Web Development
Top 250 Web Development Interview Questions and Answers 2024
250 questions found
Updated 16 Dec 2024
Q1. How to get the count of all text box in a web page?
To get the count of all text boxes in a web page, we can use Selenium's findElements() method with the input type 'text'.
Use Selenium's findElements() method to find all elements with the input type 'text'
Count the number of elements returned by the findElements() method
Return the count as the result
Q2. What is nodejs and difference between nodejs and javascript
Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment.
Node.js is built on top of the V8 JavaScript engine from Google Chrome.
It allows developers to write server-side code in JavaScript.
Node.js has a non-blocking I/O model, making it efficient for handling large amounts of data.
Node.js has a vast library of modules available through npm (Node Package Manager).
Q3. How can you optimize a React App?
Optimizing a React app involves reducing bundle size, using lazy loading, and optimizing rendering performance.
Reduce bundle size by code splitting and using dynamic imports
Use lazy loading to load components only when needed
Optimize rendering performance by using shouldComponentUpdate and PureComponent
Use React.memo to memoize functional components
Avoid unnecessary re-renders by using useMemo and useCallback
Use performance profiling tools like React DevTools and Chrome DevTo...read more
Q4. How do you call REST APIs in angular?
To call REST APIs in Angular, use the HttpClient module and its methods like get(), post(), put(), delete().
Import the HttpClientModule in your Angular module
Inject the HttpClient service in your component or service
Use the HttpClient methods to make HTTP requests to the REST APIs
Handle the response using observables and subscribe to them
Example: httpClient.get('https://api.example.com/data')
Example: httpClient.post('https://api.example.com/data', postData)
Q5. 1. How to connect 2 DBs from spring boot application
To connect 2 DBs from a Spring Boot application, configure multiple data sources and use JdbcTemplate or EntityManager for each DB.
Configure multiple data sources in the application.properties file
Create separate configuration classes for each data source
Use JdbcTemplate or EntityManager to interact with each DB
Specify the appropriate data source in the repository or service classes
Q6. How do you deploy your Nodejs application?
Nodejs application can be deployed using various tools like Heroku, AWS, DigitalOcean, etc.
Use a cloud platform like Heroku, AWS, DigitalOcean, etc.
Create a production build of the application
Configure environment variables
Use a process manager like PM2 to manage the application
Use a reverse proxy like Nginx to handle incoming requests
Set up SSL/TLS certificates for secure communication
Q7. What is Redux? Explain workflow of redux and uses of redux.
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
Redux is a state management library for JavaScript applications.
It helps in managing the state of an application in a predictable way.
Redux follows a unidirectional data flow architecture.
It uses actions, reducers, and a store to manage the state of an application.
Redux is commonly used with React to build scalable and maintainable applications.
Q8. 1. What is the difference between Absolute & Relative Xpaths?
Absolute Xpath is the complete path from the root element to the desired element, while Relative Xpath is the path based on the current element.
Absolute Xpath starts with a single slash (/) and is more specific but less flexible.
Relative Xpath starts with a double slash (//) and is more flexible but less specific.
Absolute Xpath is more prone to breaking if the structure of the page changes.
Relative Xpath is easier to maintain and update as it is based on the element's positio...read more
Web Development Jobs
Q9. What are pseudo classes and pseudo elements in CSS?
Pseudo classes and pseudo elements are CSS selectors that target specific states or parts of an element.
Pseudo classes target specific states of an element, such as :hover, :active, and :focus.
Pseudo elements target specific parts of an element, such as ::before and ::after.
Pseudo classes and pseudo elements are denoted by a colon (:) or double colon (::) preceding the selector.
They can be used to add special effects, such as changing the color of a link when it is hovered ov...read more
Q10. What is api? Where we use
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other.
APIs are used to enable interaction between different software systems or components.
They define the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information.
APIs are commonly used in web development to integrate third-party services or access data from external sources.
Examples of APIs in...read more
Q11. Write an API for a button
API for a button
Define the button's properties such as size, color, and label
Create a function to handle the button click event
Return the button element with the defined properties and click function
Q12. How to import views in django
To import views in Django, you need to create a views.py file and import it in urls.py
Create a views.py file in your Django app directory
Define your views in the views.py file
Import your views in urls.py using the 'from . import views' syntax
Map your views to URLs in urls.py using the 'path()' function
Q13. which authentication methods used to secure rest api
Various authentication methods can be used to secure REST API, including OAuth, JWT, Basic Authentication, and API Keys.
OAuth is a popular authentication method that allows users to grant access to third-party applications without sharing their credentials.
JWT (JSON Web Tokens) is a stateless authentication mechanism that uses a token to authenticate users.
Basic Authentication uses a username and password to authenticate users.
API Keys are unique identifiers that are used to ...read more
Q14. Technical questions:- difference between echo and print
Echo and print are both used to output data in PHP, but echo is slightly faster and can take multiple arguments.
Echo is a language construct, while print is a function.
Echo does not return a value, while print returns 1.
Echo can output multiple strings separated by commas, while print can only output one string.
Echo is generally preferred for performance reasons.
Q15. What is different between view bag and view data
ViewBag and ViewData are used to pass data from controller to view in ASP.NET MVC.
ViewBag is a dynamic object while ViewData is a dictionary object.
ViewBag uses dynamic properties while ViewData uses string keys to store data.
ViewBag is a shortcut to ViewData['key'] while ViewData requires casting to access data.
ViewBag is not type-safe while ViewData is type-safe.
ViewBag is used for one-way communication while ViewData is used for two-way communication.
Q16. Difference between put patch and post
PUT is used to update an existing resource, PATCH is used to partially update an existing resource, and POST is used to create a new resource.
PUT replaces the entire resource with the new one, while PATCH only updates the specified fields
PUT and PATCH are idempotent, meaning multiple identical requests will have the same effect as a single request
POST is not idempotent and creates a new resource
PUT and PATCH require the resource identifier in the URL, while POST does not
Q17. What is the purpose of react and it's latest hooks?
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React Hooks are a feature introduced in React 16.8 to manage state and lifecycle in functional components.
React is used for creating reusable UI components
React allows for efficient rendering and updating of components
React Hooks provide a way to use state and other React features in functional components
Hooks like useState and useEffect are commonly used in React applications
Q18. What is lazy loading and write syntax
Lazy loading is a technique in Angular that loads modules or components on-demand, improving performance.
Lazy loading helps reduce initial load time by loading modules or components only when needed
It improves performance by splitting the application into smaller chunks
Syntax: import() function is used to dynamically load modules or components
Q19. What is Lazy Loading, Suspense. How do they work?
Lazy Loading and Suspense are techniques used to improve performance by loading components and data only when needed.
Lazy Loading delays the loading of non-critical resources until they are needed, reducing initial load time.
Suspense allows components to wait for data to load before rendering, improving user experience.
Lazy Loading and Suspense can be used together to optimize performance and user experience.
Example: A website with a large image gallery can use Lazy Loading t...read more
What is CORS in MVC and how it works?
CORS in MVC is Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, a mechanism that allows restricted resources on a web page to be requested from another domain.
CORS is a security feature implemented in web browsers to prevent cross-origin requests by default.
It works by adding specific HTTP headers to the server's response, indicating which origins are allowed to access the resources.
In MVC, CORS can be configured using the 'EnableCors' attribute on controllers or by configuring it in the 'Web....read more
Q21. What is the diff btwn static tile and dynamic tile?
Static tiles are fixed and display static content while dynamic tiles display real-time data.
Static tiles are pre-defined and do not change their content unless manually updated
Dynamic tiles display real-time data and can be configured to refresh at specific intervals
Static tiles are useful for displaying static information like company logo or contact details
Dynamic tiles are useful for displaying real-time data like stock prices or weather updates
Q22. Write xpath and css selectors for some elements present on that element.
The candidate is asked to write XPath and CSS selectors for elements on a webpage.
XPath is a language used to navigate XML documents and can be used to locate elements on a webpage.
CSS selectors are patterns used to select elements on a webpage based on their attributes.
XPath selectors start with a forward slash (/) and can traverse the DOM hierarchy.
CSS selectors can select elements based on their tag name, class, ID, or other attributes.
Examples of XPath selector: /html/bod...read more
Q23. Clone a Todo Application UI using ReactJS, Sass
Clone a Todo Application UI using ReactJS, Sass
Create a new ReactJS project using create-react-app
Design the UI using Sass and implement it in ReactJS
Use state and props to manage the todo list
Add functionality to add, delete and mark tasks as complete
Implement local storage to persist data
Test the application thoroughly
Q24. Difference between DOM and Virtual DOM how are they different?
DOM is a tree-like structure representing the HTML document, while Virtual DOM is a lightweight copy of the DOM.
DOM is the actual representation of the HTML document in the browser's memory.
Virtual DOM is a concept where a lightweight copy of the DOM is created and manipulated instead of directly modifying the actual DOM.
Changes made to the Virtual DOM are compared with the actual DOM, and only the necessary updates are applied to the real DOM, resulting in better performance...read more
Q25. how to work laravel
Laravel is a PHP web application framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
Install Laravel using Composer
Create a new Laravel project using the command 'laravel new project-name'
Define routes in the 'routes/web.php' file
Create controllers in the 'app/Http/Controllers' directory
Define database connections in the '.env' file
Use Laravel's built-in Blade templating engine for views
Use Laravel's Eloquent ORM for database operations
Q26. What do you know about validations that can be put in login feature of Salesforce?
Validations in the login feature of Salesforce ensure secure access and prevent unauthorized entry.
Validations can be used to enforce password complexity requirements.
IP range restrictions can be implemented to allow access only from specific locations.
Two-factor authentication can be enforced for an additional layer of security.
Login hours can be set to restrict access during specific time periods.
Login IP restrictions can be applied to allow access only from trusted IP addr...read more
Q27. Write controller to serve POST request for a rest call in spring
A controller to handle POST requests in a Spring REST API.
Create a new class annotated with @RestController
Define a method in the class annotated with @PostMapping
Use @RequestBody annotation to bind the request body to a parameter
Implement the logic to handle the POST request
Return the response using ResponseEntity
Q28. What is Vuex and how to use it
Vuex is a state management pattern and library for Vue.js applications.
Vuex helps manage the state of an application in a centralized way
It provides a store where all the state of the application can be stored
The state can be accessed and modified using mutations and actions
It also provides getters to retrieve the state in a computed manner
Example: Vuex can be used to manage the authentication state of an application
Q29. How to solve google recaptcha technique in SEO?
Google reCAPTCHA is a security measure to prevent spam and bots. It cannot be solved in SEO.
Google reCAPTCHA is designed to prevent automated bots from accessing websites.
It is not possible to solve reCAPTCHA in SEO as it is a security measure.
SEO analysts can optimize websites to improve user experience and reduce bounce rates.
Using ethical SEO techniques can help improve website ranking and visibility.
Avoid using black hat SEO techniques that violate Google's guidelines.
Q30. How do you connect a component to Redux store? Which function in Redux is used to connect to store? What are the parameters in connect?
To connect a component to Redux store, we use the connect function from the react-redux library.
Import the connect function from react-redux.
Use the connect function to wrap the component and connect it to the Redux store.
The connect function takes two parameters: mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps.
mapStateToProps is a function that maps the state from the Redux store to the component's props.
mapDispatchToProps is an optional function that maps the dispatch function to th...read more
Q31. How will you design a sign in option? How can you make it secure?
A secure sign-in option can be designed by implementing multi-factor authentication and using encryption techniques.
Implement multi-factor authentication such as using a password and a one-time code sent to the user's phone or email.
Use encryption techniques such as hashing and salting to protect user passwords.
Implement rate limiting to prevent brute force attacks.
Use HTTPS protocol to encrypt data in transit.
Regularly update and patch the sign-in system to address any secur...read more
Q32. What is lazy loading and write syntax for routing path
Lazy loading is a technique to load modules on demand instead of loading everything at once.
Lazy loading improves the initial load time of the application.
It splits the application into smaller chunks that can be loaded when needed.
In Angular, lazy loading is achieved by configuring the routes with loadChildren property.
Syntax for routing path with lazy loading: { path: 'lazy', loadChildren: () => import('./lazy/lazy.module').then(m => m.LazyModule) }
Q33. What is session? Wht is the uses of session?
Session is a way to store information (variables) on the server to be used across multiple pages.
Session is used to maintain user-specific data across multiple pages.
It is created when a user logs in and destroyed when the user logs out.
Session data can be accessed and manipulated using the $_SESSION superglobal variable.
Examples of session data include user ID, username, and shopping cart items.
Q34. Difference between UI police and client script.
UI policy and client script are both used in ServiceNow for controlling field behavior and data on forms.
UI policy is used to dynamically change field properties, visibility, and mandatory status based on certain conditions.
Client script is used to add custom logic and behavior to forms, such as field validation, calculations, and UI interactions.
UI policy is executed on the server side, while client script is executed on the client side.
UI policy is defined using a simple dr...read more
Q35. what are the implicit objects in Jsp servlets ?
Implicit objects in JSP servlets are pre-defined objects that can be accessed without any declaration.
Implicit objects are created by the container and are available to the JSP page.
Some of the implicit objects are request, response, session, application, out, pageContext, config, exception, etc.
These objects can be used to perform various operations like accessing request parameters, setting attributes, forwarding requests, etc.
Q36. What is sapui5?
SAPUI5 is a JavaScript UI library for building web applications with a consistent user experience.
Developed by SAP for building web applications
Uses HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
Provides a consistent user experience across devices
Includes pre-built UI controls and templates
Supports data binding and model-view-controller architecture
Q37. What is session and cookies
Sessions and cookies are used to store and retrieve data in web applications.
Sessions are used to store data on the server side and are identified by a unique session ID.
Cookies are used to store data on the client side and are stored as small text files.
Sessions are more secure as the data is stored on the server, while cookies can be manipulated by the client.
Sessions are typically used to store sensitive information like user login details, while cookies are used for perso...read more
Q38. 1) What is HTML5 and why we using it
HTML5 is the latest version of HTML used for structuring and presenting content on the web.
HTML5 provides new semantic elements for better structuring of web pages.
It supports multimedia elements like audio and video without the need for plugins.
HTML5 introduces new APIs for offline web applications and improved browser compatibility.
It enables better accessibility and mobile device support.
HTML5 allows for more interactive and dynamic web applications through JavaScript APIs...read more
Q39. Implement DOM Manipulation
DOM Manipulation is the process of dynamically changing the structure or content of a web page using JavaScript.
Use document.getElementById() to select an element by its ID
Use element.innerHTML to modify the HTML content of an element
Use element.style.property to change the CSS style of an element
Use element.addEventListener() to attach event handlers to elements
Q40. How many tables generates after installing wordpress?
The number of tables generated after installing WordPress varies depending on the plugins and themes installed.
The default installation of WordPress generates 12 tables in the database.
Additional tables may be created by plugins and themes.
Examples of additional tables include wp_users, wp_posts, wp_comments, etc.
Q41. Display the list of array by fetching data from api
Fetch data from API to display array list of strings
Use fetch() method to retrieve data from API
Parse the response data using JSON.parse()
Loop through the array and create a list element for each item
Append the list elements to the DOM
Q42. Difference between tempdata and session in MVC
TempData stores data for a single request while Session stores data for multiple requests.
TempData is used to store data temporarily for a single request.
Session is used to store data for multiple requests.
TempData is cleared after a single request while Session data persists until the session expires or is cleared.
TempData is useful for passing data between actions while Session is useful for maintaining user-specific data across multiple requests.
Q43. How do you handle exceptions in Rest APIs
Exceptions in Rest APIs are handled using try-catch blocks and appropriate error responses.
Use try-catch blocks to catch exceptions that may occur during API execution.
Handle different types of exceptions separately to provide specific error responses.
Return appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages in the response.
Log the exception details for debugging purposes.
Consider using a global exception handler to centralize exception handling logic.
Q44. How to embed power bi reports into sharepoint
Power BI reports can be embedded into SharePoint using the Power BI web part.
Add the Power BI web part to the SharePoint page
Enter the URL of the Power BI report in the web part properties
Configure the web part settings to customize the report display
Ensure that the SharePoint site and Power BI report are in the same organization
Use the Power BI service to manage report permissions
Q45. What is status code
A status code is a two-digit code used in medical billing to indicate the status of a claim or service.
Status codes are used to indicate whether a claim has been accepted, rejected, or is pending.
They can also indicate the reason for a denial or rejection.
Examples of status codes include 22 (processed, no payment), 29 (denied, unable to locate), and 30 (payment adjusted).
Q46. How to handle security in rest api
Security in REST API can be handled by implementing authentication, authorization, encryption, and input validation.
Implement authentication using tokens or OAuth2
Implement authorization by defining roles and permissions
Encrypt sensitive data using SSL/TLS
Validate input data to prevent injection attacks
Implement rate limiting to prevent DDoS attacks
Q47. How life cycle of asp.net works?
ASP.NET follows a series of stages in its life cycle to process a request and generate a response.
ASP.NET starts with the initialization stage where it creates an instance of the HttpApplication class.
Next, it goes through the pipeline stages such as authentication, authorization, and caching.
After that, it processes the request and generates a response.
Finally, it goes through the cleanup stage where it releases resources and objects.
ASP.NET also provides events for develope...read more
Q48. What are the use of web services?
Web services are used to exchange data between different applications over the internet.
Allows communication between different platforms and programming languages
Enables sharing of data and functionality
Can be used for integration with third-party applications
Examples include REST, SOAP, and JSON-RPC
Q49. What is the Dom in javascript
The DOM (Document Object Model) in JavaScript is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree of objects.
The DOM is a representation of the HTML elements on a webpage.
It allows JavaScript to interact with and manipulate the content and structure of a webpage.
DOM methods like getElementById() and querySelector() are commonly used to access and modify elements on a webpage.
Q50. Why we used bs 4. Engine
BS 4 engines are used for their improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.
BS 4 engines comply with the latest emission norms set by the government.
They have improved fuel efficiency due to advanced technology.
BS 4 engines are more environment-friendly compared to older engines.
They have better performance and durability.
Examples of vehicles using BS 4 engines are Maruti Suzuki Swift, Hyundai Creta, etc.
Q51. What is basic web development
Basic web development involves creating and maintaining websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Basic web development includes creating web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
It involves structuring the content of a website using HTML.
CSS is used to style and format the web pages.
JavaScript is used to add interactivity and dynamic features to the website.
Web development also includes knowledge of web servers, databases, and frameworks.
Examples of basic web development tas...read more
Q52. What are features of React JS?
React JS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Virtual DOM for efficient updates
Component-based architecture for reusability
JSX syntax for easy rendering
Unidirectional data flow for predictable state management
Server-side rendering for SEO optimization
Q53. What is mern ?
MERN is a full stack JavaScript framework that consists of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.
It is used for building dynamic web applications.
MongoDB is the database, Express.js is the backend framework, React is the frontend library, and Node.js is the runtime environment.
How does Spring Boot works?
Spring Boot is a framework that simplifies the development of Java applications by providing default configurations and dependencies.
Spring Boot eliminates the need for manual configuration by providing sensible defaults.
It uses an embedded server, such as Tomcat or Jetty, to run the application.
Spring Boot automatically configures the application based on the dependencies added to the project.
It promotes convention over configuration, reducing boilerplate code.
Spring Boot su...read more
Q55. Develop a search engine UI using framework in 30min
Developed a search engine UI using React framework in 30min
Used React's useState and useEffect hooks to manage state and fetch data
Implemented a search bar component with onChange event handler
Displayed search results in a list using map function
Added pagination for better user experience
Q56. How to add new property in google analytics?
To add a new property in Google Analytics, follow these steps:
Log in to your Google Analytics account
Click on the Admin button in the bottom left corner
Select the account and property where you want to add the new property
Click on the Create Property button
Follow the prompts to set up the new property
Q57. what is angular js
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework for building dynamic web applications.
AngularJS is a client-side MVC framework.
It allows developers to build single-page applications.
It extends HTML with new attributes and tags.
AngularJS uses two-way data binding to automatically synchronize data between the model and the view.
It provides dependency injection and modularization features.
Some popular examples of websites built with AngularJS are Gmail, YouTube, and Netflix.
Q58. Explain servlets and xmls
Servlets are Java classes that handle HTTP requests and responses. XML is a markup language used for data exchange.
Servlets are server-side components that generate dynamic web content.
XML is used to store and transport data between systems.
Servlets can be used to handle form submissions, authentication, and session management.
XML can be used to define data structures, configuration files, and web services.
Servlets are part of the Java EE specification, while XML is a languag...read more
Q59. What is asp. Net MVC?
ASP.NET MVC is a web application framework that implements the model-view-controller pattern.
It separates an application into three main components: Model, View, and Controller.
It provides better control over HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
It supports test-driven development and dependency injection.
It is built on top of ASP.NET and uses the .NET Framework.
Examples of websites built with ASP.NET MVC include Stack Overflow and GitHub.
Q60. How to create custom components in AEM?
Custom components in AEM can be created using the CRXDE Lite or Eclipse IDE.
Create a new folder under /apps/
/components Create a new .content.xml file with the component's metadata
Create a .html file with the component's markup
Create a .clientlib file with the component's client-side dependencies
Register the component in the OSGi bundle's pom.xml file
Q61. Explain about Request Delegate
Request Delegate is a middleware component in ASP.NET Core pipeline.
Request Delegate is responsible for handling HTTP requests and generating HTTP responses.
It is a function that takes an HttpContext object as input and returns a Task.
It can be used to modify the request or response, or to pass the request to the next middleware component in the pipeline.
Example: app.Use(async (context, next) => { await next(); });
Q62. Difference between search engine and directory
A search engine is a tool that allows users to search for information on the internet, while a directory is a curated list of websites organized by categories.
Search engines use algorithms to crawl and index web pages, providing a comprehensive search experience.
Directories are human-curated and organized by categories, providing a more focused and selective approach.
Search engines provide results based on relevance and popularity, while directories provide a structured list ...read more
Q63. Which language is best for backend web development?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as it depends on the specific project requirements.
Python is a popular choice for backend development due to its simplicity and versatility.
Java is another popular option for enterprise-level applications.
Node.js is a popular choice for real-time applications and scalable systems.
Ruby on Rails is a popular choice for rapid prototyping and web development.
PHP is a widely used language for web development, particularly for W...read more
Q64. Do you know about React middlewares? why are they used?
React middlewares are functions that intercept and modify requests and responses in a React application.
Middlewares are used to add additional functionality to an application without modifying the core code.
They can be used for authentication, logging, error handling, and more.
Examples of React middlewares include Redux Thunk, Redux Saga, and React Router.
They are typically implemented using higher-order functions.
Middlewares can be chained together to create a pipeline of fu...read more
Q65. Difference between MPC and DPC in ODATA?
MPC stands for Model Provider Class and is used to define the data model in OData. DPC stands for Data Provider Class and is used to define the data access logic in OData.
MPC is responsible for defining the data model and metadata for the OData service.
DPC is responsible for defining the data access logic, such as reading and writing data, in the OData service.
MPC is used to define the entity types, associations, and navigation properties in the OData service.
DPC is used to i...read more
Q66. Explain Different ways to send data view to controller?
Different ways to send data view to controller
Using form submission
Using AJAX requests
Using URL parameters
Using cookies or local storage
Using web sockets
Q67. How to Use Webapi
WebAPI is a framework for building HTTP services that can be consumed by a broad range of clients.
Create a new WebAPI project in Visual Studio
Define API endpoints using HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
Use attribute routing to map URLs to actions
Return data in JSON format
Secure the API using authentication and authorization
Q68. What is lazy loading and how can we achieve this?
Lazy loading is a technique used to defer loading of non-essential resources until they are actually needed.
Lazy loading helps improve the initial loading time of a web application by only loading essential resources upfront.
In Angular, lazy loading is achieved by creating separate modules for different parts of the application and loading them on demand.
Lazy loading can be implemented using the loadChildren property in the route configuration of Angular.
Lazy loading is commo...read more
Q69. How to connect multiple database to Drupal
Multiple databases can be connected to Drupal using the Database API and configuring settings.php file.
Use the Database API to connect to additional databases
Add the database connection details to settings.php file
Use the db_set_active() function to switch between databases
Use the db_query() function to execute queries on the selected database
Q70. How can you make a slow K2 page load faster?
Optimize images, reduce HTTP requests, minify CSS and JS, use caching, and optimize database queries.
Optimize images by compressing them and reducing their size.
Reduce HTTP requests by combining multiple files into one.
Minify CSS and JS by removing unnecessary characters.
Use caching to store frequently accessed data.
Optimize database queries by indexing tables and avoiding unnecessary joins.
Q71. Difference between jQuery post and Ajax post in MVC?
jQuery post is a shorthand method for Ajax post in MVC.
jQuery post is a shorthand method for Ajax post in MVC
jQuery post uses the $.post() method while Ajax post uses $.ajax() method
jQuery post is simpler and easier to use than Ajax post
Both methods are used to send data to the server without reloading the page
Q72. What EventLoop in Node.js
EventLoop is a mechanism in Node.js that allows non-blocking I/O operations to be performed asynchronously.
EventLoop is responsible for handling all I/O operations in Node.js
It continuously checks the event queue for any new events to be processed
It executes callbacks when an event is triggered
It allows Node.js to handle multiple requests simultaneously
It prevents blocking of the main thread
Q73. What is OAuth and how does it work?
OAuth is an open standard for authorization that allows third-party applications to access user data without sharing passwords.
OAuth stands for Open Authorization
It allows users to grant access to their resources stored on one site to another site without sharing their credentials
OAuth uses access tokens to authenticate and authorize requests
It is widely used by social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
OAuth 2.0 is the latest version of OAuth
Q74. What is MVC, and how magento uses MVC
MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. Magento uses MVC architecture to separate business logic, presentation, and user input.
Model represents the data and business logic
View represents the presentation layer
Controller handles user input and updates the model and view accordingly
Magento uses the layout XML files to define the view layer
Magento's controllers are responsible for handling requests and responses
Magento's models are responsible for interacting with the database and...read more
Q75. What is Client side and server side Validation ?
Client side validation is done on the user's browser while server side validation is done on the server.
Client side validation is done using JavaScript or HTML5.
Server side validation is done using server-side scripting languages like PHP, Python, or Ruby.
Client side validation is faster but less secure than server side validation.
Server side validation is more secure but slower than client side validation.
Examples of client side validation include checking for required field...read more
Q76. What fullstack developer
A fullstack developer is a software engineer who is proficient in both frontend and backend development.
A fullstack developer has knowledge and skills in both frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and backend technologies (server-side languages, databases).
They are capable of working on all aspects of a software project, from designing and implementing user interfaces to developing server-side logic and managing databases.
Fullstack developers are versatile and can han...read more
Q77. How angular works , architecture
Angular is a JavaScript framework for building web applications with a modular architecture.
Angular uses a component-based architecture to build reusable UI components
It uses a declarative approach to define UI elements and their behavior
Angular provides a powerful set of tools for data binding, dependency injection, and routing
It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern to separate concerns and improve maintainability
Angular also supports server-side rendering for bet...read more
Q78. What are ajax calls?
Ajax calls are asynchronous HTTP requests made by JavaScript to a server without reloading the page.
Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
Used to update parts of a web page without reloading the entire page
Can be used to fetch data from a server and display it on a web page
Examples: Google Maps, Facebook News Feed
Q79. How do you pass query params through api
Query params can be passed through API by appending them to the URL after a '?' symbol.
Add '?' symbol after the endpoint URL
Add the parameter name followed by '=' and the value
Separate multiple parameters with '&' symbol
Example: https://api.example.com/users?id=123&name=John
Q80. What is the CORS issue? Where does it occur?
CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a security feature that restricts web pages from making requests to a different domain.
CORS issue occurs when a web page tries to access resources from a different domain
It is a security feature implemented by web browsers to prevent cross-site scripting attacks
CORS issue can be resolved by configuring the server to allow cross-origin requests or by using JSONP
It can occur in AJAX requests, web fonts, images, and videos
Q81. How to call server using servlet
To call server using servlet, we need to create a URL connection and send HTTP request.
Create a URL object with the server URL
Open a connection to the server using the URL object
Set the request method (GET, POST, etc.) and any request headers
Get the output stream from the connection and write any request data
Read the response from the server using the input stream from the connection
Close the connection and process the response data
Q82. what is jwt
JWT stands for JSON Web Token, a compact and secure way of transmitting information between parties as a JSON object.
JWT is used for authentication and authorization purposes.
It consists of three parts: header, payload, and signature.
The header contains the algorithm used to sign the token.
The payload contains the claims or information being transmitted.
The signature is used to verify the authenticity of the token.
JWTs can be used in various scenarios, such as single sign-on ...read more
Q83. What is server side validation?
Server side validation is the process of validating user input on the server before processing it.
It ensures that the data received from the client is valid and secure.
It prevents malicious attacks and data breaches.
It reduces the load on the client-side and improves performance.
Examples include checking for required fields, data type, length, and format.
It is an essential part of web application security.
Q84. what is front controller from context in spring mvc?
Front controller is a design pattern used in Spring MVC to handle incoming requests and route them to appropriate handlers.
Front controller acts as a central point of control for handling requests in Spring MVC.
It receives all incoming requests and delegates them to appropriate handlers called controllers.
Front controller provides a consistent way to handle requests and perform common tasks like authentication, logging, etc.
In Spring MVC, the DispatcherServlet acts as the fro...read more
Q85. Difference between the URL and Html mode
URL mode sends HTTP requests to the server while HTML mode renders the page in a browser.
URL mode is used to test server performance by sending HTTP requests.
HTML mode is used to test client performance by rendering the page in a browser.
URL mode is faster and more efficient for testing server performance.
HTML mode is slower but more accurate for testing client performance.
URL mode is typically used for load testing while HTML mode is used for stress testing.
Q86. What is Google mapping
Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google. It offers satellite imagery, street maps, 360° panoramic views of streets, real-time traffic conditions, and route planning.
Provides detailed maps and satellite imagery of locations worldwide
Offers real-time traffic updates and route planning
Includes 360° panoramic views of streets
Can be used for navigation and exploring new places
Has features like Street View, indoor maps, and local business information
Q87. Difference between Bs4 and Bs6
BS4 and BS6 are emission norms for vehicles in India. BS6 has stricter emission standards than BS4.
BS4 stands for Bharat Stage 4 and BS6 stands for Bharat Stage 6.
BS4 was implemented in India in 2017 and BS6 in 2020.
BS6 has stricter emission standards for pollutants like nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and sulfur dioxide.
BS6 vehicles require better fuel quality and advanced technology to meet the emission standards.
BS6 vehicles are more expensive than BS4 vehicles due to...read more
Q88. explain model view controller model in ROR
MVC is a design pattern that separates an application into three interconnected components: Model, View, and Controller.
Model represents the data and business logic of the application
View is responsible for rendering the user interface
Controller handles user input and updates the model and view accordingly
In ROR, the model is typically represented by a database table, the view is an HTML template, and the controller is a Ruby class
MVC helps to keep code organized, maintainabl...read more
Q89. what is Middleware in ..net core
Middleware is software that sits between an application and the operating system, providing services to the application beyond those provided by the operating system.
Middleware is a pipeline of components that can handle requests and responses.
It can be used for authentication, logging, caching, and more.
Middleware can be added to the pipeline using the Use() method in the Startup class.
Examples of middleware in .NET Core include the Authentication middleware, the CORS middle...read more
Q90. How do you hide API URLs? How to manage different URLs for different staging environment?
API URLs can be hidden by using environment variables and managing different URLs for different staging environments.
Use environment variables to store API URLs
Create separate environment files for different staging environments
Set the appropriate API URL in the environment file for each staging environment
Access the API URL from the environment variable in the code
Q91. How does IIS work internally
IIS is a web server that handles HTTP requests and responses.
IIS stands for Internet Information Services.
It is a component of Windows Server.
It listens for incoming HTTP requests on a specified port.
It processes the request and sends back a response.
It can host multiple websites on a single server.
It supports various protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, etc.
It can be configured using the IIS Manager tool.
It can also be managed programmatically using the IIS API.
Q92. what is express js and why it is used in web apps and what is body parser
Express.js is a popular Node.js web framework used for building web applications. Body-parser is a middleware used to parse incoming request bodies.
Express.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
It provides a way to handle HTTP requests and responses, routing, middleware, and more.
Body-parser is a middleware used to parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers,...read more
Q93. How to optimise a React application
Optimising a React application involves code splitting, lazy loading, using memoization, reducing unnecessary re-renders, and optimizing network requests.
Implement code splitting to load only necessary code for each route or component.
Use lazy loading to load components only when they are needed, reducing initial load time.
Utilize memoization techniques like useMemo and useCallback to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
Avoid unnecessary re-renders by using shouldComponentUpdate o...read more
Q94. How to deploy or host to your website?
To deploy a website, you need to choose a hosting provider, upload your files, and configure your domain name.
Choose a hosting provider that suits your needs and budget
Upload your website files to the hosting provider's server
Configure your domain name to point to the hosting provider's server
Test your website to ensure it is working properly
Q95. What is csrf? What is session?
CSRF is a type of attack where a malicious website tricks a user into performing actions on another website. Session is a way to store user data on the server side.
CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) is a type of attack where a malicious website tricks a user into performing actions on another website without their knowledge or consent.
CSRF attacks exploit the trust that a site has in a user's browser by sending unauthorized requests using the user's session.
Sessions are a way ...read more
Q96. What is JSP and servlet and explain it
JSP and Servlet are Java technologies used for creating dynamic web pages and handling HTTP requests and responses.
JSP stands for JavaServer Pages and is used for creating dynamic web pages that can interact with server-side data and logic.
Servlet is a Java program that runs on a web server and handles HTTP requests and responses.
JSP and Servlet work together to create dynamic web applications that can generate HTML, process user input, and interact with databases.
JSP pages a...read more
Q97. How to implement Spring security with JWT token?
Implementing Spring security with JWT token involves configuring security filters and authentication providers.
Add dependencies for Spring Security and JWT
Configure security filters to validate JWT tokens
Implement authentication provider to authenticate users
Generate and sign JWT tokens for successful authentication
Example: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-jwt
Q98. What is a module in Angular?
A module is a container for a group of related components, directives, pipes, and services.
Modules help organize an application into cohesive blocks of functionality.
They can be imported and exported to share functionality between modules.
Angular has a built-in module called the AppModule, which is the root module of an Angular application.
Modules can be lazy loaded to improve performance.
Modules can have their own providers to provide services specific to that module.
Q99. What 300 & 301 status codes represents?
300 represents multiple choices and 301 represents moved permanently.
300 status code represents multiple choices, indicating that the requested resource has multiple representations available.
301 status code represents moved permanently, indicating that the requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL.
Both status codes are used in HTTP responses to indicate the status of a requested resource.
Examples of 300 status code include a webpage with multiple language op...read more
Q100. Write a html program for form validation
A program for form validation using HTML
Use the 'required' attribute to make fields mandatory
Use the 'pattern' attribute to specify a regular expression for input validation
Use the 'min' and 'max' attributes to specify minimum and maximum values for numeric inputs
Use the 'maxlength' attribute to limit the length of input fields
Use the 'onsubmit' event to trigger validation before submitting the form
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