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30+ SS&C TECHNOLOGIES Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 25 Nov 2024
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Q1. Longest Harmonious Subsequence Problem Statement

Determine the longest harmonious subsequence within a given array of integers, where the difference between the maximum and minimum elements of the subsequence more


Find the longest harmonious subsequence in an array where the difference between max and min elements is 1.

  • Iterate through the array and count the frequency of each element.

  • For each element, check if the count of element+1 is greater than 0, if so, update the length of the harmonious subsequence.

  • Return the maximum length found.

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Q2. What is the difference between static and final in Java?

Static is used to define class-level variables and methods, while final is used to define constants that cannot be changed.

  • Static variables belong to the class itself, while final variables are constants that cannot be modified.

  • Static methods can be called without creating an instance of the class, while final methods cannot be overridden.

  • Static keyword is used for memory management, while final keyword is used for defining constants.

  • Example: static int count = 0; final more

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Q3. What is the difference between ArrayList and HashMap in Java?

ArrayList is a dynamic array that can grow or shrink in size, while HashMap is a key-value pair collection where each element is accessed by a key.

  • ArrayList stores elements in an ordered sequence and allows duplicate values.

  • HashMap stores key-value pairs and does not allow duplicate keys.

  • Example: ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();

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Q4. How do you create an immutable class in Java?

To create an immutable class in Java, make the class final, make all fields private and final, provide only getters, and don't provide setters.

  • Make the class final to prevent inheritance.

  • Make all fields private and final to prevent modification.

  • Provide only getters to access the fields.

  • Don't provide setters to modify the fields.

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Q5. What are collections in Java?

Collections in Java are frameworks that provide an architecture to store and manipulate a group of objects.

  • Collections provide interfaces (List, Set, Map) and classes (ArrayList, HashSet, HashMap) to store and manipulate groups of objects.

  • Collections offer methods to add, remove, and retrieve elements from the group.

  • Examples include ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, TreeMap.

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Q6. 3. How can we make a class immutable in java?


To make a class immutable in Java, we need to follow certain guidelines.

  • Make the class final

  • Make all fields private and final

  • Do not provide setter methods

  • If the field is mutable, return a clone of it instead of the original object

  • Ensure that any mutable objects passed to the constructor are not modified outside the class

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Q7. what is autoboxing and unboxing


Autoboxing is the automatic conversion of primitive data types to their corresponding object wrapper classes.

  • Autoboxing is useful when working with collections that require objects instead of primitives.

  • Example: int i = 5; Integer j = i; //autoboxing

  • Unboxing is the opposite of autoboxing, where an object of a wrapper class is converted back to its corresponding primitive type.

  • Example: Integer j = 5; int i = j; //unboxing

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Q8. Write a program to add numbers in harmonic series. (1+1/2+1/3+.....1/n)


Program to add numbers in harmonic series (1+1/2+1/3+...+1/n)

  • Create a variable to store the sum

  • Use a loop to iterate through the series up to n

  • Add each term to the sum

  • Print the sum

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Q9. 1. Difference between finally and static block?


finally is used to execute a block of code after try-catch block, while static block is executed when class is loaded.

  • finally block is used to perform cleanup operations like closing database connections, file streams etc.

  • static block is used to initialize static variables or perform any other static initialization.

  • finally block is always executed whether an exception is thrown or not, while static block is executed only once when class is loaded.

  • finally block is always more

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Q10. Difference between arrayList and vector and Hashmap and hashtable?


ArrayList and Vector are similar but Vector is synchronized while HashMap and HashTable are both key-value pair data structures but HashTable is synchronized.

  • ArrayList and Vector both implement List interface but Vector is thread-safe while ArrayList is not.

  • Vector is slower than ArrayList due to synchronization.

  • HashMap and HashTable both store key-value pairs but HashTable is thread-safe while HashMap is not.

  • HashMap allows null keys and values while HashTable does not.

  • more

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Q11. what is typecasting UP AND DOWN


Typecasting up and down refers to converting a variable of one data type to another data type of higher or lower precision.

  • Typecasting up involves converting a variable of lower precision to a variable of higher precision, such as converting an int to a double.

  • Typecasting down involves converting a variable of higher precision to a variable of lower precision, such as converting a double to an int.

  • Typecasting can result in loss of data or precision.

  • Typecasting can be done more

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Q12. What are new features in Java 8 explain in brief


Java 8 introduced new features like lambda expressions, functional interfaces, streams, and default methods.

  • Lambda expressions allow you to write code in a more concise and readable way.

  • Functional interfaces provide a single abstract method for functional programming.

  • Streams enable processing sequences of elements in a functional style.

  • Default methods allow interfaces to have method implementations.

  • Example: Lambda expression - (a, b) -> a + b

  • Example: Functional interface - more

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Q13. What is a REST API?

REST API is a type of web service that allows communication between different systems over HTTP.

  • REST stands for Representational State Transfer

  • Uses standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

  • Data is transferred in JSON or XML format

  • Stateless communication between client and server

  • Example: Twitter API, Google Maps API

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Q14. 4. What are collections in java?


Collections are data structures that store and manipulate groups of objects.

  • Collections provide a way to manage and manipulate groups of objects

  • Java provides several built-in collection classes such as ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, etc.

  • Collections can be used to perform operations like searching, sorting, filtering, etc.

  • Collections can store objects of any type, including primitive types and user-defined classes

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Q15. 2. Use of @autowired annotation in spring?


The @Autowired annotation in Spring is used to automatically wire dependencies into a bean.

  • It eliminates the need for manual wiring of dependencies

  • It can be used to inject dependencies into constructors, fields, and methods

  • It can be used with other annotations like @Qualifier and @Value

  • It can be used with both XML and Java-based configurations

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Q16. how do you iterate map


To iterate a map in Java, use a for-each loop or an iterator.

  • Use the entrySet() method to get a set of key-value pairs

  • For-each loop: for(Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet())

  • Iterator: Iterator> iterator = map.entrySet().iterator();

  • Use hasNext() and next() methods to iterate through the map

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Q17. which design pattern to use for complex design?


Use the Strategy design pattern for complex design.

  • Strategy pattern allows you to define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable.

  • It helps in separating the behavior of a class from the class itself, making it easier to switch between different algorithms at runtime.

  • Examples of using Strategy pattern include implementing different sorting algorithms in a class or defining various payment methods in an e-commerce application.

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Q18. types of synchronisation in java


Types of synchronization in Java

  • Synchronized methods

  • Synchronized statements

  • ReentrantLock

  • Semaphore

  • CountDownLatch

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Q19. What does you know about oops


OOPS stands for Object-Oriented Programming System. It is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects.

  • OOPS is based on four main concepts: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstraction.

  • Encapsulation is the process of hiding the implementation details of an object from the outside world.

  • Inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class.

  • Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as if they were of the more

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Q20. access modifiers in method overriding


Access modifiers in method overriding

  • Access modifiers in the overriding method cannot be more restrictive than the overridden method

  • The access modifier can be less restrictive or the same as the overridden method

  • Private methods cannot be overridden

  • Examples: public method can be overridden by public or protected method, but not by private method

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Q21. What is JVM? what is JIT


JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine, which is an abstract computing machine that enables a computer to run Java programs. JIT stands for Just-In-Time compiler, which compiles Java bytecode into native machine code at runtime for improved performance.

  • JVM is responsible for executing Java programs by converting Java bytecode into machine code that can be understood by the computer's operating system.

  • JIT is a component of the JVM that improves the performance of Java more

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Q22. What is Rest Api?


Rest Api is a web service that uses HTTP methods to access and manipulate data.

  • Rest stands for Representational State Transfer

  • It is an architectural style for building web services

  • Uses HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

  • Data is transferred in JSON or XML format

  • Examples: Twitter API, Facebook Graph API

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Q23. Map vs flatmap in java 8, Volatile keyword,


Map applies a function to each element in a stream, while flatMap applies a function that returns a stream for each element.

  • Map transforms each element in a stream using a function, returning a new stream of transformed elements.

  • FlatMap transforms each element in a stream using a function that returns a stream, then flattens the streams into a single stream.

  • Volatile keyword in Java is used to indicate that a variable's value will be modified by different threads.

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Q24. Create a rest service using spring boot


Create a REST service using Spring Boot

  • Create a new Spring Boot project

  • Add dependencies for Spring Web and Spring Boot DevTools in pom.xml

  • Create a new Java class for the REST controller with @RestController annotation

  • Define request mapping annotations like @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping for different HTTP methods

  • Implement the business logic for each endpoint

  • Run the Spring Boot application and test the REST service using tools like Postman

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Q25. What is spring actuator


Spring Actuator is a feature in Spring Boot that provides monitoring and management capabilities for your application.

  • Spring Actuator exposes various endpoints to monitor and manage your application, such as /health, /info, /metrics, etc.

  • It allows you to check the health of your application, gather metrics, view application properties, and more.

  • You can also create custom endpoints for specific monitoring needs.

  • Spring Actuator is commonly used in production environments to more

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Q26. explain different phases of sdlc


SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle, which consists of different phases from planning to maintenance.

  • 1. Planning phase involves defining project scope, requirements, and creating a project plan.

  • 2. Analysis phase focuses on gathering and analyzing requirements to create a detailed system design.

  • 3. Design phase involves creating a high-level design, detailed design, and architecture for the software.

  • 4. Implementation phase is where the actual coding and development more

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Q27. callable vs runnable?


Callable is used to return a result and can throw checked exceptions, while Runnable is used for void operations.

  • Callable can return a result and throw checked exceptions, while Runnable cannot.

  • Callable is a functional interface with a method call() that returns a result, while Runnable is a functional interface with a method run() that does not return a result.

  • Example: Callable task = () -> { return 5 + 3; }; Runnable task = () -> { System.out.println("Hello World!"); };

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Q28. 4 paillers of datastructure.


The 4 pillars of data structure are arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues.

  • Arrays: Data structure that stores a collection of elements with a fixed size.

  • Linked Lists: Data structure where each element points to the next element in the sequence.

  • Stacks: Data structure that follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle.

  • Queues: Data structure that follows the First In First Out (FIFO) principle.

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Q29. spring vs spring boot


Spring is a framework for building Java applications, while Spring Boot is a tool for quickly creating standalone Spring-based applications.

  • Spring is a comprehensive framework for building Java applications, providing support for various modules like Spring MVC, Spring Security, and Spring Data.

  • Spring Boot is a tool that simplifies the process of setting up and configuring a Spring application, by providing defaults and auto-configuration.

  • Spring Boot includes embedded more

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Q30. Annotations in springboot


Annotations in Spring Boot are used to provide metadata about the application and its components.

  • Annotations are used to configure Spring Boot applications, define beans, handle requests, etc.

  • Examples include @RestController, @Autowired, @RequestMapping, @Component, etc.

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Q31. Explain Streams


Streams in Java are sequences of elements that support functional-style operations.

  • Streams allow for processing sequences of elements in a functional style.

  • They can be created from various data sources like collections, arrays, or I/O channels.

  • Operations on streams can be intermediate (e.g. filter, map) or terminal (e.g. forEach, collect).

  • Streams promote parallel processing and lazy evaluation for improved performance.

  • Example: List names = Arrays.asList("Alice", "Bob", " more

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Q32. Working of HashMap


HashMap is a data structure in Java that stores key-value pairs and allows fast retrieval of values based on keys.

  • HashMap uses hashing to store key-value pairs, which allows for fast retrieval of values.

  • Keys in a HashMap must be unique, but values can be duplicated.

  • HashMap allows null keys and null values.

  • HashMap is not synchronized, so it is not thread-safe. To make it thread-safe, you can use ConcurrentHashMap.

  • Example: HashMap map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("apple", 5); more

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