Round: Test Experience: Reasoning / Analytical : there were many questions on venn diagram.. relationships.. cube problem... etc etc... VERBAL: questions on correction of sentences... jumbled sentences.. series... etc etc.... Total Questions: 60
Round: Interview Experience: Duration of interview - 40 minutesInterview panel: 6 scientist from DRDO and one professor from my departmentOnly technical questions were asked except my name (:P) Question types can be divided into following categories: 1. Process 2. Theory behind the process (mechanism) 3. Practical application4. Alteration in parameters and their effect on process Tips: if you are answering correctly then they will take you even deeper until you yield (cross questioning) :O but dont worry, speak only if you know the correct answer. be confident and honest (they will help you).
General Tips: Shortlisting on the basis of CGPA College Name: IIT Roorkee
Round: Test Experience: Very basic(class 7 level) english, quant and DI from CAT preparation will do. I was asked to estimate the number of newspapers I would buy if I am a supplier for the campus. Then slightly complicated the problem four or five times. Tips: Try to answer as many questions as possible--the test is the one major criterion for selection. Total Questions: 65
Round: Guesstimate Interview Experience: One-on-one interview.Basic guess estimation and details about your projects. Try to show you have some knowledge in mathematics.
Round: HR Interview Experience: HR interview--A panel of 4 or 5 people(who have taken the individual interviews in round I). Tips: Be confident and try not to tell something which you can’t defend.
General Tips: As is the case for most companies, CAT preparation will definitely help. I don’t think much focus was was given on the essay but the other sections of the test are really important. Skill Tips: A decent CGPA(mine was exactly 8) will help. HR interview--A panel of 4 or 5 people(who have taken the individual interviews in round I). Should be able to speak about your own projects and internships. College Name: IIT KHARAGPUR
Round: Interview Experience: The round was of 1 hour
Round: Group Discussion Experience: 10 people per group
General Tips: This company, as I understand, is looking for future managers. No technical preparation is required as didn’t ask a single question related to academics. You just need to convince them that you are ready to do whatever they want you to do in the company be it coding or data entry and depending on your luck and soft skills you will get through. Skill Tips: Cut off is 8. College Name: IIT KHARAGPUR
Round: Interview Experience: 1st round: Panel of two. Asked questions about the projects which were mentioned in the resume. A few questions were asked about the core intern which I did. Asked about the family background.10 got selected in the next round of interviews. I think for the second round of interviews they selected on basis of CG. No case studies were asked Just my opinion was asked in certain topics in the second interview which was taken by the partner of the firm. He asked my opinion about construction in India. I did well in the interview and they liked my story about my projects. Tips: I think for the second round of interviews they selected on basis of CG. I started preparing in Mid-November. I think placement is more about yourself. Starting earlier doesn't help.
General Tips: 2nd years: Decide where your interest lies. Have a decent CG at least above 8. 3rd years: Know your interest. Have mock PIs and GDs.
Be genuine. If you don’t know something just tell them, do not act to be over-smart.Just revise your basic level courses. Revise Contracts, IPM, Construction Management. Skill Tips: Just revise your basic level courses.Revise Contracts, IPM, Construction Management. College Name: IIT MADRAS
Q10. Tell me a special quality of yours which is not mentioned in your resume? ---Told
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Interview Preparation Tips
Round: Test Experience: 4 modules : 1. Computer Programing :- Code is given,we need to find output, basic questions in Java, C, Data Structures, DBMS. 2. Quantitative Aptitude :- Easy, Basics in Simple Interest, Profit&Loss, Numbers, Logs, Time and Work, Time Speed Distance, Prob, Perm&Comb. 3. Logical Reasoning :- Blood relations, Directions, Data sufficiency, Puzzle, Arrangements (circular & linear). 4. English :- Fill in appropriate meaning, Antonyms, Synonyms, Arrange the sentences, and 2 huge paragraphs (4+4=8 questions).
Out of 2000 members 400 were selected. I'm one among them.
Round: HR Interview Experience: After 2 days I received mail from HCL (offer letter and letter of intent). Tips: HR round is to test our communication only..
Q8. Department questions such as equation to calculate thermal heat capacity. it will be twisted
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Interview Preparation Tips
Round: Test Experience: There will be 30 questions in each section and I would say standard of question was good Tips: Time management is very important while solving questions. Your common scence and IQ is very important for solving questions specifically Quant's in cocubes. Don't panic Duration: 90 minutes Total Questions: cocubes
Round: Group Discussion Experience: My favorite round. Very intellectual and exciting Tips: Just say whatever relevant u know about the topic. Listen to others and give others time to speak don't interrupt others while they are saying something let him\her finish and then start. Don't speak too much just be appropriate Duration: 15 minutes
Round: HR Interview Experience: Very comforting keep calm and rock it Tips: This are the most asked questions so prepare some good answers for it
Round: Technical Interview Experience: Very stressful and frustrating section they just try to break you down but just don't keep calm and answer what you know Tips: They may ask some puzzles also they asked me and the response time should be quick in that
General Tips: Be confident keep calm and be smart Skill Tips: Just be confident keep your posture right and don't talk too much talk whatever is necessary and try to have a healthy interaction don't get frustrated Skills: confidence , iq, presence of mind, bit programing skill for it College Name: SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY Motivation: This company has the best work culture
Q1. Find sum of all numbers that are formed from root to leaf path (code) expected time complexity O(n)
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Q2. Given a string you need to print all possible strings that can be made by placing spaces (zero or one) in between them. For example : ABC -> A BC, AB C, ABC, A more
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Q4. There is a 12 km road and a contractor who is in-charge of repairing it. Contractor updates you about the work which is done in patches. Like “Road between 3.2 more
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Q5. Several Questions were asked from my project
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Q8. A stream of characters is coming, at any moment you have to tell ‘k’ elements closest to a given number (code)
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Q9. Design data structure that supports insert(), remove(), find-max(), delete-max() operations. All operations should run in O(1) time. Lots of discussion was more
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Q10. Check whether given link list represents palindrome
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Interview Preparation Tips
Round: Technical Interview Experience: Recently I attended Amazon Bangalore interview for SDE 2 position. All f2f and no phone/written screening as I had attended one before and cleared those. Total 4 rounds wer der. The first techh round dey asked mi questions listed above. Tips: NA
Round: Technical Interview Experience: ROUND 2 dey asked mi above questions Tips: NA
Round: Technical Interview Experience: Round 3 Above questions wer asked.
Round: Technical Interview Experience: This was the last round. thy asked mi above questions
Q10. Basic knowledge of Insurance sector
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Interview Preparation Tips
Round: HR Interview Experience: The process is a little different. It started with a Group interview in batches of 4 —- (total shortlisted – 28)
Round: Technical Interview Experience: 1.Clear regarding the profile
2.Impressed with my Group Interview and was called for the next round before GIs got over
3. Justification for the profile is good Tips: (Be careful with the financial terms you use)
General Tips: They will start with a specific question and they dig deeper. Stay calm, chill panel. Prepare the HR given above Skills: Economics, Banking College Name: NA
SPECDEL Engineering Interview FAQs
How many rounds are there in SPECDEL Engineering interview?
SPECDEL Engineering interview process usually has 3 rounds. The most common rounds in the SPECDEL Engineering interview process are Resume Shortlist, Aptitude Test and HR.