Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi

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Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi Placement Interview Questions

Updated 1 Jan 2025

151 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 21 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Experience: Facebook visited our campus in July, 2012. We had an online coding round hosted on InterviewStreet. We were asked to solve just one problem. The given problem boils down to : Given a undirected graph, source and destination, write the code to find the total number of distinct nodes visited, considering all possible paths.
Tips: Those shortlisted had to fly to Delhi for a Personal Interview. There were four rounds of interview, each of 45 minutes. The questions were simple. But just solving the given problem wasn't enough.

There was much more interaction and short questions asked related to the problem

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The above mentioned questions wer asked in the interview. For every solution I was asked to write the code on paper. The code should also include the implementation of the data structures used (I used heaps - so I was asked to implement heaps ). They are looking for someone with good problem solving skills and conceptually sound in data structures

College Name: BIT MESRA
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user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The initial round is a written round consisting of
1. Around about 30 aptitude questions,
2. 15-20 questions based on error finding, writing outputs and debugging a given C/C++ code,
3. Two coding complete questions.
4. A short essay writing type subjective question.
The essay/ subjective question could be something like this:
a. If you meet Goldman Sacks CEO in an elevator, what will be your conversation to impress him/her.Remember you are in an elevator.
b. Why should Goldman Sachs hire you and not someone else ?The time given for all this is around about 25-30 mins. So be fast on your feets and don't be rusty.
Tips: The time given for all this is around about 25-30 mins. So be fast on your feets and don't be rusty
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The second round is the GD round. The topic is not very simple, but not very difficult either. Basically it tests that you have the ability to think on your feet. My topic was something like this:Say you are trapped in a deserted island where you are all by your own. You have been given a certain set of items but you can carry only some of them or else the weight will bog you down. You need to prioritize these items in the order of their needs for you to survive.In my case, the fact that I had seen Tom Hank's Cast Away proved to be quite useful as you can easily draw parallels between the two situations.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This is followed by a series of interviews which may range from 2 to 4 and sometimes even more.Remember Goldman Sachs folks are very thorough with your resume and they listen very closely to everything you say. So be very clear about what you have to say and what not.Best of luck guys like emoticon

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: (aptitude):Separate pattern for (IT ,CSE) and other departments. Other departments don't have technology domain module.

This is the rough layout of the aptitude :English Comprehension(18 ques)

Synonyms/Antonyms/Word Meaning (Vocabulary)

Complete the Sentence (Grammar)

Spot error/Correct sentence (Grammar/sentence construction)

Sentence Ordering (Comprehension skills)

Questions based on passage (Comprehension skills)Quantitative Ability(16 ques)


HCF and LCM, Divisibility


Numbers, Decimal Fractions

Permutations and Combinations, Probability

Word Problem: Profit, Interest, InverseReasoning and Logical Ability(16 ques)

Analogy Pattern Recognition

Classification Pattern Recognition

Coding Pattern Recognition

Number Series Pattern Recognition

Direction sense, Blood relations, CDL

Puzzles, Logical word sequence

Selection decision table

Data sufficiency

Objective reasoningModule 2: Technology Domain Skills (25 ques) ( THIS MODULE IS only FOR CSE GUYS)Computer Programming Principle

Basic Programming: Iteration, recursion, decision-making Compilation execution, errors, Data types, Complexity

Data structures: Graph, Hash, Heap, Linked list OOP

Procedures, functions, ScopeSearch & sorting, Queue, Sorting, Stacks, Trees

Round: Non elimination Round
Experience: This was an essay writing round they asked us to write an essay of 100 words. The topic given to me was “ Problems faced by Today’s generation”

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There was only one technical round.

That guy asked me about my papers,projects

I mentioned Data structures and algo as my area of interest. He asked me to write two simple programs.

Some questions mentioned above.
Tips: They are seeing your confidence level more than your subject knowledge. If you perform well in this round then there is no HR round(mainly for people with bad communication skillz)..otherwise HR round will be there..ques like tell me about urself,why wipro? Etc….ALL THE BEST

College Name: BITS MESRA
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6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The resume is more than just mere personal information form – it should give a complete picture about the candidate since it is the first impression the interviewer gets about you.I wanted to get recruited in a core sector company. I wanted to work in a company related to power sector consequently I designed my resume accordingly.
Tips: Useful tip: Do not lie. In case if you fail to respond to questions asked from the points that you mentioned in your resume you might squander your chances of getting recruited to the company. Hence be truthful when you mention anything in your resume, at the same time be concise and precise because the interviewer cannot spend a lot of time on a single resume.

Round: Test
Experience: First I contacted some of my seniors who were working with the company. It is from them that I learnt that a lot of questions from power system protection are asked in the written test. In general if you search the internet about the type of questions asked in these tests you might get some awry information. The main reason being that the same company might turn up in different colleges with different profiles consequently the questions asked in their tests might vary from college to college; hence in order to avoid such discrepancy it is always suggested to consult some of the seniors.The company conducted a technical written test. The questions were majorly from control systems and further from PID (Proportional Integral Differential) control systems. There were also some basic electrostatic questions. Few questions were also asked from power and machining, though we were expecting a higher proportion of power related questions. The company had come to the campus to recruit for their steel unit and power unit, consequently knowledge on control system and power was a must.The test was an objective online test – but it was not an elimination test.
Tips: Useful Tip: A candidate appearing for this company’s written test should have good level of knowledge in control systems and power.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Group Discussion:I along with my friends practised for the GD. We would conduct the mock GD amongst ourselves.The GD topic that was allotted to my group during the GD round was FDI in retail. The topics allotted to other groups were on cricket and the ongoing (at that time) Anna Hazare movement. The GD was again not an elimination round.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The first interview was conducted by an alumnus of our institute. He began by asking me for a brief introduction. He wanted a brief reply. Then he enquired about my 3rd year internships. I had done my internship as a project manager in L&T power. The work that I did there was based on how an idea or a concept is translated into reality. He asked me to explain the kind of work that I did there and why I chose that internship. He also asked me to explain the SLD of a power plant. SLD stands for a single line diagram and is drawn for study of huge power plants and refineries. An SLD is analogous to the electronic diagrams drawn to study electronic circuits. He was surprised at how much I managed to learn from the internship that lasted for duration of only two months. I replied that the underlying principle behind whatever I learnt there was the concept of “relaying” which I was quite proficient in.Next he started asking me questions that I had not anticipated. He asked me to explain the differences that I thought existed between the kinds of work that I did in L&T and the work I would be expected to do in Jindal steel. I replied to it by explaining the differences in the kind of business the two companies did.He enquired whether I had questions to ask.
Generally people tend to ask some crappy questions like ‘What is the growth of the company?’ and the likes, but i earnestly suggest that if you have attended the PPT then ask some questions from the points mentioned during the PPT which showcases your attentiveness as well as genuine interest in the company’s work. During the PPT I had learnt that the PLF (Plant Load Factor) of the company is very high I asked him to explain me the reason for this this; also the company had a huge ongoing project in Orissa I asked him about the future plans of the company in Orissa and the problems that the company is facing with respect to the development of a current project. I asked these questions to show him my level of interest in the company and also that i was attentive during the PPT.Then he moved over to my 2nd year projects. I did my 2nd year internship in NDPL (North Delhi Power Limited). He asked me to explain the kind of work I did in this internship. Power companies are generally involved in one of the 3 businesses: generation, transmission or distribution. NDPL is involved in distribution of power. I told him that the project i worked on was minimization of harmonics in distribution system. He asked me explain the reason for these harmonics in the distribution system which is a major headache in such companies. I told him that the non-linear loads like the refrigerators and air conditioners were the major cause of such harmonics.
Next i told him the measures that were adopted by NDPL for control of harmonics.He then moved over to the minor project that i did. The project was a simple one and this aroused his amazement. I explained that the project was allotted only 2 credits and also told him that through the project i learnt the usage and properties of various components like capacitors, resistors and the likes. He was convinced with my reply.Important Tip: I would recommend that one should do a thorough research on the kind of business of the company in which one did his internship in or is applying for a job because it is very essential to know the place where one did his internship in and where one is going to go to.

Experience: This interview was supposed to be an HR interview but the interviewer eventually drifted over to technical aspects. He guessed that since I had done all my internships in the past in power sectors my area of interest would be power and also since the company had very little to do in power sector and more in the mining sector I would have to go a through a new beginning all together.
I explained him that the internship I did was not about power generation or distribution, but was about protection and relaying; I told him I did the work that a maintenance engineer would do. He was convinced that the power industries do indeed possess a wider scope.
He asked me about my birth place and also enquired about my family background.He then asked me to explain my major project. I told him that we were supposed to do our major project in the next semester. However, I still gave him a brief idea about my major project. I told him about the future prospects about my project and also the kind of difficulties that I was likely to face. He asked me some basic questions pertaining to the project which I managed to answer quite easily.I had also mentioned photography as my area of interest. He asked me to explain the specifications of the camera used in the photography section in the hobbies club.
He lastly asked me to specify that if given an option to work either in a well-established company or in a growing company where work would be more but incentives would be less then where would I prefer to work. I replied that I would be prefer working in a growing company like Jindal steel because that would enable me to learn more and also deal with newer technologies because in established companies still obsolete technologies are used.Any Specific Preparation:I had prepared for some HR questions like:Tell me about yourself.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What are your goals?I managed to find these questions from some websites.
Tips: I would suggest that one should never refer any website for framing answers to HR questions. You have to speak about yourself only and frame your answers after giving a detailed thought to your abilities/strengths/goals etc. Also it might prove to be beneficial to consult some seniors who has been working in the same company or has some experience with HR interviews.

General Tips: It would be beneficial to contact your seniors because they would give a good insight about the recruitment process of the company.Don't get intimidated by Training Experince . Woh to Bas asiehi . At the End of the day knowledge matterssmile emoticon. BEST OF LUCK !!!
College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: We were intimated that the exams will be online.Before this year, the company came to our college 2 times in 2011 n 2010 but then the exams were conducted on papers and so there were some dilemma regarding the level of paper.But on d day of judgement, we all arrived quite anxious about what we gonna face by d end of d day.Then at sharp 9 A.M. a seminar (pre placement talk) was conducted, where the panel who came for the recruitment gave us the brief intro about the organization and told us that paper will be of 2 hrs and will contain 4 sections viz. Verbal, Quantitative Analysis, Technical section and Logical Reasoning.The written exam started at 10 AM approx and went till 12:10 PM with a break of around 3 minutes after every section. After we finished our written we were asked to gather in the seminar hall at 2:30 PM to know the result of this round.
Coming to the pattern of paper, it was quite different from what we had seen in various websites. The level of d paper was quite good and it was almost like the Nascom test that is expected to go mandatory from next year onwards.First the rules, there was no negative marking and one has to attempt d question that appeared on d screen before moving to the next one and there was no facility to skip a question and we cant come back to a question that has been submitted, so I felt dat was harsh on students. The first three sections had 25 questions each and d last had 24 questions, in all there were 99 questions. All of them being multiple choice questions.In the first section i.e. verbal, contained questions like find out grammatical errors, synonyms and antonyms and also it contained two reading comprehensions.In the second section, the quantitative analysis d paper was quite easy. There were different sets for everyone with random questions bt what I saw in my part was dat probability n permutation has got d highest weightage.Coming to third and d most important part i.e. technical section. It had questions from all the major subjects ranging from C, C++, data structure and dbms. Though data structure was d toughest of all and there were questions where complexity of questions were to b evaluated….one example for this I remember is….there was one question to evaluate complexity of product of two diagonal matrix. Overall the section was not that tough but a good one which emphasized more on ur logics.Then came the logical reasoning section which against all odds was d toughest section in written and questions were quite good and u somehow feel that 35 mins for 24 questions were not enough.Aptitude Written Test :Four SectionsAptitude (25 Questions, 30 Minutes)
Technical (10 Questions, 20 Minutes)
Email writing(10 Minutes)
Programming(10 Minutes)1) Aptitude Written Test
Generic problems were asked... 10 were Analytical, the rest were Quant. They were easy-ok. The problem was solving it in the given time. R.S. Aggarwal is enough.
Technical - Snippets were given, we had to write the output on a sheet. NO MULTIPLE CHOICE. They were easy. Be thorough with control Structures(if,loops) and operators (incr, decr, left shift, right shift)
Email Writing:- They gave us a scenario, we had to write an email. The email doesn't have to be long, but make sure it's neat and is grammatically correct.
Programming:- You have to write a program without using library functions. Many found this tough. ATTEMPT, even though it might be wrong.
Tips: Topics to concentrate for written round:
· Time and Work
· Pipes and Cisterns
· Problems on Trains
· Boats and Streams
· Calendar and Clocks
· Probability
· Ratios and Percentage
· Number systems
Duration: 70 minutes
Total Questions: 55

Round: HR Interview
Experience: H R Interview ::We had stress interview. Many cross questions, some insulting remarks, shouting , being very rude.
The HR asked lots of G.K. (mostly politics around the world), so read the paper before you go, know who are the cabinet ministers, CM, PM, President, VP, speaker, then PMs and Presidents of other important or neighboring countries.
Personally, I did not do my best in any round , but i was positive and i attempted what i was asked to do[though i didn't know] and showed my interest to learn, I think that was all they were looking for, along with minimum knowledge and intelligence.He asked me t questions mentioned above.By god's grace, I was one of the selected few and was handed the offered letter by HR team itself.
Tips: I hope all that I shared above could help you in your preparation. Be confident and give your best.
wish u all the good luck.....

General Tips: Mr. Anjan Lahiri serves as President and CEO of MindTree’s IT Services business and is stationed in Bangalore. In this role he is responsible for all aspects of MindTree’s IT Services business around the world.Prior to relocating to Bangalore in 2008, Anjan spent five years in London setting up and then growing MindTree’s European Operations. In 1999 when he joined MindTree as a part of the founding team, he helped set up MindTree’s New Jersey office and then led MindTree’s US West Coast Operations from San Jose, California from 2000 to 2003 before relocating to London.Prior to MindTree, Anjan was a Director with Cambridge Technology Partners. He was part of the initial group, which started Cambridge’s internet services consulting practice. Anjan started his professional career with Wipro Infotech in 1987. By 1991 when he left to pursue higher studies in the US, he was a Territory Manager in Wipro’s Kolkata office.Anjan Lahiri received a BE in electronics engineering from the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi
College Name: BITS MESRA
Motivation: .About MindTree Consulting :::MindTree Consulting is an international IT consulting company that delivers affordable business and technology solutions through global software development. Co-headquartered in Somerset, New Jersey, Bangalore & Hyderabad India, the company’s seasoned management team and employees skilled in technology, business analysis and project management approach technology initiatives in a business context. MindTree develops applications to help companies enhance their enterprise operations.The company also delivers product-development services and designs reusable building blocks for high-tech companies. MindTree is also present in California and Illinois in the U.S., United Kingdom, France, Singapore, Japan and the Middle East.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written Test:There was a written test for selection. It had 60 questions in 60 minutes. 20 questions were from verbal reasoning and 40 were from quantitative analysis and simple reasoning. The cut off was 47 questions correct out of 60, the test was of medium difficulty level and you just had to be quick with calculations.
There were 4-5 sections in the test with each section containing 10-15 questions. There were sections on verbal reasoning, data interpretation and simple geometry. The test was not an elimination test and every candidate who appeared for the test was called for the GD.
TIP:::It would help a lot if you prepare for CAT.
Tips: Flipkart came for placements for the very first time.. They were looking for people who had dynamic profile and those who had good communications skills.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Group Discussion:The topic for group discussion was FDI in Retail. The topic for GD were different for different groups. The other topics were, 'BIT –The best institute: Why or Why not' and 'Indian economy on low tide or high tide'. They were looking for people who had complete knowledge about this sector and were fluent in English and were able to steer the group to a conclusion. Since I am an IAS aspirant I have been regularly reading newspapers for quite some time hence GDs were never really much of a problem for me. In fact I spoke a lot of relevant points during my GDs.The topic of GD for my group was ‘Which is Better: Public services or Private Services.’ Some of the topics that were allotted to other groups were on issues like the Lokpal Bill and the FDI.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Interview:There was a single interview round. An imporant part of the interview was that we had to walk them through our resume. The questions asked here were mainly HR questions and questions based on small case studies. The general HR questions asked to me were the very common ones mentioned above.The interviewer was a graduate from IIT MUMBAI in mechanical engineering. He asked me some basic questions and told me exactly how Flipkart operates. He asked me to talk about myself. Then he inquired about my 3rd year internship. I told him about the kind of work I did in my internship. Lastly he asked me that if offered posting in Bangalore or further south which would I prefer. To this I replied saying that I would prefer a posting somewhere in north India. I believe that this is the primary reason why I squandered my chances of getting recruited in the company.The company eventually recruited Some candidates amongst us grin emotico  I Was one of themThey were looking for people who knew completely about themselves and their values and ethics. So one should prepare accordingly. They asked me situation based question like how will you handle your boss who is arrogant and some other situations.
Tips: Prepare for CAT for the first round even when you don’t want to appear for it and for GD make sure you are confident and steer the group to conclusion. And finally for the interview just be calm and confident.

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Resume and Criteria ::I had a standard resume for this company as per our institute placement cell norms.
The first shortlist was done on the basis of resumes and the “minimum CGPA” criteria to apply for the company was 6.00 .Nestle required all its candidates to fill a form. It consisted of some HR type questions. Some of the questions were-Mention your strengths/weaknesses.
What are your career goals?
Give one instance where you demonstrated leadership skills.
Give one instance where you failed.The short listing for the next round was based on the CGPA. Almost all the students with CGPA greater than 6.5 or 7 were shortlisted . Resume is a very important part of the selection process. Apart from the standard academic qualifications, it is important to mention the extracurricular activities as well. I picked up 5 such activities which I believed were important and significant and put them in my resume.
When you are mentioning any activity in your resume, make sure that you give a brief idea about what your role was in that particular activity. For example, if you were a part of some organisation and worked on the project, give a description (in not more than 1 or 2 lines) about what the organisation does and what was your contribution to it.Make sure that the resume isn’t too long. Darah naaah Nehi uunko .According to me it should be a maximum of one and a half page. I had the same resume for all the companies I applied to.
Tips: Most of the information regarding the company was obtained by attending the Pre Placement Talk. It is better to know about the products of Nestle that one uses in their homes. They also like to know what all idea you have about the work that they are offering. They also lay emphasis on family values

Round: Test
Experience: For Nestle – There was no written test for this company.Tough for Preparation for the written tests ,For aptitude based written tests of other companies I had been preparing for CAT and that (or any other MBA entrance exam) are sufficient for all aptitude based written tests .

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Group Discussion:For Nestle ::::The next round in the selection process was a group discussion round. The topic given to my group was “3 Idiots”. During the discussion, the group members talked about the relevance of “3 idiots” in real life, high stress faced by students in engineering college , why are people inclined towards pursuing a career in engineering etc. Some other group was given the topic “Is expenditure on Formula 1 in India justified?” The topics were not arbitrary unlike those in some other companies and were based on current affairs. For another group The topic of the G.D. was ‘Economy of India, the problems in the economy and the solutions to them.’ Some of the other topics that were allotted to other groups were ‘F.D.I. in education’ and ‘M.S. or M.Tech’. They judged the candidate on various aspects. Candidates who were very talkative or the ones who did not speak much, got rejected.Each group had 10-12 students. Almost 60% students got shortlisted from each group. Even in the group activity, the short listing was pretty much influenced by the candidate’s CGPA. Generally, candidates with low CGPA were not shortlisted for the next round.
Tips: I didn’t prepare much for the Group activities except for a couple of mock Group Discussions with a few friends. If someone wants to prepare for GDs seriously, then mock discussions on any randomly selected topic with 4 to 5 friends, is the best way to do it.Reading Newspaper would help. The topics were mainly related to current affairs. Also the students who stick to the topic and discuss the core issues have a better chance of clearing the GD round

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interview (HR and technical, 30 minutes). Some of the questions asked were:What did you have for lunch? (Ice breaking question)This question is not a part of their judgment. It’s just a type of ice breaker, an initiative of HR people to make you comfortable with the atmosphere. Be happy, carry a smile and its obvious to be nervous but don’t panic. Interact with them, don’t answer this question in a couple of words yet please don’t give all the ingredients of your diet. Utilize this question to loosen up a bit.Tell me about yourself and your family (emphasis was on family)Nestle is a company that looks into values and ethics with deep consideration. Frame your answer with less emphasis on you and more on your family. Try introducing them to your family ethics, moral teachings, their role in your life etc. Be honest and don’t exaggerate.And now Comes the main Drill ::
Also they often ask questions like “Why don’t you go for MBA?” or “Why don’t you go for MS?” So every candidate should prepare answers to these questionsTechnical interview: All questions were based on my resume. It is strictly advisable to be thorough with your resume and be prepared for practical questions related to your projects. Some of the technical questions asked were:Explain your project during the internship with ITC (emphasis on result)
2nd year internship project: Cooling towers
What type of cooling tower would be advisable for a humid area? I explained them my reasons for the choice that I’ll make using proper psychrometric chart. My answer was not completely correct but they were happy with the level of detail to which I was able to think about at that moment.
What is design speed of a turbine? I was not at all confident with the answer. I was framing my answer by judging the reaction of the interviewer. He was also helping me to explain what I was thinking.
What will happen to the power being produced if wind speed increases? I said it would increase but they didn’t agree with it and said that gears will be present to modulate the speed of generator accordingly. So I twisted a little suggesting that I didn’t included gears into my consideration and I was emphasizing on the energy limits that can be captured by the turbine. Show some presence of mind. It would be of real help.
Really Important one and asked abruptly: How was your CAT exam? I didn’t appear for it but if you do, try and decline it politely.
What sort of work you are looking for?

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Finally ::
The HR (Human Resource) questions were the ones that I feel I could not suitably reply to. They were looking for people who were very clear in their ideas. They also laid emphasis on family values. So when the results were announced i couldn't believe that i was one of them grin emoticon grin emoticon grin emoticon grin emoticon .
Tips: Tips :
Be confident and don't put anything shit in you resume . Be 100% sure about everything that you are going to spill out ....

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written Test:The first round was the written test. There were 8 theoretical questions asked in the paper. The questions were either in the form of puzzles or probability based questions. The first three questions in the paper were compulsory questions and needed to be answered correctly for the rest of your paper to be evaluated; if a particular candidate answered any one of these questions incorrectly then he was rejected then and there. Apart from these 3 questions solving 2 more questions would have assured a candidate’s chance of getting selected for the next round. The duration of the test was of around 40 minutes.
For the written test nearly 200 people appeared out of which 30-40 were shortlisted for the interviews.
Tips: I am extending the helping hand to all my Juniors Hope the present 4rth years[passing out this year] will also do the same and participate in a better and bigger cause.I consulted my seniors for preparation of my resume. I believe that seniors provide the best provide you with the best possible insights in this regards.

Experience: Interview:
The second round were the personal interview rounds. Before the interview we were handed over a form wherein we were asked to fill in our preference of profile. I filled in both as my preferred profile.1st PI :::
It was a interview round. This round had no definite pattern. Some candidates were asked puzzles and estimation questions (like estimate number of street lamps in your college). Some candidates were asked HR questions based on their resume. For some candidates interview was a mixture of puzzles , estimation questions and HR questions.Interview duration was about 20 minutes.
My questions were ::There are 3 couples (each couple consists of a man and a woman: husband and wife pair) who want to cross a particular river with only one boat available for the voyage. At a time the boat can carry a maximum of 2 people and a woman cannot stay in presence of other male in absence of her husband. All three couples want to cross the river, what are the ways in which this could be done?
There are 2 ropes which burn in 60 minutes. How to measure 45 minutes without cutting any of the ropes?
In the coding questions the interviewers did not ask me to write down the complete codes of the problems, they only asked me to suggest some suitable algorithms. In one of the questions they gave me a binary number and asked me to write down the algorithm to calculate the number of one’s in the binary number.[remember all these cause i have my personal blog . P.S. will let u all know later]2nd PI :::It was also a interview round. In this round candidates were asked some puzzles which you can find in book "How would you move mount Fuji". Candidates were also asked to explain about their summer training project. Major part of interview consisted on questions based on resume and HR questions like Why Snapdeal, Where do you see yourself in next five years, What is your dream job, what is your ultimate goal in life, What is your passion etc. For software profile some technical questions were also asked. Interview duration was about 45 minutes.In second round of interview I was asked some hardcore programming questions on data structures since I wrote it as my area of interest. Some of the questions asked were:What are tree traversals?
What is pre-order and post-order?
If you have an array of ‘n+m’ elements and have these ‘n’ elements separately and you have to transfer these n elements in the n+m element slot which already contains the m elements. The transfer has to be done in such a way that all the m+n elements are sorted.
I was asked some puzzles as well. For instance in one of the puzzles, I was given a square consisting of 9 dots on its periphery; I was asked to join those 9 dots using 4 lines without lifting the pencil.
Tips: Final : we had to wait long before the apple fell on us uups just like Isaac Newton .. I got Selected along with some of my mates . smile emoticon smile emoticon . Hope u people also do well in your future . Best of Luck

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: WRITTEN TESTTotal Duration : 1 hour
Total 3 sections ::First section is COMPULSORY for both Electronics and Computer Science students.
Second Section is of Software.
Third is of Hardware.I M P O R T A N T :: ONLY ONE SECTION AMONG 2nd OR 3rd need to be answered like for you, you will give the answers of Section 2.30 questions in each section :::There was no bound of time for a particular section. You can
devote any amount of time to any section but max. limit is 1 hr for
the whole paper.1. All basics they asked me
2. Binary sort explain line by line
3. Insertion sort how does it differ from binary sort explain line by line (they provide rough sheets)
4. OSI layers and functions
5. Microcroprocessors
6. Tress, program on insertion of node in single linked list
7. Pre order, inorder, post order explain with examples
8. Sliding window protocol explain
9. Write the of a C program for printing numbers into words such as 123 (one hundred and twenty three)
10. About my project fully explained and its applications and some qs on that
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I am giving you the interview questions, what they want to know from those questions, what are ideal answers. I GAVE 15 COMPANIES AND CLEARED 11 APTITUDE EXAMS, 4 G.D., FACING 9 TIMES INTERVIEWER.AT LAST "CiScO" WAS THERE FOR ME.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Sir: Tell me something about you which is not written here in your resume?
ME: I was 1st in district in scholarship exam in 7th, 11th in state in exam.Ideal: Just tell anything which will impress them (may be false) but with confidence. (they don't know anything about you in campus placement they don't see your file also) as I was class representative. (if you ware part of any event say "i was head of that event" but if you are so confident then only)THEIR AIM:- To know about any new quality which will differenciate from other candiates and force them to take you in company.Sir: Where will you see after 2 years ? or what are your future plan?
ME: I am going to give GRE.(For first interview)Ideal: I want to be Project Manager OR Team Leader.
THEIR AIM:- How much long you will remain in company (they will take candidate with long time company employer)(#* SO DON'T SAY GRE, CAT, GET etc.*# )(REMEMBER)Sir: What is your weakness?
ME: I get fustrated very easily.Ideal: I push my teammates to do work fast. but i got to know that everyones speed is different so i give work to them accordingly.THEIR AIM:- To get know about your weakness is it really harmful to company, but we should represent them as those are our strong points. end with but and tell what you r doing about recovering from weakenessSir: Why should we hire you?
ME: I'm brilliant, hardworking.Ideal: I am good organiser (as I mentioned write in resume fake achievement as head of gaming comity in college event. it shows your organisational quality which company wants.) i like to make friends where ever i go (this shows your ability to mix up with team) i was class representative in last year (this shows your leadership quality)THEIR AIM:- GOOD LEADER, GOOD TEAMMATESir: Do you have any questions?
ME: How your company is growing so fast?Ideal: Same (this question give honour to them. they will get happy.)Sir: Why do you want to get in this company.
ME: This is my dream company. I think i can grow with your company much faster.Ideal: SAME (THIS WILL BOOST YOUR IMAGE)Sir: What do you expect from company?
ME: Friendly and challenging environment.Ideal: SAME..

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD: Just starting each time or summarising is not sufficient. try for best.1. Just speak twice but such that none will talk at that time. i.e. everyone will listen you.2. Just keep on shaking your head to show your listening and agree with him. so at your time he will certainly listen you.3. If everyone try to speak making fish market then just keep on speaking "friends please calm down, it's getting fish market. try to speak one at a time. plz friends plz"4. If someone wants to talk but not getting chance then raise your voice n say "plz, one of our friend also want to share something"n then point your hand towards him (not finger)5. Try for start and summarise (yes for both) if not possible them minimum secondly.I really used this at last n got placed on same day. I edited my resume n entered like "Completed Basic Course of Art Of Living (this was fake), Certified course of discover yourself (i had certificate)" and i was asked about that only in interview and got selected in CisCo....BEST OF LUCK (with confidence)

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written Test:Useful Tip: For caterpillar have in depth knowledge of almost all major topics of mechanical.
The first round was the written test. The paper consisted of questions from general aptitude, technical ability and verbal ability. The paper was slightly lengthy and required a bit more stress on speed while maintaining the accuracy. The verbal ability part was easy; if a person had prepared for CAT (MBA entrance test for IIM’s) then he would not have found the paper difficult. The difficulty level of general aptitude questions was at par with the verbal ability questions.The technical questions were however slightly more difficult as compared to the other two. To answer these questions required a fair amount of knowledge on topics like ‘General Mechanics’, ‘Fluid Mechanics’, ‘Machining’ and ‘Solid Mechanics’. Some questions from ‘Thermodynamics’ were also asked. The total duration of the test was 90 minutes and the number of questions was 60. The test only had objective questions.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Group Discussion:
Useful Tip: Stick to the topic and quote facts if possible. Don’t deviate from the topic and be a part of the group.
The second round was the Group Discussion (GD) round. Each group consisted of 6 members – hence the GD was quite peaceful and everyone got a fair chance to speak. The topic was related to the regular oil price hike in India and “Should the Government give a bailout to Kingfisher Airline". There were 3 representatives of the company who were moderating the GD. Two people got selected from my group
Tips: Any Specific Preparation:Be prepared for long waits during the GD – sometimes one can get very anxious and lose focus during this time. For written test you need to study each Mechanical Engineering topic.Have complete in-depth knowledge of some of your topics of interest. Fate ::I din't get selected. But i sincerely hope my submission helps ..

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Interview:The next round was the personal interview round. I had my interview the very next morning. The very first question the interviewers asked was related to me as person – my schooling, my family background and my four years of college life. The interviewer then did a review of my resume and picked some points and then questioned me on that. He also asked me about my areas of interest. I told them that I had cultivated a lot of interest in ‘Machine Design’. I showed them some pictures of a mechanical event that I had participated in, which quite impressed them.I was then asked to design the chair that I was sitting on considering all the different design aspects. I designed the chair by doing the load analysis and by carrying out some other important tests. However one important aspect that I did not account for was the safety of the design, which I realized after the interview. Another mistake that I think I committed was that I did not use the technical terms related to designing. I felt they were looking out for those important technical terms.I was then asked that if I had a choice of using wood, steel and plastic which of those materials would I use to make the chair. I basically had to give the preference order. I replied stating that plastic would be my first choice since it is cheap and most people can afford it, then steel because the fabrication process was less tedious in case of steel and placed wood last. They then cross questioned me that if I considered wood to be least preferred material for designing the chair, then why furniture is being manufactured from wood. I could not give them a suitable answer.

General Tips: I had mentioned my extra-curricular activities in my resume in a detailed and organised manner (all listed in a chronological order). Most of these were techno-managerial activities (organizational responsibilities in my tech fest). I had participated in many events which added a new dimension to me resume.I had done a project and a couple of internships during my four years of study – I mentioned the details of these in my resume. Although the resume that we submitted was in a standard format as per the norms of our placement cell, I referred to a website of Princeton University to prepare my resume. It’s a very good website and hugely referred by students for preparing their resume. I also got some valuable insights from my seniors for building my resume.I laid stress on my achievements related to the technical field, because I wanted to land a job in my core field of study.Caterpillar is one of the dream company for students of Mechanical Engineering. It is a multinational firm into design and manufacturing of heavy machinery and earth moving equipment.
College Name: BIT MESRA
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