Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi

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Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi Placement Interview Questions

Updated 1 Jan 2025

151 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Round 1 - written...easy aptitude questions..little bit tricky...many printing mistakes...calculator allowed...
cut off - as from sources...- 50 %

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Round 2 - direct interview...very nice interviewer(he was an civil engineer)...cooperative..(used tablet to ask questions..)...simple technical questions..just the basics..
mine were - types of concrete..
why we do plastering of walls...
types of foundations....
then some hr type questions..
do u easily mingle with your friends..
plan for future..
project related question..I answered all technical questions wrong..said don't mingle so fast..planning to complete ES..others i don't remember..was not hoping at all to get placed...but today got placed...
with 4 others from civil...all were the top ranker from the nutshell from my experience - for getting job in core companies of the ranker in your batch as they generally select in order from top....keep a bit technical knowledge...bhaskar suman

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Round 1:Online Test(Duration:2.30 Hr)
There were 5 sections of different time duration and no. of questions.
Section 1:English n comprehension
Section 2:Mathematical Aptitude
Section 3:General Aptitude
Section 4:Personality Test
Section 5:Technical
For section 1, i had not done any preparation, but did good.
For sections 2 n 3, Aptitude book by R.S. Agarwal was helpful n sufficient.
For section 4, it was simply decision test needs no practice.
For section 5, technical wd basics like DC M/c,Induction M/c, Resistance, Conductivity etc., having more theoretical n almost no calculations. Not so difficult.
Based on test, around 67 were selected for GD out of around 180 students(EEE n ECE only).
Duration: 150 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Round 2
GD: Different groups consisting of around 12 to 14 students with topics which is not related to ny person or locality.Dy were from general concern like "Tiger Killing","Bann of Alcohol","India in 2020"...
15 students selected consisting of 9 BITP(EEE n ECE) and 6 NITP.

Round: Technical Interview
PI: Interview was on next day in NITP campus from 8 a.m. morning.
As i was in last group in GD, so interviewed at last around 5 p.m. evening.
Tired and afraid.
I entered the interview room wid dr permission. Dy asked me whether i am tired, i told no, they were surprised and said that are they tired,,,,i replied may be.....both of them laughed.
Both were from Tata motorsJamshedpur(Ashish:HR Manager and Amitabh:AGM Electronics).
Then dy asked me to get relax and sit properly on chair, offered me biscuits and water, asked if i had food, i said no(true as it was off no dhabas in NITP)...
Den they told that i m d last person to be interviewed, what did candidates coming out of this room feeling or sharing. I told that persons coming out were not happy as u r asking only technical and not about projects n training. They laughed and gave me freedom to say what to ask.Started with NASA project,,,elaborated nicely and gave full answers to their questions, i gave them files related to that project n my contribution.
Den HR suddenly asked that "leave all this,,say how was Florida?"....i explained with joy..tongue emoticon
Den training in NTPC....questions and file i had prepared for that also.
Finally technical questions and i answered what i know,,rest said tHAT i don't remember.All was going well.
He also asked about my marks but smiled as i smiled after seeing my rank 1 in CV.
Finally, asked about home, father, mother n all..
In between, offered biscuits multiple times...wink emoticonAt last, he asked me to ask question if any
Tips: Suggestion: 1) Practice less for aptitude in core companies.
2) Go in deep for technical as interview gonna be too technical.
3) Do prepare file in hard copy for each n every project or training with matter u know properly.
4) In GD, always try to speak during start,,otherwise,,further,it becomes a argumentation fight..
5)In PI, always smile with optimum confidence and reply in positive sense. Try to speak more in part u know more.

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Round1: written test (1 hr): ONLY ENGLISH & APTITUDE 
Questions were too simple & familiar..calculator was allowed
Eight candidates were shortlisted for PI

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: ROUND2:
PI- It was for half an hour or so . Panel consisted of single member .Initially traditional questions like intro,family background,trivial idea about your native place....were asked. These questions, although quite easy but the hold key to yours 1st impression so be prepared what u wanna say.I was asked to discuss my summer training at NTPC , I did d same for eight minutes or so .(Do make sure to present it in proficient & rhetoric way, its of profound significance).

Technical questions mentioned above wer asked
Tips: some simple questions from electrical measurement was also there.
Finally I was asked whether I amm comfortable working far away from home or not & d process was over.Final verdict :: I was selected

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Round 1: GSAT (global samsung aptitude test)...consisting of arnd 50-60 ques mainly from DI and Logical Reasoning..wid negative marking..paper is bit lengthy so u need 2 b really quick in dis...Immediately after GSAT, we had our technical written test..consisting of around 20 ques from C,DS n OS...again dis also had negative marking...paper was easy bt d options were so close dat one generally gets confuse b/w 2 get clear with your basic concepts...specially in areas like pointers and memory management...Thereafter, combined results of both these tests were declared...cutoff 4 GSAT was 75% and 4 technical it was 60%...students clearing cutoff 4 both d rounds were being called 4 interviews ...out of around 200 students...only 18 were able 2 clear dis cutoff

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Round 2: 1st Technical interview..Know your cv well....don't write things in cv u don't know...they ask each n everything that is written in your it your it the workshops u attended..
it was followed by some basic ques from c,ds,os,networking,java....but if u are from ece or eee..den they might even ask u ques from subjects like microprocessor..embedded systems..etc...This was also d kind of elimination round.Round 3 : 2nd Technical interview..Students Clearing d 1st technical interview, moved on 4 d 2nd was taken by there technical manager... dis round was all about coding...they checked how fast n efficiently u can code...

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Round 4 : HR interview..
Dis round was d last n final round but was just d formality...almost every student who got through the technical interviews ,eventually gt selected in dis round 2.....normal ques like "why should we select u"..."what do u know about samsung"..."why do u want 2 join dis company"...etc..etc...were being asked..Result: 9 students were selected out of which 2 were 4rm BIT P..All d best.. smile emoticon

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: No. OF ROUNDS : 4 (all 4 rounds were elimination rounds)
1st round: WRITTEN TEST (1hour): APTITUDE AND TECHNICAL ,technical questions were from MANUFACTURING PROCESS, FLUID MECHANICS,SOM,BASIC THERMODYNAMICS,I.C ENGINE, etc quite good and simple. APTI QUESTIONS were simple.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 2nd round: INTERVIEW (HR + TECHNICAL) TIME 30-35 minutes : be ready for any sort of questions to be asked,whether it is politics,economics,democratic,current affairs,general knowledge,technical and most important have full knowledge and info. about ur project and ur training. Each and everything u write in ur RESUME will be asked about. even ur school's history (i.e who was its founder,in my case they asked about my school's founder etc) ,Dont write anything unnecessary just to gain attraction,there is no harm in presenting a simple resume.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: 3rd and round : GD round (remember one of the 4 HRs' will be recording your whole GD session on a camera,and one of them will be sittin behind you to notice and examine your Body language and confidence) coming to the GD round ,we had two GD sessions ,it consisted of topics on current affairs and your personal views,In our case,first topic was DOES INDIA HAS GUD EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS TO CARRY R&D IN FIELD OF SCIENCE AND TECH. OR NOT, time given for the session was 600 secs,
2nd topic was given just after a break of 30 secs ,second topic was SHOULD CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BE ABOLISHED IN INDIA,(time was 600 secs)

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 4th Round : it was an HR interview ( TIME 15-20 MINS), they will ask everything that then can and wish to ask ,like how can u help my company,what willl you do there ,how can u judge people,etc etc and a few basic technical questions.most importantly they will ask those things that they forgot to ask in the first round interview and any question which u answered wrong or weren't able to answer. so prepare well for it.
RESULT : 3 students were selected out of which 1 from patna 1 from mesra and 1 from deogarh.LUCKILY I WAS THE ONE SELECTED FROM PATNABEST OF LUCK

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Round 1: 
Written objective test consisting of questions on quant,english and c/data structures, held at our campus. Cut off was high. Around 130 students appeared, including students from deoghar campus, 22 made it to the next round.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Round 2:technical interview. tell me about yourself, why do you want to join Verizon, etc. He asked me questions related to stuff written on my resume, like explain your project, some technical questions related to languages, etc.
Tips: My GPA was just above 7, so he asked why was it so less. I said its not that less, 7 is distinction grade in our college..tongue emoticon, and my marks in Core CS subjects are good.
In the end he asked me whether i had any questions and i asked him about work location preference, hyderabad over chennai, and then he gave me a 20 min lecture on how beautiful a city chennai is, the beaches, nightlife, etc, nothing that made sense to me. Luckily for us we got hyderabad.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: final round
hr interview. Asked basic questions, where you from, family, hobbies, etc. He asked me what notorious activities i had done in my life. He asked me to explain the story of the last book which i read, and then he asked some questions pertaining to it, and we ended up having a discussion on Hindu mythology.Finally 12 students got selected.Points to recollect:
Prepare well for the written rounds, and then in the interviews answer questions confidently.

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Round 1:written test(2 hr. dur.): quant, d.i., l.r.,english & questions from c
1st round was quite simple and out of 500 some students, 60% got thru this round.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Round 2: Technical interview
the interviewer asked questions from c,c++ & networking , my int. extended over an hr.(1 hr. 15 min.)
Tips: TIP : "In Aricent, if ur int. is extending over 45 min. ,plzz.. do not answer all the questions"the same advice was given to me by my seniors ,but, i gnored n thus, paid d price(interviewer said "u seem a bit over-qual. for this job),so ,my result was out at that very moment

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Round 3:G.D.not an elimination round,and was just a formality, the gal that was takin our gd was busy playing wid her nail paintthen

Round: HR Interview
Experience: H.R. interview took place and all those who went for h.r. int. were selected as it was just a formality.

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: online aptitude(organized by cocubes)-sectional cutoff comprising english,reosoning,analytical and maths.
reosoning consisted some logics from c,datastructure also
75 min 75 questions.....u should be fast but remain calm as no negative marks were there.just go through R.S AGARWAL for aptitude(its enough).2.immediately followed the essay writting-15 min was given ..
our topic was-"women empowerment"
* no need to write too lengthy..give more emphasis on facts and data as more as possible
* dont write unnessessary things ,as they ask u from the essay in the interview.out of around 175, 46 cleared for the next round

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: then was the personal interview(mine was around 15-20 min) here were two panels ,each consisting of one HR and one TECHNICAL interviewer

Round: HR Interview
Experience: First the HR ineracted...
-just be cool and calm with a smile on ur face as it really helps..the HR became friendly with me
(he asked for my preferable location of work..(i said i m comfortable to work anywhere))
-be confident with what u have written in ur CV
-be prepared for questions from ur hobby,ur family background,etc
-he asked me about my strengths and prepare some lists smile emoticonthen the technical took the turn...
-he first asked about my favourite subject from my field(i said s/w engineering,C and java).
-he asked me pointers(pointers to functions,pointers to array),some recursive c programs,storage
classes and questions from my project
(he didnt askd anything from java,i still wonder why?)then again, the HR came over the essay...(i was just smiling as he was going through my essay),he
smiled too and asked to brief the essay..(i just murmured what i had written) and then he said :
*u have any question? -me: no sir
*okay u may leave- me:okay thank u sir,nice to meet u both..
smile emoticon.
Tips: Final result:17 were selected(4 from patna)...i was also thereSO JUST BE CONFIDENT AND GOOD LUCK....

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: We just had to clear 2 rounds.
Tips: Round 1 ::The first round consisted of the written exam which tested our aptitude-English,Geometrical questions,LR,etc(& no technical questions wink emoticon )

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Round 2 ::In the interview,I told them about myself,my hobbies,my achievements,my aim in life.2 or 3 technical questions were asked plus few questions related to my friend's final yr project who faced the interview just before me frown emoticon .
Tips: P.S ::Don't forget to ask questions from the interviewer if you're given a chance.

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: I was selected in cummins because it was good day for me & the Interviewer was totally my type & it wasn't because I was better then others, there were many better then me,and plz note that cgpa doesn't matter only knowledge matters.
if anybody have doubts regarding placement then ask,because This year I am on the other side of desk,Taking placements....BEST OF LUCK

College Name: BITS MESRA
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