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Lehman Brothers Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 6 Mar 2015

Lehman Brothers Interview Experiences

6 interviews found

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I compiled resumes from my seniors, who had got placed in management consultancies, financial consultancies, FMCGs and software jobs. I minutely observed the order in which any given resume was written, every point that had been portrayed and style of portraying any point. Keeping company requirements in mind (for eg. Mckinsey would want professional excellence or spike in any one field) and the companies I was looking for, I made a rough draft. However, I found my resume to be diverse rather than what some consultancies would have wanted. I aimed at financial institutions, analytics and consultancies. With their requirements in mind, I gave the excellence inmaths as the preference. Internships included one done in Reliance (corecompany) and another in Quantum Phinance (Finance related).This was followed by projects. Second Page had the organizational skills and extra curricular achievements. The sub points were written in a particular order. What I had done, followed by what I had achieved in whatever I had done. This, I believe gives a very good impression about your resume. Your resume should focus on what the companies (you are aiming at) want/expect from its new entrant. If you are not able to make a match with companies,expectations, try and make a best fit.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I made a group with one of my friends for preparing personal interviews and case studies. For GD, 3 such groups combined forming 6 people who then practiced GD internally.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: For HR interview, I prepared from -----. I got to know about some of the basic questions that can be asked in an interview. Further, I also came to know the interviewer expectations from you, right from when you enter that room or even when you are sitting outside waiting nervously for your interview. With the questions in mind, I just figured out my strengths and weaknesses, justifying them by my resume. For case studies, I had Wharton and Kelloggs guides. I did not aim for technical institutions and hence did not prepare for them.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: For puzzles, I solved puzzles from puzzles community of orkut 3-4 days before my interviews. This really helped, as you need these puzzles to make your mind start working after a long gap of 4 yrs. Along with this basic preparation, themost important part of preparation lies in company specific preparations. HR answers, rest interviews have to be prepared with what that company expects from you. Your answers need not be fake though. For example Lehman demanded people handling pressure well, solving maths, number puzzles under pressure, being innovative, being able to learn quickly and people with good leadership and communication skills. With these aspects in mind, I cited examples from my resume which portrayed this so that I could justify I had those qualities in me. Interviews require you to be extremely confident and mature. You need to enter that interview with this frame of mind and knowing that any company would be glad to have you, rather than you being glad to join that company.

Skill Tips: Just some puzzles before the interview time, to make your brain start working again. You must be confident, calm and honest. You must know the fact that the Company cracks you rather than you cracking the company.
College Name: IIT BOMBAY

Junior Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. If I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on the 3 financial statements
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Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 25 Jan 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I used almost the same resume as for McKinsey except that I didn’t mention anything about my US patents this time - I had a nagging feeling that McKinsey rejected me in the last round because they thought that I wouldn't join.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I was the last person to have his first round interview with Lehman that day

Round: HR Interview
Experience: At one point she said that Lehman is open to people who are trying to experiment by taking an
IBanking job (I feel she slightly went on the defensive here).
• I asked her quite a few questions :
– “If I asked a Lehman analyst what the biggest plus and minus of Lehman was, what would he say?”
– Are you able to distinguish between candidates who are really interested in finance vs candidates who
do it for the money?
– How do you ensure that people work well in teams given that promotions are for individuals.
– I had audited a course on HR (MBA 616 I think) - I asked her a few questions on how Lehman handled
certain organizational issues I learnt about in the course. The course was pretty useful because I felt I
knew what was on her mind during most of the interview (and I think she knew this too).

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I don’t think any of the others had a 4th interview - even last year I think everyone had 3 interviews with Lehman, so
don’t expect a 4th interview - I think I had a 4th interview because they somehow knew I had an offer from Tower and wanted to see whether I was serious about Lehman.

College Name: IIT KANPUR
Lehman Brothers Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
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Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 4 Feb 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The interviewer had given pre placement talk and I was really impressed by him as well.
He was impressed with my AIR. Since the job required quantitative skills, he started off with a few calculations, for which he wanted quick answers, following up with a puzzle .
The major part of the interview was concerned with Why Lehman? my ideal job? my future plans, why not an MBA? why investment banking and a few hypothetical questions which I might face in my career, etc.
I was made an offer immediately which I accepted.

General Tips: 1. Spend time on your resume:
Draft the points well. Don't use flowery language.
2. Brood about yourself:
Prepare HR questions
Prepare resume questions
Be honest about yourself
3. While in the semester:
Attend PPT's seriously
Do DI those who aren't preparing for CAT
Start reading ET, it helps in moulding and making a decision.
College Name: IIT BOMBAY

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: a. McKinsey and Co. workshop at IITB
b. From senior students help

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Standard textbooks in my technical field to prepare for technical interviews

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: Solved numerous puzzles on quantitative analysis and logic

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Study and practice of gestimates

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Case study books referred from Wharton School of Management website

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Revision over probabilistic methods and combinatorial methods

Skill Tips: Be yourself and do not pretend. Interviews like to hear that you do not know. Show interest in the company profile. Ask questions about the job profile. Its evident that you are interested in taking up the job, but make that evident to the interviewers. Agree to disagree (with due respect) with the interviewer
College Name: IIT BOMBAY

Junior Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. If I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on the 3 financial statements
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Lehman Brothers interview questions for popular designations

 Junior Analyst


Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I looked at the various resumes of our seniors and I liked a particular one used by my senior. I just made all my resume point wise. I had made it a point to know all my resume points to elaborate well on any topic. I had 2 resumes. One of them was for non technical jobs like schisms and other wise was for managerial and financial jobs. Since I had a low cpi, I dint target the technical jobs. I read a lot from the newspaper and magazines. I also used to read about the markets and economy to increase my general awareness. It really gives you a lot of confidence to know about the political and other situation,just in case those topics come into picture.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: I was asked to do 2 case studies related to real estate. All I did was think logically and proceed. Also I gave a lot of attention to their comments and tried to incorporate her suggestion. This way I not only corrected myself, I also left an impression of thinking at the moment. I also defied some of the suggestions given to me by them but not without giving reasons. This I did to suggest that though I was ready to listen to them , I would not do something without logic. I think talking logically and cheerfully makes them quiet happy.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: I was a lucky person to be selected in my first interview and also I had just 1 and a half day to do that. But for whatever time I had I read a lot about the company and the divison I would be working with. I had missed its ppt but hearing that also helps you. I had prepared for the many general questions of hr like, ell me about Yourself, your interest or your passion. They might ask u about your role model and your future goals. You should cover those areas well but should not say anything without a thought. I did not prepare in a group but it was a nice thing to prepare yourself alone or with someone and then have your friend interview you.

Skill Tips: Ya they should know about the working of the company. Secondly they should know about the work that is expected from them and should try to show those qualities through their answers and their thinking. A really good explanation to show an interest in their job can also help them. I don't know much on this front because I dint got interviewed in any other company.
College Name: IIT BOMBAY

Junior Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. If I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on the 3 financial statements
View answer (1)

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Help from seniors' resumes. Templates searched on google. Pre-Placement Talks help in knowing about the company, the job profile, the work culture and one can decide depending upon one's interests whether one wants to join that company or not.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: For puzzles : www.techinterview.org

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They asked me about how serious I was regarding joining the company. They asked me if I had given GRE and whether I was apping in parallel. I was honest and told them that I was. Honesty pays. They asked me if I know anything about the company. Frankly, the only thing I knew then was the job profile and the fact that I can do it and enjoy it. Here too I was honest. Then they asked me to summarize the interview that I just gave in 1 sentence. The key here is to stay positive. Even if something doesn't seem to be going in your favor, try to take it on a positive note.
Tips: Your tech fundaes should be clear (especially for the fixed income group). For HR, atleast, read the company's website

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: General fundae regarding technology in computers. They asked me to describe my internship project at Webaroo. They asked me alternative / better ways to do some of the things that I was describing. They also asked me questions related to concepts in Java like Class-loading etc.

Skill Tips: Dress smart. Keep your clothes ironed and shoes polished the day before itself. Do not be rude to the interviewers. Keep a positive energy
College Name: IIT BOMBAY

Junior Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. If I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on the 3 financial statements
View answer (1)

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview Questionnaire 

7 Questions

  • Q1. Why DB (2 min)
  • Ans. 

    DB is a crucial component for storing and managing data in various applications.

    • DB stands for Database and is used to store and manage data in various applications.

    • It allows for efficient data retrieval and manipulation.

    • There are various types of databases such as relational, NoSQL, and graph databases.

    • Examples of popular DBMS include MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, and Neo4j.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Can some work you did at Microsoft be used in DB (I wasn’t at all expecting this but thought and found that an algo I designed could be applied to a problem in the stock market domain)?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, an algorithm I designed at Microsoft can be applied to a problem in the stock market domain.

    • I designed an algorithm at Microsoft that can be used in the stock market domain

    • The algorithm can be applied to solve a specific problem in the stock market

    • The work I did at Microsoft has potential applications in the financial industry

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Estimate your quant score. If you add your quant score to the avg finance score would that be highest overall score?
  • Ans. 

    Answering a question about estimating quant score and overall score in finance.

    • I estimate my quant score to be X based on my preparation and practice.

    • Adding my quant score to the avg finance score may or may not result in the highest overall score, as it depends on the scores of other candidates.

    • However, I am confident in my abilities and believe that I can perform well in both areas.

    • I am open to discussing my preparat...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Asked me to redo the pie chart question. I got it correct I think though I didn’t attempt it. They asked why I didn’t attempt finance (Reply : I wanted to do on thing well and time was a constraint)
  • Q5. Puzzle - express JEE rank as xy + yx (put y=1, x = rank - 1)
  • Q6. Didn’t Microsoft give you a PPO (I said no, which was technically true)? Why not Microsoft(note that they asked this though Microsoft was scheduled on Day 2) (2 min)?
  • Q7. Why not Tower Research (5 min)?
  • Ans. 

    Tower Research does not align with my career goals and interests.

    • I am looking for a company that aligns with my values and interests

    • I have researched Tower Research and do not feel it is the right fit for me

    • I am seeking a company with a strong focus on innovation and collaboration

    • Tower Research may be a great fit for others, but it is not the right fit for me

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 28 questions, 18 quantative + 10 financial awareness, negative marking. I took one pass through the Quant section, leaving about 5 questions, went on to the financial section, realized I wasn't going to score that well there so went back to Quant eventually attempting all 18, having to guess 1 answer since I ran out of time. I attempted probably 2-3 in financial. The test matters a lot to get shortlisted - some CSE students didn’t get shortlisted apparently because of a low test score. I would suggest that focus should be primarily on the quant section rather than the finance section - a friend in CSE who said he did well in the finance section didn’t get shortlisted.

1. Find next in sequence : 10,1,.......7,7...11,5 - don't remember the rest of the sequence but it looked random
initially it but if you take the difference between alternate terms an obvious pattern emerges .
2. Probability of two people telling the truth = 0.4,0.6 - what is the chance that they are inconsistent in what they say ?
3. A 3 digit number is a square less than 500, the reverse of the number is also a square. on repeating last digit still a square. What is the difference between the initial square, its reverse.
4. In a 1000m race if x gives y a head start of 40 meter, x wins by 10m. how much will x win by if y gives x a head start of 40m
5. With 16 matches, how many distinct triangles can you make?
6. You row at 7kmph in a calm lake. fisherman drops something 14 km upstream and the river current is 3kmph, how long will it take to reach you (14/7 = 2hrs ).
7. The sum of the multiples of 7 between 200 and 400 is what (trick was instead of calculating, to observe that the answer is odd and of the 5 options, only one was odd)?
8. Sum of consecutive page numbers in a book starting from 1 to n is 1000 - one page was repeated. which page was it? (idea was to subtract each choice from 1000 and see if it was n _ (n + 1)/2)
9. Last digit of 508508
10. 6 men + 4 women. Make a committee of 3 from them - Guy X wont be with Guy Y. Guy Y will be only with Woman Z in committee. How many ways of making the committee?
11. Run in circle of radius r. 1st 30 seconds at r meters/min, then next 1 min at r/2 m per min next 2 min at r/4 and so on. ratio of times taken in round n, previous round
12. |(x ? 11)/2| < 3 what is the range of x?
13. number of integer solutions to 3x + 6y = 13 (take 3 common on LHS and the answer is clear).
14. 5 students give an objective exam (+1 for correct, 0 for wrong) with 5 questions each with 5 choices. Their answers were given in a 5x5 matrix. Given they all got different marks, who got the lowest.
15. A,B,C,D stand in a line in increasing order of height. Given that X was shorter than Y but didnt stand first, and (a few more conditions) , who stood last? (X and Y had been specified as one of A, B, C, D - I don’t remember exactly since I gave the test 10 days back).

1. Rupee-dollar exchange rate (options were ranges of 1 rupee answer ws 39-40)
2. value of some index (some non-Indian East Asian country’s stock market - I forgot the name)
3. Effect of interest rate cuts on a bond coupon
4. Simple question on call option - which of following is not true about it
5. 1st Indian IT company to be listed on Nasdaq

6. Given a pie chart where it showed that for capital, a company relied 80% on equity and a small fraction on debts, what investment strategy is the company using? Conservative/Aggressive?
Duration: 40 min minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I was the last person DB interviewed that day. Towards the end, the interviewer said “I am sure you are going to join Tower Research and not DB”. They also seemed to have decided before I came in to the interview that I would get an offer with some other company and would not choose DB - kept attacking the answers I gave to ‘Why not Microsoft/Tower’. In hindsight maybe I shouldn't have listed all the 4 tech companies I had interned with.

College Name: IIT KANPUR

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed in Dec 2016.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: For CSE and EE students , CPI was not at all seem to be a criteria for shortlisting and almost all who have a decent profile got shortlisted for the test. However, for other department students they shortlisted above 9 CPI students.

Round: Test
Experience: It was a 2 hour test. It consisted of 3 sections-Quant , Machine Learning and Computer Science . Each section had 10 questions and 45 minutes were allotted for each section.
Being from non-CSE background I attempted only 2 sections ie. Quant and Machine Learning. Machine Learning section was fairly easy this time and almost all questions were standard. If someone has done an introductory course on Machine Learning and basic stats , this section was a cake walk for him. However , attempting quant section required some preparation of solving probability puzzles (computing expectations etc.) ,basic linear algebra and geometry base questions.
Duration: 2 hours

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I had 2 rounds of interview. Both were technical ones.
In the first interview , they asked some probability puzzles (from 50 challenging problems in probability book) . Since I had completed that book before , I was able to solve them . Then they asked 1-2 algorithm based questions like formulate an efficient algorithm for solving a particular problem. I was not able to solve them completely but tried to give them the overview of y approach. The interviewer didn't seem to be satisfied though. It lasted for around 20-25 minutes.He told me to wait outside . To my surprise, I was called for the 2nd round.
The second went better than the first round. They again asked questions on computing probability , expectations , constructing a Markov Chain for a a given problem etc. Since I had done 1 course in Fiance also , he asked me questions from it also which were quite easy. Then he began asking algorithms and asked me to explain a sorting algorithm and I chose Quick Sort. While explaining it , I got struck at one point but the interviewer was helping me by giving hints and I was able to explain it fully. The second round was quite exhaustive as it went on for around 45-60 minutes.

Skills: Problem Solving Abilties, Mathematical Aptitude, Algorithmic Approach To Problem Solving, Machine Learning, Statistical Method Basics
College Name: IIT Kanpur

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

Goldman Sachs user image Devendra Bendkhale

posted on 4 Dec 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Discussion on one of the project
  • Q2. Given a matrix containing several positive numbers find max path from bottom left to top right using only up and right steps
  • Ans. 

    Find max path from bottom left to top right in a matrix using only up and right steps.

    • Start from bottom left corner and move towards top right corner.

    • At each step, choose the maximum value between the cell above and the cell to the right.

    • Keep track of the sum of values in the chosen path.

    • The final sum is the maximum possible sum of values in a path from bottom left to top right.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Dice rolled several times until sum of outcomes till now comes greater than equal to hundred. What is most likely number to occur as final sum?
  • Ans. 

    The most likely number to occur as the final sum is 100.

    • The sum of the outcomes of the dice rolls will keep increasing until it reaches or exceeds 100.

    • Since the dice have equal probabilities for each outcome, the sum will have a higher chance of reaching 100.

    • The probability of rolling a sum greater than 100 decreases as the sum gets larger.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Cutting three random points on the circle of radius 1 centered at (0,0) . What is probability that point (1,0) lies in longest cut
  • Ans. 

    Finding probability of point (1,0) lying in longest cut of three random points on circle of radius 1 centered at (0,0)

    • The longest cut will be the one that spans the smallest angle between two of the three points

    • The probability can be found by calculating the area of the region where the longest cut includes point (1,0)

    • This can be done by finding the angle between (1,0) and the two other points and using trigonometry to...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 30 OBJECTIVE QUESTION 90 MIN . QUESTION LEVEL WAS TOUGH. GS Takes their tests very seriously
Tips: Do the section first which are you most famaliar with. They hire on section wise performance.

Skill Tips: Be calm . Approach is important than answer.

Skills: Analytical Skills, Coding Skills, Maths(esp Probability), Algorithm Analysis, Probabiity
College Name: IIT Guwahati

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questionnaire 

8 Questions

  • Q1. He explained my what is call value and put value in finance and asked me to plot it so that user maker maximum profit
  • Q2. Find the magic number in an sorted array. magic number is the one whose value and index position is same
  • Ans. 

    Find the magic number in a sorted array where value and index are same.

    • Iterate through the array and check if the value and index are same

    • If found, return the value

    • If not found, return -1

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Given a 2d matrix sorted row and column wise, search an element
  • Ans. 

    Searching an element in a sorted 2D matrix

    • Start from the top-right corner or bottom-left corner

    • Compare the target element with the current element

    • Move left or down if the target is smaller or move right or up if the target is larger

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Design a newspaper subscription system
  • Ans. 

    Design a newspaper subscription system

    • Create a user registration system

    • Allow users to select subscription plan and payment method

    • Provide options for delivery frequency and start/end dates

    • Send reminders for subscription renewal

    • Allow users to modify or cancel subscription

    • Track subscription history and payment records

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. A person can climb 1 or 2 stairs. Find the number of ways to jump n stairs
  • Ans. 

    Number of ways to jump n stairs if a person can climb 1 or 2 stairs.

    • Use dynamic programming to solve the problem.

    • The number of ways to jump n stairs is equal to the sum of ways to jump n-1 stairs and ways to jump n-2 stairs.

    • Base cases: if n=0, return 1 and if n=1, return 1.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. How will you mane a LRU Cache
  • Ans. 

    An LRU cache can be made using a doubly linked list and a hash map.

    • Create a doubly linked list to store the cache items.

    • Create a hash map to store the key-value pairs.

    • When a new item is added, check if the cache is full. If it is, remove the least recently used item from the linked list and hash map.

    • When an item is accessed, move it to the front of the linked list.

    • When an item is removed, remove it from both the linked

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Suppose you and I are playing a dice game. The one who get the lesser number looses the games. The dice has n sides. If I start the game, what is the probablity of you winning?
  • Ans. 

    Probability of winning a dice game where the one with lesser number wins.

    • The probability of winning depends on the number of sides on the dice.

    • If the dice has an odd number of sides, the probability of winning is higher for the second player.

    • If the dice has an even number of sides, the probability of winning is equal for both players.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Given 3 functions, f which gives the first day of the current month, g gives the next working day and h gives the previous working day, conpute the 3rd working day? Compute the 2nd working day of the previ...
  • Ans. 

    Compute working days using given functions f, g, and h.

    • To compute the 3rd working day, apply function g three times to function f.

    • To compute the 2nd working day of the previous month, apply function h to function f, then apply function g twice.

    • To compute the 4th working day of the next month, apply function g four times to function f.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were 30 questions divided into 3 sections(Computer Science fundamentals, Mathematics and Machine learning) each containing 10 questions. Each question was of 3 points with the negative marking of 1 mark. 60 students were shortlisted from this round.

2nd paper consisted of 3 questions in each section. Each section was of 30 points with each question of different weightage.
Tips: Time is more that sufficient. Focus on only one section but try to excel in that

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interviewers are very friendly and helped my if I got stuck anywhere

General Tips: Try to cover geeks for geeks as much as you can. It will help you a lot
Skills: Basics Of Machine Learning, Design Engineering, Probabiity, Algorithmic Approach To Problem Solving
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Motivation: Highly relevant work to my interests

Skills evaluated in this interview

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