National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur

Durgapur, West Bengal

Your seniors at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 3 Jan 2025

93 interviews found

user image Pramit Ganguly

posted on 29 Aug 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Focussed on basic english, logical and quantitative reasoning. Technical aptitude focussed on basics of the concerned subject
Tips: Practice makes you perfect.
Since there are group cut offs, try to attempt at least half the questions of each group. then come back to complete the group later.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 75

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Enough time was given to assess your points.
Tips: Basic rules of a GD..

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Very proffesional but cordial envoirnment
Tips: Thorough knowledge of subject is a must.

General Tips: Stay calm, think before you talk and be confident.
Skills: Soft skills, Technical knowledge
College Name: NIT Durgapur
Motivation: A TATA company is in itself a motivation.
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was conducted by third party recruiters i.e asprining minds. Which every NITian and IITian are acquainted of.
Tips: Don't mark about which you are not sure, this will draw you negetive marks
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 1

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Be confident answer what you know.The interviewer always has more technical knowledge than you
Tips: If you don't know and answering a approximate guess, always mention that you are guess before answering.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They are searching for manager, so act like a manager and try to emphasis on your managerial skills.
Tips: Never say you have problem with allocation.

General Tips: BE A MANAGER
Skill Tips: Try being a manager than a engineer.
Skills: Techinically sound, Managerial skills
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: It is one of largest MNC in India operating for such a long time. Highest revenue grosser for ABG GROUP
Funny Moments: He had no idea about ISTE. So I manipulated the statistic and balance sheet data.
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The written round consisted of aptitude questions, mainly from verbal ability and logical reasoning with some questions also from quantitative ability section. The questions were easy to solve and the time allotted was sufficient. There were no negative marking and I could easily attempt all the questions and was one of the top scorers of this round. Since this was a pen and paper round, one can attempt the questions in any order.
Tips: Be prepared with general aptitude from well beforehand. Practice as much as you can to have an edge over others. Try to attempt all the questions. It is an elimination round. So, good luck.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 80

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Since I was one of the top scorers of the aptitude round, I was the second person to go in for the interview. Even though it was a technical round, I was not asked questions from my domain (metallurgical & materials engineering), rather they asked me general HR questions. I could answer all of them with valid reasons.
Tips: Be well prepared with at least one subject from your domain. Other candidates were asked questions from their subjects. Be prepared with our summer internship project and whatever you stated in your CV. They interviewers are experienced people, so never try to show your over-smartness in front of them. This is not an elimination round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Immediately after the technical interview, I was summoned from another round of HR interview in another room. Being a girl, they asked me whether I would be able to work in a steel plant in harsh conditions. I had prepared for this answer from beforehand, so I could convince them well for hiring me. They asked me about my strengths and weaknesses. Other general HR questions were also asked which I had already faced in the previous round.
Tips: Be prepared with general HR questions and be confident while stating your facts. Don't get nervous as it may lead to your rejection. This is the final round. So, good luck.

General Tips: I have shared all the tips in the previous answers. So follow them and you can get hired easily. Never get nervous and don't be over-confident as both show negativity.
Skill Tips: All the 3 skills are required for acing any interview. So, develop these as much as you can.
Skills: Aptitude, Critical thinking, Domain knowledge, reasoning ability
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: Being a Metallurgical and Materials engineer, JSL is one of the dream companies which visit for campus recruitment.
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user image Gautam Singh

posted on 7 Jun 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Given a binary tree how would you identify whether it is a Binary Search tree or not?
  • Q2. Solve it without using array (in case the solution is - Inorder traversal should be in sorted order)?
  • Q3. Given a BST, convert it to a binary tree such that each element is replaced by the sum of all the elements greater than it?
  • Q4. Given an employee table with employee name and salary find the 2nd highest salary in sql?
  • Q5. Tell be about yourself?
  • Q6. Given an array. find the pattern it follows? there can be 4 patterns only: increasing, decreasing, increase then decrease and decrease then increase
  • Q7. Given an array of distinct positive numbers find the maximum sum of elements such that no 2 elements occurring in the maximum sum set is adjacent to each other
  • Q8. How can you improve suggestions of coupons to the users?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Tips: - Keep your resume as compact as possible- Try to keep requirements of the profile in your resume- Survey on how much the company is paying in the market and then state your expected CTC in the range of +/- 2 LPA.

Round: Test
Experience: 2 questions were a bit easy and the 3rd one was a little tricky for the people who are afraid of recursive programming. All the questions are provided in the link here: -----/
Tips: - Programming experience or programmer's help ( :p ) was the only way out of it.- Try to solve problems which you can solve first rather than hanging on any tough problem, because people solving 2/3 questions were also selected for the next round.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 3

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interviewer was very helpful in guiding, motivating and giving me time to solve the problems. It went quite smoothly and within days I was selected for the next interview.
Tips: - Never speak without thinking unless said to speak what you are thinking.- Try to clarify your doubts before you jump into solving questions asked.- If you are taking any assumption, forget not to notify it to the interviewer.

Round: App development
Experience: I was made to develop a Java application within a week and submit it with proper documentation. It was very interesting app and I learned tons of things while developing.
Tips: - Try to do your task by yourself.- Keep your code as clean and OOP-like as possible- Make your friend read your documentation you prepared to know if it is understandable.- Use git or any other VCS while developing to ensure fallback in case the application breaks down (which usually happens during development).

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This was exactly like a last gateway to cross for entering into the company. The interviewer was modest and calm, watching all my steps that I take while solving the problem. Twisting problems and guiding me to unwind the twists. At the end...a great experience!
Tips: Same as the above interview tips, nothing much is required for any technical interview (if you ask me).

Skills: Programming, Java application development, Learning/Grabbing new skills, SQL knowledge
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: Few points that motivated me: - Web development related work which is my area of interest.
- Company was a startup so a lot of work => lot of learning (crucial for starting career).- Pay was decent, so I can sustain my living and save something.
Funny Moments: It was my last interview and while I was solving a problem I wrote something wrong, and by mistake " f**k " came out of my mouth. The interviewer was on the phone and for some time I was just wondering if she heard that word, whether it would affect my interview result and all sort of things, rather than about the problem.
A suggestion: Please mind what comes out of your mouth ;)
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Top 30 from our department were selected for the next rounds.

Round: Test
Experience: For quantitative round question level was not so high and time management problem was there.For verbal round there were 55 questions and allotted time was only 15 minutes.
Tips: Practice as much as you can.For verbal round never go for second thought for a question...

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: Don't forget to speak about your family.Your favourite subject should be studied thoroughly.Don't forget to go through your training reports.

Skills: Aptitude, Practical Knowledge
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: Experience in L&T as a fresher is precious and the company provides lots of support for its employees.Moreover L&T is a big name to start with.
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was like nothing I had expected. the Apti and maths part was doable. You need a weeks preparation to get a good speed through these type of questions. The tech questions were completely fundamental. I am a EE grad. Questions from analog, circuits, very basic EMT was there. Even a few question from Power plant engg and gears.
Tips: Its a waste of time predicting the scope of the test. It has nothing to do with the company profile,or your forte. They can ask you anything engg related. You need to have the right mind, a reasoning skill to think it through. Even if its beyond your scope or know-how...calm down...think basic,fundamental of the subject,you would crack it :)
Duration: 2 hours minutes
Total Questions: 60+65

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: We were a mixed group. Metallurgy,Mechanical,Electrical. It was a 10 people panel discussion. Three interviewers watched over. And yes,it was a bloodbath! It was a mixed batch so nobody was ready to compromise. I tried to raise my voice say my point. Keep it short and unique and catchy! They said it was the worst gd of the day. and still selected 5 of us for the next round!
Tips: They wanna see leadership skills, out of the box thinking and fluency! You need to be a good english speaker. There isnt a by-lane for that,you have to be fluent. A tip--> Make your point and then call out the one who is not speaking and give him/her a chance to speak. That shows leadership and teamwork capabilities. If its too much chaos, try to bring order! That looks better than creating anarchy! Oh and dont fight to conclude! They give each of you a minute to conclude your idea and place it in a proper unhindered way! DONT BE RUDE!! BE POITE! BE LOUD, BUT VERY VERY POLITE!!  Say,may I please have the chance to add to this discussion,I have something relevant to say in this that. Scream things like that,they dont look like you are quarreling!
Duration: 20mins minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked me to draw a four point and a three point starter. Questions on dc motors,power system, instrumentation, control system. I answered each of them. Right or wrong I dint waste time,so that they ask me the next question!
Tips: Dont waste time hesitating. Admit you are weak in that field and move on to the nxt question. More questions asked=more chance of you proving your worth! be confident about what you are saying,. Dont be a yes man and accept whatevr the interviewer tells you.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Are you flexible to relocate? What is your plan for the next 5 years? I showed them that I want to be in TML sincerely and work my way up the ladder.
Tips: Do not brag about higher studies! Show some sincerity. And in about yourself...focus on how your strengths would benifit the company. For weakness show things that are actually good traits,overzealous,workaholic..etc. Things that arent detrimental.

General Tips: Dress well. Not for the interviewer. But for yourself. You would be confident. Be very thorough about your summer training/internship. 50% questions come from there. Eat,sleep,dont stress! And again,confidence is the key! Confidence that will come only when you have your bases covered.
Skill Tips: Keep calm. Work on your room presence! Dont be nervous. Be confident. Think that you are an asset!
Gate preparation, class notes.
Guess work! A good guess is a result of a good knowledge.
Skills: Technical skills--thinking up circuits for any appliance, guess work, Speaking skills, Vocational training acquired skills, convincing skills
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: Tata Brand is a semi-psu! It offers job security and is a great place to learn and start your career!
Funny Moments: I made the diagram of a 3 point starter after I last made it in 2nd year. And I made it right! :P In about myself I blurted out, I love to dance! :P Nerve does that! But its ok! The panel would understand.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 7 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Moderate stuff was there, not very difficult to crack.
Tips: Just try to stay cool and solve the questions.
Duration: 90 min minutes
Total Questions: 50-60

Round: Test
Experience: There were 3 coding questions.
One of them was from linked-list (a simple one)
And another was from the tree (to be solved by recursion and this one was also easy)
And the last question was from Dynamic Programming (moderate difficulty)
Tips: Solve the two easy questions with the best possible algorithm that you can.
And if you are able to solve the last one then its ok otherwise don't leave it, atleast write some lines of code.
And I would like to suggest geeksforgeeks for the preparation of this coding round.
Duration: 90 min minutes
Total Questions: 3

Round: Test
Experience: I was given 2 questions with their codes (one of them was of 100 lines and another code was about 250 lines).
Both the codes were having some errors and we have to rectify them.
First of all I was asked to understand the given codes and draw a flow chart describing the algorithm of the code.
And then I was asked to find out the errors in the given code.
Tips: Just stick to the code.
This round was not that much easy as the previous ones.
You have to stick to the code till the last.
Duration: 3 hours minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: Test
Experience: I was given some APIs of a server and I have to write a client program that uses these APIs to design a game for knight-moves in a 8X8 chess board.
Tips: The main issue was there in synchronising the client requests to the server.
You must have the basic knowledge of server-client programs.
Duration: 3 hours minutes
Total Questions: 1

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I don't remember the questions but this round was not so difficult as the last two rounds.
There were simple technical questions related to what you have done in your internship and basic OS,DBMS.
Tips: Stay calm and look relaxed.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Most of the questions were about my family background.
Tips: Just keep calm and smiling.
Don't try to over-react and the most important thing is be yourself.

General Tips: 1: Be Confident.
2: Keep Smiling.
3: Do not be Panic.
4: Remember they are here to hire you but not reject you.
5: Do not loose hope.
6: Believe at yourself.
7: Start preparing early.
8: Do demo interviews with your friend.
Skill Tips: Follow geeksforgeeks and do practise the server-client programs.
Skills: Coding, Client-Server Programs, Aptitude , OS basics, OOPs, DBMS, Reasoning skills
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: Every body joins a comapny for making a software or earning money. But I was always motivated to MAKE MONEY. I have taken this job because they have very extensive work in Share Market and they have lots of MBA from IIM's, Lots of CAs, CS. Thats why i have choosen Edelweiss. I have rejected epic System USA for this profile.
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user image Abhinaba Mukherjee

posted on 3 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. 1. Draw a 4-speed synchromesh gearbox. (A bomb at the beginning which was timely diffused since I had drawn it ago)
  • Q2. 2. Tell me how transmission occurs from engine to wheel?
  • Q3. 3. Basic questions on IC Engines like octane numbers etc
  • Q4. 4. What is limited slip differential? How it works?
  • Q5. 5. Questions on fluid engg. like working of venturimeter etc
  • Q6. 6. Questions on machine design like how screw-jack works? how to increase efficiency? etc

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test was conducted via In aptitude section, quantitative, logical reasoning and verbal ability were three subsections and questions were more or less easy.In technical section, standard sets of questions ranging from machine design, thermal engineering to industrial engineering, almost all topics under mechanical engg., were included. Level of difficulty was medium.
Tips: For aptitude, basic +2 knowledge coupled with some practice to increase speed is essential.For technical, a general overview of all the topics studied in earlier semesters under mechanical engineering including mathematics is needed.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 90

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Topic was nice and arguments on both fronts could be presented. An example is that in core engg. sector, although there is a minimal presence of women (which is a reflection of the fact that very few girls opt mech/ee/civil etc streams), the IT or Software sector doesn't face similar problems and upto certain level can boast of being equally harbouring geniuses from both genders alike.
Tips: Be calm and try not to get into a fight with any member of the group. Always remember, this is a discussion and not a debate. Keep your points brief and salient and present them with confidence. Forget about the interviewers and make yourself comfortable. If you are unable to fathom the topic or come up with solid points at the spur of moment, take time and keep notes of others' arguments. Best of luck!
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: My first question was "Tell me about yourself", which was the only HR question I was asked. So, I'm mentioning it in the technical portion itself. I calmly gave an answer which was semi-prepared and semi-modified at that moment.
In technical portion, most questions being from automobile engg, it was advantageous for me since its my favourite portion from mech. engg. All the questions were fundamental and doesn't need deeper knowledge of the topics.
Tips: In a technical interview, knowledge and knowledge alone can help you. So, prepare the topics according to the company's job profile. No need to dig deeper into any special topic unless if you have spare time. Present your answers with a confident smile and clearly mention if you don't know answer to any question.

General Tips: As already mentioned, be confident yet humble. Humility gains you respect and respect gains you points in case your interview goes awry. At the end of the day, it finally comes down to the nature of the interviewer and how much you can make him feel your worth in his market. Sale yourself properly and even under utter absence of technical knowledge you can bag a job.
Skill Tips: Speed and accuracy comes from practice and practice alone.Confidence comes from experience and over dominance over the subjects.
Skills: Speed , Confidence, Accuracy
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
Motivation: I have always wanted to join an automobile company and Tata Motors is one of the forerunner in the automobile sector globally. The association of Tata name is enough to motivate me to join this marvel of a company.
Funny Moments: When I was asked "Tell me about yourself". I cracked a joke in the middle of my answer saying "I am a training and placement representative of my college and I interact with students and company people on a frequent note and try to get my friends as many jobs as possible and right now I am doing the same by mentioning this fact to you ". They smiled heartily and I went on adding "Hopefully this way, I shall help myself bag the job at the end of the day". At the end of the day, I did get the job!!  (*Chuckles")
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Easy questions on aptitude and output for C/C++.
Tips: Try out questions from GeeksQuiz or -----/
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 15

Round: Test
Experience: Questions were easy and implementable within the time given. One was on linked list and the other on array/bit-wise arithmetic.
Tips: 2-3 Days of GeeksforGeeks would give you an edge in this round. Make sure you document your code with proper comments and write mnemonic variable names. Also if time permits write the logic or algorithm you've used in comments.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The overall experience was wonderful. It was my first interview and i was able to answer most of them. On the behavioral questions your opinion should be clear and you should be able to convince the interviewer properly.
Tips: Just be yourself, try to bring topics on which you've worked on earlier into the discussion so that the interviewer takes more time to analyze what you've accomplished. Don't hurry, if you don't know any answer, politely say you don't know it, but you would like to take a try.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: My interview lasted for 1 hr 15 mins and I started well with my Introduction and hobbies. It was behavioral initially. Be open  and honest  to your interviewer. Don't speak random stuffs you haven't done as your interviewer can instantly browse on the internet about what you are saying and verify them. Have a good understanding of DS/Algo and know at least one OOP. you should at least master one language, its not a huge bonus if you know a lot of them.
Tips: Be clear about what you say and write and instantly correct yourself if you've made a mistake. It shows that you are self-critical and you constantly improve yourself. It is good to accept any mistake you've done. Any code you write on paper should properly highlight your logic used. Its better to write a wrong code and debug/modify it on spot to make it correct rather than writing a code with zero error at first shot. It shows how you learn from your mistakes.
The interviewer wants to see how you adapt yourself and learn, he/she is not interested in how much you know.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: This round was the final round for Microsoft Internship. It was an AA( As Appropriate ) Round, where you can expect technical as well as HR questions.
Tips: Feel confident about yourself and the game plan is again just to be yourself. Do some Research on the company you are sitting for and about their products/services, so that you can show that you are as much interested in joining the company as they want to take you in after clearing all these rounds. Always ask your interviewer some relevant questions, whichever round it may be. This is where you can ask about the company's policies, culture etc.

General Tips: Keep yourself motivated and build your resume. Have good working knowledge and make your fundamental concepts clear. Try to work on projects/internship or summer/winter training courses.
Skill Tips: Just give your best if you are willing for the company and never underestimate your abilities. Have some internships/projects/apps on your resume which you've made. Mention all the relevant work you've done, just don't brag about it. Prepare well for the behavioral questions. Be prepared to admit your mistakes and accept others' solutions.
Skills: Debugging, Openness, Technical, Honesty, Attitude
College Name: National Institute of Technology Durgapur
Motivation: Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen with an objective of "A Computer in every Home", since then Microsoft has carried on its effort and changed the way we do things and interact with others. It has achieved more than its primary objective and its one of the leading software companies in the world. Its exciting to be a part of it and take joy in developing solutions which affect billions of people worldwide.
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: My experience was quite good because I was strong in english and it helped me a lot. I was cool headed and I was confident that if I cleared that exam no one can stop me to get that job
Tips: 1. Don't try to attend all the question  2. First attempt only those in which you are strong at  3. Most important thing is your mind set and winning attitude
Duration: 80 minutes

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Initially Nervous but interviewer was cool. Overall experience was very nice , he liked my attitude. I didn't answered the technical questions perfectly but my HR answers were very impressive .
Tips: 1. Be convincing with your thoughts  2. Answers question confidently  3. Try to convince him that you are the best for their profile   4. Last but not least be motivated

Skills: Aptitude, Understanding, Personality, Attitude
College Name: NIT DURGAPUR
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