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US Technologies Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 6 Jun 2024

US Technologies Interview Experiences

2 interviews found

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Round 1 - One-on-one 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Explainn oops concept
  • Ans. 

    OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects, which can contain data and code.

    • OOPs focuses on creating objects that interact with each other to solve problems.

    • Key concepts include encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.

    • Encapsulation involves bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit.

    • Inheritance allows one class to inherit pro...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Expalian threads

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Q1. Sort 0 and 1 Problem Statement Given an integer array ARR of size N containing only integers 0 and 1, implement a function to sort this array. The solution should scan the array only once without using any additional arrays. Input: The firs... read more
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Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 May 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The questions were not so easy. The question is of 2 parts, 30 questions in aptitude and 30 in reasoning section.There was 0.33 negative marks for the wrong answers.

Some questions I remember are 2 from probability, 2 from sentence correction, 2 synonyms, 2 antonyms, articles, reading comprehension is very easy that we can find answer from the questions itself instead reading the passage, viewing an image from top/bottom/any side, one question is like there is 2 pictures and what will be the resulting picture when they are kept one on the above, 2 problems on trains, 2 problems on percentage, 2 problems on time and distance/work, verbal and non verbal is very easy, etc.,
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I could attend 51 questions.I didn't attempt the paper in order whatever question I knew I attended them first then the other ones afterwards. It will save time.

After taking the exam I with almost 1000 students qualified for the next round "Extempore." The topic was for me "Western channel destroying the indian culture".I also cleared that round.The result was announced at 8 p.m.

The next day ie., on 20th May, they asked the shortlisted canditates to assemble on 8.30 am sharply. There we were asked to fill up the application form. Some coulmns like personal information, hobbies, educational background information, expectations from company etc. were there.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I asked for the permission to go inside.It was granted

Panel:Sit down (Don't sit until and unless they say to sit you.)

Panel:So Mr. Ankit, How are you ?Me: I am fine sir, How are you sir? (I asked)

Panel: We all are fine.Ankit, can you please tell us about yourself in brief.

Me: I replied in a confident manner.(explained about myself, family, education background)

Panel: Do you know C or C++ ?

Me: C is better than C++.

Panel:Write a program who prints 123 to "One Two Three"

Me: I wrote the program using the switch statement and it wass all right.

Panel:Explain the functions in C and write give the example of each.

Me: I explained all the four functions type in C and gave the example also. But one of them he said is wrong and I was also not quite confident for that. So I n't argue on that.

Panel: Explain the "friend function in C++ ?

Me: I explained but couldn't write the program.

Panel: Explain the "tower of hannoi" process (Not program)

Me: I explained with very confidentally for three towers.

Panel: Tell us something about your final year project planning ?

Me: (Though I was in 3rd year that time)I told we decided to create on either on "internet banking system" or "Barcode issue and submit system for library" by implementing Java, EJB, Java Scripts, Struts etc.

Panel: Do you know JAVA ?

Me: I started learning, but as soon as the final year will start I will learn a lot in JAVA. So that I can implement it in my project.

Panel: Thanks Ankit, just proceed for the HR round. After that you will come to know the final result.

Me: Welcome sir, Thank you all.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I entered into the room and I was surprised to see that only one HR person was there in panel.

I wished him and sit on the chair.

Interviewer: So nice to see you ankit, I got your result from the Tecnical team, what do you think how is it ?

Me: The question they asked I replied to them almost all except 1 or 2. So hope that it is good.

Interviewer: Ok leave it, I will tell you afterwards.Me: Ok sir, as your wish.

Interviewer: If I give you 1 crore rupees what will you do with that, dont be diplomatic in giving answer.

Me: I will invest few part in share market, few in Fixed Deposit, few I will deposit in the housing loan account, some I will buy gold for my sister's marriage.

Interviewer: What are your hobbies ?

Me: Investing in share market

Interviewer: Quite interesting.

Me: Thanks sir

Interviewer:Tell me something basic about share market

Me: I explained for continous 5-6 minutes.(He only stopped me to explain further). He was higly impressed.

Interviewer: Do you want to know your result right now ?

Me: As you wish sir, If you will tell right now I will accept whether it is in favour or not.

Interviewer: Dont worry, Soon we will declare the result. Thats all from my side. You are most welcomed to ask any question from me.

Me: Sir, which kind of candidates you want for your organization ?

Interviewer: He started laughing and said who will understand the values of our company.

Me: Ok sir

Interviewer: nice meeting with you, hope to see you in our organization.

Me: My pleasure sir.(I went off)

After 3 days the result out but I was not selected, I dont know why but I was very much dissapointed. But I was helpless to accept the decision. May be the luck was not with me.



College Name: NA

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: A telephonic of technical round basics about C concepts and Embedded C Concepts in order to call for next round .

I appeared for an interview before Feb 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Enter a question

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Tell in detail what all happened during this round
Tips: Provide tips specifically for this round

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Tell in detail what all happened during this round
Tips: Provide tips specifically for this round

I appeared for an interview in Apr 2017.

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Java questions...
  • Q2. Tell me about urself and about us family and all
  • Ans. 

    I am a software developer with a passion for coding and problem-solving. My family is supportive and has always encouraged my career in tech.

    • Experienced software developer

    • Passionate about coding and problem-solving

    • Supportive family that encourages my career in tech

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Easy questions are there
Duration: 1 hour
Total Questions: 90

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: 12 members are there only 9 got selected
Tips: Be confident in urself and specially work in Communication skills
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Asking all the concepts of Java like oops collections threads
Tips: Prepare well on Java

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Everything was Gud but due to my certificate problem I got rejected.. Otherwise everything is good.
Tips: Be confident

College Name: C. V. Raman College of Engineering

Interview Preparation Tips

College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology

Interview Questionnaire 

11 Questions

  • Q1. Hobbies: Drawing. Asked about drawing and pencil shading. Draw in next 5 mins something great to impress me else rejected
  • Q2. Sketch my face
  • Q3. If you are told to do a job of a peon for the company will you?
  • Q4. Remove all the pcs from the lab and keep in other lab RIGHT NOW?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I can remove all the pcs from the lab and keep them in another lab right now.

    • Ensure all the necessary equipment and tools are available for the move

    • Coordinate with the lab staff to ensure a smooth transition

    • Label and document each PC for easy identification and setup in the new lab

    • Ensure proper packaging and handling to prevent any damage during the move

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  • Q5. Impress me with your talents
  • Q6. If a person asks you on a construction site to pick up bricks will you?
  • Q7. How crazy are you?
  • Q8. Show me how crazy are you in next 5 mins?
  • Q9. Write down Fibonacci series and also explain pseudo code for it?
  • Ans. 

    Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones.

    • The first two numbers of the series are always 0 and 1

    • The next number is the sum of the previous two numbers

    • The series goes on infinitely: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...

    • Pseudo code: 1. Initialize variables a=0, b=1, c=0 2. Print a and b 3. Repeat steps 4-6 until desired number of terms 4. c=a+b 5. Pr

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  • Q10. Write algorithm for matrix multiplication?
  • Ans. 

    Algorithm for matrix multiplication

    • Create a result matrix with dimensions of the two input matrices

    • Iterate through each row and column of the result matrix

    • For each element in the result matrix, multiply corresponding row in first matrix with corresponding column in second matrix

    • Add the products obtained in the previous step to get the final value for the element

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. Explain your project and which algorithm you used in it. Why that algorithm?
  • Ans. 

    I worked on a project that involved sentiment analysis of customer reviews using Naive Bayes algorithm.

    • The project involved collecting customer reviews from various sources.

    • Preprocessing the data by removing stop words, stemming, and tokenizing.

    • Used Naive Bayes algorithm for sentiment analysis.

    • The algorithm was chosen because of its simplicity and effectiveness in text classification tasks.

    • The accuracy of the model was

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Confused

If they say do you have any questions?
NEVER ASK about your performance in that round.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Good
Tips: Interview depends on your basic knowledge

Skills: Presence Of Mind, Technical Skills, Analytical Skills
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
Motivation: Got rejected for TCS aptitude.
Funny Moments: Whole HR interview

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questionnaire 

9 Questions

  • Q1. Talk about your BE project?
  • Ans. 

    Developed a web-based project management system for a construction company.

    • Used PHP and MySQL for backend development

    • Implemented user authentication and authorization

    • Designed a responsive UI using Bootstrap

    • Integrated Google Maps API for location tracking

    • Enabled file uploads and downloads for project documents

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  • Q2. If you belong to EXTC, then why IT?
  • Ans. 

    EXTC and IT are not mutually exclusive fields. My knowledge in EXTC complements my skills in IT.

    • My knowledge in EXTC gives me a strong foundation in electronics and communication, which are essential in the IT industry.

    • I have also gained programming skills through my coursework and projects in EXTC.

    • IT is a rapidly growing field with a lot of opportunities, and I believe my skills and knowledge make me a strong candidat...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Are you ok with relocation?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I am open to relocation for the right opportunity.

    • I am willing to relocate for a position that aligns with my career goals

    • I am excited about the prospect of exploring a new city and culture

    • I am flexible and adaptable to new environments

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  • Q4. Which languages are you familiar with?
  • Ans. 

    I am familiar with several programming languages.

    • Java

    • Python

    • C++

    • JavaScript

    • SQL

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  • Q5. BE project members and your guide
  • Q6. What/s the diffrencebetween leader and a manager
  • Ans. 

    A leader inspires and motivates while a manager plans and organizes.

    • Leaders focus on the big picture while managers focus on details

    • Leaders lead by example while managers delegate tasks

    • Leaders inspire and motivate while managers enforce rules and policies

    • Leaders are visionaries while managers are implementers

    • Examples of leaders: Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr. Examples of managers: Tim Cook, COO of Apple

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Are you okay with relocation?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I am open to relocation for the right opportunity.

    • I am willing to relocate for the right job opportunity

    • I am open to exploring new places and cultures

    • I understand that relocation may come with challenges, but I am prepared to face them

    • I am excited about the prospect of starting fresh in a new location

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  • Q8. What's the name of the person who took your technical interview?
  • Ans. 

    I'm sorry, I don't have that information.

    • N/A

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  • Q9. How was the TCS aptitude test?
  • Ans. 

    The TCS aptitude test was challenging but fair.

    • The test covered a wide range of topics including math, logic, and English.

    • The questions were designed to test problem-solving skills and critical thinking.

    • Time management was crucial as there were many questions to answer in a limited time.

    • Overall, the test was a good indicator of one's aptitude for software engineering.

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: pretty decent and interactive
Tips: be true, be yourself

General Tips: Do not fake a personality, be original. Avoid an answer if you have to, but , in an affirmative way.
Skills: Ability To Justify, Ability To Be Involved In Hands On Work, Ability To Deal Diplomatically, Ability To Convince
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology
Funny Moments: The HR interviewer asked me the name of my tech interviewer.

Interview Questionnaire 

7 Questions

  • Q1. Introduce Yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a software engineer with 5 years of experience in developing web applications using Java, Spring Boot, and Angular.

    • 5 years of experience in software development

    • Proficient in Java, Spring Boot, and Angular

    • Strong problem-solving skills

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  • Q2. About Your Family
  • Q3. About MindTree
  • Q4. Why MindTree?
  • Ans. 

    MindTree's focus on innovation, culture of learning, and diverse opportunities make it an ideal fit for my career growth.

    • Strong focus on innovation and cutting-edge technologies

    • Culture of continuous learning and development

    • Diverse opportunities for growth and career advancement

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  • Q5. Plans for Higher Study
  • Ans. 

    I am currently focusing on gaining practical experience in the software engineering field, but I may consider pursuing higher studies in the future.

    • Currently focusing on gaining practical experience in software engineering

    • Open to considering higher studies in the future

    • Higher studies could include a Master's degree in Computer Science or related field

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  • Q6. About Relocation
  • Q7. Any Question?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: First round was aptitude test organised by our college through AMCAT
It had 4 section –
1. English – 25 questions (25 minutes)
2. Quantitative – 25 questions (35 minutes)
3. Technical – 25 questions (35 minutes)
4. Logical – 24 questions (35 minutes)
Practice previous Amcat papers. Technical was mostly from data structure and algorithm. There were very basic questions from Operating System and SQL. Each section had individual cut off . It was adaptive test so you can not go back to your previous answer.
Tips: If you are good in basics then you can easily score well in AMCAT.There is no negative marking in AMCAT.You have to manage time as some of the questions are lengthy.Follow R.S.Aggarwal book.
Topics to concentrate for Quantative:
· Time and Work
· Pipes and Cisterns
· Problems on Trains
· Boats and Streams
· Calendar and Clocks
· Probability
· Ratios and Percentage
· Number systems

Logical Ability
Analogy Pattern Recognition
Classification Pattern Recognition
Coding Pattern Recognition
Number Series Pattern Recognition
Direction sense, Blood relations, CDL
Puzzles, Logical word sequence
Selection decision table
Data sufficiency
Objective reasoning


Synonyms/Antonyms/Word Meaning (Vocabulary)
Complete the Sentence (Grammar)
Spot error/Correct sentence (Grammar/sentence construction)
Sentence Ordering (Comprehension skills)
Questions based on passage (Comprehension skills)
Duration: 130 minutes
Total Questions: 99

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Eligibility Criteria:

10th and 12th percentage - 65%
Aggregate of 60% in Engineering (BE / B.Tech/MCA only)
Please note the percentage calculation in case of CGPA:
Total marks obtained from in all the subjects from the first to last semester divided by total of maximum marks in all the subjects from first to last semester.
Candidates need to clear all exams before joining & should come with Degree Certificates
At the time of recruitment, Mindtree allow candidates to appear for the selection/interview process if they have less than 2 backlogs
Only Students from circuit branches can take part in the Mindtree selection process (branches mentioned below) :-
Computer Science and Engineering
Electronics and Electricals
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Electronics & Instrumentation
Electronics and telecommunication Engineering
Information Science
Information Technology
Instrumentation Engineering

Round: Test
Experience: This round is elimination round and your programs will be considered for technical round. There were 2 C/C++/Java programming questions and you need to type the program, compile and submit. Some hints will be on the screen. This test is conducted by Aspiring Minds. You have to focus on basics programming. There were two questions.One question from pattern printing and other one from array/pointer/String.
Tips: Focus on basic programming
Duration: 20 minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Thorough discussion about the projects. My major work was on Advance Java, so the interviewer kept on grilling me. Questions on the database, challenges faced, control flow were asked. She even asked me about the implementation of my project. The interview ended with some questions on OOPs concepts.
Tips: Prepare both the programs which have been asked in Programming test. You are surely going to face this question. Prepare well with Logics.Apart from that you need to focus on C/Data Structure/DBMS/Basics of Operating System/Basics of OOPS.

C- Pointer/Array/Strings/Structure/Union
Data Structure : Linked List/Stack/Tree/Sorting/Traversal/SEaching

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This was end of d interview, thankfully I was able to answer all of them. I was the first candidate to enter .

I hope all that I shared above could help you in your preparation. Be confident and give your best.
Tips: In HR round, questions are of fixed type. in every Interview So preparee it from Indiabix.

General Tips: Focus on basics. The "basic" is most difficult to cover :D So Prepare well and be Confident
Skill Tips: Confidence is the key in all interview
Skills: Smartness, Ability To Think Of Creative Solutions, Technical Skill, Confidence
College Name: B P Poddar Institute of management and technology

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Questions related to basic logic gates and assembly language programs

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was simple just all concept based question was their.
Tips: Get your 10th and 12th concept clear of maths and brush up basics formulas.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It was simple topic, i just spoke whatever i felt right about it.
Tips: just be confident and give minimum 3-4 points and encourage others also to participate.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was fine not that good but here also they check your confidence.
Tips: just be confident and if you don't know the ans just say don't know.

General Tips: keep calm and just enjoy the selection process.
Because company needs you.
Skill Tips: be more clear and expressive, do not be silent .
Skills: communication skill
College Name: Vidyalankar Institute Of Technology

US Technologies Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in US Technologies interview?
US Technologies interview process usually has 1 rounds. The most common rounds in the US Technologies interview process are One-on-one Round.
What are the top questions asked in US Technologies interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the US Technologies interview -

  1. explainn oops conc...read more
  2. expalian thre...read more

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