Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

What if you can't knock at your Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2025

167 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Sep 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
c,dlda,dsp......unsigned characters,function pointers,time and space used by different functions performing the same task and several unconventional things were asked.
:14 shortlisted after apti

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: a few questions to check your creativity(only 30 sec given to solve)viz...convert roman 9(IX) to six.
-mostly he spoke on what should i do......i came across as a very strong person who is very insecured and wants to do everything better than others...he made me realise that its not one has enough skills for that....enjoy your life.dont sulk and take too much pressure
do something because you like to do it and not for any competition(not even with yourself).
Tips: (dos and donts)
-common interview related questions definitely help.find them on internet.
-only c is sufficient but not the marks oriented c that we did in 1st sem.
-a completely different side of c where things we generally dont use or bother about is asked.
like unsigned nos,program stack space,function ptrs,etc.
its very important to clear apti first,which is COMPLETELY different from interviews and definitely more difficult.
do try to think loud during interviews and make them stop you if you r thinking in wrong direction.
-at the end,IT HAS TO BE YOUR DAY

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Given a string s[1...n] and a reverse function reverse(s, i, k) > which reverses the character sequence from i to k (inclusive of both) > in string s, more
  • Q2. If len is the length of the string and num is the number of > characters printed on the screen > Give the relation between num and len. > > void abc (char *s){ more
  • Q3. Which of the following numbers cannot be represented accurately in > binary? > a) 0.1 b) 6.5 c) 1/16 d)1.32 e) 0.590625 (not sure abt option e) > > 1. a only > more
  • Q4. A process doesn't require additional processors to carry out 40% of > it's execution since 40% is mostly sequential. Determine how many > additional processors more
  • Q5. Time complexity of a function f(m) is O(m). If the array[i...n] > contains either 1 or 0 in each of it's locations, determine the worst > case time complexity more
  • Q6. Increasing the RAM increases the efficiency of the CPU. The reason > is > a) Virtual memory increases > b) Number of page Page faults decreases > c) Page more

Interview Preparation Tips

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Given a string INPUT, find the longest repeating substring.

Example: if INPUT = ababcbacabc, answer would be abc.

Write testcases.

The most important thing here is that you're supposed to ask questions to resolve ambiguities - the substrings cannot be overlappping.

Example: If INPUT = seattle, the expected answer is t, not e.

Example: If INPUT = ababa, answer = ab, not aba.

All such corner-cases must be considered.
Screening interview:

I had a single screening interview for conversion from Microsoft IDC to Redmond. It was more like a chat - in the initial 10-15 minutes atleast.

The first 10-15 minutes was about:

what i learnt at Microsoft
What was my project about
What did I learn from my project (my answer to this included both, learning in technical sense and personal development.
“Why test?” (IDC had selected me as an SDET, and that’s the profile they’d forwarded)

After that he asked what I liked to do (problem solving etc.) On saying “solving new and challenging problems”, he gave me the question:

Given 3 consecutinve numbers, and that the first and third are prime, is it always true that the middle number is divisible by 3 ? Prove your answer.
This question was majorly to check if I can think and zero in on the solution and the process.

Then, my second (and easy) question was to

Write a code for tokenizing a character stream. The stream starts and ends with a delimiter.
Example: Input: “
Here, the start of the string is denoted by ‘<’, and end by ‘>’.
The expected output is to return(or print) list of individual words. ie: “abc, def, msft, pr-st” (four words)

This is a ridiculously easy thing to code - but they weren’t interested in code. What he wanted to see was:
1. Approach
2. If the logic is sturdy enough and considers all test cases
2. Design choices and decision making (the whole Q revolved around this) - I made a list of test cases that the code should consider. In each case, there is a decision to be made - he wanted to see why I decided what I decided.
Input: “ a<efg>”
This obviously is something where a normal program would fail. My logic to this was: Discard everything before the first start delimiter, after the first end delimiter.
So my output: “abc, cd”

That was all.

Tips: Mine was a PrePlacement interview process - doesnt differ much from the normal campus, but competition is awesome.

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Merge two sorted linked list and write testcases
  • Q2. WAP to check if the binary tree is height-balanced and write testcases
  • Q3. Then he asked me about my internship and to explain my projects
  • Q4. Find the intersection point of two linked list
  • Q5. You are given file pointer and integer n, write c code for printing last “n” lines in that file
  • Q6. What is deadlock?Conditions for that?What are the methods to prevent it?Write code to prevent the deadlock for OS, considering that there are two processes P0 more
  • Q7. How will you avoid race condition on shared memory?
  • Q8. Suppose there are two processes P0 and P1 and they want write to shared memory and while writing they should have exclusive lock on memory and P0 should be more
  • Q9. What is IPC? What are its types? compare them
  • Q10. If you have design offline browser and what will be challenges that you will face
  • Q11. Give the data structure to represent N-ary tree and write to code for its BFS
  • Q12. You are given binary tree. Weight of node in binary tree=data present in it*level of that node(root’s level was given to be 1).Find the node in tree with more
  • Q13. You are given infinite sequence of continuos natural numbers-1,2,3,4,5,6.......... Initially you delete every 2nd element so sequence will be 1,3,,5,7,9,11, more
  • Q14. Write the code to find inorder successor of given node in binary tree

Interview Preparation Tips

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 1) Objective Paper - i)Basic C questions
ii) DS questions covering Graphs and Trees
iii) Analysis of Algo. Questions.
iv) There were more but I can’t remember

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: I attempted question Number 3 very well which was also brought up in my 3rd tech Interview. It was what got me through I assume.

Screening Test: 6-8 people in a room were taken and were given the following problem to solve -
“ There are two given sorted Linked lists. Merge them to form a single sorted Linked list. In case of duplicates, delete copies”
In one batch, people were also told to write test cases.

Tips: Speed, Accuracy and Covering as many cases which may arise as possible in the code
Points where every VJTIan committed mistakes - !) In case of duplicates, only one node was inserted into the single linked list, but nobody freed up the memory of the other node by using free. they expect that.
2) modularization - In case one of the linked lists is over, we simply append the remaining elements of the other array into the single linked list. This was expected to be done by a single function taking parameters.

Why I cleared - Finished Coding around 12 mins before everybody and committed no mistakes which others made. The above two are the only things I didn’t do

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: No. 2 - 1) Design an Offline Browsing Experience
An one and half hour discussion was held on this, where he asked me Line of thought in designing the product, the thinking behind various proposed features, Made changes in the requirements, told to propose new features as per new requirements for at least 4 features, How will you implement the feature - show UI and block Diagram, what data structures will you use for the feature etc etc.
Was checking Designing aptitude and how many new features proposed

No 3 - 1)How will you implement an N-ary tree (N has no limit) and write code for BFS on that N-ary tree based on the implementation
Gave her Three implementations. She only settled for the one which She wanted
2) Write code foe the node of the tree and the above BFS

3) The weight of the node is given as Value of node*level of node. Write a function which returns the address of a node with the MAXWEIGHT in a binary tree
I gave Non-recursive solution. She then asked for a recursive solution
Code for both Recursive and Non-recursive she made me write

4) Given an array of n elements which have numbers in the range of 0 to n-1, find if the array has any duplicate elements

5) Write code to return position of the duplicate element
Was just checking coding knowledge
Tips: 1) Accuracy is not very important, approach is. If you are wrong, you should be able to tell why you are wrong before the interviewer tells you. The interviewers help a lot, but getting the correct solution is required
2) Write as tight code as possible in aptis and interviews. From freeing nodes, to returning boolean instead of Int, to Using struct instead of two separate variables, every bit of efficiency is appreciated and earns you a lot of points
3) Keenness to learn is a very important quality which they see when they are considering a PM candidate. It is hard to fake that. They usually deduce it by the way you talk.
4) For PM, they take the ‘Do you have a question for me’ very very seriously. Ask genuine questions and don’t ask rubbish. People are usually good and teach you a lot when you ask them good questions
5) The Microsoft process is meticulous and you will enjoy it if you love solving puzzles. An opportunity to show your talent or aptitude is given to you if you ask.
6) For people looking for PM, read a lot(Newspapers/tech blogs/technologies), think a lot - that’s all you can do for it.

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical on paper test questions:(dis was only for 12 among d 26 shortlisted ppl after apti...others directly had interviews)
5 wer selected in this test who wer nw sent for interviews
TECHNICAL INTERVIEW: (pls list the questions asked in all the rounds)
26 shortlisted after apti (14 directly for interviews & 12 had one more technical on paper test...mentioned above)
der wer min 2 technical rounds for each of them...max were 5

- You are given course dependencies
The above dependencies mean...if you want to take course should take courses B and C first....To take B,Course D must be taken first....D is an independent course and can be taken without any prior requirements.
Now you are told these dependencies.Come up with an appropriate data structure to represent these dependencies.Then write a code that finds out all the courses that the student can take this case the student can first take course D because its independent.Now that course D has been taken he can next take up B as it depends on B alone...But the courses A and C can never be taken because they depend on each other...So here all the courses that can be taken are B and D.
After i wrote the code....he asked for all possible test cases
-Given an array of length N....It can be filled with nos. only from 1 to N....find which nos are repeated in the array
-Given pointers to two nodes in a binary tree....find their least common ancestor...each node has pointer to only the parent node...not the left and right child..
-In a binary tree(Not necessarily a BST)...suppose the weight of any node is defined as the product of the key value of the node and the level of the node(Root at level 1)...find the node with maximum weight in the binary tree
-A sorted array of size n is right circularly rotated k times and this rotated array is given to you as input...Find out the value of k in log n time .
-There are some processes running at time T....and there are processes running at time T+30.
You have to find out
1)Which processes died at time T+30,which were alive at time T
2)Which are the new processes at time T+30,which were not there at time T
3)Which are the processes that were there at time T and are still running at time T+30
What data structure will you use to represent the process lists and write code to find out the answers to the 3 questions above
-Given a binary search tree...and a target sum...starting at the root...which all paths add up to the target sum?...if there are multiple paths....return the path with least no. of nodes.

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Sep 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 1 written test + 3 rounds of technical interviews
For final offer: 3 rounds of technical interview

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Sep 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There was a preliminary test, wherein questions on discrete structures, data structures, algorithms, math (permutation, combinations, probability) and operating systems were asked. There was also a programming question to code (on paper). It took them around 3 weeks to shortlist students selected for interviews.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It took them about a month's time to announce results!

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: "explain your projects
data structure code related to stack and queue
sorting algorithms
c program for palindrome
html + css + javascript related questions
software development life cycle
software testing phases

Round: HR Interview
hobbies and achievements
simple hr related questions"

Skill Tips: "do final year project in detail.
be confident
if you don't know the answer, tell them straight away that you don't know the answer
College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: "Aptitude test :
Half the questions were for quantitative aptitude, the other half were programming based.

Round: Technical Interview

Technical Interview :
Was asked to write a basic sort algorithm code. Wrote it in Python, managed to get through in 15 minutes

Round: HR Interview
HR Interview :
Skype interview. Was asked to talk about projects mostly, was questioned about what projects I had done, technical details. Lasted for 20 minutes. Not too taxing. "

Skill Tips: The aptitude test questions posted on online discussion sites REPEATED word for word, so do take a look. They DID NOT change the aptitude test by even one question from what they had used for some other college.
College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]
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