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JCAPCPL Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 26 Oct 2024

Top JCAPCPL Interview Questions and Answers

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Round 1 - Technical 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Explain annealing
  • Ans. 

    Annealing is a heat treatment process used to reduce hardness and increase ductility of a material.

    • Annealing involves heating a material to a specific temperature and then cooling it slowly to achieve desired properties.

    • It helps to relieve internal stresses, improve machinability, and enhance electrical conductivity.

    • Examples of materials that undergo annealing include steel, copper, and glass.

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Skills evaluated in this interview

Assistant Manager Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. You are Handling cash operations then how you manage operations with sales ?
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Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 1 Apr 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. It was a Personal interview ( technical + HR interview)

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Though we did not have a written round for JCAPCPL, while preparing for other written tests I practiced a lot of aptitude and verbal ability questions. I appeared an online aptitude test every day, to increase my calculation speed. Technical questions in the written rounds are very fundamental. Make a note of all the important equations and definitions when you read a subject. Pay extra attention to the subjects that concern the recruiting company, for example study Steelmaking and Iron making thoroughly for a steel company like Tata Steel. Talk to your seniors, and friends in other institutes and search for previous year questions if you can.
Tips: I had not cleared the written rounds for the first few companies (Future First, EXL and Affine) that visited our campus. I had made it through to the 2nd round of Mu Sigma (Video Synthesis) and GD round of Honda Cars Ltd., but was not selected. The primary reason I couldn’t clear the written rounds was my lack of practice of general aptitude questions. I was too slow and that does not help in a time bound test.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I have only been in one GD (for Honda Cars Ltd.) but did not get through. The experience, however, taught me a lot. It is very important that you speak English fluently. Stay updated on current affairs. Do not start a verbal argument in a GD. Being a good listener is as important as being a good speaker. Do not be diplomatic and try to back your stand with some stats if you can.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: PI rounds can be very unpredictable and one can never be too prepared. The first question in every interview is “Tell me about yourself”, so prepare a  strong but brief introduction. Be witty. Try to learn every tiny detail about the company before the interview. Revise your internship and final year project reports too. A lot of questions are asked about them. Interviewers are also very critical of your actions and reactions during an interview. Always sit straight and maintain eye-contact with the interviewers. Smile through the interview and don not let them know you are nervous.
Tips: Never bluff! If you do not know an answer; you can politely say that you don’t. For technical interviews, prepare at least 2 subjects thoroughly. Make sure that these subjects concern the company for which you appearing. Finally, prepare a couple of relevant questions to ask the interviewer in the end, but never ask about the salary or working hours

General Tips: Placement season can be tough, both mentally and emotionally. Do not be disheartened by rejections. Learn from your mistakes and work on them.Do not solely depend on campus placements and apply for off-campus recruitments too. You should always be prepared, campus dates are unpredictable. Practice a lot of questions and appear online mock tests regularly. Work on your body-language and speaking skills, you might not realize it now, but it is very important.
Skill Tips: Honestly, I have had a very challenging placement season. I had only one job offer, from TCS, in my 7th semester and it was not where I saw myself after graduation. It was frustrating. I was placed very early in the 8th semester and it was a big relief. The PCs have done a good job this season. Even though there was a lack of core companies for branches like Meta, Mining and Ceramic, there was an outpour of new IT, Analytics and startups that provided everyone with descent job opportunities, unlike previous years.
College Name: NIT ROURKELA
Motivation: Yes, I’m very satisfied with my placement. I had made up my mind to join a core company from the beginning of the placement season. Metallurgy placements, especially in core companies, have not been very satisfactory in the last couple of years. So, getting recruited by JCAPCPL, which is a joint venture of TATA Steel and Nippon Steel, is very relaxing.

Interview Questionnaire 

13 Questions

  • Q1. Draw stress-strain curve for mild steel and explain yield point elongation
  • Ans. 

    Stress-strain curve for mild steel and yield point elongation explained.

    • Mild steel has a linear elastic region followed by a yield point and then plastic deformation.

    • Yield point elongation is the increase in length of the material beyond the yield point.

    • It occurs due to the rearrangement of atoms in the crystal structure of the material.

    • Yield point elongation can affect the ductility and toughness of the material.

    • The s...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What are the different alloying elements in steel and what are their functions?
  • Ans. 

    Alloying elements in steel and their functions.

    • Carbon - increases hardness and strength

    • Chromium - improves corrosion resistance

    • Manganese - improves toughness and hardenability

    • Nickel - improves toughness and corrosion resistance

    • Molybdenum - improves strength and toughness at high temperatures

    • Vanadium - improves strength, toughness, and wear resistance

    • Tungsten - improves wear resistance and toughness

    • Silicon - improves st...

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  • Q3. What is the tip of a cutting tool made of?
  • Ans. 

    The tip of a cutting tool is typically made of a hard and durable material such as tungsten carbide or ceramic.

    • Cutting tool tips are often replaceable

    • The material used for the tip depends on the application

    • The tip must be able to withstand high temperatures and pressures

    • Examples of cutting tools include drills, saws, and milling cutters

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  • Q4. Different types of steels and their composition
  • Ans. 

    Steels are alloys of iron and carbon with varying composition. Different types of steels are used for different purposes.

    • Carbon steel - contains carbon as the main alloying element

    • Stainless steel - contains chromium and nickel for corrosion resistance

    • Tool steel - contains tungsten, molybdenum, and cobalt for high hardness and wear resistance

    • Alloy steel - contains other elements like manganese, silicon, and copper for s...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Difference between forming and forging
  • Ans. 

    Forming is a process of shaping metal by plastic deformation, while forging is a process of shaping metal by applying compressive forces.

    • Forming involves bending, stretching, and drawing metal into various shapes.

    • Forging involves heating metal and then applying compressive forces to shape it.

    • Forming is generally used for low-stress applications, while forging is used for high-stress applications.

    • Examples of forming inc...

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  • Q6. Explain tensile testing method. Draw and label a typical tensile test specimen
  • Ans. 

    Tensile testing is a method to determine the strength and ductility of materials under tension.

    • A sample is prepared with a specific shape and size according to the standard.

    • The sample is then placed in a tensile testing machine and subjected to a gradually increasing load.

    • The load is applied until the sample fractures or breaks.

    • The load and elongation are recorded throughout the test.

    • The stress and strain are calculate...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Tell us about your summer internship and B.Tech projects
  • Ans. 

    I completed a summer internship at XYZ company where I worked on developing a mobile application. For my B.Tech projects, I worked on developing a chatbot and a website for a local business.

    • Developed a mobile application during summer internship at XYZ company

    • Worked on developing a chatbot for B.Tech project

    • Developed a website for a local business as part of B.Tech project

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Tell us something about yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a highly motivated individual with a passion for learning and problem-solving.

    • I have a degree in computer science and have worked as a software engineer for 3 years.

    • I enjoy working in a team and collaborating with others to achieve common goals.

    • In my free time, I like to read books on technology and attend tech conferences to stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

    • I am also an avid traveler and have visited over 1

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  • Q9. What do you know about our company?
  • Ans. 

    GET is a company that provides [insert what the company does here].

    • GET is a [insert type of company here]

    • The company was founded in [insert year here]

    • GET has [insert number of employees here] employees

    • Some of GET's clients include [insert client names here]

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  • Q10. What are you extra-curricular achievements?
  • Ans. 

    I have been actively involved in various sports and cultural activities throughout my academic years.

    • Participated in inter-school basketball championship and won the second prize.

    • Organized and performed in the annual cultural fest of my college.

    • Volunteered for a local NGO and helped in organizing a charity event.

    • Attended a national level debate competition and secured the third position.

    • Completed a course in photograph

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. Give an instance each from your personal and professional life where you had overcome a hardship
  • Ans. 

    Overcoming personal and professional hardships

    • Personal: Overcoming anxiety and depression through therapy and self-care

    • Professional: Overcoming a difficult project deadline by delegating tasks and prioritizing

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  • Q12. Do you mind working in the night-shift or on weekends?
  • Ans. 

    I am open to working in night-shifts and on weekends if required.

    • I understand that some jobs require working outside regular hours

    • I am willing to adjust my schedule to meet the needs of the job

    • I have experience working in night-shifts and on weekends

    • I value work-life balance and will ensure to take care of my health and well-being

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  • Q13. What is your aim in life?
  • Ans. 

    My aim in life is to make a positive impact on the world and leave a lasting legacy.

    • To contribute to society through my work and personal life

    • To inspire and motivate others to achieve their goals

    • To leave a positive impact on the environment and future generations

    • To continuously learn and grow as a person

    • Examples: starting a non-profit organization, volunteering, mentoring, pursuing a career in a field that aligns with

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Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The company directly shortlisted the top 10 students from our class for the interview round.
Tips: Try to maintain a decent CGPA. It is important.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I had a good technical interview. I was able to answer most of the questions. There were also a few questions I did not know the answers to and I told them that. They asked me to draw and explain a stress-strain curves and also write the steelmaking reactions. There was also a discussion on my summer internship project and my final year project, which I explained properly. They enquired about our department facilities and lab courses.
Tips: PI rounds can be very unpredictable and one can never be too prepared.

For technical interviews, prepare at least 2 subjects thoroughly. Make sure that these subjects concern the company for which you appearing. Never bluff! If you do not know an answer; you can politely say that you don’t. Do not be nervous; the questions are usually very fundamental.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR questions were very common and easy. I had answers prepared for each of them. The HR interviewers seemed much more friendlier than the technical interviewers.They asked me about my childhood and my family background. They made me feel very comfortable and relaxed. It was part of the reason why I had a very good HR interview compared to my technical one.
Tips: The most common and the first HR question you are asked is “Introduce yourself.” Prepare a strong but brief answer for this. Interviewers are also very critical of your actions and reactions during an interview. Always sit straight and maintain eye-contact with the interviewers. Smile through the interview and don not let them know that you are nervous. Also avoid making gestures with your hands and sit still. Most importantly, read everything about the company, its work culture, its projects, partners and products.

General Tips: Do not be afraid to take up new challenges. Your every experience, good or bad, will teach you something new and prepare you to face even the worst adversity. Get diligently involved in extra-curricular activities, but at the same time do not neglect your career. Many may tell you that your CGPA does not matter but in reality it does. Try to explore new fields. You don’t have to succeed but experience it.
Skills: Fundamental Concepts of the branch, Good communication skills, Fluency in English
College Name: NIT ROURKELA
Motivation: I was interested in a core job and was really excited when I learnt that JCAPCPL is a joint venture of 2 of the largest steel producing corporations: Tata Steel and Nippon Steel.

Top JCAPCPL Graduate Engineer Trainee (Get) Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. What are the different alloying elements in steel and what are their functions?
View answer (1)

Graduate Engineer Trainee (Get) Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Q: 1 What is IC engine? What is the types of IC engine? Q:2 Difference between Otto cycle and Diesel cycle? What is the process of both cycle and what is the effeciency of both cycle ? Which one is good in effeciency? Q:3 Difference between... read more
View answer (2)

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I was fulfilling their criteria of 60% through out the academics.

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude was easy. It contained basics of Quants & Logic . Verbal or English part was bit difficult and length. There was a sectional time and sectional cut off.

Round: Interview
Experience: There was only one interview. Both Technical and HR questions were asked in the same interview. Prepare puzzles from the book Puzzles to puzzle you by Shakuntala Devi. This book helped me a lot. Technical questions were very basic but nearly from every subject.

General Tips: BE CONFIDENT. Speak Confident in Interview even if you are not good with ur english.
Skills: English language, Communication Skills, Reasoning Abilities
College Name: Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College Aurangabad

Assistant Trainee Interview Questions & Answers


posted on 9 Feb 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

22 Questions

  • Q1. What are the subjects you have command in?
  • Q2. Tell me about your final year project?
  • Q3. Tell me about the industrial training you had?
  • Q4. How does an induction motor works?
  • Q5. Why motor is rated in KW whereas Transformer and generator in KVA?
  • Ans. 

    Motors are rated in KW because they consume power, while transformers and generators are rated in KVA because they produce power.

    • Motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, so they consume power and are rated in KW.

    • Transformers and generators produce electrical energy, so they are rated in KVA based on their apparent power.

    • KVA takes into account both the real power (KW) and the reactive power (KVAR) produc...

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  • Q6. What is the type of motor used in ceiling fans?
  • Ans. 

    The type of motor used in ceiling fans is an induction motor.

    • Ceiling fans typically use single-phase induction motors.

    • These motors are designed to provide a constant speed and are efficient in converting electrical energy into mechanical energy.

    • The motor consists of a stator and a rotor, with the stator being the stationary part and the rotor being the rotating part.

    • The stator contains windings that create a rotating m...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Hoe does a thermal power plant works?
  • Ans. 

    A thermal power plant generates electricity by converting heat energy into mechanical energy.

    • Thermal power plants use fossil fuels or nuclear energy to heat water and produce steam.

    • The steam drives a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity.

    • The heat source can be coal, natural gas, oil, or nuclear reactions.

    • The steam is condensed back into water and recycled in a closed-loop system.

    • Thermal p...

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  • Q8. Write a program to make a GP
  • Ans. 

    A program to generate a geometric progression (GP).

    • Take the first term, common ratio and number of terms as input.

    • Use a loop to calculate each term of the GP.

    • Print the generated GP as output.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. Write a program to print factorial using recursion
  • Ans. 

    A program to print factorial using recursion

    • Define a function to calculate factorial recursively

    • Base case: if the number is 0 or 1, return 1

    • Recursive case: multiply the number with factorial of (number - 1)

    • Print the factorial of a given number

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  • Q10. Write the logic to reverse a string without using string fnctions
  • Ans. 

    Logic to reverse a string without using string functions

    • Iterate through the string from the last character to the first

    • Create a new string and append each character to it in reverse order

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  • Q11. Tell me about yourself?
  • Q12. What are your hobbies?
  • Q13. Apart from your technical pat and studies what have you done in college?
  • Q14. What do you prefer, ethics or values?
  • Q15. Suppose you are working in office and somebody came and slapped you, what will you do?
  • Q16. Tell me about yourself for 5 minutes
  • Q17. What are your views about Mr. Narendra Modi as PM of India
  • Q18. Any extra curricular activities you have participated in school or college
  • Q19. What are your strengths?
  • Q20. What are your weaknesses?
  • Q21. Being an Electrical engineer why do you want to join an IT company
  • Q22. What do you know about TCS?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: In email writing one question was given describing the situation and maximum word limit. It has the keywords given to be used. 1 question, 10 minutes.This section is generally used to check your verbal ability. Make sure to use all the keywords given and complete it within time, with no spelling mistakes of course. Missing a keyword or a spelling mistake could be your goodbye to qualified list.The second section had 30 questions of quantitative aptitude. Duration 70 mins. There are questions from various sections, such as Time and speed, Time and distance, Data interpretation,etc.There are 2-3 star marked questions which have more weight-age. There my also be a dummy question who doesn't have any matching answer. Make sure uh don't attempt these questions.26-27 questions is the cut-off for qualified list.But you have to do the email writing part correctly.
Tips: Practice email writing online from various websites such as technicalbaba.com, indiageeks.comPractice quantitative aptitude as it is a must in any interview you will face. you can use R.S.Agarwal or CAT material.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 30 + 1

Round: Interview
Experience: Greeting the interviewer is a must. Be confident and enthusiastic. Have your resume properly ready. Technical questions from your subject will be asked. Not a must that you should know any programming language like C, C++, JAVA.
Tips: Prepare 3-4 subjects of your core branch. Never try to flatter the interviewer. Be confident and answer the questions appropriately. Dont say directly " I DON'T KNOW". Atleast try even if you dont know the answer.

Round: Interview
Experience: There are certain questions which doesnt have direct answers. You have to be diplomatic about them. You should be able to see all the possible situation when a question like that is asked.

Round: Interview
Experience: The HR head may manipulate you, try to stress you, etc. Be calm and confident.Think before you speak. Prepare your answers before hand for general questions. Write your introduction on a paper and prepare it well so that you speak it confidently...
Tips: Be yourself. Be confident. Never argue with the interviewer.All the best

General Tips: Be presentable in the interview. Wear a watch. Show respect to the interviewer. Prepare 3-4 technical subjects well. Read last 15 days newspaper. Be confident when you speak. Improve your English if you are weak in it.
Skill Tips: ""
Skills: Verbal ability, Attitude, Technical knowledge, General knowledge
Motivation: TCS is a semi government company with a decent package and high job security.

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Shortlist is done based on the result of the test conducted. The test consists of two parts basic quantitative skills and a short essay to test your English
Tips: Math and Puzzle solving skills are useful They were looking for people with good math skills and team player

Round: Interview
Experience: Interview was held in two rounds. No technical round is held. One should be prepared for basic HR questions, your understanding of your projects etc.
Tips: There is no technical round and no emphasis on technical background
Prepare for all the basic HR questions beforehand, write them down
Get to know your resume very well

College Name: IIT Madras

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: No one would be eliminated in this round. They will provide you ample time - around 40-50 minutes to write a response on a case study. The topic would be new and unheard of, but you can think and write peacefully in that amount of time.
Tips: Make sure you highlight the points made and do remember them for the Group Discussion phase.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: One-third of the guys will get selected for the interviews from each group of 8-10 guys. The topic of the GD would be same as the case study. Now, its time for you to recall the points you made during the writing section. The GD will last for around 15-20 minutes.
Tips: Good communication skills, relaxed but expressive tone. Don’t be silent and try to speak up whenever you get a chance. Try to bring new air into the discussion and think from all the different perspectives. You should speak at least 2-3 times, even if you just say 1-2 sentences each time. That will do. They also individually ask each person to speak, specifically those who could not speak, but you had better not be that guy or girl. There is no need to fight for summarizing the GD. Try to show that you are involved throughout the GD.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There will be two guys, one from technical and the other HR. They both ask questions at the same time and they discuss among each other as well. They mostly try to detect any fraud or fake thing you did in your project or intern. All the technical questions come from your CV. So, your fate is kind of in your hands only.
Tips: Prepare hard for Projects, Internships etc. Don’t panic. They try to see how you react in a pressure situation and actually behave as if you are not impressing them. Just be calm and keep on speaking. If there is something you want to say and they interrupt you, its better you ask them to give you a chance to explain it in details. Do have a few questions in mind to ask them about your job profile and Wipro. That is the final nail in the coffin.

Skill Tips: A minimum CGPA of 8.0 was mentioned and later they relaxed it to 7.9. They were giving quite some importance to the Internships and Projects undertaken and were trying to judge if you actually did something new and genuine. They were dwelling deep into it. As I said, prepare well for them just like you prepare for BTech Project Viva. They do ask a lot of questions.HR questions should be prepared thoroughly. A background check of Wipro and IT sector companies is a must. Prepare well for group discussions. Try to get background information about the IT sector and the company. Prepare your CV thoroughly.

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Asked questions about the projects which were mentioned in the resume
  • Q2. A few questions were asked about the core intern which I did
  • Q3. Asked about the family background

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Interview
Experience: 1st round: Panel of two. Asked questions about the projects which were mentioned in the resume. A few questions were asked about the core intern which I did. Asked about the family background.10 got selected in the next round of interviews.
I think for the second round of interviews they selected on basis of CG.
No case studies were asked Just my opinion was asked in certain topics in the second interview which was taken by the partner of the firm. He asked my opinion about construction in India.
I did well in the interview and they liked my story about my projects.
Tips: I think for the second round of interviews they selected on basis of CG.
I started preparing in Mid-November. I think placement is more about yourself. Starting earlier doesn't help.

General Tips: 2nd years: Decide where your interest lies. Have a decent CG at least above 8.
3rd years: Know your interest. Have mock PIs and GDs. 

Be genuine. If you don’t know something just tell them, do not act to be over-smart.Just revise your basic level courses. Revise Contracts, IPM, Construction Management.
Skill Tips: Just revise your basic level courses.Revise Contracts, IPM, Construction Management.
College Name: IIT MADRAS

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Walk in
Experience: Initial shortlist was Walk-In.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Duration: 50 mins.
Resume based.

General Tips:  Have a good number of projects and know each and every aspect of the projects mentioned
 Have the ability to relate course content to the project development
Skill Tips: They were looking for Product Designers.
College Name: IIT-Madras

Interview Questionnaire 

7 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a software engineer with experience in developing and maintaining software applications.

    • I have a strong background in programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python.

    • I have worked on various projects, including developing web applications and implementing software solutions.

    • I am skilled in problem-solving and debugging, ensuring efficient and effective software development.

    • I have experience in collaborating wi...

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  • Q2. What are your objectives
  • Q3. What are you going to do for companies betterment
  • Q4. What is your final year project all about
  • Q5. What you learned from your summer intenship
  • Ans. 

    I learned valuable teamwork and problem-solving skills during my summer internship.

    • Developed strong collaboration skills by working with a team of software engineers to complete projects

    • Gained experience in troubleshooting and debugging software issues

    • Learned to effectively communicate and present technical concepts to both technical and non-technical stakeholders

    • Improved problem-solving abilities by identifying and re...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. What you learned from your winter intenship
  • Q7. Do you have any question

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Verbal section was a easy section,It comprised of Comprehension,Spotting errors,Synonyms,Antonyms,Relationship between two given words,Rearranging the sentences.Logical reasoning the second section in which problems on data interpretation,blood relations,syllogism,where there with little bit difficulty.third section was of quant we usual  think it's easy but this was a tough one! with standard problems,percentage,profit loss,speed distance time.....etc.
Tips: While,attempting verbal part always give most appropriate answers.Options may be more confusing and closer one but you have to select the correct one!!!!! Always check for sectional cutoff and if its there then try to attempt each section properly if not then concentrate on section in which you are strong....refer to sites such as IndiaBIX, M4maths, freshersworld for aptitude questions
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 75

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD was not a round included for Capgemini placement test,Pearson versant english test was there once you clear your apti but due to technical faults GD was the round taken.There was a group of 10 people and we were given topic and 5 mins for preparation then GD was started.I was the second one to speak on the topic,I was in the favour of MNC because I really feel that for freshers Indian IT company is not very great start.Rather if one starts with MNC then it gets a brand name associated with them and also global exposure for one.And also Indian IT sectors are largely collaborating with the MNCs so for fresher MNC is a good start than Indian IT company.
Tips: I will suggest you to understand the topic well,jot down the points you want to say and then always initiate for the GD do not argue,just humbly disagree to the topic,do not get personal in it...as soon as you start the supervisor judges you so do not hesitate and just put your points confidently only your English is judged by this...
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: As I entered they  checked me from top to bottom means how formally you are dressed and shoes,then asked for my resume and started to see and verify each and everything written in it is true and genuine.And both TR and HR interview was taken simultaneously.My interview was the quicker one they just started with name then all above mentioned questions....
Tips: Go properly dressed with shoes polished,do not panic or try to recollect what you  have prepared just be genuine.Write resume neatly and study it well they scan it and ask most questions from it...

Round: Pearson versant English test
Experience: This test consist of two sections firstly the telephonic round in which we were provided with one toll free number and  unique test-id then it was for about 20 mins we talked on telephone.The questions asked were on basic english,like  repeat the sentences,correct the jumbled sentences,complete the sentences,answer in yes or no.Second test was a computer based test for 60 mins in which complete the sentences synonyms,copying the passage,email writing ,listen and write,were few of the questions directed.this test is taken mainly to check your english and writing skills.
Tips: Be clear and loud enough in telephonic test,and search placement papers of every company you sit for.

General Tips: "Try try you will succeed" always believe on this saying and keep giving tests if you failed in one!!
Motivation: Capgemini is one of good MNC its under top 10 best IT companies also its symbol spade which represented free enivronment to work and moto "People matter,results count".motivated me to join it!

JCAPCPL Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in JCAPCPL interview?
JCAPCPL interview process usually has 1 rounds. The most common rounds in the JCAPCPL interview process are Technical.
What are the top questions asked in JCAPCPL interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the JCAPCPL interview -

  1. What are the different alloying elements in steel and what are their functio...read more
  2. Draw stress-strain curve for mild steel and explain yield point elongat...read more
  3. What is the tip of a cutting tool made ...read more

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JCAPCPL Interview Process

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₹5 L/yr - ₹9 L/yr

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₹7.1 L/yr - ₹13 L/yr

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₹7 L/yr - ₹11 L/yr

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₹6 L/yr - ₹12.5 L/yr

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₹25 L/yr - ₹33 L/yr

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