10+ Acevin Solutions Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. What are the key features of Java 8 that facilitate coding with streams?
Java 8 features like lambda expressions and functional interfaces make coding with streams easier and more efficient.
Lambda expressions allow for concise and readable code when working with streams.
Functional interfaces like Predicate, Function, and Consumer can be used with streams to perform operations on elements.
Stream API provides methods like map, filter, and reduce for processing collections of data in a declarative way.
Parallel streams enable concurrent processing of ...read more
Q2. What is the purpose of Optional in Java 8, and which methods are commonly used with it?
Optional in Java 8 is used to represent a value that may or may not be present, reducing the chances of NullPointerException.
Optional is used to avoid NullPointerException by explicitly stating whether a value is present or not.
Commonly used methods with Optional include isPresent(), get(), orElse(), orElseGet(), and map().
Example: Optional<String> optionalString = Optional.ofNullable("Hello");
Q3. What are the different isolation levels in transactions and how do propagation types work?
Isolation levels in transactions determine the degree to which transactions are isolated from each other. Propagation types define how transactions are propagated between different components.
Isolation levels control the visibility of changes made by other transactions before the current transaction is co...read more
Q4. What is multiple inheritance, and how is it achieved?
Multiple inheritance is a feature in object-oriented programming where a class can inherit attributes and methods from more than one parent class.
Allows a class to inherit from multiple parent classes, combining their attributes and methods
Can lead to the diamond problem where ambiguity arises if two parent classes have a method with the same name
Achieved in languages like C++ using virtual inheritance or interfaces in languages like Java
Q5. What are the different types of dependency injection?
Types of dependency injection include constructor injection, setter injection, and interface injection.
Constructor injection: Dependencies are provided through a class's constructor.
Setter injection: Dependencies are provided through setter methods.
Interface injection: Dependencies are provided through an interface method.
Q6. What is transaction management in Spring Boot applications?
Transaction management in Spring Boot ensures data integrity by managing database transactions.
Spring Boot uses @Transactional annotation to manage transactions
It ensures that all operations within a transaction are completed successfully or rolled back if an error occurs
Transactions can be managed programmatically using TransactionTemplate
Supports different transaction isolation levels like READ_COMMITTED, REPEATABLE_READ, etc.
Q7. What are the different design patterns used in microservice architecture?
Design patterns in microservice architecture help in solving common design problems and improving scalability, maintainability, and flexibility.
Service Registry pattern - used for service discovery and registration
Circuit Breaker pattern - used for fault tolerance and resilience
API Gateway pattern - used for routing and load balancing
Saga pattern - used for managing distributed transactions
Event Sourcing pattern - used for capturing all changes to an application state as a se...read more
Q8. How does inter-service communication work in microservices?
Inter-service communication in microservices involves using protocols like HTTP, gRPC, or messaging queues.
Microservices communicate with each other through APIs using protocols like HTTP or gRPC.
Message queues like RabbitMQ or Kafka can be used for asynchronous communication between services.
Service discovery tools like Consul or Eureka help services locate each other dynamically.
API gateways can be used to manage and secure communication between services.
Event-driven archit...read more
Q9. What is the difference between RestTemplate and Feign Client?
RestTemplate is a synchronous client for making HTTP requests, while Feign Client is a declarative HTTP client that simplifies making API calls.
RestTemplate is part of the Spring framework and requires manual configuration for each request.
Feign Client is a declarative client that uses annotations to define API endpoints and parameters.
RestTemplate is synchronous, blocking the calling thread until the response is received.
Feign Client is asynchronous by default, allowing for ...read more
Q10. What are the steps to write an immutable class?
Steps to write an immutable class
Make the class final so it cannot be extended
Make all fields private and final
Do not provide setter methods for the fields
Ensure that any mutable objects within the class are also immutable
If a mutable object must be returned, make a deep copy before returning it
Q11. How does fault tolerance work in microservices?
Fault tolerance in microservices ensures system reliability by handling failures gracefully.
Microservices architecture breaks down applications into smaller, independent services.
Each microservice is designed to be resilient to failures and can continue to operate even if one service fails.
Fault tolerance is achieved through redundancy, monitoring, and graceful degradation.
Examples of fault tolerance mechanisms include circuit breakers, retries, and fallback mechanisms.
Q12. What is Jenkins and CI/CD pipeline
Jenkins is a popular open-source automation server used for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.
Jenkins is used to automate the building, testing, and deployment of software projects.
CI/CD pipelines in Jenkins help in automating the software delivery process by integrating code changes frequently and delivering them to production.
Jenkins allows for the creation of pipelines that define the steps to be executed, such as compiling code, running test...read more
Q13. How does Apache Kafka work?
Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows for the publishing and subscribing to streams of records.
Apache Kafka is designed to be highly scalable and fault-tolerant.
It uses a distributed commit log to store messages.
Producers publish messages to topics, and consumers subscribe to topics to receive messages.
Kafka can be used for real-time stream processing, data pipelines, and event sourcing.
It provides strong durability guarantees and high throughput.
Q14. What is docker and containerization
Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers, which are lightweight, portable, and isolated environments.
Docker is a tool that allows you to package an application and its dependencies into a standardized unit called a container.
Containers are isolated environments that contain everything needed to run the application, including code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings.
Containerization helps in ensuring consistency across d...read more
Q15. @primary vs @qualifier
In Spring framework, @primary is used to specify the primary bean to be autowired, while @qualifier is used to specify a specific bean to be autowired.
Use @Primary when there are multiple beans of the same type and you want to specify the primary one to be autowired.
Use @Qualifier when you want to specify a specific bean to be autowired by its name.
Example: @Primary annotation can be used on a bean definition to mark it as the primary bean to be autowired in case of multiple ...read more
Q16. What Git and Github
Git is a version control system used for tracking changes in code, while GitHub is a platform for hosting Git repositories and collaborating on code.
Git is a distributed version control system that allows multiple developers to work on the same codebase without conflicts.
GitHub is a web-based platform that provides tools for code collaboration, including issue tracking, pull requests, and code reviews.
Git and GitHub are commonly used in software development to manage code cha...read more
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