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EXL Service Consultant Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 17 Jan 2025

Top EXL Service Consultant Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. You have 20 red balls, 14 blue balls. You draw out balls, 2 at a time. If they are of same color, add a blue ball the pile. If the are of different colors, add a red ball ...read more
  • Q2. You have 3 slices of bread, and a toaster. You can put in 2 slices of bread at a time. Each time, only one side of the bread gets cooked. How much minimum time is needed ...read more
  • Q3. From a deck of cards, you pick out one card at a time, 3 times, with replacement. What's the probability of getting a sequence, where a sequence is defined as consecutive ...read more
View all 27 questions

EXL Service Consultant Interview Experiences

54 interviews found

Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 28 Aug 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Duration: 45 minutes minutes
Total Questions: 40

Round: guesstimate interview
Experience: As I belong to the Civil Engineering background, I was initially asked to justify how I am suited for analytics. I had an intern on marketing so he asked few simple questions on that. After that he gave me guesstimate. As I was solving the guesstimate, the interviewer was constantly questioning my approach and asking me to specify the source of every data (for eg. Population of India 1.2 bn, Source: Census report 2%) and he also kept questioning my approach and made me do the same guesstimate by three approach. After that he asked few puzzles which were simple and I was able to solve them.

Round: hr interview
Experience: Initially some HR questions and some simple probability questions. This was a very friendly and easy interview.

Round: hr interview
Experience: It was with the partner and it was a short interview (10 mins) and was entirely HR and he also asked few questions on my resume. It was more of a normal chit chat that an interview. I was given the offer.

General Tips: Do’s :
1. Practice in groups (aptitude, cases, guesstimates).
2. For HR preparation, if you are not sure about your communication skills it is good to practice aloud in your room or record while rehearsing.
3. Be energetic in the interview, try to drive the interview on your own.

Don’ts :
1. Take HR for granted if you have good soft skills.
2. For cases its better to practice mock rather than just reading through the case books.

College Name: IIT Kanpur

Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jun 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test was based on three topics namely Quantitative Aptitude, Mathematics and English. The questions were easy to answer.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: A case study was asked for which I had to give a solution based on statistical methods.
Tips: But the B.tech project helped me in leading the interview. Lead the interview and don’t let them ask many questions on  topics. Keep speaking.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: During interviews try to lead the interviews.Keep speaking and let them ask questions on your speech which you will be perfect to answer. If you let them ask, you may or may not be able to answer.

College Name: IIT MADRAS

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Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 3 Jul 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 3 sections - Quant, Verbal and Logical Reasoning.No sectional time limit and sections could be attempted in any order. However, they might have section-wise cut-offs (not sure) and so each section must be given importance. It is a speed based test. Level of difficulty is easy to moderate
Tips: you need to be quick. Do not waste too much time on any question. All questions contain equal marks. You can come back to the remaining questions later.Try maximizing your score in the apti. A lot of preference is given to the high scorers of the apti.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: It started with a brief introduction-Tell us about yourself. Till the time you answer, one panellist goes through your resume.Be thorough with everything you write in your resume. Do not write fake stuff, they question you on anything that you have written.They asked me about everything- projects, seminar topic, languages mentioned, extra-curricular activities A lot of SQL questions were asked. They ask concepts, queries, syntax. The had questioned me a lot on JOINS.
Tips: Support everything you say with an example. (eg. if u say you have leadership qualities, give an example of when you have been a leader).If you don’t know an answer, tell it to them honestly. Don’t try to fool them.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Standard puzzles that you normally prepare for interviews were asked. Do not give away the answer immediately as if u know it by heart. Think aloud and explain them every step. It does not matter even if the final answer is wrong, the approach is important. In my case, I wasn’t prepared with the puzzle I was asked so I explained it to them from myperspective. Even though the final answer was wrong, the approach was correct so they qualified me for the next round. Also, they smartly try to confuse you. So remain confident in what you say. Do not argue if you are very confident, explain it to them politely. In the tech part of the interview, basic java/c/c++ questions wereasked. (what is object oriented programming? What is inheritance?

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Be prepared with all sorts of HR questions- strengths, weaknesses, happiest moment, proudest moment etc). Why EXL? One Fermi question was asked in this round. Again here, the approach is important, not the final answer. Beprepared with a question to ask at the end of the interview- it could be abt the company/ data analytics or anything. That shows your interest in the job

Skill Tips: Don’t panic or be nervous. Stay calm. Once the interview starts, they make you feelvery comfortable.
College Name: IIT MADRAS

Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jun 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. If I have to install an elevator in the Sabarmati building, give me 5-6 factors that I need to consider
  • Ans. 

    Factors to consider when installing an elevator in the Sabarmati building

    • Building regulations and permits

    • Structural integrity of the building

    • Available space and layout

    • Electrical and mechanical requirements

    • Safety features and emergency protocols

    • Maintenance and servicing

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. If I have to install a light pole on the road, what should its height be? (use logic)
  • Ans. 

    The height of a light pole on the road should be determined based on factors such as road width, lighting requirements, and safety regulations.

    • Consider the width of the road and the distance between light poles to ensure adequate lighting coverage.

    • Take into account the height of nearby buildings or structures that may obstruct the light.

    • Adhere to safety regulations and guidelines regarding the minimum and maximum heigh...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Did you do the coding for the TNA project?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I did the coding for the TNA project.

    • I was responsible for the coding part of the project.

    • I worked closely with the team to ensure the project was completed on time.

    • I used various programming languages such as Java and Python to develop the project.

    • I also conducted testing and debugging to ensure the project was error-free.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: CAT kind of test.
Total Questions: 45

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Basic logical questions were asked.
Tips: Be thoroughly prepared with your resume. My TNA project (Had Djikstra's algorithm) was given a lot of importance,

General Tips: I feel that knowing a senior(who works at EXL) helped. He had come for the interviews. Know what you want beforehand. Your preparation will be better that way. Focus only on 2 areas. Don't try to go for everything. You will end up with nothing. Your resume is a paper telling people who you are and what your interests are. Don't run after anything that comes your way.(Only applicable if interests are not clear) All years Read up on what is happening in the world.1st-3 sems Explore as much as possible. Do random project and random PORs.You will be able to filter what you like.(or you don't) 4th sem Learn something in non civil related that you like and do an intern in that field. If you like civil, pursue a project under a prof.3rd year Choose interesting electives and minors. There are many civil minors that are interesting and have some non-core feel to it (eg TNA)
College Name: IIT MADRAS

EXL Service interview questions for designations

 Product Consultant


 Senior Consultant


 Consultant 1


 Tax Consultant


 Associate Consultant


 Consultant II


 Senior Associate Consultant


 Recruiter Consultant Intern


Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 2 Jul 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: resume grilling, puzzles asked if you have got no analytics background, finance background is not required.

Skills: analytical skills
College Name: IIT MADRAS

Get interview-ready with Top EXL Service Interview Questions

Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 3 Jul 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question


Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was not that difficult and so the cut offs were high. I started the  quant preparation from RS Agarwal (found it too repetitive so stopped  midway) and started with Arun Sharma(first 2 levels of few important  topics like logical reasoning and statistics).Always target to be in the top  so that you have your interviews early because last year the hiring team were in a hurry and so they rushed with the interviews of later part students. Few people call these LUCK FACTORs.
Tips: Remember the imp. topics would be Probability, Statistics ,Work-Time.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Questioned me about my college activities , few common puzzles and then came the most interesting part. They gave me a case study based on sports since I had mentioned my interests. It had to do with probability, Bayes Theorem and logic...sum real bad logic...I liked this  even though I had no basic idea of how to start with this .It was as if He was teaching me there itself on these .We discussed a lot-almost 20  minutes on this .At times he used to stress out few questions and I had to ensure that I stayed firm with my answers. They try to confuse you. You just keep smiling and be firm with your answers. Stay damn confident with yours. Then he moved onto another case study wherein I had to list all types of data to be collected , decisions to be made if I were to start an ice-cream shop in a famous shopping mall. It was a discussion wherein I needed to justify my decisions on how to make maximum profits in any situation. Took almost 45 minutes to come out

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: This one was with a very cool person who continuously kept on offering me Oreo biscuits  This round had to do with puzzles which you will find in How to Ace the BrainTeaser (I don’t recollect which were the puzzles). I could answer 3 of the 5 asked. Then he moved to C programming. Asked me to write code to print few patterns , optimize them further and that was it. Took hardly 20 minutes for this round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: He started with questions like Why Data analytics ? Where could this field be used ?(almost everywhere-just for facts : almost every top IT firm especially the banking firms are having a data analytics team) We had discussions on different topics that he raised. One of them which I remember is: Suppose one of the hospitals in your city has been having an increasing number of patients, then please quote the possible factors leading to the ill-health of the citizens. How to ease the different issues in medical field using data analysis? It was just a discussion and I was quite sure that he liked my points.I also asked him about how to utilize this field of data analysis to improve the current business markets of India and how differently did countries like USA used data for business than in INDIA. Overall this was an interactive session. He kept me busy and I also did keep him busy answering my questions. This might have lasted for 40 minutes and then it was all over

College Name: IIT MADRAS

Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 3 Jul 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself?
  • Q2. Why did you apply for this company?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions were similar to that in CAT. Question based on logic, reasoning and English were asked with every section having 20 questions. Shortlisted students were selected for interviews.
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: A case was given which had to be analysed and I was to suggest different solutions and justify them.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Consisted of HR questions and guess estimate questions.Also a few analytics question were asked.

Skill Tips: My projects related to analytics,basic knowledge on engineering, spontaneity was tested. The PDF's uploaded by the BC,solving puzzles from the Internet helped.Also I talked to my seniors which gave me a good idea as to what to expect of the interview. Basic preparation on all the core courses. Reading from the materials provided by the BC. Reading TIME material,brushing up on coding concepts (from NPTEL lectures), learning R(analytics software) from coursera helped.
Skills: Analytics
College Name: IIT MADRAS

Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 5 Feb 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was similar to CAT's aptitude test.
Tips: Going through the preparation material for CAT and working a bit with your speed during the test would surely help

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was mostly a HR round with a few guesstimated and cases. They just want to know your thought process rather than judging you on the basis of your end results

College Name: IIT KANPUR

Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

user image Akshay Jha

posted on 3 Dec 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

7 Questions

  • Q1. 2-3 Questions on my CV, my goals in life
  • Q2. List all the relevant things if you were to float a tender for ordering tube lights if hypothetically you were the head of the engineering cell of your college ?
  • Ans. 

    Relevant things to consider when floating a tender for ordering tube lights for the engineering cell of a college.

    • Quantity of tube lights required

    • Specifications of the tube lights (wattage, color temperature, length, etc.)

    • Budget allocated for the tender

    • Delivery timeline

    • Quality standards and certifications required

    • Supplier evaluation criteria

    • Payment terms and conditions

    • Warranty and after-sales support

    • Technical support a...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. You have 3 slices of bread, and a toaster. You can put in 2 slices of bread at a time. Each time, only one side of the bread gets cooked. How much minimum time is needed for cooking 3 slices on both sides ...
  • Ans. 

    Minimum time needed to cook 3 slices of bread on both sides using a toaster with 2 slice capacity at a time.

    • Cook 2 slices on one side for the first round

    • Cook the third slice on one side for the second round

    • Cook the first 2 slices on the other side for the third round

    • Cook the third slice on the other side for the fourth round

    • Total minimum time needed is 4 rounds or 2 minutes

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. You have 20 red balls, 14 blue balls. You draw out balls, 2 at a time. If they are of same color, add a blue ball the pile. If the are of different colors, add a red ball to the pile. (i) will the color of...
  • Q5. From a deck of cards, you pick out one card at a time, 3 times, with replacement. What's the probability of getting a sequence, where a sequence is defined as consecutive integers drawn in any order ?
  • Ans. 

    Probability of getting a sequence of consecutive integers from a deck of cards drawn 3 times with replacement.

    • There are 4 possible sequences: 2-3-4, 3-4-5, 4-5-6, 5-6-7

    • The probability of drawing any one of these sequences is 1/52 * 1/52 * 1/52 = 1/140608

    • The probability of drawing any sequence (in any order) is 4/140608 = 1/35152

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Same questions, without replacement
  • Q7. I consider a domestic airliner, pull out all the seats, and fill it up with tennis balls. How many can I fit inside ?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: A basic aptitude test, with Quant, Verbal and LR
Tips: Cover the easiest questions first, from all the sections
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 60

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was a mix of HR+ Puzzles + Guesstimates based interview.
Goals in life:
Why EXL ?
Why not MBA?
How do you think you fit in here given your past internships ?
Tips: Know your CV inside out
LISTEN to the questions carefully, request you for a reiteration/reaffirm if need be.
I was sent to round 2 because of a slight lapse in listening.
Introspect, search deep inside for qualities which you think make you a fit for EXL

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: They test effective communication, structuring skills.
Keep it interactive, keep talking, elaborating in points to structure well!

General Tips: Confidence and attitude are the best things you can carry with you in an interview!
Obviously you should read up on the business they do before the interview
Its a hierarchical company with strict rules about phones, i cards etc

Skills: Presence Of Mind, Common Sense, Structuring your thoughts , Clear communication
College Name: IIT Guwahati

Consultant Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 19 Jan 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Recent developments in analytics
  • Ans. 

    Recent developments in analytics

    • Advancements in machine learning algorithms

    • Increased use of artificial intelligence in data analysis

    • Emergence of big data analytics

    • Integration of analytics with Internet of Things (IoT)

    • Growing importance of predictive analytics

    • Rise of real-time analytics

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Usage analytics to increase outreach. How ?
  • Ans. 

    Usage analytics can increase outreach by providing insights on user behavior and preferences.

    • Analyze user data to identify patterns and trends

    • Use analytics tools to track user engagement and conversion rates

    • Segment users based on their behavior and preferences

    • Tailor marketing campaigns and outreach strategies to target specific user segments

    • Monitor the effectiveness of outreach efforts through analytics metrics

    • Continuo...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Analytic fundamentals are not expected. But, resume should be pitched impressively. SL: 20 based on resume ,written: LR,english & quantitative aptitude.

Round: Test
Experience: LR, English and quantitative aptitude

General Tips: Cat preparation helps a lot
Puzzles practice (techinterview.org)
Decision modelling course in economics minor(helps in analytics)
Probability(Decent fundaes upto binomial distributions)
Skill Tips: Analytic fundamentals are not expected.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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EXL Service Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in EXL Service Consultant interview?
EXL Service interview process usually has 2-3 rounds. The most common rounds in the EXL Service interview process are Technical, One-on-one Round and Resume Shortlist.
How to prepare for EXL Service Consultant interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at EXL Service. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at EXL Service expect are Excel, Tableau, Python, R and SQL.
What are the top questions asked in EXL Service Consultant interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the EXL Service Consultant interview -

  1. You have 20 red balls, 14 blue balls. You draw out balls, 2 at a time. If they ...read more
  2. You have 3 slices of bread, and a toaster. You can put in 2 slices of bread at ...read more
  3. From a deck of cards, you pick out one card at a time, 3 times, with replacemen...read more
How long is the EXL Service Consultant interview process?

The duration of EXL Service Consultant interview process can vary, but typically it takes about less than 2 weeks to complete.

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EXL Service Consultant Interview Process

based on 26 interviews

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  • Technical Round - 2
  • Aptitude Test Round - 1
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