Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (NIT), Bhopal

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

What if you can't knock at your Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (NIT), Bhopal seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (NIT), Bhopal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 6 Jan 2025

128 interviews found

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Find and element in a rotated array
  • Q2. Given two linked lists both represent a number . Create a linked list that contains its sum
  • Q3. You have to design a Text Editor like notepad . You are concerned about the following functionalities - insert, delete, and search.You can assume the other more
  • Q4. He asked me about the question given to me in the previous round i.e Text Editor . I gave him a brief explanation on my approach . He then gave me another more
  • Q5. Given a binary search tree , print the path which has the sum equal to k and has minimum hops. i.e if there are multiple paths with the sum equal to k then more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The MCQs were based on C.C++,Java and some Operating System questions. Around 200+ from our college sat for this round.

Tips: Solve C C++ output related questions.
Difficulty level : Medium
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 15

Round: Test
Experience: After the first round around 100 (consisting of the internship students as well) students were shortlisted for the second round
Everyone got different sets of questions. The questions I got were :
Given two arrays were digits of one array represent a number,maximize the number by replacing it with elements of second array.

after replacement
one digit of rep can be used to replace only once.
For this almost everyone who got this question used a brute force method.But I had used a different approach .I constructed a max heap of rep array.And ran a loop checking if the max element of rep was greater than the element in arr and then replaced it in arr and deleted the same from the maxheap.

Given a matrix ,where each cell represents a value of strength.The value could be positive negative or zero. At each cell the strength value is added.You have to reach from point (0,0) to point (m-1,n-1) if at any point the strength becomes zero or negative then you cant proceed further.Find the minimum strength required before starting to reach the end of the matrix.
eg . {{ 1,-3,0},
{-2,1,-1}} Ans: 2 ( (2+1+(-2)+1+(-1)=1 path taken )
I gave a DP solution but was unable to pass a few test cases in this question.
Tips: Practice problems on Data Structures like Trees, Arrays , Heaps , Linked Lists ,etc
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: Test
Experience: Around 30 students consisting of students from other colleges as well were called On-site. This was a written round.Everyone was given around 45 mins and 1 question.
Given the root to a binary tree, a value n and k.Find the sum of nodes at distance k from node with value n.
This is similar to this question on geeks ->-----/
I was able to do this quite quickly :D I even explained my answer to the HR and he asked me to write different types of test cases to exhaustively check if my code works on all of them.
After this round around 14 people were shortlisted.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: These were fairly easy questions . I knew the solutions and explained it to the interviewer.He asked a few questions on them , seemed satisfied.Asked me if I had any questions for him . So I asked him about the different technologies that a new SDE would work on and things like that. I had a pretty good discussion with him he told me many things from his end too.
I made it to the next round then :D
Tips: Well one thing I realized after giving interviews was when they ask the candidate for any questions then you should always ask something , shows that you are interested.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: He told me to take my time and give the solution. I gave him a solution of considering the text as a linked list of words . Where each node in the linked list contained the word string and an index .And for every node in the linked list I will have Trie structure. I used trie for efficient search.What I suggested was that I use the trie whenever the user enters a word and insert it into the trie and the leaf of that word will contain the index of that word plus the pointer to that node in the linked list . If suppose the trie already has the word then i increase the word count in the leaf and the leaf will contain a vector that has the list of indexes where the word has occurred and the list of pointers where the word is present in the list.I wrote the code and explained how it can handle all corner cases . We discussed the the solution and he asked me certain questions on different test cases . My approach handled them well. He seemed satisfied . He added to the question that the search query could contain words or phrases . So my use of indexes could handle the phrase search :) . I also suggested that instead of Trie data structure we could use a Ternary Search Tree as that would be more space efficient.
Tips: Practice Design questions too besides Data Structure problems

Round: Other Interview
Experience: This was a HR+Technical Interview

The interviewer was quite experienced and very pleasant. He asked me how my previous rounds went.He was going through my performance review from the previous rounds. He took a glance though my CV and asked me about the projects I did. He saw that I had interned at IITB so he asked me a lot on that project. He also asked me some basic HR questions like Why should Microsoft hire you ? Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years ?.He was very impressed with my academic record and my AIEEE rank. Asked me how I handled my 12th board exams and entrances.He made it very comfortable and was almost chatting and getting to know about me.
Question 1:
Thankfully I was just going through this question just before this round :D . I suggested the solution using Trie and Min Heap.
Similar to -> -----/
Question 2 :
First I gave him the brute force approach . Similar to ->-----/
But I knew it wasnt using the fact that we have a Binary Search tree . So the interviewer gave me some hints - like what is main criteria of a BST . I immediately figured out that the minimum path will always be on the right side of the node because it has the larger value. I told him the solution he seemed satisfied.
He then asked if I has any questions for him . So I asked him about where I can improve myself , he said I didnt need any improvement I am doing very well and that I should jus keep doing what I am doing :D That certainly made my day :) I asked a couple more questions about Microsoft and then left.

Finally after a week the results came I received the mail that I had been shortlisted for a Full Time Position :D
Tips: Have a good grasp on Data Structures. Solve as many problems possible from Geeks4Geeks
Be confident in the interview . Have a smiling face and be adaptable to the question . The interviewer can anytime change or twist the question just to confuse you.
The interviewers are very helpful , if you feel stuck communicate with them ..explain your approach they will give you hints.
When the interviewer gives the question listen to it carefully do not immediately rush to writing the code .. ask him about the different criteria and restrictions pertaining to the question.
Check your code with all possible test cases and list them.
Lastly , even if you arent able to get the right solution then just explain your approach . Recruiters analyse how you tackle the problem not necessary that you have to have the accurate solution.

General Tips: Be confident in the interview . Have a smiling face and be adaptable to the question . The interviewer can anytime change or twist the question just to confuse you.
The interviewers are very helpful , if you feel stuck communicate with them ..explain your approach they will give you hints.
When the interviewer gives the question listen to it carefully do not immediately rush to writing the code .. ask him about the different criteria and restrictions pertaining to the question.
Lastly , hard work goes a long way ! Never loose hope. I got placed in Oracle Applications and Microsoft after being rejected by almost 6 companies :) And believe me those interviews also taught me a lot .
Learn from your failures and don't lose hope :)
Skills: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics, Basic C/C++, C Programming, Algorithms And Data Structures
College Name: NIT Bhopal
Motivation: Microsoft is dream company for any Computer Science Engineer. And I am glad I got this opportunity.
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Verbal Ability and Aptitude Part were easy. Technical Aptitude ->questions from C,C++-programming , Operating system, and DBMS questions. From Operating system questions on dead lock and from DBMS questions on Transactions were asked.
Duration: 60 min. minutes
Total Questions: 60

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Firstly they asked me about my favorite subjects. I told my favorite subjects as DBMS,Operating System and Data Structure. Then they started asking questions on Android and its Applications. Why do we use android in mobile and how it is different from android in tablet or laptop. Which thing makes Android different from other operating systems. After long discussion on android and its applications they switched on DBMS part. They asked many questions like what is server,what is server integration,how will you connect data from different database servers, what is DBMS, How will you store different types of data like logical, programming and other types of data, How are the networks/servers connected, what are the different types of topology, Which topology is best, Cross Questions on Topology like- If i disconnect this connection what will happen(pointing on a connection between routers), how will i get the data from server if i disconnect it , If these are best topologies then why do we use other topologies...and many more cross questions. As I designed the front end of website they asked me difference between front end and back end design, and other related questions about my website.
Tips: Prepare well the core subjects, and give some approach to each question. They are there only to check your thinking ability that how do you approach to each question and what are your ideas to find the solution of the problem. Do not sit silently.. if you don't know the answer at least give them some approach ,they will definitely provide you the clue....and will help you to find the solution....:)

College Name: NIT Bhopal
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test started with the verbal ability reading and comprehension. Especially for Technical students you will have to improve your verbal skills as they strongly emphasize on them.
Logical reasoning section is a little bit easy as for me I found it rather easy to handle. Mainly questions were on data interpretation and cubes and relations and ages, time and work.
Moving on to the third and last section that comprises of quant is simple. It only checks your accuracy and speed. Just improve your basic fundamentals.
In technical section , question from all mechanical subjects in sub-sections. It all checks your deep knowledge
It also includes numerical type objective
Tips: Refer India bix and at least start reading something to improve your vocabulary. Even by practicing at least each section from this site is quite enough. Do practice on youth4work also.
For technical section improve your basics. Prefer Made easy handbook
Duration: 60+60 min minutes
Total Questions: 75+60

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It was a long discussion case study where a common solution among group has to be presented for some issues regarding Inventory control and management facing by Mr. XYZ.
Tips: Especially In Mahindra, Case study acts as decisive round where hr checks your ideas instead of your continuity. Be precise and strong towards your points and show your positive attitude with your group member
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical interview was a little bit tough as the hr asked me to explain my project and questions on my field of interest. They asked me especially from production fields and automotive technologies.
Tips: Whatever language you know be ready to at least explain the logic asked about that language and don't try to go round and round over the topic just be clear and to the point. Be confident for your answers as fooling them will only lead to your rejection

Round: HR Interview
Experience: My hr round lasted a mere 8 minutes. It includes all questions about myself, family, achievements, and interests.
Tips: Just don't tremble in front of him and try to answer in a positive way.

General Tips: 1. Be confident
2. Prepare well in advance. Do not leave it to luck or last moment preparation.
3. Keep the interviewer concentrated in the direction where you are strong. Do not sway to topics that you don't know much about.
Skills: Your depth in automobile sector., Project Management, Your Depth In Subject
College Name: NIT Bhopal
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I applied via Campus Placement

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The written test consisted of Aptitude,English,Quant Sections in the First paper. 30 questions were there.
Technical paper consisted of 30 more questions.
Psychometry test followed after that.
Tips: Psychometry test was very important as it was also a part of selection criteria. DON'T take it lightly.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interview was very cordial. I gave the answers of 80% of the questions correctly.
Tips: DONOT Panic. Keep Calm and be confident in your body language.

Skill Tips: Assure them in your interview that you are compatible with their company and you will give your 100% for them.
Skills: Compatibility with company, Adaptability, Confidence, Automobile Engineering, Knowledge In Ic Engines, 1)communication
College Name: NIT Bhopal
Funny Moments: He asked me about the new Braking Technology in automobiles and later termed it as ''BRAKING NEWS'' :P
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I applied via Campus Placement

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: general aptitude level was moderate
technical paper consist of both numerical and theoretical portion mainly cover thermodynamics , fluid mechanics, turbo- machinery(pump selection and their performance), theory of machine (balancing & vibration) .Strength of material
my technical test paper consist of 26 numerical out of 40 . this distribution may be vary . test conducted by co-cubes
Tips: for general aptitude continuous in practice and gives test of indiawix ( regularly untill time & accuracy is maintain(out of 20, 18-19 is correct in 15-20 minute)
for technical test focus on GATE syllabus and study gate material of any institution (like made-easy booklet or any other)
Duration: 2 hrs minutes
Total Questions: 100(60+40)

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: interview is fully technical based, try to cover almost each subject , project& training
My interview duration is only 20 minutes . I gives the answer of almost all question . technical HR was very much impressed .
Tips: study each general topic of field of interest, prepare your project and training in better manner and try to understand in own language and speak confidently during the interview .Before interview you may write down the answer on paper it reduce the grammatical mistake during speaking. Be calm, be positive, be confident with your own knowledge this is the key of success.

General Tips: be positive and confident with your knowledge
Skills: , Body Language In Interview
College Name: NIT Bhopal
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user image Apurva Khaparde

posted on 17 Nov 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test had 3 sections, 15 questions each. We could switch between the sections anytime during the test. each correct answer fetched +1 mark and wrong deducted 0.25 mark.
The level of difficulty was medium.
Tips: Practice aptitude questions and verbal ability.
Accuracy in less time is the key!
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 45

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interview was very much based on the projects and points that I mentioned in my CV.
Tips: Prepare a proper answer for the first question beforehand, try to highlight your skills, posts that you handled and work that you have done.
Have a thorough knowledge of whatever you mention on your CV.
Be confident.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Much anticipated questions were asked, it was a 'feel good' interview!
Tips: Prepare for typical HR questions beforehand.
Be clear in your answers.
Be confident and smile often!

General Tips: Research the company well before the interview.
Try to highlight your skills on CV as well as in answers.
If mentioning hobbies, keep it genuine.

Skills: Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, Ability To Express Your Ideas, Confidence, Electrical Engineering Basics, Verbal Communication Skills
College Name: NIT BHOPAL
Motivation: Good company with great reviews.
Also, this company came in our campus for the post of Trainee Software Engineer but in the presentation, they revealed that hiring is also for the post of Consultants. Since, I am interested in this field, I applied for it.
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user image Mohd Azharuddin

posted on 15 Nov 2015

I applied via Campus Placement

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. You have a Binary tree having numbers>=0 and a numeber N. Print all downwards paths from any node having the sum of elements equal to N
  • Q2. You have a cuboid (m*n*p) each block of the cuboid is having a metallic ball. Now we are passing X-ray from front face and getting a bool matrix1 of m*p the more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Output questions
Tips: focus on basics
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 15

Round: Test
Experience: Two coding problems in one hour,on

1. Given two arrays of numbers. The numbers are from 0-9 you have two maximize the first array by using the elements from the second array.
the elements can be used only once.
e.g. arr1[]={5,2,3,6,7};
You should output the modified arr1 as {9,8,5,6,7}

2.Given a matrix of characters and a word.
you have to count the number of occurences of that word in that matrix. you can move to any of the eight valid directions from current position.
e.g. word="HELLO";
matrix[][5]={ {'H','E','L','L','O'},
output should be : 5

Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: Test
Experience: One Coding question was given to all the students ,You have to code and explain it.
You are given an string as input which represents a path. You have to normalize that path inplace(NO EXTRA SPACE).
input : "\a\b\c\..\..\file.txt"
output: "\a\file.txt"
Hint: Double dot(..) means you have to skip the previous parent.
It was on paper.
Duration: 40 minutes
Total Questions: 1

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interviewer was very nice that was an amazing experience.
Tips: Be confident and relaxed.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Again the interviewer was very nice. Firstly he asked me what i have done in technical till that time.
After the interview was over he looks impressed.
Tips: Don't see what others are doing . Take your time and try to short out the correct solution.

General Tips: Do coding as much as you can
Skills: Algorithm, Coding Skills And Knowledge On Data Structures
Duration: 2
College Name: NIT Bhopal
Motivation: It comes to our institute, and the name Microsoft is sufficient for motivation.
Funny Moments: The journey to Microsoft IDC Hydrabad was very beautiful.
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Given a balance and 100 coins;out of which,one is heavier. Find minimum number of weighing required to find out heavier coin?
  • Q2. Questions on Graph like DFS and BFS traversal
  • Q3. Explain Prims and Kruskal’s algorithms
  • Q4. A graph was shown and asked to form Minimum Spanning Tree using above two algorithms. (Also asked if I can code it)
  • Q5. Delete nodes in a linked list which have greater value on right side
  • Q6. Write code for reversing the linked list
  • Q7. Difference between Methods and Constructors.(At least five)
  • Q8. Long discussion on Deadlock(necessary conditions), its prevention and avoidance etc, Bankers Algorithm

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Coding Platform : Hackerrank(C/C++/Java)
1) Check for balanced parenthesis in an expression.
2) Count all possible paths from top left to bottom right of a MxN matrix. (from each cell you can move only to right or down)
3) Given an array of size n and its elements, you have to include k elements such that the difference between the highest and lowest number in these k elements is minimum.
4) Find number of pair in a given array which is equal to given sum.
Duration: 120 minutes
Total Questions: 4

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: At the start of interview I was asked to Rate myself(out of 10) in Aptitude, Puzzle and then for C++.
For both I rated myself closer to 8.

Experience: Icebreaker question- Tell me about yourself.
1. A question on tree Data structure.
2. I was asked about my Project work in college which was on Operating System. Detailed explanation why and how I picked this project. Who were the group members, how was the group formed, how much was the involvement of college faculty? What is its use in future? What was my role in the project?
The interviewer pointed out some flaw in algorithms used in project. Basically he asked me to think of Data Structures through which insertion can be done in O(1) as well as deletion and retrieval in O(1)…like the implementation of LRU cache algorithm.
The process took 40 minutes.
3. Discussion on second project which was on knn algorithm.
4. Asked me about tiny Url or Url shortener. Implement it.
Tips: The interviews were really thought provoking and the interviewers were helpful and friendly. It felt like solving problems as a team and not at all like a test. The interviewers were quite receptive to our questions and patient.

Skills: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics, Puzzle Solving Capability, Operating System Basics, Algorithm, Data Structures
College Name: NIT Bhopal
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Online coding session :
Q1). Check for balanced parenthesis in an expression.
Q2). Count all possible paths from top left to bottom right of a M x N matrix.
(From each cell you can move only to right or down).
Q3) Count number of pairs with given sum in an array.
Q4). Print (N-K) values corresponding to min of each K-sized chunk in a given array of size N.

Tips: Lead in this round can benefit you in next rounds, so give your best shot.
Duration: 120 minutes minutes
Total Questions: 4

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This was about a 30 min session.
He asked me very easy concept based questions.

Q1). Explain your project briefly.
Q2). Explain multiple inheritance
Q3). Why JAVA doesn’t support multiple inheritance.
Q4). Convert a hexadecimal to binary number and vice versa.
Q5). What are balanced BSTs?
Q6). Explain all possible rotations possible in a balanced BST.
Q7). Write INSERT function for a balanced BST.

Tips: Correct explaination matters,time doesn't.Take your time.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This was Technical + HR round :

Q1). Detailed discussion on my intern project.
Asked the shortcomings of the project and approaches to resolve them.
Q2). Discussion on minor project (Threaded download accelerator)
Asked about what all different approaches I could have followed in the project and why didn’t I chose them.
Q3). Favorite subject – I replied OS.
Asked few basic questions-
What are threads? How are they different from process? Explain with example.
I don’t remember the other os questions he asked about.
Q4). Implement Twitter.
It wasn’t easy to make him understand the approach. He was kind of satisfied with my approach at the end.
Q5). Discussion on other projects.
HR questions followed.

Tips: Be yourself.Don't pretend.
All the best :)

Skill Tips: Have conceptual knowledge of subjects, don't just mug up things.
Interviewers are smart enough to make it out anyway.
Skills: Logical Thinking, Operating System Basics, Algorithm, Database Management, Data Structures, C++, C
College Name: NIT Bhopal
Motivation: Flat hierarchy.
No cabin culture.
Working at startup is always better because you get to learn a lot of things.
Decent salary.
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Make 24 using 8, 8, 3, 3 using + = / * ( ) .
  • Q2. Find all permutations of a given string. (Not in lexicographic order)
  • Q3. Given an array of size 98 and it has natural numbers from 1-100 but 2 numbers are missing. find them
  • Q4. Fnd if a binary tree is bst or not
  • Q5. Detect and remove cycle in a linked list
  • Q6. A string is given consisting of lowercase alphabets. Write a function which returns yes if the string has all the lowercase letters appearing in it at least more
  • Q7. Convert a given number to its hexadecimal form
  • Q8. Asked me how I rate myself in various subjects (CN , DBMS , OOPS ,OS). I told him that I am comfortable with OS and OOPS. Then he asked : Why multiple more
  • Q9. Explain priority scheduling (preemptive , non-preemptive). Explain a case when a low priority process will preempt a high priority process
  • Q10. Brief discussion over one of my project
  • Q11. Explain singleton class and write code for it.
  • Q12. Develop tic-tac-toe game and write code using concepts of OOPS in CPP. (Initially told me to include artificial intelligence also but was later satisfied more
  • Q13. Normal HR questions
  • Q14. Long discussion over my projects

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Attempt at least 2 questions
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 4

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interviewer asked to write the full code for a couple of questions only.
Tips: Prepare puzzles.
Think loudly.
Ask for a hint if stuck.

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: Be honest with your interviewer. ;)

Skill Tips: Must be capable to solve puzzles as well as coding questions with good speed and accuracy.
Skills: Puzzle Solving Capability, Implementation of code using OOPS., Algorithm, Data Structures, Operating System Basics, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics
College Name: NIT Bhopal
Motivation: Carwale currently has around 100-125 employees. So it's a good platform to learn new technology. The salary is also good.
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