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RaRa Delivery Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 27 Apr 2022

Top RaRa Delivery Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. DSA and Language Questions: 1. Difference between Arrays and ArrayList in Java. 2. Queue Implementation using Linked List. 3. BST- How would you fill a BST with a sorted ...read more
    asked in Sde1 interview
  • Q2. During Binary search, what if negative elements were there in an Array as well how would you search a specific element and time complexity for the same.
    asked in Sde1 interview
  • Q3. Two uniform wires totally burnt in a total of 30 minutes. How will you measure 45 minutes?
    asked in Sde1 interview
View all 18 questions

RaRa Delivery Interview Experiences

2 interviews found

Sde1 Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 19 Apr 2022

I applied via Company Website

Round 1 - Technical 

(19 Questions)

  • Q1. Difference between Arrays & ArrayLists in Java?
  • Ans. 

    Arrays are fixed in size while ArrayLists can dynamically grow or shrink.

    • Arrays are of fixed size while ArrayLists can be resized dynamically.

    • Arrays can hold primitive data types while ArrayLists can only hold objects.

    • Arrays are faster than ArrayLists for accessing elements.

    • ArrayLists have built-in methods for adding, removing, and sorting elements.

    • Example: int[] arr = new int[5]; ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();

Answered by AI
  • Q2. Queue Implementation using Linked List?
  • Ans. 

    Queue can be implemented using a singly linked list where insertion happens at the tail and deletion at the head.

    • Create a Node class with data and next pointer

    • Create a Queue class with head and tail pointers

    • Enqueue operation: create a new node and add it to the tail of the list

    • Dequeue operation: remove the node at the head of the list and update the head pointer

    • Peek operation: return the data at the head of the list wi

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. BST- How will you fill a BST with a sorted Array?
  • Ans. 

    To fill a BST with a sorted array, we can use a recursive approach.

    • Find the middle element of the array and make it the root of the BST

    • Recursively construct the left subtree using the left half of the array

    • Recursively construct the right subtree using the right half of the array

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Random pointers linked- list clone?
  • Q5. Fibonacci number generation using recursion.
  • Ans. 

    Fibonacci number generation using recursion

    • Define a function that takes an integer as input

    • If the input is 0 or 1, return the input

    • Else, return the sum of the function called with input-1 and input-2

    • Call the function with the desired input

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. What is the fastest sorting algorithm?
  • Ans. 

    The fastest sorting algorithm is QuickSort.

    • QuickSort has an average time complexity of O(n log n).

    • It is a divide and conquer algorithm that recursively partitions the array.

    • It is widely used in practice and has many variations such as randomized QuickSort.

    • Other fast sorting algorithms include MergeSort and HeapSort.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Clone a linked list with a random pointer.
  • Ans. 

    Clone a linked list with a random pointer.

    • Create a new node for each node in the original list

    • Store the mapping of original node to new node in a hash table

    • Set the random pointer of each new node based on the mapping

    • Traverse the original list and the new list simultaneously to set the next pointers

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Print Fibonacci numbers until the nth term using only recursion (no loop allowed)
  • Ans. 

    Printing Fibonacci numbers using recursion only

    • Define a recursive function that takes two arguments, n and a list to store the Fibonacci sequence

    • Base case: if n is 0 or 1, return the list

    • Recursive case: append the sum of the last two elements in the list to the list and call the function with n-1

    • Call the function with n and an empty list to start the sequence

    • Print the list of Fibonacci numbers

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. Show reflection in java.
  • Ans. 

    Reflection in Java allows inspection and modification of runtime behavior of a program.

    • Reflection is achieved through classes in the java.lang.reflect package.

    • It allows access to class information, constructors, methods, and fields at runtime.

    • Reflection can be used to create new objects, invoke methods, and access or modify fields.

    • Example: Class c = Class.forName("java.lang.String");

    • Example: Method m = c.getDeclared

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. Random Pointer questions
  • Q11. Print pair with given sum.
  • Ans. 

    Given an array of integers and a target sum, find a pair of integers that add up to the target sum.

    • Create a hash table to store the difference between the target sum and each element in the array

    • Iterate through the array and check if the current element is present in the hash table

    • If it is, return the current element and its corresponding hash table value as the pair that adds up to the target sum

    • If no such pair is fou

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. How does Binary search be done in a rotated array?
  • Ans. 

    Binary search in a rotated array can be done by finding the pivot point and then applying binary search on the two subarrays.

    • Find the pivot point by comparing mid element with the first and last elements of the array

    • Apply binary search on the two subarrays formed by the pivot point

    • Repeat until the element is found or the subarray is empty

    • Time complexity is O(log n)

    • Example: [4,5,6,7,0,1,2], target=0. Pivot point is 3. B

  • Answered by AI
  • Q13. Binary search method
  • Q14. During Binary search, what if negative elements were there in an Array as well how would you search a specific element and time complexity for the same.
  • Ans. 

    Negative elements in array won't affect binary search. Time complexity remains O(log n).

    • Binary search works by dividing the array into two halves and comparing the middle element with the target element.

    • If the middle element is greater than the target, search in the left half, else search in the right half.

    • Negative elements won't affect this process as long as the array is sorted.

    • Time complexity remains O(log n) as the

  • Answered by AI
  • Q15. Show the Array Rotation
  • Ans. 

    Array rotation is the process of shifting the elements of an array to the left or right.

    • To rotate an array to the left, move the first element to the end of the array and shift the remaining elements to the left.

    • To rotate an array to the right, move the last element to the beginning of the array and shift the remaining elements to the right.

    • The number of rotations can be specified by the user.

    • Example: If the array is [...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q16. Polymorphism with Example
  • Ans. 

    Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms. It allows objects of different classes to be treated as if they were of the same class.

    • Polymorphism is achieved through method overriding and method overloading.

    • Method overriding is when a subclass provides its own implementation of a method that is already provided by its parent class.

    • Method overloading is when a class has two or more methods with the sam...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q17. Overloading vs Overriding
  • Ans. 

    Overloading is having multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. Overriding is having a method in the subclass with the same name and parameters as in the superclass.

    • Overloading is compile-time polymorphism while overriding is runtime polymorphism.

    • Overloading is used to provide different ways of calling the same method while overriding is used to provide a specific implementation of a method in the s...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q18. Plane & Fuel Puzzles .
  • Q19. Two uniform wires totally burnt in a total of 30 minutes. How will you measure 45 minutes?
  • Round 2 - Project 

    (1 Question)

    • Q1. You may be asked about the project mentioned in your CV
    Round 3 - Technical 

    (2 Questions)

    • Q1. If there is a linked list and some of the nodes have a random pointer, pointing to a different node of the same list, randomly pointing to some other pointer. Your goal is to make a copy of this list, or c...
    • Q2. There will be a discussion after this round on your salary expectations
    Round 4 - HR 

    (3 Questions)

    • Q1. Why should we hire you?
    • Q2. What are your salary expectations?
    • Q3. Discussion on the what the company does.

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Topics to prepare for RaRa Delivery Sde1 interview:
    • DSA, OOPS, Puzzles
    Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - DSA is extremely important. Linked list is a must. Keep a cool head during the interview, no need to be nervous. Be confident during the entire interview process. While explaining the approach, try and explain using small examples that would be great. If you are not confident about a problem you can say that you are not confident about that problem, no need to worry much about it, they will ask you another question instead. They want to check your DSA knowledge during the interview and the question were easy to medium level.

    Skills evaluated in this interview

    Top RaRa Delivery Sde1 Interview Questions and Answers

    Q1. DSA and Language Questions: 1. Difference between Arrays and ArrayList in Java. 2. Queue Implementation using Linked List. 3. BST- How would you fill a BST with a sorted array. 4. Random pointer linked-list clone. 5. Fibonacci number genera... read more
    View answer (1)

    Sde1 Interview Questions asked at other Companies

    Q1. DSA and Language Questions: 1. Difference between Arrays and ArrayList in Java. 2. Queue Implementation using Linked List. 3. BST- How would you fill a BST with a sorted array. 4. Random pointer linked-list clone. 5. Fibonacci number genera... read more
    View answer (1)

    Sde1 Interview Questions & Answers

    user image Anonymous

    posted on 27 Apr 2022

    Round 1 - Technical 

    (3 Questions)

    • Q1. DSA and Language Questions: 1. Difference between Arrays and ArrayList in Java. 2. Queue Implementation using Linked List. 3. BST- How would you fill a BST with a sorted array. 4. Random pointer linked...
    • Ans. 

      A list of technical questions related to data structures and algorithms in Java.

      • Arrays are fixed in size while ArrayLists can dynamically grow and shrink.

      • Queue can be implemented using a linked list by adding elements to the end and removing from the front.

      • To fill a BST with a sorted array, we can recursively divide the array in half and add the middle element as the root.

      • Random pointer linked-list clone can be done by...

    • Answered by AI
    • Q2. OOPS: 1. Polymorphism with example 2. Overloading vs overriding
    • Ans. 

      Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms. Overloading is having multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. Overriding is having a method in a subclass with the same name and parameters as a method in the superclass.

      • Polymorphism allows objects to be treated as if they are of different types. For example, a parent class reference can be used to refer to a child class object.

      • Overlo...

    • Answered by AI
    • Q3. Puzzles: 1. Plane and Fuel Puzzle 2. Two uniform wires completely burned in a total of 30 mins. How will you measure 45 mins
    Round 2 - Technical 

    (1 Question)

    • Q1. DSA and Language questions: 1. If there is a Linked List and some of the nodes have a random pointer, pointing to a different node of the same list, randomly pointing to some other pointer. Your goal is t...
    Round 3 - HR 

    (1 Question)

    • Q1. The duration of this round is approximately 20-30 minutes. The discussion revolved around the work that the company does and how the work you will be doing and how they will distribute the salary and so on...

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - DSA is extremely Important. Linked List is a must. Keep a cool head during the interview, no need to be nervous. Be Confident during the entire interview process. While explaining the approach, try and explain using small examples that would be great. If you are not confident about a problem you can say that you are not confident about that problem, no need to worry much about it, they will ask you another question instead. They want to check your DSA knowledge during the interview and the questions were easy to medium level.

    Skills evaluated in this interview

    Top RaRa Delivery Sde1 Interview Questions and Answers

    Q1. DSA and Language Questions: 1. Difference between Arrays and ArrayList in Java. 2. Queue Implementation using Linked List. 3. BST- How would you fill a BST with a sorted array. 4. Random pointer linked-list clone. 5. Fibonacci number genera... read more
    View answer (1)

    Sde1 Interview Questions asked at other Companies

    Q1. DSA and Language Questions: 1. Difference between Arrays and ArrayList in Java. 2. Queue Implementation using Linked List. 3. BST- How would you fill a BST with a sorted array. 4. Random pointer linked-list clone. 5. Fibonacci number genera... read more
    View answer (1)

    Interview questions from similar companies

    Interview experience
    Difficulty level
    Process Duration
    More than 8 weeks
    Selected Selected

    I was interviewed in Jan 2025.

    Round 1 - One-on-one 

    (2 Questions)

    • Q1. Sale price on on day
    • Q2. Start working

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Fofocus heavily on networking, tailoring your resume with relevant keywords, actively following up with potential employers, showcasing your sales skills in interviews through storytelling, and monitoring companies you're interested in to stay updated on opportunities.
    Key points to remember:
    Prioritize networking:
    Utilize your network to connect with people in the industry, attend industry events, and leverage platforms like LinkedIn to build relationships with potential hiring managers.
    Tailor your resume:
    Include relevant sales keywords throughout your resume to catch the attention of recruiters and ensure your experience aligns with the job description.
    Practice your sales pitch:
    Prepare compelling stories from your past experiences to demonstrate your ability to close deals, overcome objections, and build rapport during interviews.
    Follow up consistently:
    After submitting applications, send personalized follow-up emails to maintain engagement with potential employers.
    Research companies:
    Actively monitor companies you're interested in by following their social media and news to stay informed about potential openings.
    Highlight transferable skills:
    Even if you lack direct sales experience, emphasize skills like communication, persuasion, relationship building, and problem-solving that translate well to a sales role.
    Ask insightful questions:
    During interviews, demonstrate your knowledge of the company and role by asking thoughtful questions that show your genuine interest.
    Be enthusiastic and confident:
    Convey a positive attitude and express your passion for sales to make a strong impression on potential employers.
    Interview experience
    Difficulty level
    Process Duration
    Less than 2 weeks
    No response

    I was interviewed in Feb 2025.

    Round 1 - Technical 

    (5 Questions)

    • Q1. Can you provide information about yourself and the projects you have worked on?
    • Q2. What is the Re-Framework, and how do the Dispatcher, Performer, and DataTable transaction approaches function in UiPath?
    • Q3. What is the difference between an execute query and an execute non-query?
    • Q4. What is the difference between a switch statement and an if-else statement?
    • Q5. Datatable how to use it in Uipath, what is a connection string and how we can create that?
    Interview experience
    Difficulty level
    Process Duration
    Less than 2 weeks
    Selected Selected

    I was interviewed in Jan 2025.

    Round 1 - Aptitude Test 

    The exam consists of seven sections, and the cutoff score is quite high; it is essential to complete the exam thoroughly.

    Round 2 - One-on-one 

    (5 Questions)

    • Q1. Can you tell me about yourself?
    • Q2. Can you provide details about your internship experience?
    • Q3. Given a puzzle to solve
    • Q4. What can you tell me about your major projects?
    • Q5. What is the latest news you have heard regarding technology?

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Stay composed, exhibit confidence, and ensure effective communication.
    Interview experience
    Difficulty level
    Process Duration
    Less than 2 weeks
    No response

    I was interviewed in Feb 2025.

    Round 1 - HR 

    (3 Questions)

    • Q1. Tell me about yourself
    • Q2. Expected CTC
    • Q3. Why you left your previous company (Negative answers should be avoided)
    Round 2 - Technical 

    (3 Questions)

    • Q1. Questions based on the concepts of payroll
    • Q2. Expected CTC
    • Q3. Discussion regards to Shift timings, Cab facility, Annual leaves, Variable bonus, Relocate bonus.
    Round 3 - Behavioral 

    (1 Question)

    • Q1. Regards to Payroll questions on what I did on daily basis.

    O&M WAREHOUSE MANAGER Interview Questions & Answers

    Jio user image Anonymous

    posted on 28 Feb 2025

    Interview experience
    Difficulty level
    Process Duration
    More than 8 weeks
    No response

    I was interviewed in Jan 2025.

    Round 1 - One-on-one 

    (2 Questions)

    • Q1. Give work freedom to employee
    • Q2. No need to search each and every transactions
    Round 2 - HR 

    (2 Questions)

    • Q1. Trust on employee
    • Q2. Maintain minimum job curtsy
    Round 3 - One-on-one 

    (2 Questions)

    • Q1. Salary hike and position hike is Mandatory
    • Q2. Collect exact feedback from employee

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Job guarantee is Mandatory
    Interview experience
    Difficulty level
    Process Duration
    2-4 weeks
    No response

    I was interviewed in Sep 2024.

    Round 1 - Aptitude Test 

    An aptitude test evaluates an individual's potential to excel in a specific area by assessing their strengths and weaknesses in particular abilities.

    Round 2 - Aptitude Test 

    An assessment that measures an individual's inherent abilities and potential for success in a specific activity.

    Round 3 - Coding Test 

    A coding test is a programming assessment designed to evaluate a candidate's coding skills. It is a standard component of the technical hiring process for software developers and programmers.

    Round 4 - Coding Test 

    Assessment that evaluates a candidate's coding skills

    Round 5 - Group Discussion 

    Group discussion (GD) topics for interviews may cover areas such as business, social issues, and current affairs. GDs serve to evaluate a candidate's communication, leadership, and teamwork abilities.

    Round 6 - Assignment 

    Discussion assignments are prompts that your teacher may assign to you. By participating in these discussions, you can reflect on your learning, share ideas and opinions, or ask and answer questions. Discussions may require you to respond to individual questions or provide multiple responses to an ongoing conversation.

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Job seekers can improve their chances by researching the job market, preparing their resume and cover letter, and networking.
    Know your goals: Consider your values, strengths, and ideal work environment.
    Research the company: Anticipate common interview questions.
    Prepare your resume
    Tailor your resume: Customize your resume for each job application.
    Highlight your skills: Highlight how your skills and experience match the job description.
    Use keywords: Use relevant keywords in your resume and cover letter.
    Prepare for interviews
    Prepare your answers: Use the STAR method to prepare your answers.
    Research the company: Anticipate common interview questions.
    Expand your professional network: You may find that more people can recommend you to a new position.
    Use your professional network: You can use your network for career advice.
    Other tips Don't limit your search to online resources, Optimize your LinkedIn profile, Use several job-search websites, Keep your resume up-to-date, and Develop your interview skills.
    Interview experience
    Difficulty level
    Process Duration
    Less than 2 weeks
    Not Selected

    I was interviewed in Jan 2025.

    Round 1 - Coding Test 

    A sequence was provided: 4181, 2684, 1597, 987, 610.
    first 2 are given and write code for other value calculation using java 8

    The second question required writing a reverse of a palindrome using both Java 8 streams. I was able to successfully write both and clear the first round.

    Round 2 - Technical 

    (6 Questions)

    • Q1. Interviewer was himself not knowing anything as it was walkin drive he was sitting infront of me and checking questions on phone Introduction that he inturrepted in between when I was introducing myself
    • Q2. What are the features of Java 17, specifically related to sealed classes, including their syntax and necessity, along with the potential errors encountered when invoking a sealed class?
    • Ans. 

      Java 17 introduces sealed classes to restrict inheritance and improve code maintainability.

      • Sealed classes are declared using the 'sealed' keyword followed by the permitted subclasses.

      • Subclasses of a sealed class must be either final or sealed themselves.

      • Errors may occur when trying to extend a sealed class with a non-permitted subclass.

    • Answered by AI
    • Q3. Java 8 feathers stream api, functional interface, Intermittent operator ,Ternary operator, Prediction,Bi predicate. Answered all successfully
    • Q4. Draw low level design of implementation of notify me if item is back in stock in a ecommerce application
    • Ans. 

      Implementation of 'notify me if item is back in stock' feature in an ecommerce application

      • Create a database table to store user notifications for out-of-stock items

      • Implement a service to check item availability and send notifications to subscribed users

      • Provide a user interface for users to subscribe to notifications for specific items

    • Answered by AI
    • Q5. All design patterns which I know. Asked me to implement adapter pattern on paper
    • Q6. Then given a problem that concurrent way perform operation on excell to decrease the response time

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - I always suggest staying away from these companies commonly referred to as WITCH (Wipro, Infosys, TCS, Cognizant, HCL). You will rarely encounter good interviewers there unless there is an extreme necessity. Interview was judging me on the basis of syntex by seeing in his phone. How can everyone write each and everything on copy. For the low level design first time in my 6 years carrier someone asked to design without using kafka or any other library like spring boot to achieve that add in reminder list problem 😂. At first it was my bad after holding a offer of almost 27 lakh I somehow agreed for giving interview. Second thing I also know that after Even clearing they cannot afford 30LPA which I asked. I just went there because from last 6.5 year I have never attended any walking or face to face interview so was curious for it. Currently also working with somewhat premium product development company only. My experience was very bad. May be it can get vary person to person.

    Functional Testing Senior Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

    Deloitte user image Anonymous

    posted on 4 Feb 2025

    Interview experience
    Difficulty level
    Process Duration
    Less than 2 weeks
    No response

    I was interviewed in Jan 2025.

    Round 1 - HR 

    (2 Questions)

    • Q1. Current CTC, Expected CTC, Notice Period, Skill set
    • Q2. Open for Fixed term hire? Open for working from client location at Gurgaon? (3 days from office)
    • Ans. 

      Yes, open for fixed term hire and working from client location at Gurgaon for 3 days a week.

      • Open for fixed term hire

      • Willing to work from client location at Gurgaon for 3 days a week

    • Answered by AI
    Round 2 - Technical 

    (10 Questions)

    • Q1. Introduction, Current role and responsibilities
    • Q2. List out the achievements in current project, Tools used
    • Ans. 

      Implemented automated testing using Selenium WebDriver and JUnit in Agile environment

      • Implemented automated testing framework using Selenium WebDriver

      • Utilized JUnit for test case management

      • Worked in Agile environment to ensure continuous testing and integration

    • Answered by AI
    • Q3. Pilot vs Beta testing. How can newly developed functionality be tested via automation rather doing it manually?
    • Ans. 

      Pilot testing is done by a small group of users before the full release, while beta testing is done by a larger group of users. Automation testing can be used for regression testing, smoke testing, and performance testing.

      • Pilot testing involves a small group of users testing the functionality in a controlled environment.

      • Beta testing involves a larger group of users testing the functionality in a real-world environment.

      • ...

    • Answered by AI
    • Q4. Primary key vs Unique key in SQL, Query to find row having last id in sql
    • Ans. 

      Primary key uniquely identifies a record, while unique key allows only one instance of a value in a column. Query to find last id involves using ORDER BY and LIMIT.

      • Primary key enforces uniqueness and not null constraint on a column

      • Unique key enforces uniqueness but allows null values

      • To find row with last id, use ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 in SQL query

    • Answered by AI
    • Q5. Explain Software Testing Life Cycle, Defect Life Cycle
    • Ans. 

      Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) involves planning, designing, executing, and reporting on tests. Defect Life Cycle includes identification, logging, fixing, and retesting defects.

      • STLC includes requirements analysis, test planning, test design, test execution, and test closure.

      • Defect Life Cycle involves defect identification, defect logging, defect fixing, defect retesting, and defect closure.

      • STLC ensures that the so...

    • Answered by AI
    • Q6. What's the meaning of 303 status code in API? Put vs Delete method in API What is 3 point estimation technique in Agile?
    • Ans. 

      303 status code in API means 'See Other'. PUT method is used to update data, while DELETE method is used to remove data. 3 point estimation technique in Agile is used to estimate tasks.

      • 303 status code indicates that the resource can be found at a different URI and should be retrieved from there

      • PUT method is used to update an existing resource in the API

      • DELETE method is used to remove a resource from the API

      • 3 point esti...

    • Answered by AI
    • Q7. What kind of links and labels can be tagged to a bug in jira?
    • Ans. 

      Links and labels that can be tagged to a bug in Jira

      • Links: related issues, documents, websites

      • Labels: priority, severity, type, status

    • Answered by AI
    • Q8. Have you done shell scripting? What does grep, href commands do in unix?
    • Ans. 

      Shell scripting is a way to automate tasks in Unix/Linux systems. Grep is used to search for specific patterns in text files. Href is not a standard Unix command.

      • Shell scripting automates tasks by writing scripts in a Unix/Linux environment

      • Grep command is used to search for specific patterns in text files

      • Example: grep 'search_pattern' file.txt

      • Href is not a standard Unix command, it may be a typo or a custom script

    • Answered by AI
    • Q9. As a lead, how would you resolve conflict with a team member? As a lead, if you are given plenty of tasks to be completed with in a limited time frame. What would be your approach in doing them?
    • Ans. 

      To resolve conflict with a team member, communication is key. Prioritize understanding, address the issue calmly, find common ground, and work towards a solution together.

      • Listen to the team member's perspective and concerns

      • Communicate openly and calmly about the issue

      • Find common ground and areas of agreement

      • Work together to find a solution that benefits both parties

      • Seek input from other team members or a mediator if ne

    • Answered by AI
    • Q10. Open for relocating to Bangalore and working from client's office? (with no relocation bonus) Open for working in night / rotational shift? (with no additional compensation) Open for working in long exten...
    • Ans. 

      Open to relocating to Bangalore, working in night shifts, long hours, and 24X7 culture. Goal is to excel in automation testing.

      • Yes, open to relocating to Bangalore and working from client's office

      • Yes, open to working in night/rotational shifts

      • Yes, open to working in long extendable hours or 24X7 culture

      • Goal is to excel in automation testing

    • Answered by AI

    Interview Preparation Tips

    Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Not a good experience. Some recruiters are very arrogant and have no respect for the people interviewing with them. They consider as themselves dummy kings, because they are working in Deloitte USI. I interacted with 4-5 recruiters for one opening (from Gurgaon / Hyderabad). One HR even said to me that I was not the only person interviewing with them, they have bunch of people to chose, also various other things were said in a very unprofessional and rude manner. She had no ethics of talking to an experienced resource, when I escalated this to the seniors, they immediately apologized for her behavior and I was then handled by another Senior HR

    I applied via referral in Deloitte USI but to save their referral bonus (I guess), they rejected my profile on the portal and called me through Naukri.com. When I asked them the reason, they said its for a different profile them. however it was for the same one.
    Also on their career site, it was not mentioned that role is of fixed term hire (for 2 years), but HR disclosed it later, during the conversation. (another discrepancy)

    During my initial conversation, HR clearly said there won't be any night shifts and I would have to work from client's location in Gurgaon office. Although it is 2 year contractual role.
    But during my technical interview, the person clearly said to me that I would have to relocate to Bangalore for working from client's secured ODC in office. Also there would be rotational/ night shifts (without any extra pay). Basically they were looking for someone who would devote his 24X7 time to the company for a minimal salary and does not demand for work life balance or weekends off

    Neither the HR nor the interviewer opened their web camera during the video call. But HR kept asking me to keep my camera open, even during the waiting time

    RaRa Delivery Interview FAQs

    How many rounds are there in RaRa Delivery interview?
    RaRa Delivery interview process usually has 3-4 rounds. The most common rounds in the RaRa Delivery interview process are Technical and HR.
    How to prepare for RaRa Delivery interview?
    Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at RaRa Delivery. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at RaRa Delivery expect are Android, Coding, Javascript, Linux and SCM.
    What are the top questions asked in RaRa Delivery interview?

    Some of the top questions asked at the RaRa Delivery interview -

    1. DSA and Language Questions: 1. Difference between Arrays and ArrayList in Java...read more
    2. During Binary search, what if negative elements were there in an Array as well ...read more
    3. Two uniform wires totally burnt in a total of 30 minutes. How will you measure ...read more

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    Software Development Engineer
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    ₹15 L/yr - ₹16.5 L/yr

    Product Manager
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    ₹22 L/yr - ₹30 L/yr

    Senior Software Engineer
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    ₹24 L/yr - ₹28 L/yr

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    ₹4 L/yr - ₹4.5 L/yr

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