Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi

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Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi Placement Interview Questions

Updated 1 Jan 2025

151 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It consists of basic apti related questiions & subject related mcq's

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: First Round:
1)Set of Aptitude question(10questions)
This section is easy not tough.
2)Set of Programming logic question belogs to C, C++, Java. Better learn Pointer concept, Array list, exception handling, and basic oops concept., it was good had a few Aptitude and Java questions.The Aptitude was a MCQ was a little difficult, but Java we were supposed to write the output of the programs, it was a little tricky…Second and Third Round:
If you are cleared in First round then they will call you for second round.
The second round also written but you need to write programming based on their concept. Check the sample programs for OOPS concept.
If you complete that program then 3rd round this is also programming logic. You need to do program based on their logic.
Better practice general program like Prime number, Palindrome etc.
Eg. : Questions i faced .
1.What is use of serialVersionUID?2.Immutable Class in java3.What is the difference between static methods and instance methods?4.What is difference between abstract class and interface?5.Explain with example to describe when to use abstract class and interface?6.How to sort list of strings – case insensitive?7.How to make a List (ArrayList,Vector,LinkedList) read only?8.What is difference between Error and Exception?9.How to create custom Exception10.What is difference between ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError
Tips: Finaally ::I got selected _/\_ .One good news is in Yodlee afternoon lunch is free for Employee. Lunch is very good. So prepare well and attend interview well.All the best!!Saga :: off-Campus ..

College Name: BITS MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Experience: This was conducted  by some Snr. Software Developer of
-> They basically asked sql queries like : using joins and sub queries.
-> Basic sql concepts like: diff b/w varchar and char
-> Normalization and De- Normalization
-> Some basic puzzles
-> Data Structure questions like : finding middle element of the array, linked-list in one round
-> Basic OOP concepts
Tips: Getting placed in InfoEdge Pvt Ltd. (or was the greatest thing happened to me ever. Sharing my experience, may be it can help any of my junior to join this organization. grin emoticon

Round: Test
Experience: Heavy ball, Light Ball puzzle
-> Algo implementing logic to find the largest and second largest element of the array in 2 diff ways with complexities.
-> Complex sql query using 3-4 joins and sub-query in one single query
-> one query on co-related query
->Some questions to find O/P of the program written in C like: operators, recursions, stack, queue.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There wer total of 3 Technical rounds. the details are as follows 1st - Technical Round(Taken by some Team Lead of
->ask to explain how I solved puzzles of written exam.
-> how did I implemented sql query of the written and asked me about Indexers.
-> Some Puzzles.
-> Implement a hashing function, which will convert any number(any digit) in words like:
9,99,212 = Nine Lac Ninty Nine thousand Two hundred and twelve2nd - Technical Round
(Taken by some Team Lead of
-> Puzzles
-> OOP concepts like: Polymorphism
-> Sql concepts like: where and having diff, some queries to write
-> Implement a Algo to find the loop in the linked-list
-> Some more Data Structure based questions
 3rd - Technical Round
(Taken by Snr, Project Manager of
(Difficult of all, mostly taken by Snr, Project Manager or Technical Architect, means you can't fool them)
-> Puzzles
-> Stack Trace of the question in written paper, that has recursive function and two function call to the same recursive function inside the recursive function. like:
If my recursion function is A(). Its like:-
}->Website performance factors
->Design Patterns
-> Data Structure based questions
-> Last company organization Structure

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 1st Round with VP(Vice President)
(Its bascially HR type of round)
-> Here, they asked how much we know about this organization,,,,, etc.
-> Some case studies where how I will act in difficult and stressed conditions.
-> Some examples of my leadership during my lifetime.
-> He will also discuss which vertical you are intersted in joining 2nd HR Round-> It is just a formality, where they discussed about salary structure, notice period, how I like the organization.
Tips: In all these rounds, mostly these people take stress interview, that how cOOL and calmy you should behave in case of stress. Just don't give up and keep fighting with the problem, keep asking for clues and hints. This organization loves people who don't give up. Knowledge of Design Pattern and Web domain is a Plus point if you are appearing for interview here.

College Name: BITS MESRA
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user image Anonymous

posted on 6 May 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Duration: 15 minutes
Total Questions: 1

Round: Test
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: Test
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 3

Round: Test
Total Questions: 4

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1.When I told him that I had none as I didn’t want to specialize in this stage, he was a little surprised but appeared satisfied with my reason.2.I told him that my profile clearly indicated that I’ve been trying to get into the industry via internships, industry-funded projects right from second year, second sem. I said that I was fully sure that I didn’t want to do MS anytime soon.3.I told him about the web-browser that I had developed for cell-phones. I thought that was the only project which was closest to what Adobe was working on. He appeared satisfied with my answers.4. So people, be fully prepared to explain any anomalous grades. I was prepared with the explanation of the W in the my grade-sheet but not of the B- in DIP. I know that this is really stupid considering that I was interviewing with Adobe. Don’t make this mistake.5.I screwed up, big time in this question. I had superficially discussed this question with my friend a while ago and he had outlined an algorithm which I thought that I had understood, but I hadn’t. I started off explaining it but got stuck in the middle. He sternly told me to read it up again. One solution that I could tell him, and which I had written in the test was this Use two variables – min and second min. Initialize them by comparing the first two elements of the array. This is (1) comparison. Then, go through the entire array, from index 2 to n-1 comparing each element, first with min and then with second min, updating each variable as necessary. This will involve a worst case of two comparisons for each element. Therefore, total number of comparisons = 2*(n-2) + 1 = 2*n – 3 comparisons.I’ll try to update this with a better solution, sometime soon.6.This is an easy, straight question from graphics. You shoot a ray parallel to the x-axis passing through this point. Start with odd parity. Change parity of ray each time it intersects an edge of the polygon (consider special case of when the line passes through a vertex of the polygon. Change parity only if it passes through a vertex which has one edge above it and one edge below the ray). If the parity of ray is even when it passes through the point, it is inside the polygon, else it is not.7.This is simple. Study DIP8.I gave various alternatives – from searching for RGB components, to using OCR.. he didn’t appear fully satisfied. I think he was looking for edge-detection, but that would fail, if the text contained tables, etc.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: He was friendly at the start but this interview was my worst. He asked me my favorite subject. I said that it was Programming. (He laughed at that)

1. static, extern, register, auto2.I started off correctly, but he was able to confuse me. He brought in shared libraries, static libraries fundas into the discussion. We had a discussion for about twenty-minutes on this. Finally, he was happy with one of my answers because I had deduced which policy made sense and answered correctly. He said that out of all the people interviewed so far (I was second last), nobody had been able to answer all of these questions correctly.3.this is easy – get it from any C++ book. He tried to confuse me again, but this time I was ready and he was finally satisfied.Then he looked at my grades and said that out of all your grades, you have only two Bs and one of them is in Compilers. Why? (Damn it. three non-A grades and that’s all they ask about. What’s wrong with this world?!)Didn’t you like Compilers? “Not in particular”, I replied. “Fine. Now, I HAVE to ask you questions on compilers”, he said.4.He again went back to the first question he had asked me. Once again5.I first suggested that we capture only a small portion of the board. To locate that portion, we could search for the chalk in the prof’s hand – of course, taking care that it had the blackboard in the background (no point capturing a video of the prof scratching his chin, na?). Further, if the prof was writing only text, we could convert the video into text by OCR and then transmitting. Simple diagrams could also be reduced to a set of vector-graphics instructions (we rarely, see the prof shading stuff). I think he liked my approach, but was not completely satisfied. Anyway, we left it at that and went forward.6.I suggested various alternatives. but he kept helping me and finally, we came up with an array of pointers to 26-trees (each node of the tree has 26 children). Store every word as a path from the root to a leaf with pointers in the correct places. For example, hello would be stored as – pointer from ‘h’ index of the root array to a node which had a pointer from ‘e’ index of it’s array to a node which had a pointer from ‘l’ index of the array.. and so on. This is both time and space efficient.7.I was able to answer all his questions, but I made the mistake of telling him, when we started off that I didn’t know much about this subject as I had done it a long time ago. He was very annoyed at that, apparently because a lot of people before me had said this.8.I was able to answer all of them. I stumbled around a bit in a few questions where I was explaining correctly, but not using the keywords that he was looking for.9.I thought that I should say something to make him realize that I was not completely stupid and so asked him whether there was any logic to the order in which the short-listed candidates were called. This turned out to be a dumb move. The order was alphabetic and he sent me off with a parting shot, saying “You guys do pattern recognition and stuff and still you can’t recognize such a simple pattern” Me and my big mouth! Moral of the story: Don’t ask questions for the sake of asking.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: After the first two interviews, this one was like having a warm batch after being cold and wet for days! I did well in this one.1.You have to go up the hill and come back, with horse, without horse, getting four equations to solve four unknowns – time to go uphill – with horse, without horse, time to go downhill – with horse, without horse. Then you can go up the hill and set the clock to ‘(time when you left) + (time to go uphill with horse)’2.  I told him the funda of Mersenee primes (luckily remembered it) and he was decently impressed.

General Tips: Finally hired by Adobe. Special thanks to AmbitionBox team. Really amazing site for sharing experience. That’s all for the Adobe. They are focusing on your approach and your coding skills. All the best.
Skills: Algorithm, Data structure, C++, C, DIP
College Name: BIT Mesra
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Had an initial technical written test of 30 questions,multiple choice with four options.For electrical engineering the questions had 5 questions each from machines,power system etc. It was all just basics and almost everybody cleared it.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The it was a GD. A problem of a shopkeeper was given to us to discuss.Literally whoever spoke made it to the next stage,no matter what u speak !The topic was a problem : A shopkeeper was given 20 RS and brought things for Rs 14. He gave Rs 6 balance after getting change from a nearby shop for Rs20.In the evening the nearby shopkeeper from whom he took change finds that the Rs 20 note was a fake one.So he returns it. Wats the profit/loss of the shop keeper. Remember whatever the answer be , speaking is important.You will have to open your mouths .Then came a scheduling round. We had to schedule a days actionNext was an aptitude test. A written one and it was easy too.Total 32 was shortlisted after all these for interviews.Bingo I was one of them . I think the placement process is same for an on campus visit .

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: A panel of 2 people was the interview board Pure technical questions.All basics and theyvirtually asks you anything they likes to. Qoestions each one got was different.Few of them where Working of inverter Difference b/w inverter and converter Made people draw simple machines Simple symbols etc .Difference between triac and thyristor etc .For Mech buddies :Basically from fluid mechanics, thermal and production engineering were asked [via my friends ]

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was again simple affair.Yes I was also asked whether i could work in their Dirty Plants .I inevitably said "YEs "

College Name: BIT MESRA
Motivation: Best Of LUCK !!You should know that MRF is an enterprise that started as a toy balloon maker in 1946 in South India quickly grew to become one of India's biggest and respected companies. Renowned for product superiority and innovation, MRF continues to be the leading tyre-maker in India.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: In the first section they ask only 10 questions. It's fully based on pointer concepts and basics in C. Each question carries one mark.In the second section also they ask only 10 questions. It's fully based on oops concepts. Each question carries one mark.In the third section they ask 10 questions. Its easy only better study logical reasoning in sakunthala devi book. Each question carries different marks.After that they will shortlist.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: In this they check our technical skill fully. Normally it's for 45 minutes if your performance is good. Otherwise they will ask even for one and half an hour. Better concentrate on C and ALP. Once u knows the ALP it's a very good chance to got place in AMI. But you should have very good knowledge in both languages. For me they ask only for 40 minutes. Not only technical, they ask some logical reasoning questions also.After this round there is a huge elimination. For us we attend 9 members. But they short listed only 3 members.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: We don't have GD because only 3 members got cleared the technical. But they said fourth round is GD at time of pre-placement talk.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This is quite easy. They mainly ask about the hobbies and what are all mentioned in the resume. Before going to this interview know about your hobbies and what are all mentioned in the resume. Surely they will ask about the positive and negative points of your hobbies. Be bold but don't ask about the BOND. Normally they ask bond for 3 years. If they ask about the bond to you, simply tell I agree for the bond.Finally they select only two out 3 members. I got my offer letter within 10 days

College Name: BIT MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: To check writing and comprehension skills. They have me a 23 pg analyst report, which details about the financial standing of a company and asked me to summarize it in a paragraph

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 2-3 Telephonic interview (Market research and forecasting skills + 1 HR interview), one face-to-face interview. interview questions were related to guess estimates and forecasting skills.

General Tips: It is tough to find Biotech jobs .Hope it helps you all .And stay cool . Stay confident .
College Name: BIT MESRA
Motivation: IMS Health is a company that provides information, services and technology for the healthcare industry. IMS Health was founded in 1954 by Bill Frohlich and David Dubow. In 2010, IMS Health was taken private by TPG Capital, CPP Investment Board and Leonard Green & Partners. Ari Bousbib is IMS Health’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Bousbib, a long-time senior executive at United Technologies Corporation, joined the company in September 2010. IMS Health is headquartered in Danbury, CT.MS Health’s products and services are used by companies to develop commercialization plans and portfolio strategies, to select patient and physician populations for specific therapies, and to measure the effectiveness of pharmaceutical marketing and sales resources.IMS Health uses its own data to produce syndicated reports such as market forecasts and market intelligence. These predict how a market in a country or therapy area will change over time. This works through the production of baseline projections of sales and the application of future events to this baseline to produce a forecast
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Totally 90 mins test. First test 60 min which contained general apti. Second test 30 min which contained technical apti. Each question carried one mark, -.25 for wrong answers.In general apti 20 questions were from quants, other 40 included verbal, reasoning, data analysis.Technical apti included questions from thermal, fluid mechanics, strength of materials, heat and mass transfer, metallurgy, manufacturing, Ic engines.These questions included theory sort of direct questions, relations based on formula and graphs and other numerical problems. Though numerical problems were lengthy to solve the data given was easy to eliminate and the solving procedure was just to remember the formula and continue the problem with fluency. for example some of the value of given data were equal to constants like µ,ϒ, R. So that we can easily solve the problem without going for tedious calculations. Relations based on cycles like otto, diesel and turbine and pump calculations were given, for this type of problems we should be thorough with the formula, graphs and change in values based on increase in pressure and temperature. Metallurgy problems also had similar questions for which we need to consider the change in properties of the materials based on increase/ decrease in temperature/ pressure. Only fluid mechanics problems had direct substitution problems. Vibrations chapter is important when considering strength of materials. Manufacturing technology questions were direct theory questions.Most of the people considered bosch written round was difficult. But i felt it was easy. We need to be thorough with our basics and first round we will be easy. Here Technical apti marks are more important compared to general apti. It took the first day for them to conduct written test for 5 departments. Results were announced around 7pm.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Shortlisted candidates were made to attend the technical hr next day. Mechanical and CS students had different panels whereas all Electronics students had common interview panel.Next day there was a pre placement talk. There was a presentation etc etc,,,For most of the mechanical students tech round was split into 2. We had to face one hr in each.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The questions were from basics. They also asked about implant training, field of interest and CADD related questions (i mentioned solidworks Pro-E and Ansys in my software skills). They were impressed by the way I answered about my trainings and software skills. Inspite of the technical knowledge they selected only people who were confident about their answers, though confident about wrong answers will give only negative impressions. For those who mention themal, IC Engines, pumps, turbines, heat treatment be thorough with the graphs. Basics included Heat n mass transfer, fluids and thermal. There were questions, where we have to apply the formula to find answers for practical questions. They didn’t consider much about the communication skills. Yet we have to present ourselves in a better way. The short listed candidates from tech rounds were immediately made to attend personal Hr.

General Tips: Don’t choose vast areas like manufacturing, Thermal, as field of interest. Instead choose specific topics like casting, welding , suspension system. (u can more than one field ) and be thorough with those particular topics. If you are not sure about the answers admit them that u don’t know the answer, but don’t follow the same for each n every question.
College Name: BIT MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written part is one of the important part for any psu because getting high marks in written exam will secure your seat, which also gives you flexibility in your interview so be focused on written part.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Now question comes to interview...any offcampus interview judge student technical as well as analytical ability which is different from campus interview , which based on preconception.So don't be happy or sad about college marks...that will help you little....the most important thing about interview is that how you start....according to starting many conception devloped in interviewer intellect..which may help or hinder further process..(i was the first guy in my panel so little tension can't ruled out specially in my case, but most important thing was that i kept speaking i can do it, it was also due to my first off campus interview)..No of interviewer panel was consisted of 5 members including one director which was subject of talking that point of time , so i was little bit tensed.....But as the first question come to me i take my gear first question was as usual tell me about yourself....(one important thing i would like to mention that they didn't even look at my long list of file which i prepare)......ok well speak about myself... they ask me about my strenght and me prove it .....they ask some hr tricky question in that point of time....but intial jerk they started asking basic electrical question ...most of the question were more important thing is that one of them will watching my body of them encouraging of them asking counter question if i went overalll it was mixed interview....technically most of the question come from my project side which i never taken seriously during my college days(i think no one taking that seriously)....but i think you have to prepare on your project as well as your training session throughly which is utmost leave things in god hand because some guys may have interview time of 5 minutes which contrary to me which was around 45 minutes due to director effect...well it was finished with mixed answer

College Name: BIT MESRA
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Each section consists of 50 questions. Total time 2 hours. For the first three sections, practice previous year papers of Bank PO published by BSC publication. It will give you sufficient practice and idea of questions. For the technical section, go through concepts of dbms, OS and networking. DBMS and networking are very important for written and interview as in interview a lot of questions are asked from it.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: For interview go through basics commands of UNIX as it is very much used in banks and they frequently ask questions from it. In interview, questions from project and traditional HR questions are asked.

General Tips: Stay Confident . Attitude Does Matter Here
College Name: BIT MESRA
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