Software Engineer Intern

100+ Software Engineer Intern Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 22 Jan 2025

Q1. Check if Two Trees are Mirror

Given two arbitrary binary trees, your task is to determine whether these two trees are mirrors of each other.


Two trees are considered mirror of each other if:

  • The more

Check if two binary trees are mirrors of each other based on specific criteria.

  • Compare the roots of both trees.

  • Check if the left subtree of the first tree is the mirror of the right subtree of the second tree.

  • Verify if the right subtree of the first tree is the mirror of the left subtree of the second tree.

Q2. Connecting Ropes with Minimum Cost

You are given 'N' ropes, each of varying lengths. The task is to connect all ropes into one single rope. The cost of connecting two ropes is the sum of their lengths. Your more


The problem is to connect N ropes of different lengths into one rope with minimum cost.

  • Sort the array of rope lengths in ascending order.

  • Initialize a variable to keep track of the total cost.

  • While there are more than one rope remaining, take the two shortest ropes and connect them.

  • Add the cost of connecting the two ropes to the total cost.

  • Replace the two shortest ropes with the connected rope.

  • Repeat the above steps until only one rope remains.

  • Return the total cost.

Software Engineer Intern Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

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Q3. Zero Matrix Problem Statement

You are given a matrix MATRIX of dimension N x M. Your task is to make all the elements of row i and column j equal to 0 if any element in the ith row or jth column of the matrix more


The task is to modify a given matrix such that if any element in a row or column is 0, then make all elements in that row and column 0.

  • Iterate through the matrix and keep track of rows and columns that contain 0s

  • After the first iteration, iterate through the tracked rows and columns and set all elements to 0

  • Handle the case where the first row or column contains 0 separately

  • To solve with O(1) space complexity, use the first row and first column of the matrix to track the rows more

Q4. Similar Strings Problem Statement

Determine whether two given strings, A and B, both of length N, are similar by returning a 1 if they are, otherwise return a 0.


String A is similar to string B if more


The task is to determine if two strings are similar based on the given conditions.

  • Check if the strings are equal, if yes, return 1

  • Divide both strings into two parts and check if any combination satisfies the similarity condition

  • If none of the conditions hold true, return 0

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Q5. Partition Array Minimizing Subset Sum Difference

Given an array containing N non-negative integers, your task is to partition this array into two subsets such that the absolute difference between their sums is more


Partition array into two subsets to minimize absolute difference in sum.

  • Sort the array in non-decreasing order.

  • Calculate the total sum of all elements in the array.

  • Iterate through the array and find the subset sum closest to half of the total sum.

  • The minimum absolute difference will be the absolute difference between total sum and twice the subset sum.

Q6. Ninja and Mathematics

Ninja is a genius in mathematics. He got an interview call from MIT. During the interview, the professor asked Ninja a challenging question.

Given two integers 'N1' and 'N2', the professor more


Calculate the fraction when one integer is divided by another, with repeating decimal parts enclosed in parentheses.

  • Divide the first integer by the second integer to get the fraction

  • Identify if the decimal part is repeating and enclose it in parentheses

  • Return the fraction for each test case

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Q7. Find Slope Problem Statement

Given a linked list where each node represents coordinates on the Cartesian plane, your task is to determine the minimum and maximum slope between consecutive points.

Example: more

Given a linked list of coordinates, find the starting nodes of segments with maximum and minimum slopes between consecutive points.

  • Traverse the linked list and calculate slopes between consecutive points

  • Identify the segments with maximum and minimum slopes

  • Return the starting nodes of these segments

Q8. Word Presence in Sentence

Determine if a given word 'W' is present in the sentence 'S' as a complete word. The word should not merely be a substring of another word.


The first line contains an integer ' more

Check if a given word is present in a sentence as a complete word, not a substring.

  • Split the sentence into words using spaces as delimiters.

  • Check if the given word matches any of the words in the sentence exactly.

  • Ensure the word is not part of a larger word in the sentence.

  • Output 'Yes' if the word is found as a complete word, 'No' otherwise.

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Q9. Binary Palindrome Check

Given an integer N, determine whether its binary representation is a palindrome.


The first line contains an integer 'T' representing the number of test cases. 
The next 'T' lines more

Check if the binary representation of a given integer is a palindrome.

  • Convert the integer to binary representation

  • Check if the binary representation is a palindrome by comparing it with its reverse

  • Return true if it is a palindrome, false otherwise

Q10. Given a binary tree, find the maximum sum from root to leaf. The condition is that only the parent or the child can be included in the sum i.e. no two level adjacent nodes will be included in the sum


The maximum sum from root to leaf in a binary tree, where only parent or child can be included in the sum.

  • Use a recursive approach to traverse the binary tree.

  • At each node, calculate the maximum sum from its left and right child.

  • Compare the sums and return the maximum sum plus the value of the current node.

  • Repeat this process until reaching a leaf node.

  • Track the maximum sum encountered during the traversal.

Q11. Best sorting algorithm and why and explain the logic


The best sorting algorithm is QuickSort due to its average case time complexity of O(nlogn) and low memory usage.

  • QuickSort is a divide and conquer algorithm that recursively partitions the array into smaller subarrays and sorts them.

  • It has an average case time complexity of O(nlogn) and a worst case time complexity of O(n^2).

  • QuickSort has low memory usage as it sorts the array in place, without requiring additional memory.

  • It is widely used in practice due to its efficiency more

Q12. How would you design a store management system, including all relevant schema tables?


Design a store management system with relevant schema tables

  • Create a 'Store' table with attributes like store_id, name, location, etc.

  • Design a 'Product' table with attributes like product_id, name, price, quantity, etc.

  • Include a 'Sales' table to track sales transactions with attributes like sale_id, date, total_amount, etc.

  • Implement a 'Stock' table to manage product stock levels with attributes like stock_id, product_id, quantity_available, etc.

Q13. Find the output of the given psuedo code and other technical MCQs


Psuedo code output and technical MCQs for Software Engineer Intern position

  • Provide examples for technical MCQs

  • Psuedo code output needs to be calculated

  • Assess candidate's technical knowledge

Q14. Write a Program to print all Prime Numbers up to the number provided as input. (Prime Sieve Algorithm)


Program to print all Prime Numbers up to the input number using Prime Sieve Algorithm.

  • Create a boolean array of size n+1 and initialize all values as true.

  • Loop through the array starting from 2 and mark all multiples of each prime number as false.

  • Print all the numbers that are still marked as true in the array.

Q15. Minimum weight to reach bottom right corner in matrix starting from top left. You can move only down and right.


Minimum weight to reach bottom right corner in matrix starting from top left. You can move only down and right.

  • Use dynamic programming to solve the problem efficiently

  • Create a 2D array to store the minimum weight to reach each cell

  • The minimum weight to reach a cell is the minimum of the weight to reach the cell above and the cell to the left plus the weight of the current cell

  • The minimum weight to reach the bottom right corner is the value in the last cell of the 2D array

Q16. 2. What are the 4 pillars of object oriented programming explain in detail.


The 4 pillars of object oriented programming are encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.

  • Encapsulation: Bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit.

  • Inheritance: Creating new classes based on existing classes, allowing for code reuse.

  • Polymorphism: The ability for objects of different classes to respond to the same message.

  • Abstraction: Hiding the complex implementation details and only showing the necessary features.

Q17. Find nearest index of character in string for each index.


Find the nearest index of a character in a string for each index.

  • Create an array of strings to store the results.

  • Loop through each character in the string.

  • For each character, loop through the rest of the string to find the nearest index of the same character.

  • Store the result in the array.

Q18. Design category schema where category can have multiple sub categories


Design a category schema with multiple subcategories

  • Use a parent-child relationship to link categories and subcategories

  • Implement a tree data structure to represent the hierarchy

  • Each category can have multiple subcategories

  • Example: Category - Electronics, Subcategories - Computers, Mobile Phones, TVs

Q19. Self introduction,What is Test Cases,What is Bug,What is Regression Testing.


Test cases are scenarios designed to test software functionality. Bugs are defects in software. Regression testing is retesting after changes.

  • Test cases are written to ensure that software meets requirements and functions as expected.

  • Bugs are defects or errors in software that cause it to behave unexpectedly or not as intended.

  • Regression testing is the process of retesting software after changes have been made to ensure that existing functionality has not been affected.

  • more

Q20. Write code for searching in a 2D matrix with a time complexity of O(mlogn)?


Implement a binary search in each row of a sorted 2D matrix to achieve O(mlogn) time complexity.

  • Divide and conquer approach can be used to search in each row of the matrix.

  • Perform binary search on each row to find the target element efficiently.

  • Ensure the rows are sorted to apply binary search in each row.

Q21. Explain 4 pillars of OOPs (Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and polymorphism)


OOPs pillars are Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism.

  • Abstraction: Hides complex implementation details and only shows necessary features. Example: Car dashboard displaying speed without showing internal engine details.

  • Encapsulation: Bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit. Example: Class in Java encapsulates data members and member functions.

  • Inheritance: Allows a new class to inherit properties and behavior of an existing more

Q22. Explain the time complexity of different sorting algorithms.


Sorting algorithms have different time complexities based on their implementation and efficiency.

  • Bubble Sort: O(n^2) - compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.

  • Merge Sort: O(n log n) - divides the array into two halves, sorts them, and then merges them.

  • Quick Sort: O(n log n) - picks a pivot element and partitions the array around the pivot.

  • Heap Sort: O(n log n) - builds a max heap and repeatedly extracts the maximum element.

  • Insertion Sort: O(n^ more

Q23. Remove first and last repeating number from the list without using and space complexity. For ex. 1, 5, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 7, 7, 7, 2, 2,3 Should return 1,5,7,8,9,9,10,7,7,7,2,3.


Remove first and last repeating number from the list without using any space complexity.

  • Iterate through the list and keep track of the first and last occurrences of each number.

  • Remove the first and last occurrences of the repeating numbers from the list.

  • Return the modified list.

Q24. What is segmentation fault and write the code to show this


A segmentation fault occurs when a program tries to access a memory location that it is not allowed to access.

  • Segmentation faults commonly occur due to accessing an uninitialized pointer or accessing an array out of bounds.

  • Here is an example code that causes a segmentation fault: int main() { int* ptr; *ptr = 10; return 0; }

Q25. 1.In the java multiple inheritance possible 2.reverse string line word by word,


1. Java supports multiple inheritance. 2. Reverse a string word by word.

  • 1. Java supports multiple inheritance through interfaces. A class can implement multiple interfaces.

  • 2. Split the string into words using split() method. Reverse the array of words and join them using join() method.

Q26. Check if a pair exists with given sum in given array.


Check if a pair exists with given sum in given array.

  • Iterate through the array and for each element, check if the difference between the given sum and the current element exists in the array.

  • Use a hash table to store the elements of the array and their indices for faster lookup.

  • If the sum is even, check for pairs of equal values that add up to half the sum.

  • If the array is sorted, use two pointers to traverse the array from both ends towards the middle.

Q27. - Programming concepts of Dynamic Programming.


Dynamic Programming is a programming concept that solves complex problems by breaking them down into smaller overlapping subproblems.

  • Dynamic Programming is based on the principle of optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems.

  • It uses memoization or tabulation techniques to store and reuse solutions to subproblems.

  • Dynamic Programming is often used to optimize time and space complexity in algorithms.

  • Examples of problems that can be solved using Dynamic Programming include more

Q28. What is a project outside of Computer Science you have worked on?


I have worked on a project outside of Computer Science related to environmental conservation.

  • Developed a mobile application to track and monitor endangered species in local wildlife reserves.

  • Collaborated with a team of biologists and conservationists to gather data and design the app's features.

  • Implemented features like GPS tracking, photo recognition, and data visualization to aid in species identification and conservation efforts.

Q29. Find the missing number from an array which contains numbers from 1 to n-1


Find the missing number from an array containing numbers from 1 to n-1.

  • Calculate the sum of all numbers from 1 to n-1 using the formula n*(n-1)/2.

  • Calculate the sum of all numbers in the array.

  • Subtract the sum of array from the sum of all numbers to get the missing number.

Q30. How to get left view right view top view of binary tree


To get left view, right view, and top view of a binary tree, perform level order traversal and keep track of the first node encountered at each level.

  • Perform level order traversal of the binary tree

  • Keep track of the first node encountered at each level for left view

  • Keep track of the last node encountered at each level for right view

  • For top view, use a map to store horizontal distance and node pairs

Q31. Write a code to find the next pallindrome?(i.e. if a user inputs 1234, the immediate next pallindrome will be 1331 )


Code to find the next palindrome number after a given input.

  • Convert the input number to a string to easily manipulate individual digits.

  • Increment the input number by 1 and check if it is a palindrome.

  • If not a palindrome, continue incrementing until a palindrome is found.

Q32. How do you understand how a trained neural networks works ?


Understanding how a trained neural network works involves grasping the concept of layers, weights, biases, and activation functions.

  • Neural networks consist of layers of interconnected nodes that process input data.

  • Weights and biases are adjusted during training to minimize error and improve accuracy.

  • Activation functions introduce non-linearity to the network, allowing it to learn complex patterns.

  • Understanding backpropagation helps in grasping how neural networks learn from more

Q33. Sql queries which consists of group and joins


SQL queries involving group by and joins are used to retrieve data from multiple tables and aggregate results.

  • Use GROUP BY to group rows that have the same values in specified columns

  • Use JOIN to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column

  • Examples: SELECT column1, SUM(column2) FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON = GROUP BY column1

Q34. Balanced parenthesis and have to do all permutation of it and store it in vector and return this vector


Generate all permutations of balanced parentheses and store them in a vector.

  • Use backtracking to generate all possible combinations of parentheses

  • Check for balanced parentheses using a stack

  • Store each valid combination in a vector

  • Return the vector of permutations

Q35. Write a star program in any programming language you know? How many for loops required for it?


A star program can be written using nested for loops in any programming language.

  • Use two nested for loops to print the rows and columns of the star pattern.

  • The number of rows and columns can be determined by the user input or a constant value.

  • The star pattern can be created using asterisks or any other character.

  • The number of for loops required depends on the complexity of the star pattern.

  • For a simple star pattern, only one for loop may be required.

Q36. two candles which were of random size, and what is the time to burn one candle completely


The time to burn one candle completely depends on the size of the candles and the rate at which they burn.

  • The time to burn one candle completely is directly proportional to the size of the candle.

  • The rate at which a candle burns can vary based on factors like the material of the candle, the wick, and the environment.

  • For example, a larger candle may take longer to burn completely compared to a smaller candle, even if they are both made of the same material.

Q37. What is difference between mongodb and SQL


MongoDB is a NoSQL database while SQL is a relational database management system.

  • MongoDB is schema-less, allowing for flexible data models.

  • SQL databases use structured query language for defining and manipulating data.

  • MongoDB is horizontally scalable, while SQL databases are vertically scalable.

  • SQL databases are better suited for complex queries and joins.

  • MongoDB is commonly used for big data and real-time applications.

  • SQL databases are ACID compliant, ensuring data more

Q38. How is Reliability ensured in Networks?


Reliability in networks is ensured through redundancy, fault tolerance, monitoring, and regular maintenance.

  • Redundancy: Having backup components or paths to prevent single points of failure.

  • Fault tolerance: Systems are designed to continue functioning even if a component fails.

  • Monitoring: Constantly checking network performance and addressing issues proactively.

  • Regular maintenance: Updating software, replacing hardware, and optimizing configurations to prevent failures.

  • more

Q39. What are cubes. How are they different from Databases


Cubes are multidimensional data structures used for analysis and reporting. They differ from databases in their structure and purpose.

  • Cubes store data in a multidimensional format, allowing for efficient analysis and reporting.

  • They are designed to handle large volumes of data and provide fast query performance.

  • Cubes use dimensions, measures, and hierarchies to organize and analyze data.

  • Unlike databases, cubes are optimized for analytical processing rather than transactional more

Q40. Real life example of stack and queue


Stack and queue are data structures used to store and retrieve data in a specific order.

  • Stack: undo/redo functionality in text editors, back button in web browsers

  • Queue: printing jobs in a printer, waiting list for a ride at an amusement park

Q41. What are the advantages and disadvantages of multi vendor architecture?


Multi vendor architecture offers flexibility but also introduces complexity and potential vendor lock-in.

  • Advantages: flexibility to choose best-of-breed solutions, competition drives innovation, reduces dependence on a single vendor

  • Disadvantages: increased complexity, potential for integration issues, vendor lock-in risk, increased management overhead

  • Example: using multiple cloud providers for redundancy and cost optimization

  • Example: using multiple software vendors for more

Q42. Write a SQL query to move table from one Schema to other


A SQL query to move a table from one schema to another.

  • Use the ALTER TABLE statement to rename the table and move it to the new schema.

  • Specify the new schema name in the ALTER TABLE statement.

  • Ensure that the user executing the query has the necessary privileges to perform the operation.

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