Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra

What if you can't knock at your Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Jan 2025

167 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Personal Interview (only HR):I: (Knock the door) May I come in Sir?
Interviewer: Yes please. Have a seat.
I:Thank you Sir.
Interviewer:(Silence of 1 sec) May I have your resume?
I:Yeah, Of-course Sir. (Handed over the resume)
Interviewer:(Trying to get an overview of my resume)
So, Tell me about yourself?
I:I am Neeraj Dwivedi, completed my high school from ... (In between)
Interviewer:Tell me which is not mentioned in your resume.
I:I am basically from Kannauj, the city of cents.
Interviewer:Ohh, I heard this name before, For what it is famous?
I:It is famous for cents and Gattas(I was not knowing the English word for Gatta, still not).
Interviewer:What is this Gatta?
I:(With confidence)It is a little hard sweet having white color made by sugarcane.
Interviewer:Ohh. Why you are interviewing for Infosys?
I:Sir, It is a reputed and one of the best companies in India, and I believe this company can provide me a platform to enhance my knowledge and abilities. It will a pleasure to start my career with such respected organization.
Interviewer:How you prepare for this selection process.
I:Sir, when I came to know about this, then I started solving KS Agarwal, book for aptitude and reasoning questions. I have downloaded a lot of question from internet for practice. I have read a lot interviews of other Infosys aspirants.
Interviewer:So that book KS Agarwal helped you or not.
I:Yes Sir, A lot.
Interviewer:How you spent the time between the written result announcement and interview time? (It was a huge duration of 6 hrs.)
I:Sir frankly, I spent my time discussing with close friends about what can be asked from us in the interview when interviews has not started. We tried to take interviews of each other to practice. When interviews started, then we wait for the person went for interview, and after asked the questions from that person what are asked to him.
Interviewer:So, you get the questions?
Interviewer:What are they?
I:Some said, interviewer has asked him about his projects, some said about interest, about hobbies, about games, strengths, weaknesses and some times on common things like newspapers.
Interviewer:Oh, you are from CSE branch? Is it?
I:Yes sir.
Interviewer:Okk, then tell me the difference between blog and websites?
I:Sir, I do not know exactly but blog is the collection of personal views or articles, or you can content in blog is based on some particular topic, blogs containing poems or technical blog. But website represents an organization or complete person or complete business, in all aspects. 
Interviewer:Hmm, What is portal?
I:Similar to blog but not containing articles, can be related to a single objective like job portal, containing different job openings only.
Interviewer:That's great, nice talking to you Mr. Neeraj? If you want to ask anything please?
I:(Thinking something)May I get your feedback about how was the interview?
Interviewer:(Silence with Smile)
I:I just want to know how I have done, because it was my first interview?
Interviewer:I can not tell you anything, results will tell you in a better way.
I:Thank you sir.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: He asked me around 10 questions in Oracle Applications.

1. What is DFF & KFF?

A. DFF stores additional information in the database using attribute columns whereas KFF is a primary data or identical data or intelligent key has information in segments.

2. 5 Parameters of RDF & execution heirarchy?

A. Before Report

After Report

Before Parameter

After Parameter

Between Pages

Execution Heirarchy:

Before Parameter

After Parameter

Before Report

Between Pages

After Report

3. What is token in Oracle Apps?

A. Token is nothing but the parameter which is being used in report.

4. What is the mandatory parameter used in Report?

A. P_CONC_REQUEST_ID is the mandatory parameter used in report.

5. Flow of AR Module?

A. Transaction Creation --> Transfer to GL --> Receipt Creation --> Post to GL.

6. Apps Architecture?

A. It is a managed ERP system, which work in any kind of industry.

It has centrally managed module like Financials which has module like AR - Accounts Receivable, AP - Accounts Payable, FA - Fixed Assets, CM - Cash Management, GL - General Ledger.

likewise for Distribution modules are like OM - Order Management, PO - Purchasing, INV - Inventory, over the top it has HRMS & CRM.

7. How to enable a DFF?

A. To enable a DFF, need to know the DFFs which are available for application, for ex. if we need to enable a DFF in transactions then need to find out which DFF has to be enabled whether for Transaction Header & from Transaction Line, depends on the scenario.

8. How to create a report in XML Publisher?

A. To create a report in XML, need to create a Query in DataModel of Report Builder without having Layout. Than register a concurrent program having report output as XML. once you run the report..u can see the output in XML save those contents in xml file, now open Winword where we have ad-on menu of XML Publisher now use this data of xml, import the data & create a RTF template using this data. once it is done save it in RTF format then create a Data Definition in XML Publisher reponsibility using Oracle Apps & attach this Data Definition to the Template while creating a Template & use this .RTF template attached to it. & Then run the report u can see the output in PDF format.

9. What is Alert?

A. It is an action, which performs an action on specific time or on event.

10.What is Alert? A. It is a process, which in turn runs internally while using a notification for approval process.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interview:I had technical interview first and I was comfortable in that. There were questions regarding my favorite subject, operating system, C language as well as C++.there were puzzles from artificial intelligence and some questions about the company and its products. In the end they asked me whether I want to ask anything.
There I tried to show them that I am interested in them as I asked about one of the products.
Later there was HR round in which there were general questions regarding my hobbies, my strength and weaknesses etc. Where do I see myself after five years from now?
The key to get success in this round was a good hold on communication skills as well as confidence.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: So it all started. First round was written, both technical and aptitude. Difficulty level was average and I managed to clear the first hurdle. Second round was GD and we don't had any idea of what about the GD topic. One GD group consisted of 8 students and they could be from other departments also. 
Our Group discussion topic was Whether western culture has impact on Indian culture. It was an easy topic and they gave us two minutes to think over that topic. In meantime I made about three points.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: As GD started, initially there was confusion as everybody tried to deliver their point first. My best advice is to wait patiently for your turn and justify your points. I delivered just two points and I didn't either start or conclude the GD though I had belief that I would make the cut and my belief also came true.
Seventeen of the students got selected for the final round and there were also perceptions that their requirement is eight. They called in one by one and the panel consisted of three HRs. Everyone took 30 minutes to finish the interview. And it was my chance and they asked for my resume. They went through my resume and started to ask questions about my implant training. I did my implant training in Thermal power station and they started to ask technical from that area, though my area of interest is strength of materials. I just managed to answer only three of their ten questions in power plants and after that they started to ask questions from my comfort zone.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interview happened for 20 minutes and it was mostly technical and interview got over only by night 8. We waited for the results and they announced it by 9 and it didn't make that cut. I felt bad but it was my fault as I didn't prepare for my resume. They took 7 students and gave postings in locations at Jharkhand, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tuticorin. The pay was 3.5 lacs per annum and training period was around 12 months.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Placement first roundFirst round of the placement was online test. The questions were from basics of thermal engineering, manufacturing, engineering graphics, strength of materials and kinematics of machines.

Aptitude questions were from age, blood relationship, profit and loss, trains and verbal questions. The questions appeared in random. Each question carried one mark and I guess there were 90 questions. 

You will have time of about 60 seconds to answer that question or else the computer will throw the next question. Don't ever try to copy the question by copy and pastemeans as it will leave your mac signature and later may lead to your disqualification. 

The questions were basics only so nothing great study is required. But proper practice needs to be taken for answering the questions within the stipulated time.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 90

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Second round - Group discussionThe next round was group discussion round. In online round there was 70% elimination. So if you get pass that barrier then you can easily see through. 

In GD round each group consisted of eight members. They allowed us to choose the topic. So we opted for the topic school life versus college life. Points to remember in group discussion is

1. Try to initiate the GD if you are familiar with the topic.

2. No problem if you can't initiate GD. But make sure at the end you have thrown two to three valid points.

3. Don't try to argue with any of your mates.

4. If you agree with the topic then stick to your view. Don't try to change your view in between GD.

5. Keep eye contact with others.

6. Give others also a chance to throw their points.

If you get these points right then you will see through this process.

Generally they will take two to three from a group. But here they eliminated just two from the group which made competition heavier in the final stage.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: I am living in Pune and got call for SSB. My interview center is Allahabad. I was expecting that there will be around 200 candidates. At station I found MCO boards and went there. All candidates have to report there. At 1pm all candidates gathered and one army man announced that we have to follow him and he took us out side where army buses are waiting for us. In one bus we all put our luggage and in other some of us went. Similarly they did 2-3 rounds and we all were at center. Now our room allotment started. We all got our room on the basis of hall ticket number. We all have to share the room. They told us that in morning at 5 am, we will get breakfast and have to report at 6.30 am sharp. In night I slept and in morning bell rang, we all wake up, did breakfast, took bath and gathered at decided place. Now silent is all over and finally army persons came. They gave some background of SSB and then real thing that is the procedure of SSB. First we have to fill a form in which we have to provide semester wise percentages and there will be 10-15 questions. Always keep in mind the answers which you have written for 10-15 questions because on final interview they will have those answers. There will be first two tests regarding our brain testing. There will be timeline in which we have to complete the test. There are 50 question and 30 min for first test. For second test around 40 questions and 15 min. Both question papers contains some series, find the sequence, find the missing words, what will be next sequence. In short they want to test our intelligence. After these tests, we have image perception test. In this they will show one picture and the picture will be blur. We can hardly distinguish it. By seeing that picture we have to write one short story. I believe we should be positive while writing story. We got a picture in which one man is reading some book and one girl is standing behind him and looking at him. So I have written story that the boy is preparing for SSB and his mother is caring, motivating him. Also we have to tell the age of characters, type of character means boy or girl and location of him/her. Within 10 min we have to write story.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Time over and they collected the answer sheets. Now the next round i.e., group discussion. We have to discuss on the same topic on which we have written the story. They have made group of 10-10 people and started the GD. When our turn came I have also put my view and it went good as well. Finally we got the results and I was not selected. I didn't understand why I was rejected but it was good experience.

General Tips: 1) While solving first and second paper always keep in mind that we have to solve it within time. There is no negative marking so attend all question papers.2) Don't try to be over smart.3) Present as it what are you?4) Don't interrupt any person if he is talking. First let him complete and then start.5) Try to start and conclude the GD.6) Always write positive story.7) Stick to your point.8) Be confident9) don't look at interviewer while doing GD10) Always give time to others also11) Remember the answers which you have gave on form12) Brought all things which they have mentioned in letterFinally best of luck.
College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Conversation with the InterviewersThe interviewer started with asking my name. Before I write down the conversation I want to introduce one more interviewer who came after few minutes of the first interviewer's arrival and he was a young gentleman. Hence I am referring the first interviewer as interviewer1 and later one as interviewer2.
Before interviewer2 came interviewer1 started.
Interviewer1: What is your name?
Me: I am Biswajit Kayal.
Interviewer1: So Biswajit, do you know which function is used for dynamic memory allocation in C?
Me: malloc () is used for dynamic memory allocation.
Interviewer1: What is the reverse of malloc () function?
Me: Don't know sir.(After thinking few seconds, actually I didn't get his question, I guessed it should be free() but I didn't answer as I thought that it may creates a negative impression. )
Interviewer1: Explain link list.
Me: Using a example, I did it on paper and explain the concept of link list.
Interviewer1: Is link list linear or non linear data structure?
Me: We can access the data in link list linearly but the way it stores data is non linear.At this point the second interviewer (e.i. Interviewer2) came and I stood up and wished him good afternoon. He told me to take my seat. Interviewer2 took my CV and go through it. Then Interviewer2 started.
Interviewer2: Do you know binary search algorithms?
Me: Yes sir.
Interiewer2: Tell the advantage of binary search? 
Me: It is faster as in every iteration the number of input reduced to its half.
Interviewer2: What is the complexity of binary search?
Me: O(logn) sir. (After thinking few seconds)
Interviewer2: What is insertion sort?
Me: Explained with an example how insertion sort algorithm work.
Interviewer2: How do you reverse a string?
Me: I explained the logic, I said take the 1st character and last character of the string and swap each other and then take 2nd character and 2nd last character and swap them. Likewise do for all until the middle element reached.
Interviewer2: What is function overloading?
Me: Explained. 
Interviewer2: What is Operator Overloading?
Me: Don't know sir. (As I didn't mention any object oriented programming language in my CV he didn't ask any further question from OOPS).
Interviewer2: What is Database Management System?
Me: Told.
Interviewer2: What is primary key?
Me: Primary key is an attribute or set of attribute together used to uniquely identify the tuple in a relation or table.
Interviewer2: What is Framework? (As I did my summer training on C#.NET)

Me: Frame work allow the developer to concentrate on the business logic other functionality required like printing services etc that will be provided by framework.
And here Interviewer2 finished 
Interviewer1: Do you have anything to ask us?
Me: Yes sir, what will be my job role in IBM GBS?
Interviewer1: Smiled and said that have your institute trained you all to ask this same question, everyone asking the same.Then he replied that they will give us joining around July and then we will be trained on any of their technology such as SAP, .NET, Mainframe etc for few months, then we will be posted at any location in India as per company requirement and basically our role will be developer.
Tips: And here my interview finished. So far I have shared the question they asked and what was my reply. Now I will share my feeling about the Interview. The interviewer were very cool and friendly, I never feel nervous, though it was my second Job interview still I felt very free to talk with them.Finally the result announced and I was selected.

Wish you all the best for your interview, don't get nervous try to give your best and be honest.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 1)Quantitative :There were 10 questions containing profit and loss, work and time, partnership, simple interest questions which can be practiced from RS AGGRAWAL book.

2)English(medium):5 questions each containing a small paragraph and a question based on the paragraph 

3)Data interpretation(graphs).5 bar graph questions and questions based on that.

The result was announced at 1:00 pm and out of 70 students 30 cleared the aptitude test. We were really happy to make the cut.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Group DiscussionNext we were called for group discussion. They made 5 panels of 6 students each in separate rooms. We were given separate blank papers and a pen to write the points about the topic. First topic was Ragging should be banned or not a girl in my team opened the discussion, everyone put forward their points, we had a very healthy discussion. Then he gave another topic Prostitution should legalized or not in India but now there was chaos and fish market ,those who missed last time started raising their voice .So he shouted at us and warned that no one will be selected if continue to do so.

Then he said I have judged some of you so now only those will speak who could not get chance. Then he gave another topic Apple a hype. We were asked to wait outside for results .20 cleared it and I was one of them.

Experience: Case studyWe were taken to projector hall, were shown a video and asked to write a summary.Video was based on united nations conference on environment .They were testing our grasping and attention skills. There was no elimination in this round.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical InterviewNext we had technical interview. We were called one by one. 

Interviewer: Hello how are you?

Me: Sir, I am fine.(Smiling)

Interviewer: So ,tell me about yourself.

Me: Sir I am very hardworking, enthusiastic and motivated person. I am very helpful and well organized.

Interviewer: Good I am happy that you are very organized.

Me: thank you sir.

Interviewer: I would ask some basic puzzles, solve them ok.

Me: yes sir.

Interviewer: There are 1000 houses and you need to number them from 1 to 1000 so how many zero's do you need?

Me: I took a lot of time bur finally solved it and he was very helpful and was assisting me.

Interviewer: good.

Me: Thank you sir.

Interviewer: A clock tongs 1 time at 1 pm, 2 times at 2pm, number of times it will tong at 12.

Me: I had done this puzzle before .So I solved it easily.

Interviewer: Suppose there are 3 people A,B,C and 1 torch ,they take 1 ,2 ,3 minutes to cross a bridge respectively and at a time only 2 persons can go .so how much time they will take to cross the bridge?

Me: solved with a lot of efforts.

Interviewer: write c code of string concatenation.

Me: wrote it well.

Interviewer: can you write this code in microprocessor?

Me: no sir.

Interviewer: But It was a part of syllabus.

Me: yes sir, but I am not good in microprocessor.

Interviewer: Tell me about your BE project?

Me: Sir my project is based on encryption and decryption.

Interviewer: Tell me about Ceaser algorithm?

Me: sorry sir, I don't know.

Interviewer: Anything you want to ask?

Me: no sir.

Interviewer: ok I have interviewed you .Wait outside for your HR(writing something on paper)

Me: thank you sir(smiling).

After my technical interview was over which was more of a puzzle type than technical, but I was satisfied with my performance.

Next was HR interview. I was called into a separate panel. I saw an old person sitting there, he was reading the remarks from technical interview.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR InterviewInterviewer: hello, so how was your interview?

Me: It was good sir.

Interviewer: ok, tell me difference between smart work and hard work?

Me: i answered in a convoluted manner.

Interviewer: so, suppose I want to establish a shop in a city, how much stock of Colgate I should have in my shop?

Me: sir, it must be according to the population of the city.

Interviewer: Can you write c code of fibonacci series?

Me: I wrote it?

Interviewer: ok, I am done with the interview, you may go now.

Me: thank you sir.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This is an interview which took place in Bangalore for the post of Secretary, for a construction company way back in 90' I was one of the candidates among 15 applicants. I was sure that I won't be selected for the post as I was new to the system. I just wanted to know the formal procedure of the interview, so I made up my mind to attend it without any fear in my mind. I was under the impression that may head of the company would be sitting and he may ask certain questions related to me, educational qualification, experience and salary. My answers were ready. One by one went inside and came back. After 6 candidates, my turn came. There was not one person to interview as I thought; there was a panel of three members. I became quite sure that I was not the one to be selected, so whatever questions they ask must be answered by me boldly. I greeted them and waited for their response. I took seat when they offered me. It started very slowly with my introduction then other questions I had prepared for. In between one of the members asked me who the chief minister of Bihar was then. I was speechless. I did not know the answer. Then I told them that it was really difficult to remember because the ministers keep on changing as the system was flexible. After a couple of questions, I was told that it would be intimated to me. I forgot the incident and moved on.
On April 1st 1991, I received the letter saying that I should join them from 3rd of April. My brother teased me that I had been fooled by them. Still, I went on 3rd April and I was cordially invited by the manager, one of the panel members.
I learnt a few lessons from this interview :
1. Trust yourself.
2. be bold, so that the interviewer must feel that you are confident.
3. be honest about your knowledge, as nobody is perfect.
4. Handle the situation in a tactful method.
After this interview, none of my interview was in vain. I would like to give some of the tips for the new aspirants, who are on look out for an opportunity. You can just grab it, if you are self confident but definitely not over confident.

College Name: Vjti
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 May 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

  • Q1. You have any past experience as safety engineer?
  • Q2. What is the nature of your job?
  • Q3. Fine. What and all should be checked on a heavy vehicle which enters a construction site?
  • Q4. What is work permit?
  • Q5. What is the safety procedure to use a ladder against wall?
  • Q6. Now you are seeing a worker using ladder without safety procedure. What will you do?
  • Q7. If he doesn't obey you??
  • Q8. No. Should teach him as he cold understand that we are saying for his safety only. If he doesn't obey then too then only should put fine and all. okay?
  • Q9. What is your basic qualification?
  • Q10. Then you do you prefer safety field than electronics?
  • Q11. You would've seen the your basic salary and allowanse and all. Do you agree to work in our company with this package?
  • Q12. You have to give your original certificate to get offer letter. This is the formality to join in our company. We will give the certificate back to you in the more
  • Q13. If any situation comes that you cant inform your leave from company, you should pay the amount of your one month salary to the company to get your original more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: We shared our greeting after i gave my resume attached with the copies of all my educational documents and testimonials.
Interviewer: You have any past experience as safety engineer?
Me: Yes sir. I have a couple of years in Siva constructions,Trichy. 
Interviewer:What is the nature of your job?
Me: Have to do the following works daily sir,
1. Tool box meeting
2. Taking record of total man power in the site from the daily attendance.
3. Checking the first aid box and make sure that the following medical equipments are there,
* Band aid

* Scissor
* Sufficient amount of cotton
* Head ache and stomach pain tablets
* Dettol 
* Anticeptic medicines
* CPR kid
4. Making sure that all the labor following the things which had been said in the tool box meeting by supervising.
5. Have to give the labor first aid if they get any minor injury. Have to give first aid and send the labor to hospital if they met with any big accident.
6.Have to stop all the works in the spot and should put barrigation around the spot if any fatal accident happens. Have to enquire the personnal who and all being in the spot where fatals happen.Should prepare a record with the content of the notes got from those enquiry if fatal accident happens.7.Have to prepare daily report with the help of the attendance and the notes of minor and big accidents happened on that day. The daily report will bear the total safety hours of the day too. Thats it sir.
Interviewer: fine. What and all should be checked on a heavy vehicle which enters a construction site?
Me: We should check the following sir,
* License and other paper about the vehicle
* Brake of the vehicle
* Horn and reverse horn
* Have to check the gate pass. etc.,
Interviewer: okay.What is work permit?
Me: It is a paper should be given by a safety officer to any work in the site. In that sheet, the work nature, the time duration in which the work has to be finished all will be mentioned. This sheet should be prepared by the supervisor of the work and should be signed by the engineer of that work, Site incharge ,and finally by safety officer/engineer. No work should be done without this work permit sheet sir.
Interviewer: What is the safety procedure to use a ladder against wall?
Me: 45 cm of minimum space should be left between the bottom of the ladder and the wall sir.
Interviewer: okay. Now you are seeing a worker using ladder without safety procedure. What will you do?
Me: I will teach him the safety procedure and tell him to follow that. 
Interviewer:If he doesn't obey you??
Me: Simple. Ill put fine and add the amount to the safety fund sir.
Interviewer: No. Should teach him as he cold understand that we are saying for his safety only. If he doesn't obey then too then only should put fine and all. okay?
Me:Okay sir.
Interviewer: What is your basic qualification?
Me: B.E(Electronics and communications)sir.
Interviewer:Tjen you do you prefer safety field than electronics?
Me:I have no interest in that field sir.
Interviewer:okay. You have been selected. Go and meet the H.R.
Me:Thank you sir.
He gave me a paper consisting of the basic salary,ESI,Monthly bonus and yearly bonus. I went to meet the H.R with that paper. The following discussion happened in the H.R room:
H.R Manager:You would've seen the your basic salary and allowanse and all. Do you agree to work in our company with this package?
Me:Gladly sir.
H.R Manager:fine. You have to give your original certificate to get offer letter. This is the formality to join in our company. We will give the certificate back to you in the following situations:
1. You should inform us before a month if you are going to leave the job.
2.You should work here after informing your quiting job without salary.
3.If any situation comes that you cant inform your leave from company, you should pay the amount of your one month salary to the company to get your original certificate back.
Me: I agree sir.
I joined in that company and worked for a month and quit my job. I payed them my one month salary and got my original certificate.

College Name: Vjti
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