Software Analyst
30+ Software Analyst Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
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Q1. DFS Traversal Problem Statement
Given an undirected and disconnected graph G(V, E)
, where V
is the number of vertices and E
is the number of edges, the connections between vertices are provided in the 'GRAPH' more
DFS traversal problem on an undirected and disconnected graph to find connected components.
Use Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm to traverse the graph and find connected components.
Maintain a visited array to keep track of visited vertices.
For each unvisited vertex, perform DFS to explore all connected vertices and form a connected component.
Repeat the process until all vertices are visited and print the connected components.
Handle disconnected components by starting DFS more
Q2. Merge Intervals Problem Statement
You are provided with 'N' intervals, each containing two integers denoting the start time and end time of the interval.
Your task is to merge all overlapping intervals and more
Merge overlapping intervals and return sorted list of merged intervals by start time.
Iterate through intervals and merge overlapping ones
Sort merged intervals by start time
Return the sorted list of merged intervals
Q3. Word Search Problem Statement
Given a two-dimensional grid of size N x M
consisting of upper case characters and a string 'WORD', determine how many times the 'WORD' appears in the grid.
The 'WORD' can be more
Count the number of occurrences of a given word in a 2D grid by moving in all eight possible directions.
Iterate through each cell in the grid and start searching for the word from that cell in all eight directions.
Keep track of the number of occurrences found while searching.
Handle edge cases like word length exceeding grid dimensions or starting from out-of-bounds cells.
Q4. BFS Traversal in a Graph
Given an undirected and disconnected graph G(V, E) where V vertices are numbered from 0 to V-1, and E represents edges, your task is to output the BFS traversal starting from the 0th more
BFS traversal in a disconnected graph starting from vertex 0.
Implement BFS algorithm to traverse the graph starting from vertex 0.
Explore neighbor nodes first before moving to the next level neighbors.
Consider undirected and disconnected graph where not all pairs of vertices have paths connecting them.
Output the BFS traversal sequence for each test case in a separate line.
Ensure the BFS path starts from vertex 0 and print connected nodes in numerical sort order.
Q5. Fenwick Tree Problem Statement
You are provided with an array/list ARR
consisting of 'N' integers, along with 'Q' queries. Each query can be of one of the following two types:
- Type 1 (Range Sum): Given two more
The problem involves executing range sum and point update queries on an array using Fenwick Tree data structure.
Use Fenwick Tree to efficiently handle range sum and point update queries.
For range sum queries, calculate prefix sums and use them to compute the sum in the given range.
For point update queries, update the Fenwick Tree accordingly to reflect the changes in the array.
Ensure to handle the queries efficiently to meet the time constraints.
Example: Given array [3, 2, 1, more
Q6. Rat in a Maze Problem Statement
You need to determine all possible paths for a rat starting at position (0, 0) in a square maze to reach its destination at (N-1, N-1). The maze is represented as an N*N matrix more
The task is to find all possible paths for a rat to navigate through a maze from start to finish.
Create a recursive function to explore all possible paths from the starting position to the destination.
Keep track of the current path and update it as the rat moves through the maze.
Explore all possible directions (up, down, left, right) at each step, making sure to avoid blocked cells.
When reaching the destination, add the current path to the list of valid paths.
Sort the list more
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Q7. Alien Dictionary Problem Statement
You are provided with a sorted dictionary (by lexical order) in an alien language. Your task is to determine the character order of the alien language from this dictionary. more
Given a sorted alien dictionary in an array of strings, determine the character order of the alien language.
Iterate through the words in the dictionary to find the order of characters.
Create a graph of characters based on the order of appearance in the words.
Perform a topological sort on the graph to get the character order of the alien language.
Q8. Climbing the Leaderboard Problem Statement
In a game leaderboard, scores determine rankings where the highest score gets rank 1. Players with identical scores share the same rank, followed by the next rank more
The task is to determine a player's leaderboard rank for each game score based on given leaderboard and game scores.
Iterate through each game score and compare it with leaderboard scores to determine the rank.
Use a hashmap to store the leaderboard scores and their corresponding ranks.
Handle cases where multiple players have the same score and share the same rank.
Return an array of ranks for each game score.
Software Analyst Jobs
Q9. Design a HashSet
Create a HashSet data structure without using any built-in hash table libraries.
Functions Description:
1) Constructor: Initializes the data members as required. 2) add(value): Inserts an more
Design a HashSet data structure with add, contains, and remove functions.
Implement a HashSet using an array and handling collisions using chaining or open addressing.
Use a hash function to map values to indices in the array.
For add function, insert the value at the hashed index.
For contains function, check if the value exists at the hashed index.
For remove function, delete the value at the hashed index and return it, or return -1 if not found.
Q10. Flatten the Multi-Level Linked List Problem
You are provided with a multi-level linked list consisting of 'N' nodes. Each node contains a 'next' and 'child' pointer that may point to another node. Your task is more
The task is to flatten a multi-level linked list into a singly linked list and return the head of the modified linked list.
Traverse the linked list and keep track of nodes with child pointers
Flatten the child linked list and merge it with the main linked list
Update the 'next' pointers to create a singly linked list
Return the head of the modified linked list
Q11. Partition Set Into Two Subsets With Minimum Difference
Given an array of N non-negative integers, split the array into two subsets such that the absolute difference between their sums is minimized.
The task is more
Split array into two subsets with minimum absolute difference between their sums.
Use dynamic programming to find the minimum absolute difference between the sums of two subsets.
Iterate through all possible sums of subsets and find the minimum difference.
Consider each element either being included in the first subset or the second subset.
Keep track of the minimum absolute difference found so far.
Return the minimum absolute difference between the sums of the two subsets.
Q12. Bottom View of Binary Tree
Given a binary tree, determine and return its bottom view when viewed from left to right. Assume that each child of a node is positioned at a 45-degree angle from its parent.
Nodes more
Given a binary tree, determine and return its bottom view when viewed from left to right.
Traverse the binary tree level by level and keep track of the horizontal distance and depth of each node
For each horizontal distance, keep track of the node with the maximum depth
Return the nodes in the bottom view from left to right
Q13. Maximum Frequency Number Problem Statement
Given an array of integers with numbers in random order, write a program to find and return the number which appears the most frequently in the array.
If multiple more
The program finds the number that appears most frequently in an array of integers.
Iterate through the array and keep track of the frequency of each number using a hashmap.
Find the number with the maximum frequency and return it.
If multiple numbers have the same maximum frequency, return the one that appears first in the array.
Q14. Print Nodes at Distance K from a Given Node
Given an arbitrary binary tree, a node of the tree, and an integer 'K', find all nodes that are at a distance K from the specified node, and return a list of these more
Given a binary tree, a target node, and an integer K, find all nodes at distance K from the target node.
Traverse the binary tree to find the target node.
Use BFS to traverse the tree from the target node to nodes at distance K.
Keep track of the distance while traversing the tree.
Return the values of nodes at distance K in any order.
Q15. Ways To Make Coin Change
Given an infinite supply of coins of varying denominations, determine the total number of ways to make change for a specified value using these coins. If it's not possible to make the more
The task is to determine the total number of ways to make change for a specified value using given denominations.
Create a dynamic programming table to store the number of ways to make change for each value up to the specified value.
Iterate through each denomination and update the table accordingly.
The final answer will be the value in the table at the specified value.
Consider edge cases such as when the specified value is 0 or when there are no denominations provided.
Q16. Find Pairs in a Doubly-Linked List
A sorted doubly-linked list of distinct positive integers is provided, along with an integer 'X'. Your task is to identify and print all unique pairs from the list whose sum more
Find pairs in a sorted doubly-linked list whose sum equals a given integer 'X'.
Traverse the list from both ends to find pairs with sum equal to 'X'.
Use two pointers approach to efficiently find the pairs.
Handle cases where the sum is less than, equal to, or greater than 'X'.
Q17. Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets Problem
Given an array of integers and a positive integer 'K', determine if it is possible to divide the array into 'K' non-empty subsets such that the sum of elements in each more
The problem involves dividing an array into K subsets with equal sum.
Use backtracking to try all possible combinations of dividing the array into K subsets.
Keep track of the sum of elements in each subset and check if they are equal to the target sum.
Optimize the backtracking algorithm by pruning branches that cannot lead to a valid solution.
Consider edge cases such as empty array, negative numbers, and unequal division of elements.
Ensure that the sum of all elements in the more
Q18. Trailing Zeros in Factorial Problem
Find the number of trailing zeroes in the factorial of a given number N
The first line contains an integer T
representing the number of test cases.
Each of the more
The task is to find the number of trailing zeros in the factorial of a given number.
Iterate through each test case and calculate the factorial of the given number.
Count the number of trailing zeros by dividing the factorial by 10 until the remainder is not zero.
Return the count of trailing zeros for each test case.
Q19. Maximum Subarray Sum Problem Statement
Given an array arr
of length N
consisting of integers, find the sum of the subarray (including empty subarray) with the maximum sum among all subarrays.
A more
Find the sum of the subarray with the maximum sum among all subarrays in an array of integers.
Iterate through the array and keep track of the maximum sum subarray seen so far.
At each index, decide whether to include the current element in the subarray or start a new subarray.
Update the maximum sum subarray if a new maximum is found.
Consider edge cases like all negative numbers in the array.
Example: For input N=5, arr=[-2, 1, -3, 4, -1], the output is 4.
Q20. Square Root with Decimal Precision Problem Statement
You are provided with two integers, 'N' and 'D'. Your objective is to determine the square root of the number 'N' with a precision up to 'D' decimal places. more
Implement a function to find square root of a number with given decimal precision.
Implement a function that takes two integers N and D as input and returns the square root of N with precision up to D decimal places
Ensure the discrepancy between the computed result and the correct value is less than 10^(-D)
Handle multiple test cases efficiently within the given constraints
Use mathematical algorithms like Newton's method for square root calculation
Example: For N = 10 and D = 3, more
Q21. Two and Four Wheeler Roads Problem Statement
There is a country with N
cities and M
bidirectional roads of 3 types:
Type 1: Two Wheeler Road - Only vehicles with two wheels can use this road. Type 2: Four more
Determine the maximum number of roads that can be removed while ensuring a path exists for every pair of cities for two-wheeler and four-wheeler vehicles.
Identify the type of road (two-wheeler, four-wheeler, or both) and its impact on the connectivity between cities.
Consider the constraints provided in the input to optimize the solution.
Remove roads strategically to maximize the number of roads removed while maintaining connectivity.
If not all cities can be reached, return more
Q22. Problem Statement: Minimize the Maximum
You are given an array of integers and an integer K
. For each array element, you can adjust it by increasing or decreasing it by a value of K
. Your goal is to minimize more
The goal is to minimize the difference between the maximum and minimum elements of an array by adjusting each element by a given value.
Iterate through each test case and calculate the minimum possible difference between the maximum and minimum elements after modifications.
For each element in the array, consider increasing or decreasing it by the given value K to minimize the overall difference.
Return the calculated minimum difference for each test case.
Q23. Convert BST to Min Heap
You are given a binary search tree (BST) that is also a complete binary tree. Your task is to convert this BST into a Min Heap. The resultant Min Heap should maintain the property that more
Convert a given binary search tree (BST) that is also a complete binary tree into a Min Heap.
Traverse the BST in level order and store the values in an array.
Convert the array into a Min Heap by rearranging the elements.
Reconstruct the Min Heap as a binary tree and return the root node.
Q24. Minimum Number of Platforms Needed Problem Statement
You are given the arrival and departure times of N trains at a railway station for a particular day. Your task is to determine the minimum number of more
The minimum number of platforms needed at a railway station to avoid train waiting times is determined based on arrival and departure times.
Sort the arrival and departure times in ascending order.
Iterate through the times and keep track of the number of platforms needed at any given time.
Update the minimum number of platforms needed as you iterate through the times.
Return the minimum number of platforms needed.
Q25. Next Greater Number Problem Statement
Given a string S
which represents a number, determine the smallest number strictly greater than the original number composed of the same digits. Each digit's frequency more
The task is to find the smallest number greater than the given number, using the same set of digits.
Iterate from right to left to find the first digit that can be swapped with a smaller digit on its right.
Swap this digit with the smallest digit on its right that is greater than it.
Sort the digits to the right of the swapped digit in ascending order to get the smallest number.
If no such digit is found, return -1.
Example: For '56789', swap '8' with '9' to get '56798'.
Q26. Nth Fibonacci Number Problem Statement
Calculate the Nth term in the Fibonacci sequence, where the sequence is defined as follows: F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)
, with initial conditions F(1) = F(2) = 1
The more
Calculate the Nth Fibonacci number efficiently using recursion or dynamic programming.
Use recursion with memoization to avoid redundant calculations.
Implement dynamic programming to store and reuse previously calculated Fibonacci numbers.
Optimize space complexity by only storing the last two Fibonacci numbers instead of the entire sequence.
Q27. Arithmetic Progression Queries Problem Statement
Given an integer array ARR
of size N
, perform the following operations:
- update(l, r, val):
Add (val + i)
to arr[l + i]
for all 0 ≤ i ≤ r - l
- rangeSum(l, r) more
The problem involves updating and calculating the sum of elements in an array based on given operations.
Implement update(l, r, val) to add (val + i) to arr[l + i] for all i in range [0, r - l].
Implement rangeSum(l, r) to return the sum of elements in the array from index l to r.
Handle queries using 1-based indexing and output the sum of arr[l..r] for each rangeSum operation.
Q28. Maximize Stock Trading Profit
You are given an array prices
, representing stock prices over N consecutive days. Your goal is to compute the maximum profit achievable by performing multiple transactions (i.e., more
To maximize stock trading profit, find maximum profit achievable by buying and selling shares multiple times.
Iterate through the array of stock prices and find all increasing sequences of prices.
Calculate profit by buying at the start of each increasing sequence and selling at the end.
Sum up all profits to get the maximum profit achievable.
Q29. Minimum Depth of a Binary Tree Problem Statement
Given a Binary Tree of integers, determine the minimum depth of the Binary Tree. The minimum depth is defined as the number of nodes present along the shortest more
The minimum depth of a Binary Tree is the number of nodes along the shortest path from the root node to the nearest leaf node.
Traverse the Binary Tree using BFS (Breadth First Search) to find the minimum depth
Keep track of the level of each node while traversing
Stop the traversal as soon as a leaf node is encountered and return the level as the minimum depth
Q30. Prime Numbers Identification
Given a positive integer N
, your task is to identify all prime numbers less than or equal to N
A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive more
Identify all prime numbers less than or equal to a given positive integer N.
Iterate from 2 to N and check if each number is prime
Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm for efficient prime number identification
Optimize by only checking up to the square root of N for divisors
Q31. Find K-th Smallest Element in BST
Given a binary search tree (BST) and an integer K
, the task is to find the K-th smallest element in the BST.
BST: Order of elements in increasing order is { 2, more
To find the K-th smallest element in a BST, perform an in-order traversal and return the K-th element encountered.
Perform in-order traversal of the BST to get elements in increasing order
Keep track of the count of elements visited and return the K-th element
Time complexity can be optimized by maintaining a count of nodes in each subtree
Q32. String Palindrome Verification
Given a string, your task is to determine if it is a palindrome considering only alphanumeric characters.
The input is a single string without any leading or trailing more
A program to check if a given string is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters.
Remove non-alphanumeric characters from the input string.
Compare the string with its reverse to check for palindrome.
Return true if the string is a palindrome, false otherwise.
A website similar to Instagram for travelers, allowing users to share photos and stories from their trips.
Include features like geotagging to show where photos were taken
Allow users to create travel itineraries and share tips with others
Implement a rating system for destinations and accommodations
Enable users to connect with fellow travelers and plan trips together
Q34. 1.What is different types of testing? 2.what is oops? 3.what is abstraction?
Different types of testing include unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.
Unit testing focuses on testing individual components or units of code.
Integration testing verifies the interaction between different components.
System testing ensures the entire system works as expected.
Acceptance testing validates if the system meets the user's requirements.
OOPs stands for Object-Oriented Programming.
Abstraction is a concept in OOP that focuses on more
Q35. 1.What is algorithm? 2what is header files in c?
Algorithm is a set of instructions to solve a problem or perform a task.
It is a step-by-step procedure to solve a problem.
It can be represented using flowcharts or pseudocode.
Examples include sorting algorithms like bubble sort and quicksort.
Efficiency of an algorithm is measured using time and space complexity.
Q36. What is JAVA and it's features?
JAVA is a high-level programming language known for its platform independence and object-oriented features.
JAVA is platform-independent, meaning it can run on any device with a JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM).
It is object-oriented, allowing for modular and reusable code.
JAVA is known for its robustness, security, and performance.
It supports multithreading, allowing for concurrent execution of tasks.
JAVA has a rich set of APIs and libraries for various functionalities.
Example: more
Q37. Projects Undertaken
I have worked on various projects including web development, mobile app development, and data analysis.
Developed a web-based inventory management system using PHP and MySQL
Created a mobile app for a local restaurant using React Native
Analyzed customer data for a retail company using Python and Pandas
Collaborated on a team to build a chatbot using Dialogflow and Node.js
Q38. bit and byte comparison
A bit is the smallest unit of data in computing, while a byte is made up of 8 bits.
A bit can have a value of 0 or 1, representing off or on respectively.
A byte is made up of 8 bits, allowing for a larger range of values (0-255).
Bytes are commonly used to represent characters in text, with each character typically taking up one byte.
Bits are often used in Boolean logic operations and for representing binary numbers.
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