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Salad Days Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 2 Aug 2024

Salad Days Interview Experiences

1 interview found

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Process Duration
Round 1 - HR 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Self introduction
Round 2 - One-on-one 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Previous companies experience sop process
  • Ans. 

    I have experience implementing and improving standard operating procedures (SOPs) in previous companies.

    • Implemented SOPs to streamline daily operations

    • Trained staff on SOPs to ensure consistency and efficiency

    • Regularly reviewed and updated SOPs based on feedback and changes in processes

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Q1. If ebita is down, what is basic plans, stores conversion is down, IPCm, ATS, DOWN. ---MY ANSWER IS TO GET BASIC RIGHT, REST ALL THE KPI WILL BE FULL FILLED AUTOMATICALLY. Staff to staff marking is very much important and understand your tea... read more
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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Verbal-correction of sentences, 2 passages,antonyms,synonyms logical reasoning - all models are in r.s agarwal
Total Questions: 75

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Regular hr questions like tell about ur self,hobbies,strengths,any team activities, about paper presented and questions on that, questions on leadership qualities, asked to talk about 'conservation of energy' for few minutes, asked abouts functions or events organised.

College Name: NIT WARANGAL

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Why Mechanical Engineering?
  • Ans. 

    Mechanical Engineering offers a diverse range of opportunities to apply scientific principles to solve real-world problems.

    • Mechanical Engineering provides a strong foundation in math, physics, and materials science.

    • It offers a wide range of career opportunities in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing.

    • Mechanical Engineers design and develop machines, tools, and systems that improve our dai...

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions related to courses of Design, MOS, TOM. It had tough MCQ’s based on formulae that had to be memorized and were calculation intensive.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: it was a 45-minute round with questions about yourself, CPI and extra-curricular activities.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Questions based on resume, internship and 2nd and 3rd year related projects. Short discussion on Extra-curricular activities.

College Name: IIT KANPUR

Interview Questionnaire 

5 Questions

  • Q1. Based on a situation
  • Q2. Write a .small C code
  • Ans. 

    A C code that prints out the elements of an array of strings.

    • Declare an array of strings

    • Use a loop to iterate through the array

    • Print out each element

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  • Q3. Simple puzzles about colored balls probability
  • Q4. What Is the probability of it raining today in Chennai?
  • Ans. 

    The probability of rain in Chennai today depends on various factors such as season, weather conditions, and location.

    • The probability can be estimated by analyzing the current weather patterns and historical data.

    • Factors such as humidity, temperature, and wind speed can affect the probability of rain.

    • Local weather forecasts and satellite imagery can also provide insights into the likelihood of rain.

    • The probability of ra...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Find the probability that India will win the next Cricket World Cup
  • Ans. 

    It is impossible to accurately predict the probability of India winning the next Cricket World Cup.

    • Sports events are unpredictable and depend on various factors such as team performance, weather conditions, injuries, etc.

    • Past performance of the team and individual players can be considered, but it does not guarantee future success.

    • Other teams participating in the tournament also play a significant role in determining t...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Fifty people appeared for the test out of which sixteen were shortlisted.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: How would you promote a newly launched product? What marketing strategies would you use? They asked very simple case studies.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Test was based on data analysis, mainly maths. The interview was to see how much 'C' and probability you know.
Tips: Customized preparation is must along with good CGPA.

Skill Tips: Work details about your internship helps!
Skills: General knowledge, Technical knowledge
College Name: IIT Madras

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questionnaire 

7 Questions

  • Q1. Should “Social Media” technique be used for educational purposes
  • Ans. 

    Yes, social media can be used for educational purposes.

    • Social media provides a platform for sharing educational content and resources.

    • It allows for collaboration and communication among students and teachers.

    • Social media can enhance learning through interactive discussions and real-time feedback.

    • It can also help in reaching a wider audience and promoting educational initiatives.

    • Examples include educational YouTube chan...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Tell me something about youself
  • Ans. 

    I am a highly motivated and experienced project engineer with a strong background in managing complex engineering projects.

    • I have a Bachelor's degree in Engineering and have been working as a project engineer for the past 5 years.

    • I have successfully managed multiple projects from conception to completion, ensuring they are delivered on time and within budget.

    • I have a proven track record of effectively coordinating with...

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  • Q3. About the company
  • Q4. Who is the present CEO
  • Ans. 

    The present CEO is John Smith.

    • John Smith is the current CEO of the company.

    • He has been in this position since 2015.

    • Under his leadership, the company has experienced significant growth and expansion.

    • John Smith has a strong background in engineering and project management.

    • He is known for his strategic vision and ability to drive innovation.

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  • Q5. Extra-acads related questions
  • Q6. Coding related questions(only if your CV shows you are a coding studd)
  • Q7. Situation based questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Interview
Experience: Its not an elimination round, you can go with your informal clothes on. Any one who has prepared for day 1 and day2 companies will get through this round. Just read news papers and learn to shoot graphs here and there even if it has got absolutely no facts and definitely practice to write a lot.
Tips: Be prepared with both for and against the topic coz the interviewer keeps changing the topic in between the GD.The topic was same as that of the case study Don’t write bullet-ed points, this makes your cases look small. Try applying your vocabulary spectrum. Try to give exhibits even if you don’t know any facts.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: 12 students on the table, one interviewer.
Tips: Play old school .But don’t wait for your chance, just break into it, but with a gentlemanly attitude. Try giving examples. Throw arbitrary facts to prove your points, if you don’t remember the real figures.

Round: Interview
Tips: Don’t start with your brilliancein your core subject. Tell them you hate your department. Convince them that you won’t ditch them for a Ph.D or an MBA. Tell them you have a friend at Wipro who keeps giving you intel about how great the company is. Look confident and if at times you can be funny, they will appreciate it!!

Skill Tips: 8 and above CGPA is required. Later it was lowered to 7.9, mine was 7.98. They mainly ask HR questions, so being involved in Extra-academic activities gives you more that you can talk of. I had an eye for coding in C++. Helped me on this, but my extra-academics list was enough. Coding was just a bonus. If they are non core its better. But my both the internships were core based. You just have to convince them why you are dropping from core.

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. They asked me how would you determine toll for the Jamuna Expressway
  • Ans. 

    Determining toll for Jamuna Expressway

    • Consider the distance of the expressway

    • Analyze the maintenance cost of the expressway

    • Take into account the traffic volume and expected revenue

    • Compare with toll rates of similar expressways

    • Consider the economic status of the region

    • Consult with experts and stakeholders

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Interview
Experience: 2 round of interview
First round- technical (basic infra stuff)Second round- HR skills- just a brush up of civil infra courses like Infrastructure Planning and Management(IPM), ECM.HR preparation – slight basic
First round- they took people with CG>=7.5
They asked me how would you determine toll for the Jamuna Expressway.
Tips: I started in September. Obviously early bird catches the fish.

Round: Interview
Experience: HR preparation – slight basic. My HR was very good. Moreover, my intern was in Mumbai Metro Rail, which helped me push in for infra. Also my PORs gave me an edge over others.
Tips: CFA played a crucial role for my friends.

General Tips: Basically puzzles, as they are helpful in almost every company. It provides you a direction for thinking.
www.brainden.com was a good site.
300,400 puzzles book was very good. (Available in DC++)
Have your resume ready early in the semester.Have mock GDs in your group.Have basic fundamentals about what’s going in the country and world. Don’t RG and prepare in groups.
College Name: IIT MADRAS

Interview Questions & Answers

HCLTech user image Anonymous

posted on 15 May 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: My first Interview was for the post of Network Engineer in HCL Technologies held in April 21, 2009. In the morning in that day at 9.00 AM I am with dressed up with formal dress code, black shoes and a tie. I waited there for around 2 hours for the company officials to come. They came at around 11 AM. Then they started giving information about HCL Infosystems through a powerpoint presentation and what all procedure they are going to follow in their recruitment process.
The recruitment process consisted of two sections:
1. Aptitude Test
2. Personal Interview.
The Aptitude test consisted of 30 questions in Quantitative Aptitude and 30 questions in Non Verbal Reasoning and the time allotted to complete the test is 60 minutes. The questions were quite tough and challenging. It was evident that the HR were expecting more talents for their company. I could answer about 40 questions and there were no negative marks so I answered all the questions. I was quite confident that the cutoff would be less that 40. We waited for the results of Aptitude Test. The result came around 2.30 PM. About 45 candidates were selected for the personal interview and I am glad that I am one of them. From the results we could guess that the cutoff was 35. The Personal Interview was at 2 PM after lunch. At 2 PM we waited there for Personal interviewer. Four different panels were there for conducting the interview. My turn came at evening 5 PM.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR: Are you Anbarasan?
Me: Yes Sir.
HR: Take your seat.
Me: Thank You Sir.
HR: Introduce Yourself Anbarasan.
Me: (I gave a brief Introduction about myself)
HR: What is your father?
me: He is a Civil Engineer Sir.
HR: Why didnt you join civil branch in engineering
me: I am more interested in Computers than civil Sir.
HR: What is your mother?
me: She is a housewife Sir.
HR: What is your career Objective!
me: My career objective is to work in a challenging environment where I could
constantly upgrade my knowledge thereby contributing for the organisation where 
I work and my professional growth as well. And my life ambition is to become a 
reputed Ethical Hacker.
HR: Good. Who is your role model?
me: Bill Gates Sir. Because he is the best programmer in the world. I like his thoughts more than his programming. He became the best businessman in the world because of his great thinking. He is a really innovative and inspiring personnel.
(Then He asked questions from all topics in Networking . As I am good in Networking I could answer his questions. I could see that he is satisfied with my answers.)
HR: How did you learn Ethical Hacking?
me: I learned through lectures of Ankit Fadia Sir. But still I need to learn more in Ethical Hacking.
HR: Will you join HCL if you were placed anywhere?
me: Sure Sir. When it is HCL, I wont hesitate sir.
HR: Your Personal Interview session ends here. You can leave and wait for the results
me: Thank you, Sir. 
That interview session took 30 minutes to complete. And the result came at 6.30 PM. Out of 45 students, 30 got placed. I was also got selected in the interview. Almost all of friends got selected. I was glad that I got the Network Engineer Job. That was the most happiest moment I ever had.

College Name: NA

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Simple Aptitude - just brush up basics - be quick in your solving.
Duration: 120min minutes
Total Questions: 50+10

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Pretty simple interview round - was asked few HR questions. Majorly it was a informative session where i was told about the job profile and tested whether I was willing to take up the responsibility & commitment.

College Name: IIT MADRAS
Motivation: Just applied gen. Got through.

Interview Questionnaire 

6 Questions

  • Q1. Given a Linked list , print yes if it is palindrome else print no
  • Q2. Print the level order traversal of the binary tree in the spiral form
  • Ans. 

    Print the level order traversal of binary tree in spiral form

    • Perform level order traversal of the binary tree

    • Alternate the direction of traversal for each level

    • Use a stack to reverse the order of nodes in each level

    • Print the nodes in the order of traversal

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  • Q3. Maximum of all subarrays of size k(Expected Time Complexity O(N). Input : arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6} k = 3 Output : 3 3 4 5 5 5 6
  • Ans. 

    Find the maximum element in each subarray of size k in a given array.

    • Iterate through the array from index 0 to n-k.

    • For each subarray of size k, find the maximum element.

    • Store the maximum elements in a separate array.

    • Return the array of maximum elements.

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  • Q4. Given Two sorted array of size size n each. Find the Kth largest element in these two array (Expected Time Complexity Log(n))
  • Ans. 

    To find the Kth largest element in two sorted arrays, we can use the merge step of merge sort algorithm.

    • Merge the two arrays into a single sorted array using a modified merge sort algorithm.

    • Return the Kth element from the merged array.

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  • Q5. Website having several web-pages. And also there are lot many user who are accessing the web-site. say user 1 has access pattern : x->y->z->a->b->c->d->e->f user 2 has access pattern : z->a->b->c->d user 3...
  • Q6. Given two array , one of size m+n and contains m element and other position are empty , 2nd array is of size n and contains n element. both array are sorted , now merge the second array to first one such t...
  • Ans. 

    Merge two sorted arrays into one sorted array with expected time complexity of (m+n).

    • Use a two-pointer approach to compare elements from both arrays and merge them into the first array.

    • Start comparing elements from the end of both arrays and place the larger element at the end of the first array.

    • Continue this process until all elements from the second array are merged into the first array.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Duration: 90 minutes

Skills: Algorithm , OS, DBMS, data structure
College Name: NIT BHOPAL

Skills evaluated in this interview

Banking Interview Questions & Answers

ICICI Bank user image Anonymous

posted on 24 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. They asked me some Finance questions on Derivatives, NPV, IRR and on valuation. They asked me about valuing and comparing companies and some questions on trading
  • Q2. They asked me HR questions like whether I am social or not. They asked me examples where I have shown my Innovations skills and where I have handled the pressure

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Being genuine helped, they were trying to help out in answering some questions. Being flexible in outlook helped(rather than being rigid about a profile)

General Tips: GD outcome was CV influenced, Enthusiastic about the company and being open to possibilities helped.
Skills: Economics, Banking
College Name: NA

Salad Days Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Salad Days interview?
Salad Days interview process usually has 2 rounds. The most common rounds in the Salad Days interview process are HR and One-on-one Round.
How to prepare for Salad Days interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Salad Days. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Salad Days expect are Billing, Cash Collection, Cash Management, Cost Control and Customer Centric.

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