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100+ Chaayos Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 29 Dec 2024
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Q1. Sort By Kth Bit

You are given an array/list ‘ARR’ of ‘N’ positive integers and an integer ‘K’. Your task is to group all the array elements with ‘K-th’ bit (rightmost bit is ‘1st’ bit) equal to 0 followed by more

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Q2. Search In Rotated Sorted Array

You have been given a sorted array/list ARR consisting of ‘N’ elements. You are also given an integer ‘K’.

Now the array is rotated at some pivot point unknown to you. For example, more

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Q3. Longest Palindromic Substring

You are given a string (STR) of length N.

Your task is to find the longest palindromic substring. If there is more than one palindromic substring with the maximum length, return more

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Q4. Job Sequencing Problem

You are given a N x 2 2-D array 'Jobs' of 'N' jobs where Jobs[i][0] denote the deadline of i-th job and Jobs[i][1] denotes the profit associated with i-th job.

You will make a certain more

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Q5. Count ways to reach the nth stairs

You have been given a number of stairs. Initially, you are at the 0th stair, and you need to reach the Nth stair. Each time you can either climb one step or two steps. You more

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Q6. Merge Sort

Given a sequence of numbers ‘ARR’. Your task is to return a sorted sequence of ‘ARR’ in non-descending order with help of the merge sort algorithm.

Example :

Merge Sort Algorithm - Merge sort is a more
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Q7. Partition a set into two subsets such that the difference of subset sums is minimum.

You are given an array containing N non-negative integers. Your task is to partition this array into two subsets such that more


The task is to partition an array into two subsets such that the absolute difference between subset sums is minimum.

  • Iterate through all possible subsets of the array

  • Calculate the sum of each subset

  • Find the minimum absolute difference between the subset sums

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Q8. Prime Time Again

You have been given two integers ‘DAY_HOURS’ and ‘PARTS’. Where ‘DAY_HOURS’ is the number of hours in a day and a day can be divided into ‘PARTS’ equal parts. Your task is to find total more

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Q9. Connect N Ropes With Minimum Cost

You have been given 'N' ropes of different lengths, we need to connect these ropes into one rope. The cost to connect two ropes is equal to sum of their lengths. We need to more

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Q10. Delete Node In A Linked List

You are given a Singly Linked List of integers and a reference to the node to be deleted. Every node of the Linked List has a unique value written on it. Your task is to delete that more

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Q11. Third greatest element

Given an array/list 'ARR' of ‘N’ distinct integers, you are supposed to find the third largest element in the given array 'ARR'.

Input Format :
The first line contains a single integer ‘T’ more
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Q12. DBMS Questions

1. He asked me what databases have you worked on?
2. What type of database is MySQL? I answered RDBMS.
He asked me to show the database design of a few of my projects. I did. Later he asked what is more

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Q13. Reverse A Doubly Linked List

You are given a doubly-linked list of size 'N', consisting of positive integers. Now your task is to reverse it and return the head to the modified list.

A doubly linked list more

The task is to reverse a given doubly linked list and return the head of the modified list.

  • Create three pointers: prev, current, and next.

  • Iterate through the linked list and update the next and prev pointers for each node.

  • Finally, update the head pointer to the last node visited and return it as the head of the reversed list.

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Q14. What are interfaces and what is difference between an interface and abstract class


Interfaces define a contract for behavior, while abstract classes provide partial implementation.

  • Interfaces only define method signatures, while abstract classes can have both abstract and concrete methods.

  • A class can implement multiple interfaces, but can only inherit from one abstract class.

  • Interfaces are used for loose coupling and flexibility in design.

  • Abstract classes are used for code reuse and to enforce a common implementation among subclasses.

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Q15. Puzzle

1. How do we measure forty-five minutes using two identical wires, each of which takes an hour to burn? The wires burn non-uniformly.
2. Given two hourglass of 4 minutes and 7 minutes, the task is to more

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Q16. Sort elements by frequency

You are given a list of a repeated set of integers. Your task for the problem is to return a list of the given elements in decreasing sorted order of their frequency of repetition in more


The task is to sort a list of integers based on their frequency of repetition, with the element with the highest frequency first.

  • Count the frequency of each element in the list using a dictionary.

  • Sort the elements based on their frequency in descending order.

  • If two elements have the same frequency, maintain their original order.

  • Return the sorted list.

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What is Normalization ?
Why it is needed ?
Types of Normalizations and there conditions.
What is Indexing ?
Types of Indexing and the difference between them.
2-3 SQL queries to find the nth largest salary , more

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Q18. OOPS Concepts

Real Life Examples of OOPS fundamentals like Abstraction , Encapsulation , Polymorphism , Inheritance.
Difference between Dynamic and Static Polymorphism.
To write a small program which shows how more

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Q19. Operating System

What is Deadlock ?
What are the conditions of Deadlock ?
Real life scenarios where deadlock happens.
What is CPU Scheduling?
Round Robin in CPU Scheduling.
What are Semaphores and its applications?

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Q20. OS Questions

1. What is deadlock? Explain a real-time scenario where you faced a deadlock while developing your projects. Also, explain how did you solve it.
2. What is scheduling? How processes are scheduled? more

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Q21. What is Software Development Cycle??What are the phase in software development??


Software Development Cycle is a process of designing, creating, testing, and deploying software.

  • The phases of Software Development Cycle are Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance.

  • Planning involves defining the project scope, goals, and requirements.

  • Analysis involves gathering and analyzing user requirements.

  • Design involves creating a detailed design of the software.

  • Implementation involves writing code and integrating different more

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Q22. Puzzle

There is a room with a door (closed) and three light bulbs. Outside the room, there are three switches, connected to the bulbs. You may manipulate the switches as you wish, but once you open the door you more

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Q23. what is difference between stored procedure and function


Stored procedures are used to perform a set of actions, while functions return a single value.

  • Stored procedures are precompiled and stored in the database, while functions are compiled at runtime.

  • Functions can be used in SQL statements, while stored procedures cannot be used in SQL statements.

  • Functions can be called from within stored procedures, but stored procedures cannot be called from within functions.

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Q24. Software Engineering Question

What is waterfall model? What are its phases?

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Q25. what is difference between virtual and override keywords


Virtual keyword is used to declare a method in a base class that can be overridden in a derived class. Override keyword is used in the derived class to override the implementation of the virtual method.

  • Virtual keyword is used in the base class to declare a method that can be overridden in the derived class

  • Override keyword is used in the derived class to override the implementation of the virtual method

  • Virtual methods provide a way for a base class to define a default more

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Q26. What is waterfall model?? What are the phases in waterfall model??


Waterfall model is a linear sequential approach to software development.

  • Phases: Requirements gathering, Design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, Maintenance

  • Each phase must be completed before moving to the next

  • No going back to previous phases

  • Documentation is important

  • Less flexible than Agile model

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Q27. API - Postman - Collections - Purpose and How do you prepare and execute ?


API testing tool to create and execute collections of requests in Postman

  • Postman is a popular API testing tool used to create and execute collections of requests

  • Collections are groups of requests that can be organized and executed together

  • API testing is done by sending requests to the API and verifying the response

  • Postman allows for easy creation and execution of API tests using collections

  • To prepare, create a collection of requests and define the necessary variables and more

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Q28. Software Engineering Question

What is SDLC? What are its phases?

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Q29. Software Engineering Question

What is scrum methodology?

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Q30. Optimal Test Cases for a glass box dropping from 100th floor to Zero floor - chances of breaking

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Q31. what are solid principles and explain them


SOLID principles are a set of five design principles for writing maintainable and scalable code.

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) - a class should have only one reason to change

  • Open-Closed Principle (OCP) - a class should be open for extension but closed for modification

  • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) - subtypes should be substitutable for their base types

  • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) - clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces they do not use

  • more

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Q32. Program to find the second largest element from a 4-digit number, ex: input 1245 return 4


Program to find the second largest element from a 4-digit number

  • Convert the number to a string and split it into an array of characters

  • Sort the array in descending order

  • Return the second element of the array

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Q33. How is y9ur project related to business problem and how you have solved it


Developed a predictive model to identify potential customer churn for a telecom company

  • Identified key factors contributing to customer churn through exploratory data analysis

  • Built a logistic regression model to predict customer churn with 85% accuracy

  • Provided actionable insights to the business team to reduce customer churn and improve customer retention

  • Implemented the model in production environment using Python and SQL

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Q34. what is a singleton design pattern


Singleton design pattern restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance and provides a global point of access to it.

  • Used when only one instance of a class is required throughout the system

  • Provides a global point of access to the instance

  • Implemented using a private constructor, static method, and static variable

  • Example: Logger class, Database connection class

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Q35. Puzzle

A birthday cake has to be equally divided into 8 equal pieces in exactly 3 cuts. Determine the way to make this division possible.

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Q36. Technical Questions

OS - Process Scheduling, Deadlock, Memory Management
DBMS - Normalisation, Joins, Foreign key


The question covers topics related to operating systems and database management systems.

  • Process scheduling in operating systems involves determining the order in which processes are executed.

  • Deadlock refers to a situation where two or more processes are unable to proceed because each is waiting for the other to release a resource.

  • Memory management in operating systems involves allocating and managing memory resources for processes.

  • Normalization in DBMS is the process of more

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Q37. What will happen if you have to handle a dead machine?


I would follow the standard protocol for handling a dead machine.

  • I would first confirm that the machine is indeed dead and not just malfunctioning.

  • I would then follow the standard protocol for handling dead machines, which may include checking for any visible damage or signs of wear and tear.

  • If necessary, I would consult with other engineers or technical experts to determine the best course of action for repairing or replacing the machine.

  • Throughout the process, I would more

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Q38. DBMS Question

Query to find Nth highest Salary

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Q39. Testing types Testing techniques Find elements vs find element Window handle vs window handles Framework involved/implemented Cucumber options Hooks Char sequence in string Locating tabs in and syntax...

read more

The question covers various testing types, techniques, elements, window handling, frameworks, Cucumber options, hooks, and string manipulation using Java.

  • Testing types include functional testing, regression testing, performance testing, etc.

  • Testing techniques can involve manual testing, automated testing, black box testing, white box testing, etc.

  • Find element is used to locate a single element on a web page, while find elements is used to locate multiple elements.

  • Window more

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Q40. Technical Questions

This round was mainly based on my Projects and Tech Stack I used in my Projects.

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Q41. OOPS Questions

Basic concepts of OOPS were asked like Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, and Encapsulation.

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Q42. What do you think proffesional growth in your view


Professional growth is the continuous development of skills, knowledge, and experience to enhance one's career prospects.

  • Acquiring new skills and knowledge through training and education

  • Taking on challenging projects and responsibilities

  • Networking and building relationships with industry professionals

  • Seeking feedback and constructive criticism to improve performance

  • Staying up-to-date with industry trends and advancements

  • Setting career goals and creating a plan to achieve them

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Q43. OOPS Questions

Basic concepts on OOPS was asked like:
Friend Function

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Q44. does c# support multiple inheritence


No, C# does not support multiple inheritance.

  • C# only supports single inheritance, where a class can inherit from only one base class.

  • However, C# does support multiple interface inheritance, where a class can implement multiple interfaces.

  • This is achieved using the 'interface' keyword instead of 'class'.

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Q45. Difference between primary and secondary constraints in SQL


Primary constraints are used to uniquely identify a record while secondary constraints are used to enforce business rules.

  • Primary constraints are used to create a unique identifier for a record in a table

  • Primary constraints can be used to enforce referential integrity

  • Secondary constraints are used to enforce business rules

  • Secondary constraints can be used to limit the values that can be entered into a column

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Q46. how routing is done in mvc


Routing in MVC is done through the use of routes, which map URLs to controller actions.

  • Routes are defined in the RouteConfig.cs file in the App_Start folder

  • Routes consist of a URL pattern and a corresponding controller action

  • Routes can also include optional parameters and constraints

  • Routing is done through the use of the ASP.NET routing engine

  • Routing can be customized by creating custom route handlers

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Q47. what is singleton design pattern


Singleton design pattern restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance and provides a global point of access to it.

  • Used when only one instance of a class is required throughout the system

  • Provides a global point of access to the instance

  • Implemented using a private constructor, static method, and static variable

  • Example: Logger class in Java

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Q48. what are extension methods


Extension methods are static methods that allow adding new functionality to existing types without modifying the original type.

  • Extension methods are defined in a static class.

  • They must be declared with the 'this' keyword before the first parameter.

  • They can be called as if they were instance methods of the extended type.

  • Extension methods can be used to add functionality to built-in types or custom types.

  • Example: adding a method to the string type to convert a string to title more

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Q49. Java Question

Explain the OOPS concepts.

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Q50. Write program for matrix diagonal & anti diagonal sum.


Program to calculate diagonal and anti-diagonal sum of a matrix.

  • Iterate through the matrix to calculate diagonal and anti-diagonal sums separately.

  • For diagonal sum, add elements where row index equals column index.

  • For anti-diagonal sum, add elements where row index + column index equals matrix size - 1.

  • Example: For a 3x3 matrix, diagonal sum = matrix[0][0] + matrix[1][1] + matrix[2][2]

  • Example: For a 3x3 matrix, anti-diagonal sum = matrix[0][2] + matrix[1][1] + matrix[2][0]

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Q51. what are filters in mvc


Filters in MVC are used to intercept and modify HTTP requests and responses.

  • Filters can be used to implement authentication and authorization.

  • They can also be used for caching and logging.

  • Examples of filters include AuthorizationFilter, ActionFilter, and ExceptionFilter.

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Q52. What is the difference between abstract and interface


Abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract methods, while interface can only have abstract methods.

  • Abstract class can have constructors, fields, and methods, while interface can only have constants and method signatures.

  • A class can extend only one abstract class, but can implement multiple interfaces.

  • Abstract classes are used to define a common behavior for subclasses, while interfaces are used to define a contract for classes to implement.

  • Example: Abstract class more

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Q53. What is scrum methodology?


Scrum is an agile methodology used for software development and project management.

  • It involves iterative and incremental development.

  • A team works on a project in sprints, typically 2-4 weeks long.

  • The team has daily stand-up meetings to discuss progress and plan for the day.

  • The product owner prioritizes the backlog of work.

  • At the end of each sprint, a review and retrospective are held to evaluate progress and plan for the next sprint.

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Q54. Java Question

Access modifiers in Java

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Q55. what are indexes in sql


Indexes in SQL are used to improve the performance of queries by allowing faster data retrieval.

  • Indexes are created on one or more columns of a table.

  • They work like a book index, allowing the database to quickly find the data.

  • Indexes can be clustered or non-clustered.

  • Clustered indexes determine the physical order of data in a table.

  • Non-clustered indexes create a separate structure to store the index data.

  • Indexes should be used carefully as they can slow down data more

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Q56. what is dependency injection


Dependency injection is a design pattern used to remove hard-coded dependencies and make code more modular and testable.

  • Dependency injection involves injecting dependencies into a class rather than having the class create them itself.

  • This allows for easier testing and swapping out of dependencies.

  • There are three types of dependency injection: constructor injection, setter injection, and interface injection.

  • Examples of dependency injection frameworks include Spring and Guice.

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Q57. What is agile model??


Agile model is an iterative approach to software development that emphasizes flexibility and customer satisfaction.

  • Agile model involves continuous collaboration between cross-functional teams and customers

  • It prioritizes working software over comprehensive documentation

  • It allows for changes and adjustments to be made throughout the development process

  • Examples of agile methodologies include Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP)

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Q58. gives 0,1 and 2 in an array you have to sort in place in one pass


Sort an array of strings containing 0, 1, and 2 in one pass

  • Use three pointers to keep track of the positions of 0s, 1s, and 2s

  • Iterate through the array and swap elements based on their values and the pointers

  • At the end of the iteration, the array will be sorted in place

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Q59. explain about dependency injection


Dependency injection is a design pattern that allows objects to receive dependencies from external sources rather than creating them internally.

  • Dependency injection helps to decouple components and make them more reusable and testable.

  • There are three types of dependency injection: constructor injection, setter injection, and interface injection.

  • Example: Instead of creating a database connection object inside a class, we can inject it from outside.

  • Dependency injection more

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Q60. Write program in c# describing all OOPs concepts.


Program in C# demonstrating OOPs concepts

  • Use classes and objects to demonstrate encapsulation

  • Inheritance can be shown by creating a base class and derived classes

  • Polymorphism can be illustrated through method overriding or interfaces

  • Abstraction can be implemented by hiding internal details and showing only necessary information

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Q61. what is redux and its architecture?


Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.

  • Redux is a state management library commonly used with React.

  • It helps in managing the state of an application in a predictable way.

  • Redux follows a unidirectional data flow architecture.

  • Actions are dispatched to update the state through reducers.

  • State is stored in a single immutable state tree.

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Q62. Delete the node in a linked list with given pointer


To delete a node in a linked list with a given pointer, update the node's value and next pointer to the next node's value and next pointer.

  • Set the value of the node to the value of the next node

  • Set the next pointer of the node to the next node's next pointer

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Q63. Reverse the items in the array with highest values skip the lowest


Reverse items in array with highest values, skipping the lowest

  • Sort the array in descending order

  • Skip the lowest value(s)

  • Reverse the remaining items

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Q64. Write a java program to convert the first letter of each word in upper case


Java program to convert first letter of each word to upper case

  • Split the input string into an array of words

  • Iterate through each word and capitalize the first letter

  • Join the words back together into a single string

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Q65. Write a java program to remove the duplicate characters from a string


Java program to remove duplicate characters from a string

  • Create a HashSet to store unique characters

  • Iterate through the string and add each character to the HashSet

  • Construct a new string by appending characters from the HashSet

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Q66. What is Pass by Value & pass by Reference


Pass by value involves passing a copy of the actual value, while pass by reference involves passing a reference to the actual value.

  • Pass by value: actual value is copied and changes made to the copy do not affect the original value

  • Pass by reference: reference to the actual value is passed, changes made to the reference affect the original value

  • Example: Pass by value - int x = 10; func(x); // x remains 10 after func call

  • Example: Pass by reference - int x = 10; func(&x); // x more

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Q67. What are the technology you are familiar with


I am familiar with a variety of technologies including Java, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Git.

  • Java

  • Python

  • SQL

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JavaScript

  • Git

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Q68. Explain the current project architecture you are working on.


Our current project architecture follows a microservices design pattern with Docker containers and Kubernetes for orchestration.

  • Microservices architecture

  • Docker containers

  • Kubernetes for orchestration

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Q69. What you know about NCR corporation


NCR Corporation is a global technology company that provides products and services that enable businesses to connect, interact, and transact with their customers.

  • NCR Corporation is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

  • It was founded in 1884 as the National Cash Register Company.

  • NCR provides software, hardware, and services for industries such as retail, financial services, hospitality, and telecommunications.

  • The company is known for its self-service kiosks and ATMs.

  • NCR has a more

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Q70. Mobile phone usage is good or bad for children?


Mobile phone usage can have both positive and negative impacts on children depending on how it is used.

  • Excessive mobile phone usage can lead to addiction, sleep deprivation, and social isolation.

  • However, mobile phones can also be used for educational purposes, staying connected with family and friends, and for emergency situations.

  • It is important for parents to monitor their children's mobile phone usage and set limits to ensure a healthy balance.

  • Overall, the impact of more

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Q71. What deals you have closed in sales


I have closed deals in various industries including technology, healthcare, and retail.

  • Closed a $100,000 software deal with a tech company

  • Secured a partnership with a healthcare provider resulting in a $50,000 contract

  • Negotiated a retail distribution deal leading to a 20% increase in sales

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Q72. What is your understanding on contracts


Contracts are legally binding agreements between two or more parties outlining the terms and conditions of a business relationship.

  • Contracts can be written or verbal, but written contracts are generally preferred for clarity and enforceability.

  • Key components of a contract include offer, acceptance, consideration, legality, capacity, and intention.

  • Contracts can cover a wide range of agreements, such as sales, services, employment, and partnerships.

  • Breach of contract can more

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Q73. What is TDD and BDD?


TDD is Test Driven Development and BDD is Behavior Driven Development.

  • TDD is a software development process where tests are written before the code.

  • BDD is a software development process where tests are written in a natural language that describes the behavior of the system.

  • TDD focuses on testing the functionality of individual units of code.

  • BDD focuses on testing the behavior of the system as a whole.

  • TDD is often associated with unit testing, while BDD is often associated more

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Q74. java interface and abstract class difference


Java interface defines a contract for classes to implement, while abstract class provides common functionality for subclasses.

  • Interface can only have abstract methods, while abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract methods.

  • A class can implement multiple interfaces but can only extend one abstract class.

  • Interfaces are used to achieve multiple inheritance in Java, while abstract classes are used to provide a common base for subclasses.

  • Interfaces are implicitly more

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Q75. Explain what is Spring Sleuth


Spring Sleuth is a distributed tracing system for microservices built on top of Spring Cloud.

  • Spring Sleuth helps in tracking and monitoring requests as they travel through different microservices.

  • It generates unique trace and span IDs for each request to help in correlating logs and metrics.

  • Spring Sleuth integrates with Zipkin, a distributed tracing system, to provide visualization of request flows.

  • It is commonly used in microservices architectures to troubleshoot more

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Q76. What do you know about ncr


NCR Corporation is a global technology company that provides products and services for businesses.

  • NCR stands for National Cash Register, originally founded in 1884

  • They specialize in self-service kiosks, point-of-sale terminals, ATMs, and software solutions

  • NCR serves industries such as retail, hospitality, financial services, and healthcare

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Q77. How to tackle complex situations?


Tackling complex situations requires breaking down the problem, seeking input from team members, prioritizing tasks, and staying calm under pressure.

  • Break down the problem into smaller, manageable tasks

  • Seek input and feedback from team members to gain different perspectives

  • Prioritize tasks based on urgency and impact

  • Stay calm under pressure and focus on finding solutions

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Q78. Tata nano project is a boon or curse?


Tata Nano project has both positive and negative impacts.

  • Boon: Affordable car for middle-class families

  • Curse: Poor safety features and negative perception

  • Boon: Boosted Indian automobile industry

  • Curse: Failed to meet sales expectations

  • Boon or curse depends on perspective and context

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Q79. How do you test faulty ATM


To test a faulty ATM, simulate various scenarios like card reader failure, cash dispenser malfunction, network connectivity issues, etc.

  • Simulate card reader failure by inserting a damaged card or a card with a magnetic strip issue.

  • Test cash dispenser malfunction by requesting cash withdrawal and observing if the correct amount is dispensed.

  • Check for network connectivity issues by trying to access online banking services or performing transactions.

  • Test keypad functionality by more

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Q80. View Model Scope for activity or fragment


View Model Scope determines whether a ViewModel should be scoped to an activity or a fragment.

  • View Model scoped to activity: shared between all fragments within the activity

  • View Model scoped to fragment: specific to that fragment only

  • Use activity scope for data shared across fragments, fragment scope for fragment-specific data

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Q81. explain oops concept and it's pillars


OOPs stands for Object-Oriented Programming. It is based on four main pillars: Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, and Polymorphism.

  • Inheritance: Allows a class to inherit properties and behavior from another class. Example: class B extends class A.

  • Encapsulation: Bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit. Example: using private access modifiers to restrict access to certain data.

  • Abstraction: Hiding the complex implementation details and more

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Q82. One coding problem in go lang


Implement a function to reverse a string in Go lang

  • Create a function that takes a string as input

  • Convert the string into a slice of bytes for easier manipulation

  • Use a loop to iterate through the slice and reverse the order of characters

  • Convert the reversed slice back into a string and return it

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Q83. There are 4interviews


The question is unclear. Please provide more context.

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    Q84. Print missing number in given array


    Find and print the missing number in a given array of strings.

    • Convert the array of strings to an array of integers for easier manipulation.

    • Iterate through the array to find the missing number by comparing consecutive elements.

    • Print the missing number once found.

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    Q85. Write a program code for binary search


    Binary search program code in Python

    • Define a function that takes a sorted array and a target value as input

    • Initialize two pointers, low and high, to the start and end of the array

    • While low is less than or equal to high, calculate mid as (low + high) // 2 and compare array[mid] with target

    • If array[mid] is equal to target, return mid

    • If array[mid] is less than target, update low to mid + 1

    • If array[mid] is greater than target, update high to mid - 1

    • If target is not found, return more

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    Q86. What are Design Patterns


    Design patterns are reusable solutions to common problems encountered in software design and development.

    • Design patterns provide a way to communicate solutions to common design problems

    • They help in making code more maintainable, scalable, and reusable

    • Examples include Singleton, Factory, Observer, and Strategy patterns

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    Q87. What is normanlization


    Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity.

    • Normalization involves breaking down data into smaller, more manageable tables

    • It helps in reducing data redundancy by storing data in a structured manner

    • Normalization ensures data integrity by minimizing data anomalies

    • There are different normal forms such as 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, etc.

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    Q88. What you know about NCR


    NCR Corporation is a global technology company that provides products and services that enable businesses to connect, interact, and transact with their customers.

    • NCR was founded in 1884 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

    • The company specializes in omni-channel solutions, ATM machines, point-of-sale systems, self-service kiosks, and more.

    • NCR serves industries such as retail, hospitality, financial services, and telecommunications.

    • NCR has a presence in over 180 countries more

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    Q89. Difference between structure and class


    Structure is a user-defined data type that groups related data members, while class is a blueprint for creating objects with data members and member functions.

    • Structure is a value type, while class is a reference type

    • Structure members are public by default, while class members are private by default

    • Structure does not support inheritance, while class supports inheritance

    • Example: struct Person { string name; int age; }; class Person { public: string name; int age; };

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    Q90. reverse a linked list


    Reverse a linked list by changing the pointers direction

    • Iterate through the linked list and change the direction of pointers

    • Use three pointers - prev, current, next to reverse the list

    • Update the head of the linked list to the last node after reversing

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    Q91. fibbonaci series print


    Print the Fibonacci series

    • Use a loop to generate Fibonacci numbers

    • Start with 0 and 1, then add the previous two numbers to get the next number

    • Repeat this process until reaching the desired length of the series

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    Q92. Loop in a linked list


    Loop in a linked list refers to a situation where a node in the list points to a previous node, creating a cycle.

    • Check for a loop using Floyd's cycle detection algorithm

    • Use two pointers, one moving at twice the speed of the other

    • If the two pointers meet at some point, there is a loop

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    Q93. What is logistics


    Logistics involves the management of the flow of goods, information, and resources from the point of origin to the point of consumption.

    • Logistics includes transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and distribution.

    • It aims to ensure the timely delivery of products to customers while minimizing costs.

    • Examples of logistics activities include route planning, order processing, and supply chain optimization.

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    Q94. MVVM Pattern in android


    MVVM is a design pattern used in Android development to separate the UI logic from the business logic.

    • MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel

    • Model represents the data and business logic

    • View is the UI component that displays the data

    • ViewModel acts as a mediator between the Model and View, handling the UI logic and data manipulation

    • MVVM helps in maintaining a clean and organized codebase

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    Q95. Explain Solid Principles


    Solid Principles are a set of five design principles for writing clean, maintainable, and scalable code.

    • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) - A class should have only one reason to change.

    • Open/Closed Principle (OCP) - Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification.

    • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) - Objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of its subclasses without affecting the program's correctness.

    • Interface Segregation more

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    Q96. print string in reverse


    Reverse a string in an array of strings

    • Iterate through each string in the array

    • Use a loop to reverse each string character by character

    • Store the reversed strings in a new array

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    Q97. Types of normalisation


    Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity.

    • Types of normalization include 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, and 4NF.

    • 1NF (First Normal Form) ensures that each column contains atomic values.

    • 2NF (Second Normal Form) eliminates partial dependencies by ensuring all non-key attributes are fully functionally dependent on the primary key.

    • 3NF (Third Normal Form) eliminates transitive dependencies by ensuring that non-key more

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    Q98. Manual Testing process


    Manual testing process involves executing test cases without the use of automation tools.

    • Create test cases based on requirements

    • Execute test cases manually

    • Record test results

    • Report defects

    • Retest fixed defects

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    Q99. Singlet pattern of NestJS


    Singleton pattern in NestJS ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.

    • Use the @Injectable() decorator to mark a class as a singleton in NestJS.

    • Inject the singleton class into other classes using the constructor.

    • The instance of the singleton class will be shared across the application.

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    Q100. Explain Framework


    A framework is a set of guidelines, libraries, and tools used to develop software applications.

    • Provides a structure for organizing code

    • Offers reusable code and libraries

    • Simplifies development process

    • Examples: React, Angular, Django

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