Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

What if you can't knock at your Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2025

167 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 13 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: I would like to give a brief description of my interview for the post of clerks in State bank of travancore. It was my first interview experience. I was very tensed. When I reached there, I could find that there were 6 panels in various rooms and the complexity of interviewing was different for each panel. I had got some tips on how to appear for the interview from some articles online and from newspapers .It guided me well.

Since I had an exam of my the same day I had to dedicate time to prepare for both .Hence I was really tensed as I wanted both to turn out well.Anyways I wished to present myself to the best I could.The funniest part was that both were scheduled to be at the same time: 9am.But I could obtain permission from the interview authorities to postpone my interview to afternoon session. 

Finally I wrote my exam and left to the hotel were the interview was taking place, without even having my lunch as I was very much tensed. I reached there 1hr before the scheduled time .Afternoon session had already started. I sat there reading that day's newspaper. I had to wait for a long time (about 3 hrs). Since I postponed my interview to the afternoon session, I happened to be the last one to be interviewed. I tried to gain confidence by closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. My sitting there for a long time actually helped me a lot. But still I was tensed hearing about various panels, the questions they were asking etc from other candidates who had already given their interviews.

Time went on and finally 10 of us were left. We were led to another room and was called one by one. I was the second last one for the day and got the last panel. My turn finally came. I gained confidence before entering room and with full belief in myself knocked at the door and asked for permission to enter the room. The interview panel gave the permission and I entered. I walked with straight smiling face towards them. They were 3 of them-a lady and

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I greeted them-first the lady and the gentlemen. The lady member asked me about my exam and I replied it was ok. Then she asked to give a self introduction. I introduced 

myself. Then started the formal interview questions like current affairs,books,general awareness,etc. Some of the questions were

1) Give a brief description about my school

2) List some banking jobs

3) What is 24x7 channel?

4) Who is a notary public?

5) What are the purposes of an ATM card?

6) Who is the author of Sherlock Holmes?

7) My signature resembles butterfly and hence they asked me about butterfly parks in India. I said I was not aware of that and hence they asked me to tell the different stages in the lifecycle of a butterfly(I later understood that they wanted to check candidates' aptitude towards such questions,patience,and language skills ,body language etc by asking such questions since we `ve to handle different type of people at bank counters )

8)Since I was pursuing btech,they asked me why i wanted to join a bank instead of an IT company.etc

General Tips: I was able to answer almost all questions except one or two. All that I knew, i was able to answer with confidence. They started asking from the point where I stopped; hence I answered each question carefully. When the interview was over I thanked them and walked towards the door happily. I was confident that I was able to perform somewhat well. And when the results came my name was there in the list.I would like to share some points to be taken care of before appearing for an interview.1. You should be well and neatly dressed and it should be a formal one. No heavy accessories must be there especially girls so as to showcase that to everyone.2. You should keep a file with you. Better to buy a file with thin plastic sheets that are available in different ranges such as 10 sheets, 20 sheets etc. This helps you to arrangeyour mark sheets, interview letter, and other documents separately and neatly .3. Keep a good pen along with the file4. You should be aware of the current affairs, current social issues etc and should be well aware of the subject/area concerned with job applied for.5. Have confidence in yourself.6. Every interview mostly starts with a self introduction and hence days before the interview you should prepare a good self introduction and speak to yourself in front of a mirror so that you can make the first impression a best one. If possible attend maximum number of mock interviews.
College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 13 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: In this Article I am going to share my interview Experience with INTEC Bangalore and this company is now Acquired by the UK based company called CSGSystems.
This Company mainly works on BSS products, and is having offices in Bangalore, Bombay and New Delhi in India.
The Interview was Held on November 22.2010 and below is the conversion.
Interviewer: you have been scheduled for the Technical interview at 4:00PM, is that fine with you?
Candidate: Yes, you can go Ahead.
Interviewer: My Name is xyz and working as a Technical Architect since 2005, so could you please tell me about yourself?
Candidate: Ok, I belong to Karnataka state,Bijpaur, and have studied all my school and colleges in MNY(Just as an example) institution.Interviewer: In which specialization you have done your degree.
Candidate: I have done B.E in Electronics and communication specialization.
Interviewer:Ok, Could you tell me in brief what is the telecom umbrella in software?
Candidate:Ok, we have BSS(Business support service),OSS(Operating support service),NMS/EMS (Network management systems/Element Management systems) and Switches.
Interviewer: In which layer of this Telecom umbrella you are working?
Candidate:Well I am currently working on BSS area for ATT projects with Techmahindra. And also I have worked on NMS/EMS also for developing Net SNMP Agent project.
Interviewer: Nice, you have the knowledge on Linux with C?
Candidate: Yes, I started my career with Linux only. And I worked on C 1 year only.
Interviewer: Ohh ok, Do you know why do you require structure in C and did you used in any of your projects?
Candidate:Yes, structured is required to store multiple data types of data like integer, string and date etc. we have used the structure concept while interfacing the our Developed MIB (Management Information Base) code which was in C with Agent Code so that whenever request comes from the server, then Agent has to get that request and return the status from the client server.
Interviewer: Nice, Do you why Perl is being used always to access the database ?
Candidate: Yes, we can easily include our PLSQL Queries in the Perl Script and easily we can access the database also by connecting to it.
Interviewer: Do you know the syntax for database access?
Candidate: Yes I do know, we have to have the DBI module installed on our server with TNS.ora file in the oracle Admin Directory to get the permission to access it.
syntax for access is 
dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:Oracle:", "username", "password" );
Now you can interact with the database with any SLQ or PLSQL queries.
Interviewer: Could you please tell me how do you design the Application if some request comes from clients?
Candidate: Yeah we used to get BR(business requirements) and TR(Technical requirements)from the clients, after this I used to prepare very high level design document and send it for ATT approval. Once this gets approved then I will continue with the ADD (Application Detail design).
Interviewer: Nice ok, what are CDR's in telecom?
Candidate: CDR is nothing event records called as "call detail records".
Interviewer: Do you know where these get created and what is the process of billing it?Candidate: Yes, these records will get created from switches (Antennas called MSC) and then CDR's will go to Mediation where some event records get rejected due to the conditional failure and is get distributed also, once mediation is completed then comes with the next stage called as Rating module, all CDR's will get rated here and finally comes with the billing engine, which generates the final invoice bill.
Interviewer: nice talking to you, Thanks for your time, Do you have any questions?
Candidate: Same here too, Nice talking to you. No I do not have any questions. HR has already discussed about the project.
Interviewer: oh ok, Thanks then bye bye.
Candidate: Yeah bye bye.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was 17th of February 2010 when Infosys came to my college for campus selection. Everyone was well dressed up and prepared for one of the prestigious companies of our country. The whole proces was divided into three stages :-
1. An objective type question paper on English.
2. An objective type question paper on Logical reasoning.
3. A personal interview.
The objective type test had individual cut-offs. The English paper had ten questions on reading comprehension. Five questions on parajumbles. There were some questions on voabulary as well. The logical reasoning had some six-eight questions on sequence generation. Ten questions were scenario based. All in all the paper was average. 980 students appeared for the tests, forty five got cleared. I was among those lucky forty five. Then began the personal interview. The major chunk of questions came from the CV I prepared. Only 2-3 questions were from my final year project.

General Tips: After having joined the company, I have realized that there is no short cut to success. The rigrous training programme demands the best out of you. One has to clear a chain of tests, which last for4-5.5months depending on the stream you get into, to be a part of organization.
College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Round 1:It was early in morning 9.00 o'clock. We are almost 60 students. HR came and announced that if anyone do cheating then she will immediately reject that student.

We have only one hour. There are three sections but not disclosed about what they are? We cant go back in questions paper means if we do 3rd question then cant goes for 2nd and 1st one. We have to go serially. Now all are very tense because the rules are very tough.

We got question paper at 9.30 and she said time start now. I started doing it. First section is related to English means read the paragraph and answer the questions. We have to think a lot because all are logical questions and the last question of each paragraph is moral of that paragraph.

It took almost 22 minutes to complete it and the second part of 1st section is aptitute test. Now I am so afraid because We have to complete 1st section in 25 min. I attempted only three questions and hear her voice, that start 2nd section and leave the 1st one.

But I never quit and went to 2nd section, it is of Mainframe. I have to complete it in 25 min. Again questions are so tough and only 20. So we have ample time to do it. Mainly it contains questions related to CICS and some from DB2, JCL, COBOL. questions like : 

What is cobol copy book? And more questions on reading the code and giving output. Also answers can be more than one, questions on working storage section, related to level numbers. 

Now 25 minutes also over but manage to attempt all the questions. The last section is passage writing and the topic is Passion with real time example. I wrote about mainframe training as a real time example because I am from ENTC dept but my passion is to do mainframe and I did it. 

In evening I got call that I have to come ADP at 12.00 for 2nd round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I went there, submitted my phone and bag. There are about 15 students. One by one interview started. All are very nervous. Now it's my turn. I knocked the door gentely and ask for permission to come in. They called me in. There is a man and a woman to take interview. They asked for my CV and I gave them and now the 1st question tell me about yourself. I gave the answer which includes their things- my name, birth place, educational background, hobbies, strength: hardworking, punctual, weakness: simplicity. Now the 2nd question is many divisions are in cobol 


Q.tell the names 

A.I told 

and many more like 

Q.what is cobol copy book 

Q.What is Comp-3 

Q.Level no 66, 77, 88 

now the interesting question... If electronica wants to hire you what you do....will you stay here or go for that 

A.I will stay here because my passion is mainframe and thats why I opt it and dont want do go for ENTC. 

Q.Do you know the job profile? 

A.yes tell 

A.its about monitoring the jobs only related to CICS. 

They told me that it's a 24x7 project. 

I told them that dont any problem with shiftings. They thanked me and also thank them and leave the place. Finally I got result and was not selected.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: We informed 3 days before interview. They told us that it is a written test. I reached the specified place. There are around 100 students to attend the interview. Before starting test, HR gave us instruction that it's an one and half hour and no negitive marking. We started it. In test there are three sections: 1) Microprocessor 2) Aptitude 3) Mainframe. I am from electronics and telecommunication background so did not know microcontroller well. But any how I manage to attempt. In aptitude questions are good. All are based on logic and some from R S Agrawal. So this section went quite good. Now the main section that is mainframe. Questions are very simple but tricky. Some of they are as follows: 1) level numbers 66, 77 ,88 2) cobol copy book 3) comp 3 4) like from DB2 5) time 6) to steps with / after first step etc. I attempted all question and was very confident will clears it.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I got call for second round and I went to Steria. Now it's time for group discussion and the topic is "politics in sports in India and it's effects". She instructed to start and I started it with CWG. Role of Kalmadi in it and what we got from it. We are five persons and all are putting their views. Finally she interrupted and told to summarize it and again I started and summarized. So again I was confident that I will clear it also.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: All are in tense. HR came and announced the result, again I was selected. Now only 16 students are remained. They told us that they are going to take next round, so be prepare. Again one by one student went to give interview. In my turn I did same thing that is knocked the door and took permission to come in and he gave me the permission. He asked me to tell what questions interviewer asked you in previous round. I told all the questions then he told me I will ask you only one question. I want that you write a code for me and the scenerio is like you have the two files, both are sorted and I want a third file which is the combination of both files but in sorted order. Also he imposed one more condition that you cannot use any utility. Just write your own logic. He gave me 10 minutes to write code and told me to sit outside and do not ask anyone. I relaxed my self and write a code with an example. After completing next student's interview, he asked me to come in, tell your code. I explained what I wrote and he apraised it. Finally completing all student's interview they announced result and I was like amongst 8 who selected.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: For online aptitude test,i prepared GRE only and also I prepared last five years TCS interview papers.
It helped me a lot to clear this aptitude test.While doing online test,be careful in choosing the answers .
I went inside the hall at 10.15pm and I was bit nervous as it was my first online test.I did well and I was curious to know the results .Finally I saw the message like "SUCCESS" and went home happily by thinking about next day's interview.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: When I entered the office, there were several other candidates there who intended to apply for the post of chat representative. We were asked to wait for the HR personnel in the waiting room. We were given one page each with a topic to write on it. I received the topic 'mobile and computer technology'. The main aim is to check your language skill and some knowledge. Even if you get a topic on which you have very less knowledge, then there is no harm in writing the little that you know. But make sure to write in proper English. 

After the short essay, I was called by the HR personnel and given a typing test and a grammar test. The typing test was quite fine as I managed to get 21 wpm, also the grammar test was good too. In the grammar section, Basic English questions were asked and were concentrated mainly on use of articles, parts of speech, sentence construction etc. The results were declared then and there as the test was conducted online. Then we were given a booklet with much harder question in English, basic communications and some questions like how would you answer to a customer's query. These questions were more or less simple customer agent chats and is focussed mainly on whether you are able to understand the customer's query and how will you respond to it.

After the test we were told that we have cleared the first round and were given date to come back for the interviews.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I was summoned to come to the cabin. First and foremost I wished them and introduced myself. There were questions related to my background, educational background and family background. They were concentrating mainly on my sentence formation and accent. Even though it is a chat based program, they were interested in the vocal aspect because as they put it, 'You write what you speak' which is quite true as whenever we write something it is merely the hand responding to the words in our minds. 

There was however a problem as they were adamant about me signing a one year contract which I politely refused. They asked questions on why I was reluctant to sign the contract and would I leave the organization quite soon as in some cases students join for a few months and quit which turns out to be quite a loss to the organisation as they provide training and other facilities. I gave the proper reason and finally they agreed to it. One more question that they were particularly interested was that I had a technical background why was I opting for a career in BPO industry and were sceptical whether I would leave the job as there are better and fulfilling opportunities for an engineering graduate. I frankly told them that my academics were not good and I couldn't get a job in the campus placement. It is very difficult to find a job if one doesn't get a job in the campus. Also I told them that I intended to take the GATE exam the next year and wanted to support myself till then. They had no problems if I could work for them for at least one year and asked some further questions to make sure that I will work for them for the period.

They however asked me to pay more attention to my grammar and typing skills but assured that they will provide the training so that I will become better at it. Finally they were convinced that I will be a good candidate and offered me the job letter.

College Name: Vjti
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