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Yatra Software Engineer Level 1 Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 7 Nov 2023

Yatra Software Engineer Level 1 Interview Experiences

1 interview found

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
4-6 weeks
Selected Selected

I applied via LinkedIn and was interviewed before Nov 2022. There were 5 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Resume Shortlist 
Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
Keep your resume crisp and to the point. A recruiter looks at your resume for an average of 6 seconds, make sure to leave the best impression.
View all tips
Round 2 - HR 

(3 Questions)

  • Q1. Give brief introduction about you
  • Q2. Salary expectations and work experience
  • Q3. Notice period if any
Round 3 - Coding Test 

Basic java coding questions like fibonacci

Round 4 - Coding Test 

Basic questions about java and programming queations

Round 5 - HR 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Salary negotiatioj

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Be real, dont fake your self,

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Not Selected

I applied via Naukri.com and was interviewed in Aug 2024. There was 1 interview round.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

Find out no of occurrence of character and spaces in given string

I was interviewed in Sep 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

The test was in the morning at around 11.
It was on online assessment.
HackerEarth was perfect like everytime.\
MCQ were based on HTML ,CSS , JS, OOPS, SQL, Aptitude, OS.

  • Q1. 

    Reach the Destination Problem Statement

    You are given a source point (sx, sy) and a destination point (dx, dy). Determine if it is possible to reach the destination point using only the following valid mo...

  • Ans. Brute force approach

    The naive approach to solve this problem is to consider each and every possible move until we reach the destination.


    This can be done using recursion. Below is the algorithm:


    • Check for the bases:
      • If the source and destination coordinates are the same, return true.
      • Return false, if the x (or y) coordinate of source point is greater than the x (or y) coordinate of the destination point. As the...
  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q2. 

    Delete Node in Binary Search Tree Problem Statement

    You are provided with a Binary Search Tree (BST) containing 'N' nodes with integer data. Your task is to remove a given node from this BST.

    A BST is a ...


    When we delete a node, three possibilities arise:


    1. Node to be deleted is a leaf node: Simply remove it from the tree.
    2. Node to be deleted has only one child: Copy that child to the node and delete the child.
    3. Node to be deleted has two children: Find the inorder successor of the node. Copy contents of the inorder successor to the node and delete the inorder successor.


    The inorder successor of a node in BS...

  • Answered Anonymously
Round 2 - Video Call 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 90 Minutes
Round difficulty - Hard

The interviewer was very friendly. He gave me problems one by one and asked me to write code for all of them in Code Pair round. Explain Scope and Scope Chain in javascript. What is a Stored Procedure in SQL?

  • Q1. 

    Shortest Path in a Binary Matrix Problem Statement

    Given a binary matrix of size N * M where each element is either 0 or 1, find the shortest path from a source cell to a destination cell, consisting only...

  • Ans. Backtracking

    To find the shortest path in the Binary Matrix, we search for all possible paths in the Binary Matrix from the source cell to the destination cell until all possibilities are exhausted. We can easily achieve this with the help of backtracking.


    We start from the given source cell in the matrix and explore all four paths possible and recursively check if they will lead to the destination or not. Out of a...

  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q2. 

    Pair Sum Problem Statement

    You are given an integer array 'ARR' of size 'N' and an integer 'S'. Your task is to find and return a list of all pairs of elements where each sum of a pair equals 'S'.

  • Ans. Brute Force
    • Initialize a list to store our results.
    • For each element in the array 'ARR[i]', check if ('ARR[i]' + ‘ARR[j]’), equals to given sum or not, where ‘i’ < ‘j’ < ‘N’.
    • If the condition matches, add the pair('ARR[i]', ‘ARR[j]’) to the list. Sort the list of pairs as per the given output format and return this list.
    Space Complexity: O(1)Explanation:



    Constant extra space is required.

    Time Complexity: O...
  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q3. 

    Validate Binary Search Tree (BST)

    You are given a binary tree with 'N' integer nodes. Your task is to determine whether this binary tree is a Binary Search Tree (BST).

    BST Definition:

    A Binary Search Tr...

  • Ans. BST property

    The approach is based on the fact that the value of each node in a BST is greater than the value of all the nodes in the left subtree and smaller than the value of all the nodes in the right subtree.


    Here is the complete algorithm-

    • For each node, we store the minimum and maximum value allowed for that node. Initially, for the root node, the minimum value would be -10^9 and the maximum value should be 10...
  • Answered Anonymously
Round 3 - Video Call 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 45 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

The round was with CTO level person. He was very friendly. What is the difference between SQL and MySQL? What are Constraints in SQL?

  • Q1. 

    Longest Duplicate Substring Problem Statement

    You are provided with a string 'S'. The task is to determine the length of the longest duplicate substring within this string. Note that duplicate substrings ...

  • Ans. Approach1

     The key idea is to find all possible substrings and keep the count of all substrings and return the length  longest substring which appears more than once.



    • Create an ans variable initial value 0.
    • Run a loop from i = 0 to len of(string).
    • Inside this loop run a from j = i to length(string).
    • Check if the count of substring from i to j appears more than one time. If it appears more than one ...
  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q2. 

    Maximum Sum of Products for Array Rotations

    You are given an array ARR consisting of N elements. Your task is to determine the maximum value of the summation of i * ARR[i] among all possible rotations of ...

  • Ans. Brute Force

    It’s important to note that, there are only a finite number of unique arrangments of the array possible after applying rotation operations on the array any number of times. So what we can do is find the sum(i*ARR[i]) for all possible rotations and return the maximum among them.


    Here is the algorithm :


    1. Create a variable (say, ‘maxSum’) and initialise it to 0.
    2. Run a loop from 0 to 'N - 1' (say, iterat...
  • Answered Anonymously

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI applied for the job as Fullstack Developer in BangaloreEligibility criteria7 CGPAMakeMyTrip interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, OOPS, OS, DBMS, Computer NetworkingTime required to prepare for the interview - 3 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : DSA should be very very good.
Tip 2 : Computer Science Fundamentals are very important
Tip 3 : Think out loud in an interview

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : At least 2 very well prepared projects
Tip 2 : Internship experiences always help

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Basic Oops , SQL , aap.net
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Selected Selected

I applied via LinkedIn and was interviewed before Jun 2023. There were 2 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Discussion about Hashmaps.
  • Q2. How to make Spring Applications?
  • Ans. 

    Spring applications can be made using Spring Boot, which simplifies the setup and configuration process.

    • Use Spring Initializr to create a new Spring Boot project

    • Add dependencies in the pom.xml file for required Spring modules

    • Create Java classes with annotations like @Controller, @Service, @Repository, etc.

    • Define application properties in application.properties or application.yml file

    • Run the application using the main m

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Discussion about Goals.
  • Q2. Discussed points from Resume

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed in Sep 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 90 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

2 Coding Questions and 20 MCQ's to be solved in 90 minutes. It was from 6 pm. The camera and screen-recorders were on. The mcq was on web, oops, dbms.

  • Q1. 

    Number of Islands II Problem Statement

    You have a 2D grid of dimensions 'N' rows by 'M' columns, initially filled with water. You are given 'Q' queries, where each query contains two integers 'X' and 'Y'....

  • Q2. 

    Make Array Elements Equal Problem Statement

    Given an integer array, your objective is to change all elements to the same value, minimizing the cost. The cost of changing an element from x to y is defined ...

Round 2 - Face to Face 

(4 Questions)

Round duration - 70 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

The interview started with the interviewer asking me about my projects and why and what I have used in them. Be very clear with all the technologies you have used in your project as the interviewer will ask you in-depth about it.
Explain Components, Modules and Services in Angular. What is a Recursive Stored Procedure?

  • Q1. 

    Sub Sort Problem Statement

    You are given an integer array ARR. Determine the length of the shortest contiguous subarray which, when sorted in ascending order, results in the entire array being sorted in a...

  • Q2. 

    Minimum Operations Problem Statement

    You are given an array 'ARR' of size 'N' consisting of positive integers. Your task is to determine the minimum number of operations required to make all elements in t...

  • Q3. 

    Tower of Hanoi Problem Statement

    You have three rods numbered from 1 to 3, and 'N' disks initially stacked on the first rod in increasing order of their sizes (largest disk at the bottom). Your task is to...

  • Q4. Can you explain the concepts of multithreading and semaphore in operating systems?
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 30 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

The interviewer was VP of Engineering at MakeMyTrip with more than 10 years of experience. He asked about the 4 Pillars of OOPS and we had an in-depth discussion with real-life applications for each of them.

  • Q1. 

    Square Root with Decimal Precision Problem Statement

    You are provided with two integers, 'N' and 'D'. Your objective is to determine the square root of the number 'N' with a precision up to 'D' decimal pl...

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI completed Information Technology from Vellore Institute of Technology. Eligibility criteria8.5 CGPAMakeMyTrip interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - DSA, OOPS, OS, DBMS, Computer Networks, Dynamic Programming, GraphsTime required to prepare for the interview - 12 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Never lose hope. Just keep working.
Tip 2 : Solve at least 5 problems each day of medium level or 3 questions of hard level with complete understanding.
Tip 3 : Keep at least 3-4 projects in your resume.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Keep it 1 page.
Tip 2 : Revise it very well before the interview.
Tip 3 : Know your projects in-depth. They might also ask you to show a demo as it is a virtual interview. So, keep them ready before the interview.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed in Aug 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 120 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

There were two sections mcq's and coding. We were allowed to switch between sections and there was no specific time for any section. Around 350 students gave the test.

  • Q1. 

    Count Inversions Problem Statement

    Given an integer array ARR of size N, your task is to find the total number of inversions that exist in the array.

    An inversion is defined for a pair of integers in the...

  • Ans. Brute Force Approach

    The steps are as follows:


    1. Initialize a ‘COUNT’ with 0 to keep track of the number of inversions
    2. Iterate over every element in the array in a linear fashion starting from 0.
    3. For every element, check all the elements ahead of the current element and check the condition.
      1. If the condition satisfies, increase the ‘COUNT’ by 1.
      2. Otherwise, move to the next iteration.
    4. Return the ‘COUNT’.
    Space Complexity: O(...
  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q2. 

    Maximum Consecutive Ones Problem Statement

    Given a binary array 'ARR' of size 'N', your task is to determine the maximum length of a sequence consisting solely of 1’s that can be obtained by converting at...

  • Ans. Brute Force approach

    The simplest way to find the required subarray would be to consider all the possible subarrays and compare the length at every point and store the longest length. If at any point, the current element is 0 and the value of ‘K’ is greater than 0, use it to convert the current element to 1. Else if the value of K is 0 , iterate further to find the next possible subarray.


    Algorithm : 

    1. Loop over...
  • Answered Anonymously
Round 2 - Video Call 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 50 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

About 45 students were shortlisted for this round. My interview was at 10:15am. I was asked to introduce myself. 

  • Q1. 

    Maximum Distance Problem Statement

    Given an integer array 'A' of size N, your task is to find the maximum value of j - i, with the restriction that A[i] <= A[j], where 'i' and 'j' are indices of the ar...

  • Ans. Efficient approach

    The idea behind this approach is to create a monotonously decreasing array and comparing its values with the given array to find the maximum distance.

    • Create an auxiliary array ‘RMax’ such that ‘RMax’ holds the greatest element on the right side of the given array.
    • Declare a variable ‘diff’ initialized to -1 to find the maximum distance.
    • Now traverse both the arrays simultaneously from left to right and ...
  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q2. 

    Determine the Left View of a Binary Tree

    You are given a binary tree of integers. Your task is to determine the left view of the binary tree. The left view consists of nodes that are visible when the tree...

  • Ans. Preorder Traversal Approach

    The idea is to use preorder traversal and for each level of the binary tree include the leftmost node in the answer. In the preorder traversal, we will traverse the left subtree of any node before the right subtree so that all nodes to the left of the current node are visited before the nodes which are on the right of the current node. Hence for any level, we will reach the leftmost node befo...

  • Answered Anonymously
Round 3 - Video Call 

Round duration - 40 Minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

About 17 students cleared the first round. My second round was at 4:30pm. The interviewer was very humble. 

Round 4 - Telephonic Call 

Round duration - 20 Minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was HR round, 7 students were shortlisted for this round. I received the call after 6:30pm. 

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI applied for the job as Fullstack Developer in GurgaonEligibility criteriaAbove 8.5 CGPA, No active or any previous semester backlog, Allowed branches - CS and ENCMakeMyTrip interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - OOPS, Data Structures, DBMS, OS, CN, Machine Learning(Based on resume)Time required to prepare for the interview - 2 MonthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : For on campus placements, focus more on core subjects rather than very good projects/internships.
Tip 2 : You must cover all important Data Structures and their important/fundamental questions at least twice. For advanced Data Structures like DP, graph, trees, you should have good practice before hand.
Tip 3 : Solve aptitude questions occasionally.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Don't put too much skills/projects if you are not confident about it, u need not have very rich resume during on campus placements
Tip 2 : it should be readable and authentic

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I applied via Referral and was interviewed in Nov 2021. There was 1 interview round.

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Questions on Java 00P
  • Q2. Quetion on Spring Framework

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Prepare well Java, Spring and Spring Boot

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Basic on on SQL,
  • Q2. Unix server Comands

I was interviewed before Feb 2021.

Round 1 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Technical round with 3 problems based on DSA and Algorithms.

  • Q1. 

    Smallest Integer Not Representable as Subset Sum

    Given a non-decreasing sorted array ARR of N positive numbers, determine the smallest positive integer that cannot be expressed as the sum of elements from...

  • Q2. 

    Reverse Linked List Problem Statement

    Given a singly linked list of integers, return the head of the reversed linked list.


    Initial linked list: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> NULL
    Reversed link...
  • Q3. 

    Smallest Window Problem Statement

    Given two strings S and X containing random characters, the task is to find the smallest substring in S which contains all the characters present in X.


    The first...
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Technical round with questions based on OOPS and Angular.

  • Q1. What are the different OOP concepts?
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Questions based on System Design, ajax, jquery were asked.

  • Q1. How would you design a traffic light system?
  • Q2. How does AJAX work?
  • Q3. What is the difference between AngularJS and jQuery?

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAMakeMyTrip interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Javascript, Ajax, Angular JS, Jquery, Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 6 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewRejected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Yatra Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Yatra Software Engineer Level 1 interview?
Yatra interview process usually has 5 rounds. The most common rounds in the Yatra interview process are HR, Coding Test and Resume Shortlist.
How to prepare for Yatra Software Engineer Level 1 interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Yatra. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Yatra expect are Javascript, Distribution System, GCP, HTML and JQuery.
What are the top questions asked in Yatra Software Engineer Level 1 interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Yatra Software Engineer Level 1 interview -

  1. Notice period if ...read more
  2. Salary negotiat...read more

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