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6000+ TCI Express Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 19 Jan 2025
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Q1. Who Won the Election???

Elections are going on, and there are two candidates A and B, contesting with each other. There is a queue of voters and in this queue, some of them are supporters of A and some of them more

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Q2. Find Duplicate

You have been given an integer array/list(ARR) of size N which contains numbers from 0 to (N - 2). Each number is present at least once. That is, if N = 5, the array/list constitutes values more


Given an array of size N containing numbers from 0 to (N-2), find and return the duplicate number.

  • Iterate through the array and keep track of the frequency of each number using a hashmap.

  • Return the number with a frequency of 2.

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Q3. Constellation

Given a matrix ‘UNIVERSE’ with 3 rows and ‘N’ columns, with the characters { # , * , . } and these characters represent a cluster of stars and galaxies in space. Stars are represented by ‘*’ more

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Q4. Find Palindromes

You are given an integer ‘N’. Your task is to find all palindromic numbers from 1 to ‘N’.

Palindromic integers are those integers that read the same backward or forwards.

Order of numbers more
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Q5. Second largest element in the array

You have been given an array/list 'ARR' of integers. Your task is to find the second largest element present in the 'ARR'.

a) Duplicate elements may be present. b) If more

The task is to find the second largest element in an array of integers.

  • Iterate through the array and keep track of the largest and second largest elements.

  • Initialize the largest and second largest variables with the first two elements of the array.

  • Compare each element with the largest and second largest variables and update them accordingly.

  • Return the second largest element at the end.

  • Handle the case where no second largest element exists.

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Q6. What is FDS , did you create and if create tell me the requirement?


FDS stands for Functional Design Specification, a document that outlines the functional requirements of a system.

  • FDS is created by functional consultants to define the business requirements of a system

  • It includes details on the system's functionality, data flow, and user interface

  • FDS serves as a blueprint for developers to build the system according to the business requirements

  • Example of FDS requirement: The system should allow users to create purchase orders and track their more

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Are these interview questions helpful?

Q7. What is the reason that the Iterative Waterfall model was introduced?


Iterative Waterfall model was introduced to address the limitations of the traditional Waterfall model.

  • Iterative Waterfall model allows for feedback and changes during the development process.

  • It breaks down the development process into smaller, more manageable stages.

  • It reduces the risk of project failure by identifying and addressing issues early on.

  • It allows for better collaboration between developers and stakeholders.

  • Examples include Rational Unified Process (RUP) and more

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Q8. Mirror String

You are given a string S containing only uppercase English characters. Find whether S is the same as its reflection in the mirror.

For Example, S = “AMAMA” is the same as its reflection in the more

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Q9. 1. Explain about ur tech stacks? 2. What is Class loader? 3. What is Auto Configuration? 4. What is an object? 5. How to handle exceptions in spring? 6. Intermediate vs terminal operation? 7. Get vs Load 8. Wha...

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System Engineer interview questions covering tech stacks, Java, Spring, Hibernate, REST, and API security.

  • Tech stacks include Java, Spring, Hibernate, REST, and API security.

  • Class loader loads classes into JVM at runtime.

  • Auto Configuration automatically configures Spring beans based on classpath and other conditions.

  • An object is an instance of a class that has state and behavior.

  • Exceptions in Spring can be handled using try-catch blocks or using @ExceptionHandler annotation.

  • more

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Q10. Cycle Detection in a Singly Linked List

You have given a Singly Linked List of integers, determine if it forms a cycle or not.

A cycle occurs when a node's next points back to a previous node in the list. The more

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Q11. How to display multiple screen in one layout


To display multiple screens in one layout, use the SAP Screen Painter tool and create a custom screen with multiple subscreens.

  • Create a custom screen using the SAP Screen Painter tool

  • Add multiple subscreens to the custom screen

  • Define the layout of each subscreen using the Screen Painter

  • Use the PBO (Process Before Output) module to display the subscreens in the desired layout

  • Use the PAI (Process After Input) module to handle user input from the subscreens

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Q12. Can you describe a challenging technical problem you faced and how you solve it ?


Developing a real-time chat application with high scalability and low latency.

  • Designing a distributed architecture to handle a large number of concurrent users.

  • Implementing efficient data synchronization between multiple servers.

  • Optimizing network communication to minimize latency.

  • Ensuring data consistency and reliability in a distributed environment.

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Q13. Twin Pairs

Bob always bragged about his smartness. To test this, Alice gave him an

array ‘A’ of size ‘N’ and asked him to find the number of twin pairs in that array.

A twin pair can be defined as a pair of more

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Q14. Binary Pattern

You have been given an input integer 'N'. Your task is to print the following binary pattern for it.


Pattern for 'N' = 4 1111 000 11 0 

The first line contains 'N' 1s. The next line more

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Q15. Game in Space

Ninja is in space with his super spaceship having unlimited fuel. Ninja initially has a health level ‘H’ and his spaceship has an armour ‘A’. He decides to play a game, where at any instant he can more

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Q16. What is the use of constructor? When it will be called


Constructor is used to initialize an object. It is called when an object is created.

  • Constructor is a special method with the same name as the class.

  • It is used to initialize the instance variables of a class.

  • It is called automatically when an object is created using the new keyword.

  • Constructors can be overloaded to provide different ways of initializing objects.

  • Example: public class Employee { public Employee() { // constructor code } }

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Q17. Strings of Numbers

You have been given two integers ‘N’ and ‘K’. Consider a set ‘X’ of all possible strings of ‘N’ number of digits such that all strings contain digits only in range 0 to ‘K’ inclusive.

For more

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Q18. Given a string S(input consisting) of ‘*’ and ‘#’. The length of the string is variable. The task is to find the minimum number of ‘*’ or ‘#’ to make it a valid string. The string is considered ...

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Find minimum number of * or # to make a string valid with equal number of * and #.

  • Count the number of * and # in the string.

  • Find the absolute difference between the counts.

  • Return the difference as the minimum number of characters to add.

  • If the counts are already equal, return 0.

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Q19. what are the difference between abstract class and interface, and throw and throws, and why we use throws?? Why String is Immutable?


Explaining differences between abstract class and interface, throw and throws, and why we use throws. Also, why String is immutable.

  • Abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract methods, while interface can only have abstract methods.

  • A class can implement multiple interfaces, but can only extend one abstract class.

  • Throw is used to explicitly throw an exception, while throws is used to declare the exceptions that a method may throw.

  • We use throws to inform the caller more

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Q20. Number of Pairs with Given Sum

You have been given an integer array/list(arr) and a number 'Sum'. Find and return the total number of pairs in the array/list which when added, results equal to the 'Sum'.

Note: more
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Q21. Remove Duplicates

Ninja is playing with numbers but hates when he gets duplicate numbers. Ninja is provided an array, and he wants to remove all duplicate elements and return the array, but he has to maintain more

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Q22. 0 1 Knapsack

A thief is robbing a store and can carry a maximal weight of W into his knapsack. There are N items and the ith item weighs wi and is of value vi. Considering the constraints of the maximum weight more

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Q23. Tell about P2P cycle in details?


P2P cycle is the process of procuring goods or services from a vendor and paying for them.

  • The cycle starts with creating a purchase requisition

  • The purchase requisition is then converted into a purchase order

  • Goods or services are received and inspected

  • Invoice is received and matched with the purchase order and goods receipt

  • Payment is made to the vendor

  • The cycle ends with closing the purchase order

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Q24. Water Jug Problem

You are given two water jugs with capacities X and Y litres respectively. Both the jugs are initially empty. There is an infinite amount of water supply available. The jugs do not have more

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Q25. Pair Sum

You are given an integer array 'ARR' of size 'N' and an integer 'S'. Your task is to return the list of all pairs of elements such that each sum of elements of each pair equals 'S'.


Each pair more
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Q26. Prime Time Again

You have been given two integers ‘DAY_HOURS’ and ‘PARTS’. Where ‘DAY_HOURS’ is the number of hours in a day and a day can be divided into ‘PARTS’ equal parts. Your task is to find total more

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Q27. Minimize The Maximum

You are given an array of N integers and an integer K. For each array element, you are allowed to increase or decrease it by a value k. The task is to minimize the difference between the more

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Asked in
ASE Interview

Q28. Given N gold wires, each wire has a length associated with it. At a time, only two adjacent small wires are assembled at the end of a large wire and the cost of forming is the sum of their length. Find the mini...

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Given N gold wires with lengths, find minimum cost to assemble all wires into a single wire.

  • Only two adjacent small wires can be assembled at a time

  • Cost of forming is the sum of their length

  • Use dynamic programming to find minimum cost

  • Example: N=4, lengths=[2,3,4,5], minimum cost=29

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Q29. What are the types of work processes are there in SAP?


There are three types of work processes in SAP: Dialog, Background, and Update.

  • Dialog work processes are used for executing user transactions interactively.

  • Background work processes are used for executing non-interactive tasks like batch jobs.

  • Update work processes are used for updating the database.

  • Each type of work process has its own specific role and function within the SAP system.

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Q30. Minimum Cost to Connect All Points

You are given an array, ‘COORDINATES’ that represents the integer coordinates of some points on a 2D plane. Your task is to find the minimum cost to make all the points more

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Q31. Assume, you are the product manager and you need to sell a product, how will you approach and tell me the steps for doing so ?


As a product manager, I would approach selling a product by identifying the target audience, creating a unique value proposition, and utilizing various marketing channels.

  • Identify the target audience and their needs

  • Create a unique value proposition that addresses those needs

  • Utilize various marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, and advertising to reach the target audience

  • Provide product demos or trials to potential customers

  • Collect feedback and make more

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Q32. Matrix Multiplication

Ninja has been given two sparse matrices ‘MAT1’ and ‘MAT2’ of integers having size ‘N’ x ‘M’ and ‘M’ x ‘P’, respectively.

A sparse matrix is a matrix that contains very few non-zero more

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Q33. Position Of First One

Given a sorted array of size N, consisting of only 0’s and 1’s. The problem is to find the position of first ‘1’ in the sorted array Assuming 1 based indexing.

It could be possible that more

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Q34. What is the social media and why we called social media?


Social media is a platform for online communication and networking where users can share content, interact with each other, and build communities.

  • Social media refers to websites and applications that allow users to create and share content, as well as connect with others.

  • It is called social media because it facilitates social interaction and communication through digital means.

  • Examples of social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

  • more

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Q35. Count Consonants In A String

Given a string ‘STR’ which consists of uppercase and lowercase characters and spaces. Count the number of consonants in the string.

A consonant is an English alphabet character that more

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Q36. Number Of Vehicles

There is a person named Bob who is the mayor of a state. He wants to find the maximise number of vehicles that can be registered in his state.

A vehicle normally has a registration number more

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Q37. Every day, we come across different types of computer software that helps us with our tasks and increase our efficiency. From MS Windows that greets us when we switch on the system to the web browser that is us...

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Software is a collection of data, programs, procedures, instructions, and documentation that perform tasks on a computer system.

  • Software is essential for computers to be useful.

  • It includes programs, libraries, and non-executable data.

  • Software and hardware work together to enable modern computing systems.

  • Examples of software include operating systems, web browsers, and games.

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Q38. What is procedure in plsql and it's syntax and difference between procedure and function?


A procedure in PL/SQL is a named block of code that can be called and executed multiple times.

  • Syntax: CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE procedure_name [(parameter1 [mode1] datatype1 [, parameter2 [mode2] datatype2]...)] IS

  • Difference between procedure and function: Procedures do not return a value, while functions return a value.

  • Procedures are used to perform an action, while functions are used to calculate and return a value.

  • Procedures can have OUT or IN OUT parameters to pass more

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Q39. Write a program for Fibonacci series for n terms where n is the user input.


Program for Fibonacci series for n terms with user input.

  • Take user input for n

  • Initialize variables for first two terms of Fibonacci series

  • Use a loop to generate the series up to n terms

  • Print the series

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Q40. What is temp table and temp variable in plsql?


Temp table is a table created temporarily in memory. Temp variable is a variable that holds temporary data.

  • Temp table is used to store data temporarily during a session

  • Temp variable is used to hold temporary data that is not needed after a certain point

  • Temp table and variable are created using the 'CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY' and 'DECLARE' statements respectively

  • Example: CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table (id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(50));

  • Example: DECLARE temp_var VARCHAR2( more

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Q41. Maximum Profit

Ninja is a poor but an intelligent boy. He has a rod of length ‘N’ units. He wants to earn maximum money by selling this rod in the market. So he cuts the rod into different sizes and each size more

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Q42. 1. Scrum Ceremonies 2. Do we include V&V during Sprint planning 3. Scrum and Kanban differentiate 4. Scrum Planning Estimation Techniques or types 5. Product backlog vs sprint backlog 6. sprint review what happ...

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Questions related to Scrum methodology and agile practices.

  • Scrum ceremonies include daily stand-up, sprint planning, sprint review, and sprint retrospective.

  • Verification and validation (V&V) should be included in sprint planning.

  • Scrum and Kanban differ in terms of roles, ceremonies, and visualization techniques.

  • Scrum planning estimation techniques include planning poker, t-shirt sizing, and affinity mapping.

  • Product backlog contains all the user stories while sprint backlog more

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Q43. Maximize the sum

You are given two sorted arrays of distinct integers, ‘ARR1’ and ‘ARR2’. If you find a common element in both arrays, you can switch from one array to another.

Your task is to find a path more

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Q44. Valid Pairs

You are given an array 'ARR' of 'N' integers and two integers 'K' and 'M'.

You need to return true if the given array can be divided into pairs such that the sum of every pair gives remainder 'M' more

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Q45. Chocolate Problem

Given an array/list of integer numbers 'CHOCOLATES' of size 'N', where each value of the array/list represents the number of chocolates in the packet. There are ‘M’ number of students and the more

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Q46. How to cut a cake in 8 equal pieces using 3 cuts only?


Cut the cake horizontally twice and then vertically once.

  • Cut the cake horizontally into two equal halves.

  • Stack the two halves and cut horizontally again to get four equal pieces.

  • Finally, cut vertically through the center to get eight equal pieces.

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Q47. What is the significance of vendor account group?


Vendor account group determines the fields that are mandatory for a vendor master record.

  • Vendor account group is used to group vendors based on certain criteria such as payment terms, delivery time, etc.

  • It determines the fields that are mandatory for a vendor master record.

  • It also determines the number range for vendor account codes.

  • For example, a vendor account group can be created for domestic vendors and another for international vendors.

  • Each vendor account group can have more

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Q48. How do you stay up to date with emerging technologies and programming language ?


I stay up to date with emerging technologies and programming languages through various methods.

  • I regularly read tech blogs and news websites to stay informed about the latest trends and advancements.

  • I participate in online forums and communities where developers discuss new technologies and share their experiences.

  • I attend conferences, workshops, and webinars to learn from industry experts and network with other professionals.

  • I take online courses and tutorials to enhance my more

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Q49. Tell me about your current project. Difference between managed and external table. Architecture of spark. What is RDD. Characteristics of RDD. Meaning of lazy nature. Insert statement for managed and external t...

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Interview questions for a PySpark Developer

  • Explained current project and its implementation

  • Differentiated between managed and external table

  • Described Spark architecture and RDD

  • Discussed characteristics of RDD and lazy nature

  • Provided insert statement for managed and external table

  • Explained deployment related to code in PySpark

  • Answered Python related questions

  • Explained how to convince manager/scrum master for code changes

  • Discussed team size and management

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Q50. Shuffle Two Strings

You are given three strings “A”, “B” and “C”. Your task is to check whether “C” is formed by an interleaving of A and B. C is said to be interleaving “A” and “B”, if the length of “C” is more

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Q51. Minimum count of balls in a bag

You are given an integer array ‘ARR’ of size ‘N’, where ‘ARR[i]’ denotes the number of balls in the ‘i-th’ bag. You are also given an integer ‘M’, denoting the maximum number of more

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Q52. Allocate Books

Given an array ‘arr’ of integer numbers . where ‘arr[i]’ represents the number of pages in the ‘i-th’ book. There are ‘m’ number of students and the task is to allocate all the books to their more

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Q53. Leap year

You are given a year in the form of an integer 'N', and your task is to check whether the given year is a leap year or not.


1) A year is said to be a leap year if it has 366 days. Normal years more
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Q54. How to handle scrollbar and mouse activities Jenkins and Github Story Point in Agile Backlogs in Agile Jira workflow explain framework pom.xml wap number reverse program StellException Exception in Selenium dif...

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The question is about handling scrollbar and mouse activities in automation testing.

  • To handle scrollbar, you can use methods like scrollIntoView(), scrollTo(), or Actions class in Selenium.

  • To handle mouse activities, you can use Actions class in Selenium to perform actions like click, double click, drag and drop, etc.

  • Jenkins is a popular continuous integration and delivery tool, while GitHub is a web-based version control system.

  • Story Point is a unit of measure used in Agile more

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Q55. Diagonal Sum

Given a Binary Tree of 'N' nodes, find and print a list containing the sums of all the diagonals. When calculating the sum of each diagonal, consider the diagonals from right to left.

Diagonals of more

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Q56. Sum of even & odd

Ninja got a test problem in which he was given an integer and he had to find the sum of even digits and odd digits separately.

Ninja is very weak in studies and didn’t know much about odd and more

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Q57. Loot Houses

A thief wants to loot houses. He knows the amount of money in each house. He cannot loot two consecutive houses. Find the maximum amount of money he can loot.

Input Format :
The first line of input more
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Q58. 7. How can we load multiple(50)tables at a time using adf?


You can load multiple tables at a time using Azure Data Factory by creating a single pipeline with multiple copy activities.

  • Create a pipeline in Azure Data Factory

  • Add multiple copy activities to the pipeline, each copy activity for loading data from one table

  • Configure each copy activity to load data from a different table

  • Run the pipeline to load data from all tables simultaneously

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Q59. Minimum Number of Platform Needed

You are given the arrival and departure times of N trains at a railway station in a day. You need to find the minimum of platforms required for the railway station such that no more

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Q60. What is a database management System and what is concept of primary key and foreign key?


A database management system (DBMS) is a software that manages and organizes databases. Primary key uniquely identifies a record, while foreign key establishes a relationship between tables.

  • A DBMS is a software that allows users to create, manage, and manipulate databases.

  • It provides tools for creating, modifying, and deleting databases, tables, and records.

  • Primary key is a unique identifier for a record in a table.

  • Foreign key establishes a relationship between two tables by more

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Q61. Stack using queue

Implement a Stack Data Structure specifically to store integer data using two Queues.

There should be two data members, both being Queues to store the data internally. You may use the inbuilt more

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Q62. What is the difference b/w Procedural Programming and OOP Concept? What are the problems with C in this context?


Procedural programming focuses on procedures and functions, while OOP emphasizes objects and classes.

  • Procedural programming uses a top-down approach, while OOP uses a bottom-up approach.

  • In procedural programming, data and functions are separate, while in OOP, they are encapsulated within objects.

  • Procedural programming is more suitable for small-scale programs, while OOP is better for large-scale projects.

  • C is a procedural programming language, lacking the features of OOP more

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Q63. Longest Switching Subarray

You are given an array 'ARR' of 'N' positive integers. You need to find the length of the longest switching contiguous subarray.

An array is called Switching if all the elements at more

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Q64. Factorial

You are given an integer ‘N’. You have to print the value of Factorial of ‘N’. The Factorial of a number ‘N’ is defined as the product of all numbers from 1 to ‘N’.

For Example:
Consider if ‘N’ = 4, more
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Q65. What is sap co and personal account and nominal account and that financial statement tedious and GST in explain and for this P2P cycle and asset accounting


SAP CO is a module for controlling and managing costs in an organization. Personal and nominal accounts are used in financial accounting. GST is a tax system. P2P cycle is a procurement process. Asset accounting is for managing fixed assets.

  • SAP CO is used for cost controlling and management

  • Personal accounts are used for individuals and nominal accounts are used for expenses and revenues

  • GST is a tax system used in India and other countries

  • P2P cycle is a procurement process more

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Q66. What is Singleton class. What is the use of singleton class


Singleton class is a class that can only have one instance at a time.

  • It is used to ensure that there is only one instance of a class in the system.

  • It is often used in situations where a single object needs to coordinate actions across the system.

  • Example: Database connection class, logger class, configuration class.

  • It can be implemented using private constructors, static methods, and static variables.

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Q67. Explain Difference b/w Constructor and Method also write the code which can describe the difference b/w the two?


A constructor is a special method used to initialize an object, while a method is a function that performs a specific task.

  • Constructors are called automatically when an object is created, while methods need to be called explicitly.

  • Constructors have the same name as the class, while methods can have any valid name.

  • Constructors do not have a return type, while methods can have a return type.

  • Constructors are used to set initial values of instance variables, while methods are more

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Q68. Smallest number whose digits multiplication is ‘N’

You are given a positive integer ‘N’. The task is to find and return the smallest number, ‘M’, such that the multiplication of all the digits in ‘M’ is equal more

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Q69. Heap Sort

You are given an array ‘ARR’ consisting of 'N' integers, and your task is to sort the given array in non-decreasing order using the Heap sort algorithm.

Input Format:
The first line of the input more
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Q70. Delete alternate nodes

Given a Singly Linked List of integers, delete all the alternate nodes in the list.

List: 10 -> 20 -> 30 -> 40 -> 50 -> 60 -> null Alternate nodes will be: 20, 40, and 60. Hence more
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Q71. Two Sum

You are given an array of integers 'ARR' of length 'N' and an integer Target. Your task is to return all pairs of elements such that they add up to Target.


We cannot use the element at a given more
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Q72. DBMS Question

What is meant by an entity-relationship (E-R) model? Explain the terms Entity, Entity Type, and Entity Set in DBMS.

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Q73. Which software will you use to design a logo and why?


I would use Adobe Illustrator to design a logo because it offers a wide range of tools and features specifically designed for logo creation.

  • Adobe Illustrator is a professional vector graphics editor widely used in the design industry.

  • It provides precise control over shapes, colors, and typography, allowing for the creation of scalable and high-quality logos.

  • Illustrator offers a variety of tools like the Pen Tool, Shape Builder, and Pathfinder that are essential for logo more

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Q74. What is enhancement framework? Difference between customer exit and Badi


Enhancement framework is a tool to modify standard SAP applications without changing the original code.

  • Enhancement framework provides a way to add custom code to standard SAP applications.

  • Customer exits are predefined hooks in the standard code that allow custom code to be added.

  • Badis are similar to customer exits but provide more flexibility and can be implemented multiple times.

  • Enhancement framework is used to avoid modifying standard code and to make upgrades easier.

  • more

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Q75. What is the annotation used to display text element in cds


The annotation used to display text element in CDS is @Semantics.text

  • The @Semantics.text annotation is used to display text elements in CDS views

  • It is used in combination with the element name and the label for the text

  • Example: @Semantics.text.label: 'Product Description';

  • The label can be customized to display any desired text

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Q76. Search an Element in an Array

You have given a sorted array 'A' of 'N' integers.

Now, you are given 'Q' queries, and each query consists of a single integer 'X'. Your task is to check whether 'X' is present in more

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Q77. Find Duplicates In Array

You are given an array/list 'ARR' consisting of N integers, which contains elements only in the range 0 to N - 1. Some of the elements may be repeated in 'ARR'. Your task is to find all more

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Q78. What are the main OOPS concepts in java and explain one by one?


Java OOPS concepts include inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.

  • Inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class.

  • Polymorphism allows objects to take on multiple forms and behave differently based on their context.

  • Encapsulation hides the implementation details of a class and only exposes necessary information.

  • Abstraction allows for the creation of abstract classes and interfaces that can be implemented by other classes.

  • more

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Q79. Jar of Candies

There is a jar full of candies for sale at a mall counter. Jar has the capacity ‘N’. That is, jar can contain maximum ‘N’ candies when a jar is full. At any point in time jar can not have 0 or more

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Q80. Middle Of Linked List

Given the head node of the singly linked list, return a pointer pointing to the middle of the linked list.

If there are an odd number of elements, return the middle element if there are more

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Q81. Data Structure and Python Questions

Data structures:
What is ds. Explain types.
Tell me about sorting techniques.
What is avl tree. Traversal of tree.
Some tree algorithms like dfs,bfs.
About max and min heap. more

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Q82. Add Two Numbers As Linked Lists

You are given two linked lists representing two non-negative numbers. The digits in the linked list are stored in reverse order, i.e. starting from least significant digit (LSD) more

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Q83. Yogesh And Primes

Yogesh is a very intelligent student and is interested in research in Machine Learning domain. His college has only one professor, Mr. Peter working in that field. He approaches the professor more

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Q84. Search in a Linked List

You are given a Singly Linked List of integers with a head pointer. Every node of the Linked List has a value written on it.

A sample Linked List

Sample Linked List

Now you have been given an integer more

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Q85. What are the functions used in a particular code.


The functions used in the code are calculateSum, displayResult, and validateInput.

  • calculateSum - calculates the sum of two numbers

  • displayResult - displays the result of the calculation

  • validateInput - checks the validity of user input

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Q86. What is the difference between support package, kernel and SAP note?


Support package is a collection of updates and fixes, kernel is the core of the SAP system, and SAP note is a correction instruction.

  • Support package: Collection of updates and fixes for SAP system.

  • Kernel: Core component of the SAP system responsible for communication between the operating system and SAP applications.

  • SAP note: Correction instruction provided by SAP to fix specific issues or bugs in the system.

  • Example: Support package upgrade can include bug fixes and new more

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Q87. Which method will be called in backend to handle the deep entity call?


The method called in backend to handle deep entity call is GET_DEEP_ENTITY.

  • GET_DEEP_ENTITY method is used to retrieve a deep entity from the backend system.

  • It is used to retrieve a single entity with its related entities in one request.

  • It is called when a deep entity is requested in OData service.

  • It is used to retrieve data from multiple tables in one request.

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Q88. if u brought a pen for 50rs and then u sold it for 60rs what is your percentage of profit or loss?


Bought a pen for 50rs and sold it for 60rs. What is the percentage of profit or loss?

  • Profit = Selling Price - Cost Price

  • Profit = 60 - 50 = 10

  • Profit Percentage = (Profit / Cost Price) * 100

  • Profit Percentage = (10 / 50) * 100 = 20%

  • Therefore, the percentage of profit is 20%

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Q89. What is table function in cds. Practical example when it was used


Table function in CDS is a reusable database function that can be used to define complex logic and calculations.

  • Table function is defined in CDS (Core Data Services) using the @EndUserFunction annotation.

  • It allows you to define complex logic and calculations that can be used in CDS views or ABAP programs.

  • Table functions can have input parameters and return a table of data as the result.

  • They can be used to perform data transformations, aggregations, filtering, and more.

  • A more

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Q90. 1. What is JDK, JVM, JRE.


JDK is a development kit, JRE is a runtime environment, and JVM is a virtual machine for executing Java code.

  • JDK includes JRE and development tools like javac and java

  • JRE includes JVM and necessary libraries to run Java applications

  • JVM is responsible for interpreting Java bytecode and executing it

  • Example: JDK 8 includes JRE 8 and development tools like javac and java

  • Example: JRE 8 includes JVM 8 and necessary libraries to run Java applications

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Q91. Largest Prime Factor

You are given a positive integer ‘n’. Your task is to find the largest prime factor of this given positive integer.

Note :
If there is no prime factor of a given integer, then print -1. more
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Q92. What is abstract class. Difference between abstract class and Interface


Abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated. Interface is a collection of abstract methods.

  • Abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract methods, while interface can only have abstract methods.

  • Abstract class can have instance variables, while interface cannot.

  • A class can implement multiple interfaces, but can only inherit from one abstract class.

  • Example of abstract class: Animal (cannot be instantiated). Example of interface: Runnable (collection of more

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Q93. Square root (decimal)

You have been given two integers 'N' and 'D', Your task is to find the square root of the number 'N' with precision up to 'D' decimal places i.e. the difference between your answer and the more

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Q94. Word Break II

You are given a non-empty string S containing no spaces’ and a dictionary of non-empty strings (say the list of words). You are supposed to construct and return all possible sentences after more

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Q95. Distance Greater Than K

You are given an undirected graph, a source vertex, and an integer k. Check if there is any simple path(without any cycle) from source to any vertex such that its distance is greater more

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Q96. Model an upsetting(metal forming) operation. Explain the process parameters and how would you relate them


Modeling an upsetting operation involves understanding process parameters and their relationships.

  • Upsetting is a metal forming process that involves compressing a metal workpiece to reduce its length and increase its diameter.

  • Process parameters include temperature, pressure, and deformation rate.

  • Temperature affects the material's flow stress and ductility, while pressure and deformation rate affect the material's strain hardening behavior.

  • The relationship between these more

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Q97. Advanced Coding Question: There are two banks – Bank A and Bank B. Their interest rates vary. You have received offers from both banks in terms of the annual rate of interest, tenure, and variations of the ra...

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Q98. What do you know about Protocols? Explain Different types of Protocols?


Protocols are a set of rules that govern the communication between devices or systems.

  • Protocols define the format, timing, sequencing, and error checking of messages exchanged between devices.

  • Different types of protocols include network protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP), communication protocols (RS-232, USB, Bluetooth), and application protocols (SMTP, POP3, IMAP).

  • Network protocols govern the communication between devices on a network, while communication protocols govern the more

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Q99. Make Palindrome

You are given a string STR of length N consisting of lowercase English Alphabet letters. Your task is to return the count of minimum characters to be added at front to make the string a more

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Q100. What is partner profile in Idocs? Steps to create custom Idoc.


Partner profile in Idocs is used to define communication partners and their settings.

  • Partner profile contains information about the communication partner such as their ID, address, and communication protocol

  • Partner profile is used to determine the outbound and inbound processing of Idocs

  • To create a custom Idoc, define the segments and fields using WE31 transaction

  • Create a message type using WE81 transaction and link it to the Idoc type

  • Create a process code using WE42 more

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