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SmartDV Technologies Junior Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 31 Jan 2023

SmartDV Technologies Junior Software Engineer Interview Experiences

1 interview found

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
4-6 weeks
Not Selected

I applied via Company Website and was interviewed before Jan 2022. There were 3 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Resume Shortlist 
Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
Keep your resume crisp and to the point. A recruiter looks at your resume for an average of 6 seconds, make sure to leave the best impression.
View all tips
Round 2 - Aptitude Test 

Reasoning and arithmetic topics

Round 3 - Technical 

(5 Questions)

  • Q1. Ask self introduction
  • Ans. My name is Bindu. I am come from sathabakam I am complete my 10th class in Z. P. H. S Sathambakam in 2018. I am complete my Inter in Vidyaniketan junior college in 2020. Now i am studying degree third year. My father name is Prabhakar, he is former. My mother name is Saritha, she is passed away. I have one brother, he is working in Bangalore. My hobbies are reading books, watching TV, drawing pictures and cooking....
  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q2. Why should we hire you?
  • Ans. If you hire me, it will be great platform to show case my skills. The goals i set.
  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q3. Reason behind leaving your last job?
  • Ans. In order to enhance my skills set, i am looking for better opportunities.
  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q4. What are your outside interests?
  • Q5. If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work?

Interview Preparation Tips

Topics to prepare for SmartDV Technologies Junior Software Engineer interview:
  • C
  • SQL
  • Core Java
Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Keep work in your company, you are doing successfully complete your work, then we getting good name from in our company, projects also properly complete it.

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview Questionnaire 

9 Questions

  • Q1. Questions related to the work done at my previous company
  • Q2. Find if a given directed graph is cyclic or not
  • Ans. 

    To check if a directed graph is cyclic or not

    • Use Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm to traverse the graph

    • Maintain a visited set to keep track of visited nodes

    • Maintain a recursion stack to keep track of nodes in the current DFS traversal

    • If a node is visited and is already in the recursion stack, then the graph is cyclic

    • If DFS traversal completes without finding a cycle, then the graph is acyclic

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. You have a stream of bytes from which you can read one byte at a time. You only have enough space to store one byte. After processing those bytes, you have to return a random byte. Note: The probability of...
  • Ans. 

    Return a random byte from a stream of bytes with equal probability.

    • Create a variable to store the count of bytes read

    • Create a variable to store the current random byte

    • For each byte read, generate a random number between 0 and the count of bytes read

    • If the random number is 0, store the current byte as the random byte

    • Return the random byte

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Find if a given Binary Tree is BST or not
  • Ans. 

    Check if a binary tree is a binary search tree or not.

    • Traverse the tree in-order and check if the values are in ascending order.

    • For each node, check if its value is greater than the maximum value of its left subtree and less than the minimum value of its right subtree.

    • Use recursion to check if all nodes in the tree satisfy the above condition.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Devise an algorithm to determine the Nth-to-Last element in a singly linked list of unknown length. If N = 0, then your algorithm must return the last element. You should parse the list only once
  • Ans. 

    Algorithm to find Nth-to-Last element in a singly linked list of unknown length

    • Traverse the list and maintain two pointers, one at the beginning and one at Nth node from beginning

    • Move both pointers simultaneously until the second pointer reaches the end of the list

    • The first pointer will be pointing to the Nth-to-Last element

    • If N=0, return the last element

    • Parse the list only once

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Given an array of integers, print all possible permutations. Also explain your approach
  • Ans. 

    Print all possible permutations of an array of integers

    • Use recursion to swap elements and generate permutations

    • Start with the first element and swap it with each subsequent element

    • Repeat the process for the remaining elements

    • Stop when all elements have been swapped with the first element

    • Print each permutation as it is generated

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Design a Stack DS that also prints in O(1) the minimum element you pushed in the stack
  • Ans. 

    Design a stack that prints the minimum element pushed in O(1)

    • Use two stacks, one for storing elements and another for storing minimums

    • When pushing an element, compare it with the top of minimum stack and push the smaller one

    • When popping an element, pop from both stacks

    • To get the minimum element, just return the top of minimum stack

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Given a linked list with loop, how would you find the starting point of the loop ?
  • Ans. 

    To find the starting point of a loop in a linked list, use Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm.

    • Use two pointers, one moving at twice the speed of the other.

    • When they meet, move one pointer to the head of the list and keep the other at the meeting point.

    • Move both pointers one step at a time until they meet again, which is the starting point of the loop.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. Find a number a matrix mat[m][n] where all the rows and columns are sorted non-decreasingly. What will be the complexity of the solution
  • Ans. 

    To find a number in a matrix where all rows and columns are sorted non-decreasingly. Complexity of the solution.

    • Use binary search to find the number in each row and column

    • Start from the top-right corner or bottom-left corner to optimize search

    • Time complexity: O(m log n) or O(n log m) depending on the starting corner

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Skills: Algorithm, Data structure
College Name: Na

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed in Sep 2017.

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Find the sum of two numbers without using any mathematical operarors.
  • Ans. 

    Use bitwise operations to find the sum of two numbers without using mathematical operators.

    • Use bitwise XOR to find the sum of two numbers without carrying.

    • Use bitwise AND and left shift to find the carry.

    • Repeat the process until there is no carry left.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Delete a node from linked list when we are given a reference to the node. But the head pointer is not given.
  • Ans. 

    To delete a node from a linked list when only given a reference to the node, we can copy the data of the next node to the given node and delete the next node.

    • Copy the data of the next node to the given node

    • Update the next pointer of the given node to skip the next node

    • Delete the next node

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: Strong understanding and thorough knowledge of C programming.

College Name: IIT Madras

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed in Nov 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

8 Questions

  • Q1. A random number will be given as input to system,write a program to detect its data type(int or float ) without using size of function
  • Q2. General hr questions
  • Q3. Once again general hr interview questions
  • Q4. 1.given a large rectangle
  • Ans. 

    Need more context. What needs to be done with the large rectangle?

    • What are the dimensions of the rectangle?

    • Is it a 2D or 3D object?

    • What is the context of the problem?

    • Are there any constraints or limitations?

    • What tools or programming languages can be used?

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. You will be given dimensions of a bigger rectangle and smaller rectangle,derive a formula to get how many smaller rectangles fit into the bigger rectangle
  • Ans. 

    Derive a formula to determine how many smaller rectangles fit into a bigger rectangle given their dimensions.

    • Calculate the number of times the smaller rectangle can fit into the bigger rectangle horizontally and vertically

    • Divide the width of the bigger rectangle by the width of the smaller rectangle to get the horizontal count

    • Divide the height of the bigger rectangle by the height of the smaller rectangle to get the ve...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. How many points are required to draw a rectangle
  • Ans. 

    At least 4 points are required to draw a rectangle.

    • A rectangle has 4 sides and 4 corners, so at least 4 points are needed to define those corners.

    • The points must be arranged in a specific order to form a closed shape with 4 sides.

    • Additional points can be used to add details or modify the shape of the rectangle.

    • The number of points required may vary depending on the software or tool used to draw the rectangle.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. What will be the new coordinates of a rectangle points if rectangle length and breadth is scaled and write a program to calculate the coordinates of corner points of scaled rectangle
  • Ans. 

    Answering how to calculate new coordinates of a scaled rectangle and providing a program for it.

    • To calculate new coordinates, multiply the original coordinates by the scaling factor

    • Scaling factor can be calculated by dividing the new length/breadth by the original length/breadth

    • Program can take input of original coordinates, scaling factor, and output new coordinates

    • Example: Original coordinates: (0,0), (0,5), (5,5), (...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Lastly a puzzle: i dont remember the question

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test had three sections:
1.aptitude:It was like any other aptitude test,all it takes is a bit of practice to crack all the questions
2.C programming:Basics of c were asked,outputs of some programs,u have to be thorough with concepts of c
3.Electronics:The company hired for both profiles: 1. PDK:software
and 2.Logic library:hardware,so this electronics section was also there,questions are mostly Network analysis,cmos logic,digital logic,vlsi etc
u should have good basics to get the electronics questions of course they are not very hard,but not too easy

Tips: practice aptitude,basics of c programming and also basics of electronics
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Questions: 60

Round: Test
Experience: after 1st round i was shortlisted to this technical round,i was asked this question, i suggested that i will convert that number into a string and check whether string has a dot or not to check if it is float or int,the interviewer was not very impressed but was ok and asked few small questions and promoted me to next round

Tips: If u crack test with top marks,the technical rounds will be very easy,because the interviewers do not ask tough questions for people who cracked written test with high marks

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: tell me about yourself,strengths,weakness,three principles u follow in life,etc
Tips: This round depends on you,dont try to bluff something,they will know if u are bluffing,take a breath and speak up ur mind,be confident u can do it

Round: HR Interview
Experience: same questions,but this time less duration,not involving lengthy discussions, i think this round was just for double check

Round: HR Interview
Experience: After the hr round,only seven were shortlist,this interview round was very much easy and they checked my approach to the given problem,they were checking how well i am thinking adding complexities to the given problem
Tips: they did not check my programming ability,but just problem solving skills,so be good at aptitude,by practicing as much as you can

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: after technical interview,4 were shortlisted,so they went for gd round,it was general topic,which checks your general knowledge
Tips: Dont be nervous,just speak what ever you know,never mind language issues
Duration: 20 minutes

Skills: for pdk profile :programming
College Name: NIT Warangal

I applied via Campus Placement

Interview Questionnaire 

16 Questions

  • Q1. Bridge and torch problem : Four people come to a river in the night. There is a narrow bridge, but it can only hold two people at a time. They have one torch and, because it's night, the torch has to be us...
  • Q2. Given an array A[n], write a C program to find P and Q (P>Q) such that A[P] - A[Q] is maximum
  • Q3. A pyramid is given many blank spaces. Condition is that number in a cell equals sum of numbers in bottom two cells. Fill the blanks
  • Ans. 

    The question asks to fill the blanks in a pyramid where each number is the sum of the numbers in the bottom two cells.

    • Start from the bottom row and work your way up, calculating the sum of the numbers in the bottom two cells for each blank space.

    • Use a loop to iterate through each row and column of the pyramid.

    • Store the calculated sum in the corresponding blank space.

    • Repeat the process until all the blanks are filled.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. What are the basic functions of OS?
  • Q5. What is scheduling? List different types of scheduling
  • Q6. What is a deadlock? How to know if a deadlock is present?
  • Q7. What is Moore's Law?
  • Ans. 

    Moore's Law is the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles about every two years.

    • Named after Intel co-founder Gordon Moore

    • First stated in 1965

    • Has been a driving force behind technological advancements

    • Predicts exponential growth in computing power

    • Has been challenged in recent years due to physical limitations

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Differentiate between a process and a thread
  • Ans. 

    A process is an instance of a program while a thread is a subset of a process.

    • A process has its own memory space while threads share memory space

    • Processes are heavyweight while threads are lightweight

    • Processes communicate through inter-process communication while threads communicate through shared memory

    • Examples of processes include web browsers, text editors, etc. while examples of threads include GUI updates, backgro

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. What are the advantages of having multi-core processor?
  • Ans. 

    Multi-core processors provide faster and more efficient computing.

    • Improved performance and speed

    • Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously

    • Reduced power consumption

    • Better multitasking capabilities

    • Enhanced user experience

    • Examples: Intel Core i7, AMD Ryzen 9

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. Tell me about yourself and your family briefly
  • Ans. 

    I am a software engineer with a loving family.

    • I have been working as a software engineer for 5 years.

    • My wife is a teacher and we have two children.

    • We enjoy spending time together outdoors and traveling.

    • My parents live in a different state but we keep in touch regularly.

    • Family is very important to me and I prioritize spending time with them.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. Tell me about your course projects
  • Ans. 

    Developed a web-based project management tool and a mobile app for tracking expenses

    • Created a responsive UI using React and Bootstrap

    • Implemented user authentication and authorization using Firebase

    • Integrated Google Maps API for location tracking in the mobile app

    • Used Node.js and MongoDB for backend development

    • Collaborated with a team of four to complete the projects

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. Tell me about your professional experience
  • Ans. 

    I have 5 years of experience in software engineering with expertise in Java and Python.

    • Developed and maintained web applications using Java and Spring framework

    • Designed and implemented RESTful APIs using Python and Flask

    • Worked on database management and optimization using MySQL and MongoDB

    • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software products

    • Participated in code reviews and provided construc

  • Answered by AI
  • Q13. What are your academic interests?
  • Ans. 

    My academic interests include computer science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

    • Computer science

    • Artificial intelligence

    • Machine learning

  • Answered by AI
  • Q14. Explain one CS topic(of your choice) in layman terms
  • Ans. 

    Explain Big O notation

    • Big O notation is used to describe the time complexity of an algorithm

    • It helps us understand how the algorithm's performance changes with input size

    • O(1) means constant time, O(n) means linear time, O(n^2) means quadratic time

    • We want algorithms with lower Big O values for better performance

  • Answered by AI
  • Q15. What are your location preferences?
  • Ans. 

    I am open to relocation based on the job opportunity and growth prospects.

    • Open to relocation for the right opportunity

    • Willing to move for career growth

    • Flexible with location based on job requirements

  • Answered by AI
  • Q16. Would you like to have a pizza slice? ;)
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I would love to have a pizza slice!

    • I am a big fan of pizza and would never say no to a slice!

    • Pizza is the perfect food for any occasion, whether it's a quick lunch or a late-night snack.

    • I particularly enjoy pepperoni and mushroom pizza, but I'm open to trying new toppings as well.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions were of average difficulty but lengthy. The test was conducted between 7:30 PM and 9 PM. I had a long day so it was a little tiresome.
Tips: Time is of importance. I suggest you to quickly browse through all the questions and pick the easy ones beforehand instead of being stuck on a single difficult question.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 60

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I found the questions easy so I was able to answer them all.
Tips: Don't just think in your mind. Think out loud so that the interviewer can correct you.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Interviewer was friendly. It was like talking with a friend.
Tips: Keep it short and brief. It's fine even if your English is not good. (Mine wasn't )

General Tips: Be cool and calm. If you don't know something, admit it. You can come back to it later.
Skill Tips: No need to go very deep. Just know the basics properly.
Skills: Puzzle Solving Capability, Computer Organisation, Operating System Basics, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics, C Programming, Aptitude
Duration: 2
College Name: IIT Madras
Motivation: Qualcomm is an industry leader in mobile hardware. The work profile suited me well.
Funny Moments: The nice HR lady offered me a pizza slice.

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questionnaire 

9 Questions

  • Q1. Tree questions related like traversal?
  • Q2. Locate the sum of 2 numbers in a linear array (Unsorted and sorted) and their complexities
  • Ans. 

    Locate sum of 2 numbers in a linear array (unsorted and sorted) and their complexities

    • For unsorted array, use nested loops to compare each element with every other element until the sum is found

    • For sorted array, use two pointers approach starting from the beginning and end of the array and move them towards each other until the sum is found

    • Complexity for unsorted array is O(n^2) and for sorted array is O(n)

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Pointers with increment/decrement, address of and value at operators (++,–,*,&)
  • Ans. 

    Pointers are used to manipulate memory addresses and values in C++. Increment/decrement, address of and value at operators are commonly used.

    • Incrementing a pointer moves it to the next memory location of the same data type

    • Decrementing a pointer moves it to the previous memory location of the same data type

    • The address of operator (&) returns the memory address of a variable

    • The value at operator (*) returns the value sto

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. A point and a rectangle is present with the given coordinates. How will you determine whether the point is inside or outside the rectangle?
  • Ans. 

    To determine if a point is inside or outside a rectangle, we check if the point's coordinates fall within the rectangle's boundaries.

    • Check if the point's x-coordinate is greater than the left edge of the rectangle

    • Check if the point's x-coordinate is less than the right edge of the rectangle

    • Check if the point's y-coordinate is greater than the top edge of the rectangle

    • Check if the point's y-coordinate is less than the b...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. There is a point inside the rectangle. How will you determine the line that passes through the point and divides the rectangle into 2 equal halves?
  • Ans. 

    To find line that divides rectangle into 2 equal halves through a point inside it.

    • Find the center of the rectangle

    • Draw a line from the center to the given point

    • Extend the line to the opposite side of the rectangle

    • The extended line will divide the rectangle into 2 equal halves

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. There is a scheme which contains 8-bit and 16-bit signed numbers. How many such combinations are possible?
  • Ans. 

    There are multiple combinations of 8-bit and 16-bit signed numbers. How many such combinations are possible?

    • There are 2^8 (256) possible combinations of 8-bit signed numbers.

    • There are 2^16 (65,536) possible combinations of 16-bit signed numbers.

    • To find the total number of combinations, we can add the number of combinations of 8-bit and 16-bit signed numbers.

    • Therefore, the total number of possible combinations is 256 +

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  • Q7. You are given an array of elements. Some/all of them are duplicates. Find them in 0(n) time and 0(1) space. Property of inputs – Number are in the range of 1..n where n is the limit of the array
  • Ans. 

    Find duplicates in an array of elements in 0(n) time and 0(1) space.

    • Use the property of inputs to your advantage

    • Iterate through the array and mark elements as negative

    • If an element is already negative, it is a duplicate

    • Return all the negative elements as duplicates

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Given a array of digits. print all combination of of these i.e all no formed by these. repetition allowed. and then repetition not allowed example: i/p: arr={1,2,3} o/p: (without repetition) 123, 132, 213,...
  • Q9. Questions on project

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 3

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interview was all about my projects, my background and a few more typical HR questions. It was pretty easy to answer them.

Skills: Algorithm, Data structure, C++
College Name: IIT ROORKEE

Skills evaluated in this interview

I applied via Referral and was interviewed before Sep 2020. There was 1 interview round.

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Basic c programming
  • Q2. Previous experience questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Be honest. And prepare well in data structures

I was interviewed in Sep 2017.

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. A C program was asked to write
  • Q2. How to implement sr flipflop using gates.
  • Ans. 

    An SR flip-flop can be implemented using NAND gates.

    • Use two NAND gates to create the SR flip-flop.

    • Connect the output of one NAND gate to the input of the other NAND gate.

    • Connect the Set (S) and Reset (R) inputs to the inputs of the NAND gates.

    • The output of the first NAND gate is the Q output, and the output of the second NAND gate is the Q̅ output.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Steps to find temperature of N rooms and display the same
  • Ans. 

    The answer describes the steps to find and display the temperature of N rooms.

    • Create an array to store the temperature of each room

    • Iterate through each room and prompt the user to enter the temperature

    • Store the temperature in the corresponding array index

    • Display the temperature of each room

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The first criteria for shortlisting is based on CGPA (8 above)

Round: Test
Experience: A technical test was conducted which had questions from C language and Microcontroller. It was MCQ type.The test was moderately hard
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 30

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The above questions were asked and a paper was provided to answer it. The next shotlist was based on the paper evaluation
Tips: Technical knowledge mandatory

Skills: Technical
College Name: Government Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed in Aug 2017.

Interview Questionnaire 

8 Questions

  • Q1. Basics of C
  • Q2. Puzzles on data structures
  • Q3. Asked on project
  • Q4. C basics
  • Q5. 3 basic and simple codes
  • Q6. Family background
  • Q7. How was technical interviews
  • Q8. Why should we not hire you
  • Ans. 

    I lack experience in a specific technology required for the role.

    • I may not have experience with a specific programming language or framework mentioned in the job description.

    • I may not have worked on projects similar to what your company is working on.

    • I may not have experience with certain tools or technologies that are crucial for the role.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was just mcq questions but had negative marking
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Questions: 60

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was cool and interactive round and was fun

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was interesting but I fumbled a little

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was ok

College Name: Cummins College Of Engineering For Women (CCOEW)

I was interviewed in Feb 2017.

Interview Questionnaire 

7 Questions

  • Q1. What is a malloc function and where is it used and how is it different from new?
  • Ans. 

    malloc is a function in C that dynamically allocates memory on the heap. It is used to allocate memory for variables or data structures.

    • malloc is used in C programming language.

    • It is used to allocate memory on the heap.

    • malloc is different from 'new' in C++ as it does not call constructors for objects.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What is the difference between C++ and Objective C and where will you use it?
  • Ans. 

    C++ is a general-purpose programming language while Objective C is a superset of C used for iOS and macOS development.

    • C++ is widely used for developing applications, games, and system software.

    • Objective C is mainly used for iOS and macOS development.

    • C++ supports both procedural and object-oriented programming paradigms.

    • Objective C is an object-oriented language with dynamic runtime features.

    • C++ has a larger community a...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. What is the difference between class container and class composition?
  • Ans. 

    Class container is a class that holds objects of other classes, while class composition is a way to combine multiple classes to create a new class.

    • Class container holds objects of other classes, acting as a collection or container.

    • Class composition combines multiple classes to create a new class with its own behavior and attributes.

    • In class container, the objects are typically stored in a data structure like an array o...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. There are fifteen horses and a racing track that can run five horses at a time. You have to figure out the top 3 horses out of those and you don't have any timer machine to measure. How will you find the t...
  • Ans. 

    Divide the horses into groups of 5 and race them. Take the top 2 from each race and race them again. Finally, race the top 2 horses to determine the top 3.

    • Divide the horses into 3 groups of 5 and race them.

    • Take the top 2 horses from each race and race them again.

    • Finally, race the top 2 horses to determine the top 3.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. What is the most difficult problem that you have solved (during work) till now and why you think you could do so?
  • Ans. 

    Developing a real-time data processing system for a high-traffic e-commerce website

    • Implemented a distributed system architecture to handle large volumes of data

    • Optimized algorithms for efficient data processing and storage

    • Utilized caching mechanisms to improve system performance

    • Worked closely with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and resolve issues

    • Example: Successfully reduced data processing time by 50% by imple

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Why you want to change your current job?
  • Ans. 

    Seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth.

    • Looking for a more challenging role to further develop my skills

    • Interested in exploring new technologies and industries

    • Seeking better career advancement opportunities

    • Want to work in a more collaborative team environment

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. What is the width of a tree? How will you calculate the width of the tree?
  • Ans. 

    The width of a tree is the maximum number of nodes at any level in the tree.

    • To calculate the width of a tree, we can perform a level order traversal and keep track of the maximum number of nodes at any level.

    • We can use a queue data structure to perform the level order traversal.

    • At each level, we count the number of nodes in the queue and update the maximum width if necessary.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Skills: Basic C/C++, Implementing Data Structures In C++

Skills evaluated in this interview

SmartDV Technologies Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in SmartDV Technologies Junior Software Engineer interview?
SmartDV Technologies interview process usually has 3 rounds. The most common rounds in the SmartDV Technologies interview process are Resume Shortlist, Aptitude Test and Technical.

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SmartDV Technologies Junior Software Engineer Interview Process

based on 1 interview

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Asic Verification Engineer
16 salaries
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₹0 L/yr - ₹0 L/yr

Asic RTL Design Engineer
9 salaries
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₹0 L/yr - ₹0 L/yr

Design Engineer
6 salaries
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₹0 L/yr - ₹0 L/yr

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