Q1. 1. Personal details like background and qualifications.
2. Past experience.
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Q2. 3. How will you deal with students online?
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Interview Preparation Tips
Topics to prepare for Be Smarter Mentor Coordinator interview:
Teaching English
Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Make the resume real and everything will go good. You need to be fluent in spoken english and be confident because this is the main key of public speaking.
Q2. First understood reagarding job description,later explained clearly
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Interview Preparation Tips
Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Confidence is the intial and final step in the interview,it makes u to select in any kind of job
Be Smarter Interview FAQs
How many rounds are there in Be Smarter Mentor Coordinator interview for experienced candidates?
Be Smarter interview process for experienced candidates usually has 2 rounds. The most common rounds in the Be Smarter interview process for experienced candidates are Resume Shortlist and One-on-one Round.