to MANIT in 2014 he just said "KUCH BHI KAR PAR TATA MOTOR ME JANA HI HAI TUZE HAAT SE NAHI JANI CHAHIYE YE COMPANY"
Funny Moments: when i got selected for tata motors i called my brother and gave him the news he said CHAL MERA SAPNA TUZME DEKHLIYA MEINEi was in the hostel and i was called to the admin to collect my offer letter and sign a copy of that and them back i was so much excited that i took my offer letter and was busy at talking the HRs were looking at me and laughing then the TPO came and said ANJALI ab de bhi de sign karke unhe
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Interview Questions

user image Bhoomika Varshney

posted on 14 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: My experience with both the interviews, technical and HR were good. I was tested on the basic skills from my discipline. The interviewer made sure that each and every candidate was made comfortable.
Tips: One should know the basics of her/his discipline.
The basic idea of all the trainings.
All the projects done during the college years

General Tips: Stick to your Point
College Name: NIT BHOPAL
Motivation: One of the best telecom companies of India
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Tips: Focus on all the sections.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Tips: Do not hesitate.Try to put up your points Try to give points at different intervals.Give enough content to strengthen your selection.Try either to start or to conclude the discussion so as to bring focus towards yourself.
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked me inter-linked questions from almost all subjects especially Production along with Thermal, Material Science, IC Engines etc.My interview was mainly technical.
Tips: Keep your technical strong mainly Production and Material Science.

General Tips: Learn about company in advance.Brush up your technical subjects.Do not panic and give your best shot.Dress in a healthy manner and keep a smile on your face at the time of interview.
College Name: NIT BHOPAL
Motivation: The work culture of this company is very good.
Funny Moments: At the end of my interview the HR gave me title "Fresh Champ" I had answered all their questions by keeping the same smile and freshness on my face. At that time we all began to laugh.
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user image Pulkit Agarwal

posted on 24 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: It was a Case Study based Group Discussion.
Tips: Speak and try to justify your answer.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked technical questions about my project and there was a little cross-questioning.
Tips: Be specific in your answer and do not speak of those points which you think can drag you in trouble.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: My HR Interview was very friendly. They as well as I were enjoying the time.
Tips: Besides you they want to know about your way of thinking in HR questions.
Do not give superlative answers. Be genuine and be neutral. Learn in advance about the company and its profile.

General Tips: Give time to groom your physical appearance.Just keep a small smile on your face at the time of interview so as to show that you are enjoying and very much interested in getting the job.
College Name: NIT BHOPAL
Motivation: The package and facilities offered by BPCL to its employees.
Funny Moments: There were many funny moments. I enjoyed my interview very much and I think they also did.
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user image Sachindra Sahu

posted on 24 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: I was really frustrated because of the rejection from previous companies and in the same time deeply determined to convert this one as this was the last company offering the profile of Business Analyst. I can say this based on my experience that converting a company is solely a matter of your preparation and self-confidence but a tad bit of luck is also a necessity.
Tips: I have been particularly lucky and so have been all the serious CAT aspirants in the online tests. It is not that you need to enroll in TIME with the word go, but rather analyzing your calculation speed, your communication and interpretation skills can do you wonders.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Obviously the topic was on Indo-Sino relations, which I was quite aware of. As this a topic on foreign policy, very few people were actually aware of this topic, so I had an obvious advantage. This is the most trite advice but still I will say this "Read, Read,Read".
Tips: There are always some people who are well informed of the given topic and some who are not and it is always helpful to be in the first group in GDs. I like to be up to date on current affairs and at the same time reading novels from the likes of Shashi Tharoor and my personal favorite Khaled Hosseini prepared me for group discussions. It is always helpful to proceed by looking @ the problem from different perspectives like legal, social, academic and technical or else if you are particularly unlucky you might face an abstract topic, where you might need to use your imagination, like one my friend faced "Yellow shoes with pink laces". Even now I cannot aptly describe this topic.

Skills: Communication Skills, Calculations, Verbal, Knowledge on current affairs
College Name: NIT BHOPAL
Motivation: My only motivation was the post the company was offering. As it will be helpful for future plans of working in an Investment Bank or pursuing an MBA.
Funny Moments: In the Interview round, they asked me why do you want join this company. In reply I started with the word 'Firstly' and said because of its profile and did not not think of the second reason and they asked this very thing. I took my moment and realized honesty is best possible way now and replied that you are last non-core company visiting this campus and if you guys reject me I might leave this campus unplaced (because of my weak technical background). On hearing this they started laughing and at that very moment I knew I might not after all.
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Pretty straightforward, basic questions from major subjects like fluid, SOM , production and thermo-dynamics. Aptitude was very basic (RS Agarwal level). If your english is weak, you might find the verbal and comprehension section a bit tough.
Tips: No sectional cutoff, so if your technical subjects are weak, you can make it up in the aptitude section and vice-versa.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Don't expect the campus GD to be a civilized one. The key is to keep your cool. Strong points and confidence in your communication will sail you through.
Tips: Try to avoid repititive and digressive point.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There were two interviewers in the panel that I faced, both engineers. Most of the questions were based on my training and projects. Honestly, I couldn't answer 40% of them.
Tips: Nobody is expecting you to answer every question that is being asked, so don't panic. If you don't know something or cannot recall it, convey the same to the interviewer. Be confident and keep a smiling face.
Best of luck for the placement season :)

General Tips: Be prepared before you sit for any company's recruitment process. A study of company's history and background would gain you some extra points.
Skills: technical knowledge, personality
College Name: NIT BHOPAL
Funny Moments: After placement GPL :p
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posted on 22 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: That was an online writtern test having two section (technical & aptitude).Paper was not that easy and not too tough.
Tips: For all the mechanical students study manufacturing proccess,som,thermodynamics,aptitude,ic engine,hmt,fluid dynamics.80% of the writtern paper comes from these subjects only.plz visit and perpare the question from site,good technical and aptitude question are there.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: In our college group discussion is the just like debate.No one will give you the chance to speak.You will have to find your place in the discussion.
Tips: Prefer to start the GD and if not so then try to put your point within 3-5 min of start of your GD.only say 2-3 distinct point after that allow other to put their views.if you see a person not utter a single word in gd give him chance.Also try to conclude the GD.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: it was not purely technical.My interview is both tech and HR in same interview
Tips: be calm and be yourself.dont try to fool the interviewer.they know more then us unlike our college viva.always perpare 2-3 subject,training,project for interview....BEST OF LUCK.......

Skill Tips: be yourself dont pretend
Skills: technical knowledge, speech, personality
College Name: MANIT
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: aptitude consisted of three parts.... 1. verbal ability 2. logical reasoning 3. quantitative aptitude  

technical was from every aspect of mechanical engineering.. and paper was really very good means questions were very conceptual... so prepare well !!
Tips: Focus much on technical aspect... Technical paper of tata motors was the best paper i have faced during campus tests.
Duration: 120 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Nothing special.... Environment was as usual like other GDs.... means some people were trying to be dominant and create chaos....  but being polite and putting my logical views made me clear the GD round...
Tips: Dont wait for ur chance to speak.... try to participate in between the discussion because some people always try to be dominant and ruin the GD.... so put ur logical points and dunt speak unnecessarily  and participate in the discussion...
If possible try some mock GDs at ur hostel with ur mates... this will definitely boost ur confidence..
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interview started with technical round... Every question was from production technology only... Rapid fire question round !!..

After that was HR round... basic HR questions were asked... but focus was mainly on technical aspect..
Tips: Prepare ur technical subjects(Production, I.C Engines, Design)  very well especially ur "Area of interest" .... also prepare ur minor project and training/internship part.....

General Tips: if u have prepared ur core subjects then no need to worry just "be calm"  and give ur best...
Skill Tips: Try mock GD at hostel with ur mates... this is the best way to prepare for GD... PI will test ur technical skill set only. During HR interview they will look for Leadership qualities within u.
Skills: Communication skills for GD, Leadership skills
College Name: NIT BHOPAL
Motivation: its an automobile sector anf largest producer of commercial heavy vechile of the nation and being  a mechanical engineer that was the  motivation for appearing for TATA MOTORS.
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user image Apurva Khaparde

posted on 21 Mar 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: bls hfkshfiji
Tips: jgjrighigidfjgildf

Round: Test
Experience: jgijdfibjdfgjod
Tips: nbdfnkhedigjid
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 10

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: bla bla bla
Tips: bal bla bla
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: fisighrighrsioguoreigu
Tips: jfdgjfdighidhoid

Round: HR Interview
Experience: fjibjfibhodfhdgihetiogoe
Tips: jvidjgibjdigbjiodgoid

College Name: nit- bhopal
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user image akash sahu

posted on 21 Mar 2015

9 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: First round of written test is of aptitute and data analysis  . questions are easy 30 questions in 40 . Be fast as time is less.
second round of written test consists of all other section each section involves 15 questions . 
Questions are easy  just go through your syllabus , course books  nothing special . 
If you are preparing for GATE will be really beneficial  .  
for C go trough Depth in C  . very basic questions asked for it.
for MATLAB learn the basic determinant rules questions involved that  .  Only basic of MATLAB  no image processing or higher level programming ..
Tips: attempt ass many as questions .. Try to attempt  all sections  . If you are strong in programming make do attempt C and MATLAB portion  . as there is post for software department also  in organisation .   Main department is the core department  for that do attempt other portions  .
Duration: 120 minutes

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: They are not gonna to see your certificates  , They are even not much interested in your CGPA . 
If your CGPA is low you should have an accurate reason for that if they ask .
Tips: Your Resume should be Short and Compact  . Don't make it too large . 1 , 1.5 pages  will be enough  .
the thing which you want to show to HR majorly in your RESUME should be keep at  upper portion , it can be your qualification   , your achievements(IIT rank , KVPY etc.)  or whatever you feels sholud be on top.  you should have deep knowledge about your projects and internship . Each and every thing thing written in your RESUME should be clear to you  and able to explain to them .

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Easy not much stress .
Tips: Be confident  . try to give your different point of view of a particiular thing  .  don't stop suddenly while saying anything .
Duration: 120 minutes

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: not a easy question as i am not able to give accurate answer. 
HR will give some time to solve the problem .
Tips: Try to give answer.  even if you don't know try to give different explanation for it  . give 3-4 different explanations.  always trying to solve the question .

Round: HR Interview
Experience: little bit tough . Your anwer should be different . it should not be copied from somewhere .
depends on how you know yourself.
Tips: Have smile on your face . Give all answer with smile . don't hesitate . Give each and  every answer . 
be fluent . let the HR complete the question and then answer.

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: go through depth  in C .  knows the basic concept of each chapter .  give complete explanation .  be accurate .

General Tips: Be confident and smile on your face .
Skills: C , EDC, MATLAB, Control system
College Name: NIT BHOPAL
Motivation: good work culture . easy job . not much work stress      .  nice wore location .
good seniors review . Also have chance to go abroad  in early days .
Funny Moments: HR had taken about  90% interview while thing me as other student , as he didn't took my RESUME .  by in the last he told the wrong name . I made correction to him by saying that sorry sir it's my mistake that i haven't give you my RESUME  . but actually he hasn't took my RESUME  . means i admire my mistake infact its his mistake  .
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