National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur

Durgapur, West Bengal

Your seniors at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 3 Jan 2025

93 interviews found

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Good. The software on which the tests are conducted is pretty user-friendly.
Tips: Questions range from easy to moderately tough. Speed is the need of the hour. Good Vocab shall help much. Verbal was high mostly on Vocab and Grammar.
Duration: 75/80 minutes
Total Questions: 110

Round: Other Interview
Experience: One-on-one interview, with a lady. Questions were of technical and HR types. The interviewer was very helpful in making me feel comfortable. (it was my first interview in life, so was a bit nervous :) ) Technical questions were mainly based on Summer Training, favorite subject, and final-year project. It was quite interactive, and lasted approx. 25 minutes.
Tips: Please give honest answers, as made-up answers are hard to back-up on further questioning; and do remember that these are experienced people, who have interviewed tens of students like you in the past. Also, know yourself very well -- your hobbies, your strengths and weaknesses. Also, be ready to sketch your future plans. Be confident, and it would be like any other normal conversation you have had. And lastly, do keep a smile on your face. It always helps. :)

Skills: Honesty, Rationale, Agility, Technical Knowledge
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
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user image Abhishek Tailor

posted on 31 Mar 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: 80-90 shortlisted based on resumes

General Tips: Prepare well before sitting for any company cool and keep yourself relaxed during written test and P.I.
Some companies take aptitude written test so prepare for aptitude test also.Big companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Directi ask questions mostly from coding and OS.
Skills: OS, C, C++, DBMS
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: It is an R&D company.
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The aptitude section consisted of 20 questions to be done in 40 minutes and the english section had 50 questions to be done in 20 minutes. The apti was quite okay-ish and could be completed with full concentration and english was damn easy...probably thats why they gave so many questions.
Tips: Just keep calm and continue solving questions at a steady pace and focus on doing more of english questions right.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 70

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: We had only one interview where the only HR question was "Tell me about yourself". Well its really true that no one else can prepare an answer to this, except you. The others were basic mech questions from the subject which is your favorite( He asked me that in the beginning), in my case, Thermodynamics.
Tips: I'm gonna give you the same advice that anyone would give for facing an interview, i.e., BE YOURSELF! But yeah, I know its not so easy to be so, in front of the person who would actually give you your first job! I would say, just be confident....that will prevent you from trying to be some other better person thinking the interviewer would like you. Though it will sound a little illogical but I would like to think that believing "there's nothing to lose before an interview" will give you exactly the self confidence you'll need to go out there and give it your best shot no matter what. Oh, and last but not the least don't ever lie in front of honest with yourself as well as the interviewer. Like, I have an Ankan Ratna in painting (though I don't like painting that was kind of forced by my mum :P ), when he read that in my CV he was amused, but I immediately confessed that I had left painting way back in class 10 and had not touched a brush since. Cause if he had asked me to paint anything at that moment, I surely wouldn't have done justice to the word, "painting"! :P

Skill Tips: I had to wait outside the interview room from morning till 5 pm in the evening. So have patience.
Skills: Patience, Aptitude, English proficiency, Technical knowledge
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
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6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude were simple for me since i had prepared for various competitive exams at my school level.Verbal was a bit tough but since it was mixed with the APTI, i was able to score good in this section.Technical was 50-50 since i was preparing for GATE until then.Rest is just Funda!
Tips: Practice APTI and VERBAL from TECH focus on at least 3-4 imp topics like thermal,Production,Fluids and SOM/TOM/DOM
Duration: 100min minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Since i was not fluent in English(DUE TO MY BIHAR BOARD BACKGROUND) and i loved discussing various issues with my friends, i had two options-1.Speak less with valid points or 2. Speak in Hindi .I went for the first one.In the entire discussion of 15 min i spoke 2 times but with valid points.Those points made a huge impact on panelist and i got selected!
Tips: Keep yourself updated with recent topics/Social issues and read newspapers.Make a group of friends for study and GD purpose!Learn the process of GD from videos available on Youtube .If you are aware of the topic start the discussion and if u r not then hear the points kept by your colleagues and then add your opinion in it.Rest is your luck!
Duration: 15min minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Since I was aware that the person who is going to take my HR interview is head and deciding,i determined to score good points in HR itself.And at the end of HR interview i impressed him completely!
Tips: HR is all about faking yourself.If you can fake easily then u r going to nail it for sure!Answer all the ques confidently and never hesitate in asking for anything you don't know.Prove your loyalty and Leading qualities by your past exp.Loyalty really matters because now a days lots of people are aspiring for higher studies/salaries.Rest is your luck!

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I had already impressed the HR and TECH-HR was sitting beside him so he didn't ask any tough ques.He just asked ques from my summer training and i answered them boldly.Rest is...'HERE I M'!
Tips: Always remember they are not looking for a scientist rather they are looking for an engineer who will be loyal to the company.SO even if you are avg in tech don't panic!Answer boldly whatever you know.Share some innovative ideas and positive qualities u have which will be helpful for that comp!Rest is your luck!

College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Funny Moments: In the Group Discussion,i said a sentence,which i don't think i could have ever said in front of people of that kind f stature!And that is ......"I don't think parents should dictate their daughters about their dressing sense because i have never seen a girl wearing a BIKINI while going to a temple".........and everyone started laughing including the panelists and hence,i was the last guy selected for the next round!
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user image Saswata Das

posted on 31 Mar 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Stabdard aptitude test round which will test your logic and basic knowledge of english.
Tips: Generally time is not a factor, so take it easy and try not to make silly errors.

Round: Problem Statement
Tips: it is a video "synthesis" not a synopsis,  do not and i repeat, do not simply summarise the video, write what you think of it. Try and interpret the video in your own way.

Round: Group Activity
Experience: A problem regarding a telecom company suffering severe customer attrition in its postpaid schemes. We were asked to analyses the reasons and suggest rememdies for the problem.
Tips: Be analytical while finding out the reasons and try and think of ideas outside the box, it literally helps here. Dont go on ranting and allow your group mates to speak as it helps in creating a healthy atmosphere. Otherwise standard gd rules apply.

Skills: Verbal abilities, Logical Analytical abilities
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
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6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Exam was online mode  conducted by AMCAT

4 sections in total Apti , English ,Numerical Ability , Technical 

Random questions no negative marking 

Had to answer each question before moving to the next one
Tips: Study the basics of Industrial Management and CAD/CAM which is generally neglected by mechanical guys 

lot of question is asked from these subjects in all exams conducted by AMCAT 

Time management is very important because you don`t know whether the next question is easy or not
Duration: 120 mins minutes
Total Questions: 100

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: There were 8 people in each group .

Overall the GD was quite good. I was the 3rd speaker. The real life examples and the facts which i put fetched me lot of marks.
Tips: ****** Make sure it is a GD not a debate!!! You can`t force your view on someone.

Show respect to everyone`s view.

Content matters not the sequence in which you speak but should try to speak early if you have the points.

Don`t repeat others point.

Try to get an overall  conclusion of the discussion GD has a very lasting impression on interviewer so give your best in GD
Duration: 25 mins minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The interviewer was quite impressed by my performance in the GD.He was very supportive not like few of those.....

I told my hobby is playing football and reading Indian History books(thinking that since the interviewer is GERMAN,he would be easy to handle ...).

But he knew very much about India and the  answers which i gave matched mine and his natural frequency!!!

There was another guy who was just smiling and texting.

German guy asked me to ask few questions if i had any . I asked quite a few of them regarding company.

The thing which made my day was when i was done with the interview. He stood up shook hands and then said

"Your selection depends on how others perform!!But you stand a very good chance. Hope to see you on the board"
Tips: >Be what you are.

>Try to be in your comfort zone and make the interviewer to  ask you in those areas.

>We were working on an elevator system to be installed in library as our final year project which seemed quite     interesting to him.

>Rejection teaches you a lot , don`t loose hope

> This was my 4th company and 3rd PI

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Only 1-2 tech questions related to my project work
Tips: Just HR interview can also fetch you a job !!!

College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: I always wanted to work in an automobile company.

Facing back to back rejections in 2 automobile companies was a setback but this provided  me with another opportunity to get into AUTOMOBILE
Funny Moments: >My 1st rejection was in L&T all PI questions were related to Material Science which i had never touched !!!

I went on telling "we have not been taught this topic!!"

seeing my performance the interviewer told me " ya to tum nhin padhte ya fir college wale nahin padhate "
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Test was conducted by AMCAT. So different sets.Difficulty level was medium but depending on set, subject priority changes.Need to be a little quicker.
Tips: Try to save time wherever possible for a lengthy problem or to read a passage.
Duration: 95 minutes
Total Questions: around 85

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: One German guy was there and we were 8 candidates in a group. Provided enough time so they everyone can express their view clearly.
Tips: Be careful about your body language and cooperate with others.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Just be honest and be yourself.

College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
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user image Sambit Das

posted on 30 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: IT WAS QUITE EASY......
Duration: 25 MINUTES minutes
Total Questions: 25

Round: Group Discussion

Round: HR Interview

College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. 1. Some basic Qs on Fluid like: which pump would you use for high head? On what parameters efficiency of pump depend?
  • Q2. 2. What were the unit operations used in the plant I did my summer training?
  • Q3. 3. A numerical on Black body radiation. There are 2 bodies one absorbing 0.4 of others’ energy and the other absorbing .6 by another. (I had solved the Q by more
  • Q4. 4. Some Qs on design of heat exchanger. How would the heat transfer coefficient change when baffle spacing is changed? What are other such important factors?
  • Q5. 5. What is catalytic hydrocracking? And related Qs. Whether it is endothermic or exo?
  • Q6. 6. What is the significance of Viscosity Index of lube?
  • Q7. What are the different kinds of distillation you know?
  • Q8. What factors will you take in consideration to check evaporator efficiency?
  • Q9. Tell us about yourself
  • Q10. 2. Why would I like to move to Gujarat?
  • Q11. 3. Do you think you can inspire?
  • Q12. 4. Convince me under 3 minutes why we should take you.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude:
Time was short. 3O Qs in 30 minutes was a time-crunch.  As my aptitude is weak, I had put in prior efforts to put up a decent performance. I could solve around 14-15 Qs in that time. 

50 Qs in 30 minutes. The Qs were fairly on easier side. Just that, Qs spanned all across chemical engineering, with almost equal weightage on all topics. Most Qs were from past years' GATE papers. I attempted around 40 Qs.
Tips: 1. For aptitude, prepare well in advance if you are weak.
2. Strengthen technical by solving MCQs from 
3. Since there are no negatives, go for most Qs.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 80

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I had a good technical interview. Most of the Qs were logical. The interviewer made sure I was comfortable through out the interview, each Qs was followed by a light Q.
Tips: 1. Be cool as a cucumber. 2. Be thorough with all subjects.3.  If you think you don't know answer, think logically.4. Try to deviate the Qs to your strengths.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was the most relieving interview ever! It was very jovial and open-hearted interview.
Tips: 1. Again, be cool
2. Work on your speaking skills.
3. Know yourself well.

General Tips: Prepare for each, well in advance.
Skills: Technical skills., Speaking skills
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: It was one of the finest to be recruiting from Chemical.
Funny Moments: The HR interviewer asked me why does each member of my family have a different surname.
And he got very emotional when I told him I am from Odisha, because that reminded him of how his old Odia friend used to feed him Odia dishes.
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Interview Questions

user image Ankit kumar verma

posted on 30 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The questions were easy in all three sections. But you must practice Aptitude and general maths because they carry more than half of the marks.
Tips: You can use any book for Aptitude and General Maths. I prefer NTSE class Xth book.For Technical part, just refer to your textbooks or your Gate book.Remember, the questions are easy but you need practice to solve them quickly.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Overall experience was good. GD topics are loosely based on current trends so reading newspapers will help you a lot.
Tips: Be confident.Don't interrupt anyone while he is speaking. Don't argue.
AND do read Editorial page of newspapers.It helps a lot.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The level of technical questions was very high. They asked questions mostly from Production Engineering.
Tips: If you don't know the answer just tell them frankly that you don't know. Don't give them wrong answer. 
You might want to read your textbooks before entering interview room.And again BE CONFIDENT.

General Tips: Confidence is the key. Don't take your sem exams lightly. Instead of just rote learning try to grasp the concepts taught. It might not help you in getting good GPA but it will definitely help you in interview room.
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: Tata Motors is best company for any mechanical engineering fresher.
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