Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi

What if you can't knock at your Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi Placement Interview Questions

Updated 1 Jan 2025

151 interviews found

I was interviewed before Jan 2016.

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Top 30 people from civil engineering branch were selected for the aptitude round, which consisted of 40 questions of aptitude/maths and 40 questions of english to be answered in 1 hour.
Tips: Since I'm quite fluent in English, I dedicated 45 mins in maths and 15 minutes in English. Be sure to clear sectional cutoffs and not being stuck in a single section (this is a very vital point to be taken care of). Questions were easy and anyone preparing for CAT or even referring to India bix, the test will be a cake-walk.
Duration: 1 hour

Round: Technical + HR Interview
Experience: The questions were quite basic. The HR round consisted of the interviewer pouncing question after question about my hobby (quizzing), I guess more questions of general knowledge asked than technical questions. He asked if I was ready to relocate anywhere in India or not?
Tips: Just keep confidence, If you have certificates (specially of sporting events) do bring them along. Have a high CGPA, because L&T usually hires toppers. (I wasn't one of them though)

College Name: BIT Mesra
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions were from Digital Electronics,Microprocessors and some from CMOS.
50% Digital Electronics.
1 X Output waveform drawing from circuit of FFs & gates
1 X Realize inverter from given two blocks
1 X CMOS implementation of gates
1 X Realize digital circuit for given waveform
1 X MIPS & Pipelining
1 X Processors power Dissipation calculation
1 X Small Signal analysis of CMOS
1 X Compare two given buffers circuits(CMOS)
1 X Transfer function calculation(Control Theory)
1 X Counter using JK FF
1 X Sequence Detector

Tips: Study digital electronics very well.

Duration: 1 hr 45 min minute
Total Questions: 12

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Indroduction
Projects & Internship
Discussions in DEPTH on:
Memory(flash memory,DRAM,SRAM)
CACHE Memory
Digital circuit realization for given waveform
XOR Gate using 2:1 MUX
Tips: Prepare Digital electronics and Microprocessors very well.Sta is very important.Panel will go deep into the topics to check ur technical knowledge.
TIPS: Be confident and your opinion should be strong.Stand by what you say.Do not get confused.And when panel asks to solve any digital circuits, speak loud what is in your mind and what approach you are using.Be honest.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Family Background
Why Freescale

Skills: Static Timing Analysis (STA), Memory, CMOS Circuits, Microprocessor, Digital Circuits
College Name: BIT Mesra
Motivation: I had interest in core electronics
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions were from digital Electronics which included realization of counters using JK FF,Sequence detector,Boolean expression reduction,One shot and drawing waveforms of some digital circuits.Questions were also their from pipelinig,finding out MIPS,power consumption of two processors,Small signal analysis of MOSFETs,Buffer using CMOS ,finding out the type of filter given block diagram(control theory).Questions were easy and required step by step realization.
Tips: Prepare digital Electronics very well as it has 50% weightage in paper. Pipelinig is important. Some basics concepts of CMOS is very necessary.
Duration: 1hr 15 min minute
Total Questions: 12

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: First they asked to introduce yourself.
Then they asked about projects & Internship.
STA,EEPROM,EPROM,DRAM,SRAM,CACHE Memory,Pipelining,DMA was asked in depth.
Difference between clock skew and Jitter.
Asked whether I know any Hardware Languages.
XOR gate using 2:1 MUX.
Gave a waveform,had to realize using DFF and considering the delay.
Tips: Study STA very well.
Questions will be asked in depth from any topic.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Family Background

Skill Tips: Study Digital Electronics very well
Skills: Analog Electronics, Microprocessor, Vlsi Basics, Digital Circuits
College Name: BIT Mesra
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I applied via Campus Placement

7 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume and marks basis
Experience: Your resume should be such, that it should reflect all your qualities.
Tips: You should be very good in academics ,like in top 10 in your branch.

Round: Test
Experience: Questions are good and they especially focus on hydraulics as well as manufacturing processes as all machines are based on hydraulics.
Tips: Basics of hydraulics and manufacturing processes should be crystal clear.
Duration: 120 minutes
Total Questions: 80

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: You should try to start or conclude the GD.
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR people are nice , they check your communication skill as well as your point of view.
They basically take a psychometric test.
Tips: You should stick to your answers.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Its very rigorous process, of more than 45 minutes where they test everything, your knowledge, practical approach, mental strength and stress bearing capability.

General Tips: Be regular and attentive in your class , try to get good marks by gaining knowledge not just by completing the courses
College Name: BIT Mesra
Motivation: 1. Very good salary
2. Market leader in India
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user image Neha kumari

posted on 12 Oct 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: clearly cgpa based (>6.5). Around 900 students were shortlisted.

Round: Test
Experience: aptitude questions were quite easy and a person with average qaunt skills can easily make through. there was a question to be answered in a paragraph form to judge your english proficiency. around 450 students made it to the next round.
Tips: follow R.S. Agarwal for aptitude part and rest is an application of little bit of common sense.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: technical round is not tough to crack if you are clear with your basics. this round also comprises HR questions. The questions depend on your branch and CV.
Tips: stay calm and confident. be thorough with your resume. do not leave any loopholes. focus on your strengths during the interview. they mainly look for a confident person with good communication skills. you may clearly say a no if you are not well versed with a topic but do not beat around the bush.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: there were also some absurd questions like do you know cooking & driving etc. but that made me all the more comfortable. the interview was very light and seemed like a casual conversation. the interviewer also shared her experiences and was very jovial. made me read and sign a document which concluded my interview.
Tips: if you have cleared the tech round..more than half the job is done unless you dun make some major blunder here. just maintain a smile and answer all questions honestly. you will surely make it. I was informed regarding my selection a week later. good luck to the future aspirants.

Skills: Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, Aptitude, 1)communication
College Name: BIT Mesra
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student Interview Questions

user image sameer kumar

posted on 12 Oct 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Have a neat, tidy and specific to point resume. A short resume explaining everything about you & your works & experience is more than enough. Be confident about every point in you resume.
Tips: Writing a resume is like exercising. You may not look forward to it, but you feel better once it’s done. And like the results of a good workout, a well-presented resume can help you.
Title and Objective - A strong, descriptive resume title will help you stand out in a sea of resumes.
Look and Feel, Style and Grammar , length should b kept in mind also.

Round: Test
Experience: start from your best section in which you have confidence or is easy to score in less time.
don't tangle up for a long in a question.

Tips: you have to decide quick over a look, to which question need to be attempted in less time.

College Name: BIT Mesra
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Coding Interview Questions

user image Rohit Chakraborty

posted on 5 Oct 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Consisted of different sections pertaining to various topics-basic mathematical aptitude,english skills,coding skills(hardcore c,concept of pointers and basics of trees).
Tips: Keep your aptitude up to the mark,time management most important,for non-circuital branches just brush up your C skills and try to ace the aptitude and english sections.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Gave answers to most of them.The interviewer was quite satisfied.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: This is point where I screwed up. I was exhausted very much and I also had ZS associates aptitude round hence I was not in a mood to talk to anyone.I was quite unprepared and gave quite amateur answers.For all non-circuital branch students expect the inevitable question.There were only 2 students from non-circuital branches and only one was selected.You have to show desperation.Period!Tell them this your only shot to get a coding profile being from a non-circuital and that you'll not be eligible for any more coding profile companies.I didn't do the above and the interviewer thought I was really interested in core(which I was not).Also ask some questions in the end.I didn't so ultimately of 13 students shortlisted for HR round 12 was selected and I was left out.Best of luck guys,OFSS is an awesome company!

College Name: BIT Mesra
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Interview Questions

user image anil kumar

posted on 24 Aug 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude test was conducted by Aspiring Minds.It had 3 sections: English,Reasoning and Quants.The tough part is that you cannot go back to a question later.You have to answer it in order to move on to the next question.Each section has a separate time limit.The level of questions is not very high but some of the reasoning and english questions were lengthy.For quants also level was pretty easy but speed mattered.
The next round was a written round where we basically had to write an essay.It was quite easy.

Tips: Try learning vocabulary from Arun Sharma's Verbal Ability book.
Duration: 120 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Then came the technical interview round.Several questions were asked related to my projects and academics.I was also asked 2 puzzles.A good resume was very essential in this round.
For some people a HR round followed the technical round but I was selected directly after the Technical round.HR round was not really an elimination round.It was more of a formality for my friends also,
Tips: Try to eliminnate unnecessary details from the resume.Do not include projects or skills which you are not confident about.
Practice solving puzzles.

Skills: c, java, analytical thinking, english,
College Name: BIT Mesra
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Round1-written test ( 1hr)
It had two sections comprising of 80 questions
Technical section-it had 50 questions
Apti-30 questions
Technical section was quite easy and speed was chief concern. Questions were nicely blended from almost all technical topics,however basic electricals,power systems,machines & electrical measurement had substantial share.
Aptitude was too simple ,u can opt for R S Aggrawal

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Round2
GD- 10 candidates were shortlisted
TOPIC- Who should be INDIA's next cricket captain..
Being a Cricket geek I had sound idea about VIRAT KOHLI so I went 4 him.
Eight candidates managed to sneak dis filter. we were given a form having HR questions attachment.
What is yor strength? Why shud we select you? who is yor role mdel ? why do u wanna join us?....
Be careful in answering these questions, de do critical scrutiny of yor response. A guy who wrote " I'm cool was duly interrogated ". So better avoid these sort of answers & be fully DIPLOMATC

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Round3-PI- It lasted 4 about 35 minutes or so . It had 2 members panel...thank god only one gentleman was handling d question armoury.
Initially traditional questions like intro,family background,trivial idea abt yor native place....were asked. These questions, although quite easy but de hold key to yors 1st impression so be prepared wat u wanna say.
Technical questions:
Define power factor?(it is degree of match between given load & purely resistive load, keep it in yor mind & plz don't say it is angle between V & I , thats too crude idea 4 an electrical engineer)
Methods of power factor correction? Simple phasor based questions.
wat is Ferranti Effect ? Draw its model? Derive its expression? How to curb it?
wat is the difference between isolator & circuit breaker?(I was asked d same question in L & T as well)
As per u wat is d biggest advantage of 3 phase system? Justify d same?
Show by phasor dat 3 phase system produces rotating magnetic field.
Working principle of 3 phase IM, single phase IM,types of IM, what is hunting & how it can be avoided?..
wat voltage level is employed 4 traction system in india (25 kv AC).
give a brief overview of traction system?
What purpose is served by d railway track ..i mean electrical one.(it serves as return wire)
In what case current will leak to the track.(I had no idea....."sir dis paper has been included in dis very semester & i'm not aware of its inner intricacies " dis was all wat i said..)

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: HR threw a subtle smile , shook hand & my interview was concluded..

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Jun 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Day -1
Round I - Written test of logic and reasoning.The question set was at-least 10-15 yrs old as the pages were yellow.Secret test 53/54(don't remember the exact line) was written on it.
easy questions.practice or no practice you will do well in it.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Round II - PICTURE PERCEPTION TEST along with GD..the most important round to get selected for further round.A blurred picture (again looked as if the same picture has been used from decades)will be have to perceive the image scenario, try to recognize the characters and write a short story (3 min - 180 words minimum). The picture will be really blurred.This will be followed by a GD where you have to narrate your story and reach on a common story for your group.
Try practicing some picture test from ssb selection books. They are very helpful as air force just want something heroic deed,helpful scenario to be perceived. Practice as much as you can.
In Gd try to start the GD and if not try to make the conclusive story.And most importantly address to your group as if only your group is present not the test personals.
Results of day first or elimination announced same day at about 1300 hrs.
Lunch also given along with the two way fare of sleeper class for those who were 1st timers in SSB.Can't help ahead as was eliminated in round II of day 1.My bad missed a golden chance as I neglected the picture perception test practice.NOTE - very good and easy opportunity for freshers..i.e those going for SSB for 1st time. really if you wanna join the royal job..Just prepare 1 month before.Read SSB books and you are done.

College Name: BITS MESRA
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