Round: Test Experience: Topics: 1. 10 questions related to Heat Transfer, comprehensive type, fluid flow, Gate type questions. 2. Mechanics, manufacturing science, theory of machines, tolerance, gear ratio, orthographic-isometric projections, design of mechanical component, navier stokes theorem, heat conduction equation, nusselt's no, gas dynamics, CFD,MOS, FEM, DNS Structural analysis. 3. Drawing conventions and dimensions. 4. Steel and Al density ratio, compression Ratio of diesel engine, pressure measurement about failure theories, beams, machine design, metal working process. Duration: 60 minutes
General Tips: 1. Improve on basic engineering fundamentals of relevant stream strength of materials for structural analysis. 2. Focus on confidence and good communication. 3. Machine design, mechanics of solids, theory of machines is relevant courses. 4. Study CFD, heat and mass transfer, IC engine. 5. Company may be more interested in M. tech students. 6. Company selects only those candidates whose thesis work is very much related to their present work in R&D, it also sees social behavior, neutrality. 7. Don’t panic, try to be cool. 8. Answer on the basis of your basics.. College Name: IIT KANPUR
Round: Test Experience: Topics: 1. Questions related to 3-D image from different perspective 2. questions on probability and geometry 3. C++ programming skills(basic concepts of inheritance and scope). Duration: 30 minutes
Round: Technical Interview Experience: The interview lasted for 30 minutes. Open for Programme/Departments: CHE (M. Tech) Number of Students selected: 2
General Tips: Sharp your mathematical skills. College Name: IIT KANPUR
Round: Test Experience: Topics: 1. Questions were based on quick calculations and the problems were related to numbers, percentages and ratios. 2. Very basic aptitude questions and every JEE qualified can solve it. 3. Questions on Time, Speed, Distance, Average, English. 4. This test was organized to check the IQ level. 5. In technical test the questions were difficult, technical from engineering concepts like pumps, distillation column etc. 6. Heat & Mass transfer Duration: 30 minutes
Round: Technical Interview Experience: Other questions include: . IC engine & Fluid machinery, thermodynamics. Heat balance equation for heat exchanger, and some questions related to thesis. Henry law, bubble points, variation, difference between conduction & radiation, variation of pressure head with flow rate for centrifugal pump, difference between reciprocating & centrifugal pump, Energy system. Interview lasted 15 minutes. Open for Programme/Departments: B. Tech and Dual (ME, EE, CHE) & MME (B. Tech) Number of Students selected: 21
General Tips: 1. If you have done internship in refinery then you should brush up the overall process involved. 2. Try to present yourself as very much industry oriented. 3. Present your relevant projects first and explain them in a very comprehensive manner. 4. Show them you are very interested in the company and will not leave it in near future. 5. Prepare the internship & B.T.P. well. Write only those things in your resume which you can explain. If you have written a course in your resume you should know what the topics in that were. 6. Just go through NPTEL site. This is the best way to revise the basic concepts of course and for dual degree students thesis plays an important role in their interview. 7. Prepare the core industrial points or terms. 7. Be prepared with RIL area of work. 8. Just know your strength, weakness, short term and long term career goals. 9. To prepare for this company devote some time to study things in Wikipedia in detail like pumps, condenser, reboiler, refluse, distillation, extraction, thermodynamic, fouling. 10. Prepare some questions like why are you joining in core company & why are you not going for M. tech. 11. They look for committed people. 12. Even if your CPI is low, it won't matter, be confident. 13. Course of corrosion would have an advantage for MME dept College Name: IIT KANPUR
Round: Test Experience: Topics: Questions related to automobile industry & Farm & Agriculture. Technical & aptitude questions Duration: 60 minutes
Round: Technical Interview Experience: the duration was of 20 minutes only. Open for Programme/Departments: M. Tech and Dual (ME) & MME (B. Tech) Number of Students selected: 5 Tips: Revise the basics of mechanical metallurgy
General Tips: 1. Just brush up your technical parts & interested subjects. 2. Prepare well Theory of machines, fluid machines & fluid mechanics, mechanical metallurgy, manufacturing process, Iron & steel making, IC engine College Name: IIT KANPUR
Round: HR Interview Experience: Interview duration was 45 minutes. Open for Programme/Departments: M. Tech (M.E. and A.E) Number of Students selected: 5
General Tips: 1. They want to check how eagerly you want to join this company? 2. Good communication skill & confidence, Good knowledge about FEA College Name: IIT KANPUR
Round: Technical Interview Experience: Open for Programme/Departments: M. Tech and Dual (E.E., M.E. A.E.) Number of Students selected: 7
General Tips: 1. Must read about FEM, Introduction to solid Mechanics. 2. Technical round is difficult. 3. Have a look on virtual instrumentation, flight mechanics. 4. CPI matters. College Name: IIT KANPUR
Round: Test Experience: Open for Programme/Departments: AE and ME (M. Tech) Questions: Aptitude and English questions. From RS Agrawal Duration: 60 minutes
General Tips: Must focus on SOM, Linear and Non Linear FEA. College Name: IIT KANPUR