Pyramid IT Consulting Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. 3. How to enter if and else at the same time
It is not possible to enter if and else at the same time in a programming language.
If and else are conditional statements that are mutually exclusive.
They are used to execute different blocks of code based on a condition.
To execute multiple blocks of code simultaneously, you can use nested if-else statements or logical operators.
Q2. 2. Difference between structure and union
Structure is a collection of variables of different data types while union is a collection of variables of same data type.
Structure allocates memory for all its variables while union allocates memory for only one variable at a time.
Structure is used when we want to store different types of data while union is used when we want to store only one type of data at a time.
Structure is accessed using dot (.) operator while union is accessed using arrow (->) operator.
Example of stru...read more
Q3. Different types of pointers, volatile variable, storage classes, Static and extern keywords, ISR,
Different types of pointers, volatile variable, storage classes, Static and extern keywords, ISR
Pointers: Null pointer, void pointer, function pointer
Volatile variable: Used to indicate that a variable may be changed by external factors
Storage classes: auto, register, static, extern
Static keyword: Used to declare variables that are only accessible within the same file
Extern keyword: Used to declare variables that are defined in another file
ISR: Interrupt Service Routine, a fu...read more
Q4. Program to find factorial of a number
Program to find factorial of a number
Use a loop to multiply the number with all the numbers less than it
Handle the case when the number is 0 or 1 separately
Use recursion to find factorial of a number
Q5. Find nth largest number in a jumbled array
Use sorting to find the nth largest number in a jumbled array.
Sort the array in descending order.
Access the nth element in the sorted array to find the nth largest number.
Q6. explain recursion with an example
Recursion is a process where a function calls itself until a base condition is met.
Recursion involves breaking down a problem into smaller subproblems and solving them recursively
It requires a base case to stop the recursion and prevent infinite looping
Example: Factorial function - n! = n * (n-1)!, where the function calls itself with n-1 until n=1
Q7. bare metal code for blinking an LED,
Blinking an LED using bare metal code involves directly manipulating hardware registers without an operating system.
Access the GPIO register for the specific pin connected to the LED
Set the pin as an output
Toggle the pin state at regular intervals to create the blinking effect
Q8. C programming memory structure
C programming memory structure involves stack, heap, data, and code segments.
Stack: Used for local variables and function call management.
Heap: Used for dynamic memory allocation.
Data: Contains global and static variables.
Code: Contains the program's executable code.
Q9. Storage class in c
Storage classes in C define the scope and lifetime of variables.
There are four storage classes in C: auto, register, static, and extern.
Auto variables are stored in the stack and have local scope.
Register variables are stored in CPU registers for faster access.
Static variables retain their value between function calls.
Extern variables are declared in one file and can be accessed in another file.
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