Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 22 Dec 2024

3 interviews found

user image Raaz Dwivedi

posted on 9 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Tips: A Good Resume is the one with a clear message in one glance. One usually doesn'thave much time go through the specifics. Also, most of the resumes look more orless the same if you start reading thoroughly. So what distinguishes you is howmuch you can convey to a third person in one glance. However a crucial pointthat one needs to keep in mind is - The third person may be an IITian or may benot. So your resume needs to be optimally elaborate and detailed. Good atglance and not boring with details.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I sat for only one GD that was for ITC. I did not prepare at all for it andrelied mostly on my speaking cum shouting skills that I developed over theyears, thanks to my fundae sessions and most importantly TAship sessions. Ienjoyed the GD which was a problem statement on a guy's death with a briefdescription of the circumstances, and was asked to discuss who was guilty forthe guy's death. I enjoyed the discussion, and found the problem pretty exciting, but only to find out later that it was a routine problem for GDs.
Tips: My agenda was simple for the GD - I took it as yet another discussion session.Hearing others opinions and pointing out mine. Occasionally I also asked thequite ones to share their views. There are often several tricks that seniorstell the juniors - start early, take the lead, try to summarize, take everyonealong etc etc. I like to put it this way - Don't speak non-sense, do speak somesense, let others speak, try to distinguish the sense and the non-sense fromothers views, and encourage the quite ones to speak a bit in order to have asensible and wholesome group discussion. If you think you can lead, then lead.If you think you might want others opinions to kick start your thought process,then wait for some points from others. So basically do what seems sensible to you, but do something!

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Before I forget, usually at the end of interviews, the interviewers ask you if you have some questions about them, be prepared with some questions which can be like - what do you usually look for in a good candidate, what is the work culture at the company, the career path of the individual in the company or otherwise etc etc. You can google things, or you can be innovative. Innovationmight pay off very well or it may just kill your chances. But that's life -more risk, more reward.Andanother point, some of your interviews might be telephonic - in such cases,many more factors come into picture which might spoil the mood of theinterview ( I would let you to think about the possible glitches that you mighthave because of this technological advancement). But as usual, I would advice you to keep calm and just give your best.

General Tips: There are many things that I would like to convey to the students regarding the placement process.On the preparation side, one must give his best - visitwebsites, read blogs, attend presentations and various related sessions, ask seniorswho have been placed, talk to anyone who you think can provide some help. Thesepractices will give you enormous data - and your job is to filter and use it wisely,at your own discretion. Read relevant material from books and internet,practice problems and tests, do mock interviews and GDs with your friends,prepare your resume well - in short – do what is to be done. Depending on jobprofiles that you target, the preparation keeps varying, askaround and workhard.With that beingsaid, I would like to say that placement is not simply about merit -independent ofwhether you appreciate this fact or not. Various companies valuecompatibility over the merit of thestudent (which is quite logical thingto do!) and sometimes you may under-qualify and sometimesover-qualify on thosestandards - and rarely will you be just at an optimal level. Consequently,manyresults(in fact most, to be even more precise all except one) will not goin your favour - either accept them or challenge them (if you think you havebeendenied of something that you truly deserve) but never lose your heart- this is simply a welcomesong to the real world. In the long run, thisshort and (most likely a difficult and) tough experiencewill prove to beone of the most memorable and a great learning experience.In a nut shell"Keep Calm and Give your Best! - Karm karte raho, fal ki chinta mat karo."
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Activity
Experience: I had a superb GD.

Round: Interview
Experience: 1.I am carrying my passions. Stories that I have written about India.
2.I told him about my writings and shown him one. He was impressed with that.
3.In ITC we believe in doing things our way.
4.We can very easily go to the MNC but we have taken the hard path. Walking the hard path is something that comes naturally to me and it's a philosophy I naturally identify with.
Tips: 1.They were impressed with me but called me again to discuss that ITC's job was very routine and if I would be able to do that. To which I replied thai I will find ways to make it intersting.

2.Then finally they asked about my views on smoking. I told them that tobacco is indeed injurious to health which none of us can deny but I am comfortable working as long your cigarette factory has particulate matter levels under control.

General Tips: 1.Attend PPT's and listen very carefully.
2.Don't squeeze too much in your resume.
3.Prepare for case studies from interner and it's better to do these in groups.
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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user image Vincy Gupta

posted on 28 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Since I got a Pre placement offer through Internship so my experiences will be in accordance to Internship
procedure. Placement procedure is almost the same. They look for decent
pointers. In addition to this they would consider if you have some good
technical background. They look for committed people who have an experience of
working in teams.For this they float a from of their own which has some questions answers of which more of less lies in the resume. There are some HR questions too like Long term goal , Short term goal, SOP, mind over matter (the most catchy one). If you get selected for interview round your interview will be around this form .

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It was my first GD. There were around 120 people selected for the GD. We were
divided in the groups of 10. As expected my group was very tough as there were
better speakers. We were given a paper containing the situation and options. We
were given a total of 20 minutes which included the time for reading and
understanding the situation. Someone started speaking after around 5-6 minutes
followed by an another guy. Next , I had to dive in as if I would have delayed
I would have ran out of ideas which would have been taken by the others. I
started confidently and as time passed by I was successfully able to convince
the people towards my option or I must say there were no arguments towards my
option. Out of expectation, I cleared this round. Next round was the interview round.
Tips: - GD is all about convincing the junta towards your option.- Never speak when some one else is speaking.- Don't be negative , always give positive statements- Never take name of any person sitting in the room in the GD even if you know him/her- Never point fingers- Sometime GD can become a fish market. Stay out of it and wait
for the right time to speak.

- Don't shout

- Don't be an orator if you are not a good speaker

- Read the paper carefully and jot down the pros and cons of
every option so that you have many points to speak to

- It does not really matter how much did you speak but what you
speak matters, don't panic if you have spoken less during GD. Sometimes giving
1-2 logical statements gets you through.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Around 35 people were selected for this round. We were told there will be 2 rounds of interviews. I got a call for my Technical interview soon. It was a large room with only 3 of us - myself and the 2 interviewers. They started by greeting themselves and asked me to tell something about me. I started confidently and told them about myself, my birth place, interests, college life, IIT B Racing etc. Then the interview shifted to specific questions. I covered every important point in the resume and explained it in a line or two as the questions went. They seemed impressed as I had Cummins on my resume as I was the only one in my batch who did intern over there. Also, having IIT B Racing played a major role in getting me through. They asked some questions around that and I was able to answer them successfully. I could not answer initial questions completely but was confident in whatever I said. This confidence helped me to answer later questions in a better way and they were quite impressed. Frankly , I did not have any hopes till now that I will get into ITC, so I felt stress free during the interview though it was my first interview. After answering every answer confidently they asked me some questions regarding my hobbies - Cricket mostly. Since I have been a die hard fan of cricket and love to play it, my energy level went to a higher level during this discussion. Finally , they asked do you have any questions for us ? I asked what will be my work profile if I get in. They explained me the profile and I liked it. I requested them to work on some project which will create impact on the company rather than doing some research or paper reading work. They smiled and assured me of that. So, finally this interview ended after around 25 -30 minutes. I was expecting the call for second interview. (People who cleared 1st round only got a chance for second HR interview) but not that soon. It was hardly a minute after my interview got over , a person from behind calls out my name and says "You have a second interview in a minute. Are you Ready for it ?" . I was happy but exhausted. I had no other option and said politely "Yes"
Tips: - Be confident
- Don't give arbit answers if you don't know. They are very knowledgeable people and will easily catch you if you are giving vague answers.
- Don't panic if you are unable to answer some questions. Its perfectly fine . Just say politely you don't know/remember.
- Maintain a positive body language
- Show them that you are willing to work for them for a long period of time. Don't give the slightest intention of leaving the company for any reason.
- You should be able to justify every point in your resume or whatever you write.
- Revise the form before interview , the one ITC asked you to fill in the initial process of selection
- Wear good formals. During my time some people gave interview in Jeans. This does not give a professional look. Also carry a pen.

College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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