30+ GMR Group Interview Questions and Answers
What command can be run to import a pre-exported Docker image into another Docker host?
Differentiate between HashSet and TreeSet. When would you prefer TreeSet to HashSet?
Q3. Write program to count frequencyOfChars(String inputStr) ex. abbcddda a:2 b:2 c:1 d:3 Write program to isPowerOf3(int n) ex. 3->true 27->true 30->false Write SQL query of Emp (emp_id, name) Country Sal (emp_id,...
read morePrograms to count frequency of characters in a string, check if a number is power of 3, and SQL query to get highest salary employees by country.
For frequencyOfChars, use a HashMap to store character counts and iterate through the string.
For isPowerOf3, keep dividing the number by 3 until it becomes 1 or not divisible by 3.
For SQL query, use a subquery to get max salary for each country and join with Emp table.
Example SQL query: SELECT e1.* FROM Emp e1 JOIN (SELECT Country, more
What do you know about JIT Compiler?
What Are the Basic Annotations that Spring Boot Offers?
What are the advantages of Packages in Java?
How would you differentiate between a String, StringBuffer, and a StringBuilder?
Why are Java Strings immutable in nature?
Q9. What is difference between abstract class and interface.
Abstract class can have implementation while interface only has method signatures.
Abstract class can have constructors while interface cannot.
A class can implement multiple interfaces but can only inherit from one abstract class.
Abstract class can have non-public members while interface only has public members.
Abstract class is used for creating a base class while interface is used for implementing a contract.
Example of abstract class: Animal (with abstract method 'makeSound' more
Why Java is platform independent and JVM platform dependent?
What is Garbage collector in JAVA?
What does the @SpringBootApplication annotation do internally?
What is dependency Injection?
Describe the lifecycle of Docker Container?
List the most commonly used instructions in Dockerfile.
Differentiate between ArrayList and Vector in Java.
Explain SOLID principles in Object Oriented Design .
Q18. What is Delegate and what are the types?
Delegate is a type that represents references to methods with a specific parameter list and return type.
Delegates are similar to function pointers in C++.
They are used to achieve loose coupling and separation of concerns.
There are two types of delegates: singlecast and multicast.
Singlecast delegates can hold references to a single method.
Multicast delegates can hold references to multiple methods.
Delegates are commonly used in event handling and callback scenarios.
Q19. What is custom middleware in .net core
Custom middleware in .NET Core is a piece of code that sits between the request and response pipeline to perform custom operations.
Custom middleware can be used to add custom headers, logging, authentication, and authorization to the request pipeline.
Middleware can be added to the pipeline using the Use() method in the Startup.cs file.
Middleware can be created using classes that implement the IMiddleware interface or by using lambda expressions.
Middleware can be ordered in more
Q20. Difference Between temp table and table variable
Temp table is stored in tempdb and table variable is stored in memory.
Temp table is created using CREATE TABLE statement and can be accessed by multiple sessions.
Table variable is created using DECLARE statement and can only be accessed within the scope of the batch or procedure.
Temp table can have indexes and statistics while table variable cannot.
Temp table is useful for large data sets while table variable is useful for small data sets.
Temp table can be used in more
Q21. What is need of spring boot What is actuator, query param, http methods
Spring Boot is a framework that simplifies the development of Java applications by providing a set of tools and conventions.
Spring Boot eliminates the need for complex configuration by providing defaults for most settings.
Actuator is a set of tools provided by Spring Boot for monitoring and managing the application.
Query param is used to pass parameters in the URL of an HTTP request.
HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE are used to perform different operations on more
Q22. What is your thought on cybage?
Cybage is a global technology consulting organization specializing in outsourced product engineering services.
Cybage has a strong focus on software engineering and product development.
They have a global presence with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Cybage has expertise in various industries including healthcare, retail, and finance.
They have won several awards for their work in software engineering and innovation.
Q23. Why do you think React is better than Angular
React is better than Angular due to its flexibility, performance, and community support.
React allows for more flexibility in terms of architecture and state management compared to Angular.
React's virtual DOM leads to better performance by only updating the necessary components, while Angular's two-way data binding can cause performance issues.
React has a larger and more active community, providing better support and a wider range of resources compared to Angular.
Q24. Queries using joins in SQL
Joins in SQL are used to combine data from two or more tables based on a related column.
Joins are used to retrieve data from multiple tables in a single query.
Common types of joins include inner join, left join, right join, and full outer join.
Join conditions are specified using the ON keyword and can include multiple conditions.
Aliases can be used to simplify the syntax of join queries.
Joins can be nested to combine data from more than two tables.
Q25. What are SQL queries with examples
SQL queries are used to retrieve data from a database. Examples include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE city = 'New York'
INSERT INTO orders (customer_id, order_date, total_amount) VALUES (1, '2021-01-01', 100.00)
UPDATE products SET price = 10.99 WHERE id = 1
DELETE FROM orders WHERE id = 5
Q26. How to secure WEB API in .net?
Secure WEB API in .NET by using authentication, authorization, HTTPS, and input validation.
Use authentication mechanisms like JWT tokens or OAuth for secure access.
Implement authorization to control which users have access to specific resources.
Enable HTTPS to encrypt data transmitted between client and server.
Implement input validation to prevent injection attacks like SQL injection or cross-site scripting.
Q27. What are the routings in MVC
Routings in MVC define how the application responds to client requests.
Routings map URLs to controller actions in MVC framework
Routes are defined in RouteConfig.cs file in ASP.NET MVC
Routes can include parameters and constraints
Example: routes.MapRoute('Default', '{controller}/{action}/{id}', new { controller = 'Home', action = 'Index', id = UrlParameter.Optional })
Q28. What is Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection is a design pattern where components are given their dependencies rather than creating them internally.
Allows for easier testing by mocking dependencies
Promotes loose coupling between components
Improves code reusability and maintainability
Q29. What is garbage collection
Garbage collection is an automatic memory management process used in programming languages to reclaim memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use.
Garbage collection automatically identifies and deletes objects in memory that are no longer needed by the program.
It helps prevent memory leaks and improves the efficiency of memory usage.
Examples of programming languages that use garbage collection include Java, C#, and Python.
Q30. Seperate duplicate word from string
Remove duplicate words from a given string
Split the string into individual words
Use a set to keep track of unique words
Iterate through the words and add them to the set if not already present
Convert the set back to an array of strings
Q31. Stored procedure vs functions
Stored procedures are precompiled SQL queries stored in the database, while functions are reusable blocks of code that return a value.
Stored procedures are used for performing specific tasks or operations in the database.
Functions are used to encapsulate logic and can be called from within SQL queries or other functions.
Stored procedures can have input and output parameters, while functions always return a value.
Stored procedures can modify data in the database, while more
Q32. Dispatch queue in details
Dispatch queue is a queue of tasks that are executed in a first-in, first-out order.
Dispatch queue is used for managing concurrent tasks in iOS and macOS applications.
It is a way to manage the execution of tasks in a serial or concurrent manner.
Tasks can be added to a dispatch queue using dispatch_async() or dispatch_sync() functions.
Dispatch queue can be either serial or concurrent.
Serial queue executes tasks in a first-in, first-out order, while concurrent queue executes more
Q33. List tuple classes
Tuple classes are classes that represent a fixed-size collection of elements.
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