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10+ Next Sphere Technologies Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. What are different software development models?
Software development models are frameworks used to structure, plan, and control the process of developing software.
Waterfall model
Agile model
Spiral model
Iterative and incremental model
V-shaped model
Prototype model
Q2. difference between authentication and authorization
Authentication verifies the identity of a user, while authorization determines what actions a user is allowed to perform.
Authentication confirms the user's identity through credentials like username and password
Authorization controls access to resources based on the authenticated user's permissions
Example: Logging into a system (authentication) vs. accessing specific files or features within the system (authorization)
Q3. What are async functions?
Async functions in JavaScript allow for asynchronous programming using the async/await syntax.
Async functions are defined using the 'async' keyword before the function declaration.
They allow for the use of the 'await' keyword within the function to pause execution until a promise is settled.
Async functions always return a promise.
Example: async function fetchData() { await fetch(''); }
Q4. What are node modules>?
Node modules are reusable code packages that can be easily imported and used in Node.js applications.
Node modules are JavaScript libraries that can be easily installed using npm (Node Package Manager).
They help in organizing code, improving code reusability, and managing dependencies.
Examples of popular node modules include Express.js for web applications, Lodash for utility functions, and Mongoose for MongoDB interactions.
Q5. what is runtime polymorphism
Runtime polymorphism is the ability of a function to behave differently based on the object it is called with.
Runtime polymorphism is achieved through method overriding in object-oriented programming.
It allows a subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by its superclass.
The actual method that gets called is determined at runtime based on the type of object.
Example: Animal class has a method 'makeSound', Dog and Cat classes override more
Q6. What are promises?
Promises are objects representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation.
Promises are used to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript.
They can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.
Promises can be chained together using .then() to handle success and failure.
Example: new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... }).then(result => { ... }).catch(error => { ... });
Q7. difference between c and cpp
C is a procedural programming language while C++ is a multi-paradigm programming language with object-oriented features.
C is a procedural programming language, while C++ supports both procedural and object-oriented programming.
C does not support classes and objects, while C++ does.
C does not have features like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, which are supported in C++.
C++ has additional features like templates, exceptions handling, and namespaces which are not more
Q8. what is polymorphism
Polymorphism is the ability of a function or method to behave differently based on the object it is acting upon.
Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass.
It enables a single interface to represent multiple data types.
Examples include method overloading and method overriding in object-oriented programming.
Q9. explain merge sort with code
Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that recursively splits an array into halves, sorts them, and then merges them back together.
Divide the array into two halves
Recursively sort each half
Merge the sorted halves back together
Q10. What is inheritance, bindings, static, final, exception handling, collections.
Inheritance, bindings, static, final, exception handling, collections are key concepts in software engineering.
Inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and behaviors from another class.
Bindings refer to the process of connecting data to a user interface element.
Static keyword is used to create class-level variables and methods.
Final keyword is used to make a variable, method, or class immutable.
Exception handling is a mechanism to handle runtime errors in a program. more
Q11. Difference between linked list and ArrayList.
Linked list is a data structure where elements are stored in nodes with pointers to the next node. ArrayList is a resizable array implementation.
Linked list allows for efficient insertion and deletion of elements, while ArrayList is faster for random access.
Linked list uses more memory due to storing pointers, while ArrayList uses contiguous memory for elements.
Example: LinkedList
linkedList = new LinkedList<>(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
Q12. Code for remove all white space from a string.
Code to remove all white space from a string.
Use built-in string functions like replace() or regex to remove white spaces.
Example: str.replace(/\s/g, '') will remove all white spaces from the string.
Q13. How to chose sql vs nosql
Choose SQL for structured data and complex queries, choose NoSQL for unstructured data and high scalability.
Consider data structure and complexity of queries
Choose SQL for ACID compliance and complex transactions
Choose NoSQL for high scalability and flexibility
Consider the need for horizontal scaling
Evaluate the consistency and availability requirements
Q14. Test design technique
Test design techniques are methods used to create test cases and scenarios for software testing.
Black box testing: focuses on the functionality of the software without looking at the internal code.
White box testing: examines the internal code structure and logic of the software.
Equivalence partitioning: divides input data into partitions of equivalent data.
Boundary value analysis: tests the boundaries of input ranges.
Decision table testing: creates a matrix of conditions and more
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