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Google Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 4 Mar 2025

Top Google Interview Questions and Answers

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825 interviews found

Interview Questionnaire 

7 Questions

  • Q1. Image data structure: An image(square image) can be stored as a tree: A node is white if the image is white, is black if the image is black, and is mixed if it contains both. White and black nodes are leav...
  • Q2. There is a dictionary containing words in sorted order. These words consist of some alien alphabets. Using the dictionary, find out the ordering between the alphabets. For eg, if English was the alien lang...
  • Q3. A / b c / / d e f g Print the nodes in the following order: a, b, c, g, f, e, d, h, i, j, k, l ,m, n, o and so on. Which all data structures are used? Can we use just 1?
  • Ans. 

    Multiple data structures are used to print nodes in a specific order. One data structure cannot be used alone.

    • The given order suggests a depth-first search traversal of a tree-like structure.

    • A stack can be used to keep track of the nodes to be visited.

    • A queue can be used to store the children of a node in the order they are visited.

    • An array can be used to store the nodes in the required order.

    • A linked list can be used ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Given 2 strings like bangalore and blr, return whether one appears as a subsequence of the other. The above case returns true whereas bangalore and brl returns false
  • Q5. Given n pens and n tops, each pen (and each top) having a size different than the other and each pen fitting exactly one top, find the largest pen using minimum number of comparisons. A comparison involves...
  • Ans. 

    Find largest pen using minimum comparisons with tops.

    • Divide pens into two groups and compare largest pen from each group with largest top.

    • Repeat the process with the group containing the largest pen until only one pen is left.

    • The remaining pen is the largest pen.

    • Total number of comparisons required is 2n-3.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Given n dice, each of 'a' sides and a sum b, return the number of ways in which the sum b can be obtained. How can you reduce the time complexity and space complexity?
  • Ans. 

    Given n dice with 'a' sides and sum b, return no. of ways to obtain b. Optimize time and space complexity.

    • Use dynamic programming to reduce time complexity

    • Create a 2D array to store the number of ways to obtain each sum for each number of dice

    • Use rolling arrays to optimize space complexity

    • Example: n=2, a=6, b=7 -> 6 ways to obtain sum 7

    • Example: n=3, a=4, b=8 -> 21 ways to obtain sum 8

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Given 2 machines, each having 64 GB RAM, containing all integers (8 byte), sort the entire 128 GB data. You may assume a small amount of additional RAM. Extend this to sort data stored in 1000 machines
  • Ans. 

    Sort 128 GB data on 2 machines with 64 GB RAM each. Extend to 1000 machines.

    • Use external sorting algorithm like merge sort or quick sort

    • Divide data into smaller chunks and sort them individually

    • Merge sorted chunks using additional RAM

    • For 1000 machines, use distributed sorting algorithms like MapReduce or Hadoop

    • Ensure data consistency and fault tolerance in distributed sorting

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There was a preliminary test, wherein questions on discrete structures, data structures, algorithms, math (permutation, combinations, probability) and operating systems were asked. There was also a programming question to code (on paper). It took them around 3 weeks to shortlist students selected for interviews.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It took them about a month's time to announce results!

College Name: Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai [ VJTI ]

Skills evaluated in this interview

Top Google Software Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Painter's Partition Problem Statement Given an array/list representing boards, where each element denotes the length of a board, and a number ‘K’ of available painters, determine the minimum time required to paint all boards. Each unit leng... read more
View answer (2)

Software Developer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Maximum Subarray Sum Problem Statement Given an array of integers, determine the maximum possible sum of any contiguous subarray within the array. Example: Input: array = [34, -50, 42, 14, -5, 86] Output: 137 Explanation: The maximum sum is... read more
View answer (42)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Interview Questions 

(20 Questions)

  • Q1. Explain the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList in Java. When would you choose one over the other?
  • Ans. 

    ArrayList and LinkedList are both classes in Java that implement the List interface, but they have different underlying data structures.

    • ArrayList uses a dynamic array to store elements, providing fast random access but slower insertion and deletion.

    • LinkedList uses a doubly linked list to store elements, providing fast insertion and deletion but slower random access.

    • Choose ArrayList when you need fast random access and ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Java’s synchronized keyword for thread synchronization? Can you explain how the ReentrantLock compares to synchronized?
  • Ans. 

    Using synchronized keyword for thread synchronization in Java has advantages like simplicity and disadvantages like potential for deadlock. ReentrantLock offers more flexibility and control.

    • Advantages of synchronized keyword: simplicity, built-in support in Java

    • Disadvantages of synchronized keyword: potential for deadlock, lack of flexibility

    • ReentrantLock offers more control over locking, ability to try and lock with t...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. What is the difference between == and .equals() in Java? When should each be used, and what issues can arise from improper usage?
  • Ans. 

    In Java, == compares memory addresses while .equals() compares values of objects. Improper usage can lead to unexpected results.

    • Use == to compare primitive data types or check if two objects reference the same memory address.

    • Use .equals() to compare the values of objects, such as strings or custom classes.

    • Improper usage of == with objects can lead to unexpected results as it compares memory addresses, not values.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. How does the Java garbage collector work? Can you describe the different types of garbage collection algorithms available in Java?
  • Ans. 

    The Java garbage collector is responsible for automatically managing memory by reclaiming unused objects.

    • The garbage collector in Java runs in the background and automatically reclaims memory from objects that are no longer in use.

    • There are different types of garbage collection algorithms in Java, such as Serial, Parallel, CMS, G1, and ZGC.

    • Each garbage collection algorithm has its own characteristics and is suitable fo

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. What are the main features of Java 8? Can you explain how lambdas and the Stream API have changed the way Java applications are written?
  • Ans. 

    Java 8 introduced features like lambdas and Stream API which have revolutionized the way Java applications are written.

    • Lambdas allow for more concise and readable code by enabling functional programming paradigms.

    • Stream API provides a way to process collections of objects in a functional style, making code more expressive and efficient.

    • Java 8 also introduced default methods in interfaces, allowing for backward compatib...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Describe the differences between checked and unchecked exceptions in Java. Provide examples and explain how to handle them properly.
  • Ans. 

    Checked exceptions are checked at compile time, while unchecked exceptions are not. Proper handling involves either catching or declaring the exception.

    • Checked exceptions must be either caught or declared in the method signature using the 'throws' keyword.

    • Unchecked exceptions do not need to be caught or declared, but can still be handled using try-catch blocks.

    • Examples of checked exceptions include IOException and Clas...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. What is the Java Memory Model, and how does it affect multithreading and synchronization? How does volatile help ensure memory visibility?
  • Ans. 

    The Java Memory Model defines how threads interact through memory and how synchronization ensures data consistency.

    • Java Memory Model specifies how threads interact with memory, ensuring data consistency

    • It defines rules for reading and writing shared variables in a multithreaded environment

    • Synchronization mechanisms like synchronized blocks and locks ensure proper visibility and ordering of memory operations

    • The 'volatil...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Can you explain the difference between method overloading and method overriding in Java? Provide examples where each should be used.
  • Ans. 

    Method overloading is when multiple methods have the same name but different parameters, while method overriding is when a subclass provides a specific implementation of a method in its superclass.

    • Method overloading is achieved within the same class by having multiple methods with the same name but different parameters.

    • Method overriding occurs in a subclass that provides a specific implementation of a method that is al...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. What are functional interfaces in Java? How do they work with lambda expressions? Provide an example of a custom functional interface.
  • Ans. 

    Functional interfaces in Java are interfaces with a single abstract method. They can be used with lambda expressions for functional programming.

    • Functional interfaces have only one abstract method, but can have multiple default or static methods.

    • Lambda expressions can be used to implement the abstract method of a functional interface concisely.

    • An example of a custom functional interface is 'Calculator' with a single abs

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. What is a Java Stream, and how does it differ from an Iterator? Explain how Streams can be used to process collections efficiently.
  • Ans. 

    Java Stream is a sequence of elements that supports functional-style operations. It differs from Iterator by allowing for more concise and declarative code.

    • Streams can process elements in a collection in a declarative way, allowing for functional-style operations like map, filter, and reduce.

    • Streams do not store elements, they operate on the source data structure (e.g., List) directly.

    • Iterators are used to iterate over...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. Explain the concept of immutability in Java. How does the String class achieve immutability, and what are the advantages of immutable objects?
  • Ans. 

    Immutability in Java means objects cannot be modified after creation. String class achieves immutability by not allowing changes to its value.

    • Immutability means once an object is created, its state cannot be changed.

    • String class achieves immutability by making its value final and not providing any methods to modify it.

    • Advantages of immutable objects include thread safety, caching, and easier debugging.

    • Example: String s...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. What is the difference between final, finally, and finalize in Java? Provide examples to illustrate their usage.
  • Ans. 

    final, finally, and finalize have different meanings in Java.

    • final is a keyword used to declare constants, immutable variables, or prevent method overriding.

    • finally is a block used in exception handling to execute code after try-catch block.

    • finalize is a method used for cleanup operations before an object is garbage collected.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q13. Explain the Singleton design pattern in Java. How can you implement it safely to ensure thread safety?
  • Ans. 

    Singleton design pattern ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.

    • Create a private static instance of the class.

    • Provide a public static method to access the instance.

    • Use synchronized keyword or double-checked locking to ensure thread safety.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q14. What are Java annotations, and how are they used in frameworks like Spring? Explain the difference between built-in and custom annotations.
  • Ans. 

    Java annotations are metadata that provide data about a program but do not affect the program itself. They are used in frameworks like Spring to configure and customize behavior.

    • Java annotations are used to provide metadata about a program, such as information about classes, methods, or fields.

    • In frameworks like Spring, annotations are used to configure various aspects of the application, such as defining beans, handli...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q15. How do Java Streams handle parallel processing? What are the potential pitfalls of using parallel streams, and how can they be mitigated?
  • Ans. 

    Java Streams handle parallel processing by splitting the data into multiple chunks and processing them concurrently.

    • Java Streams use the Fork/Join framework to split the data into chunks and process them in parallel.

    • Potential pitfalls include increased overhead due to thread management, potential race conditions, and decreased performance for small datasets.

    • Pitfalls can be mitigated by ensuring thread safety, avoiding ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q16. Explain the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList in Java. ArrayList is implemented as a dynamic array, while LinkedList is a doubly linked list. ArrayList provides fast random access (O(1) complexi...
  • Ans. 

    ArrayList is preferred for frequent retrieval operations, while LinkedList is suitable for frequent insertions/deletions.

    • Use ArrayList when you need fast random access and retrieval operations, such as searching for elements in a list.

    • Choose LinkedList when you need fast insertions/deletions, especially at the beginning or end of the list.

    • Consider memory overhead and performance trade-offs when deciding between ArrayLi...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Java’s synchronized keyword for thread synchronization? The synchronized keyword ensures that only one thread can access a block of code at a time. It pr...
  • Ans. 

    ReentrantLock should be used instead of synchronized when more flexibility and control over locking mechanisms is needed.

    • Use ReentrantLock when you need to implement custom locking strategies or require advanced features like tryLock() and lockInterruptibly()

    • ReentrantLock supports fair locking mechanisms, ensuring that threads acquire the lock in the order they requested it

    • ReentrantLock allows for more fine-grained con...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q18. What is the difference between == and .equals() in Java? == checks for reference equality, meaning it compares memory addresses. equals() checks for value equality, which can be overridden in user-defined...
  • Ans. 

    In Java, == checks for reference equality while equals() checks for value equality. Misuse of == can lead to logical errors.

    • Override equals() when you want to compare the actual content of objects in user-defined classes.

    • Override hashCode() alongside equals() to ensure consistent behavior in hash-based collections.

    • Implement Comparable interface and override compareTo() for natural ordering of objects.

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  • Q19. How does the Java garbage collector work? Garbage collection in Java automatically reclaims memory occupied by unused objects. The JVM has different types of GC algorithms, including Serial, Parallel, CMS...
  • Ans. 

    Garbage collection in Java automatically reclaims memory occupied by unused objects using different algorithms and memory regions.

    • Force garbage collection in Java using System.gc() or Runtime.getRuntime().gc()

    • Not recommended to force garbage collection as it can cause performance issues and disrupt the JVM's optimization

    • Example: System.gc();

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  • Q20. What are the main features of Java 8? Java 8 introduced lambda expressions, enabling functional-style programming. The Stream API allows efficient data processing with map, filter, and reduce operations. ...
  • Ans. 

    Lambda expressions in Java 8 improve readability and maintainability by allowing concise and functional-style programming.

    • Lambda expressions reduce boilerplate code by providing a more compact syntax for implementing functional interfaces.

    • They make code more readable by focusing on the behavior being passed as an argument, rather than the mechanics of how it is implemented.

    • Lambda expressions enable developers to write ...

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Top Google Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. If your Wi-Fi router is not working then what you will do to fix it?
View answer (14)

Software Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Bridge and torch problem : Four people come to a river in the night. There is a narrow bridge, but it can only hold two people at a time. They have one torch and, because it's night, the torch has to be used when crossing the bridge. Person... read more
View answer (196)
Google Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
illustration image
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Selected Selected
Round 1 - One-on-one 

(3 Questions)

  • Q1. I am interested for jobs Data Entry operator
  • Q2. How is possible google for my jobs I am very happy Thanksgiving
  • Q3. I needed for this job
Round 2 - Nothing 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. 8 years Experience working from Data Entry operator
  • Q2. BNMU Madhepura District

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - I am handle for this job very good improvement

Data Entry Operator Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. What is skills matrix of Return center Department?
View answer (43)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
2-4 weeks
Selected Selected

I was interviewed in Jan 2025.

Round 1 - Interview Questions 

(5 Questions)

  • Q1. Explain the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList in Java. When would you choose one over the other?
  • Ans. 

    ArrayList and LinkedList are both classes in Java that implement the List interface, but they have different underlying data structures.

    • ArrayList uses a dynamic array to store elements, allowing fast random access but slower insertion and deletion.

    • LinkedList uses a doubly linked list to store elements, allowing fast insertion and deletion but slower random access.

    • Choose ArrayList when you need fast random access and kn...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Java’s synchronized keyword for thread synchronization? Can you explain how the ReentrantLock compares to synchronized?
  • Ans. 

    Using synchronized keyword for thread synchronization in Java has advantages like simplicity and disadvantages like potential for deadlock. ReentrantLock offers more flexibility and control.

    • Advantages of synchronized keyword: simplicity, built-in support in Java

    • Disadvantages of synchronized keyword: potential for deadlock, lack of flexibility

    • ReentrantLock offers more control over locking, ability to try and acquire loc

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  • Q3. What is the difference between == and .equals() in Java? When should each be used, and what issues can arise from improper usage?
  • Ans. 

    In Java, == compares memory addresses while .equals() compares object contents.

    • Use == to compare primitive data types and object references.

    • Use .equals() to compare object contents, such as strings.

    • Improper usage can lead to unexpected results, as == may not always work as expected with objects.

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  • Q4. How does the Java garbage collector work? Can you describe the different types of garbage collection algorithms available in Java?
  • Ans. 

    The Java garbage collector automatically manages memory by reclaiming unused objects.

    • Java garbage collector runs in the background to reclaim memory from objects that are no longer in use.

    • Different types of garbage collection algorithms in Java include Serial, Parallel, CMS, G1, and Z Garbage Collector.

    • For example, Serial GC is a single-threaded collector suitable for small applications, while G1 GC is designed for lar

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  • Q5. What are the main features of Java 8? Can you explain how lambdas and the Stream API have changed the way Java applications are written?
  • Ans. 

    Java 8 introduced features like lambdas and Stream API which have revolutionized the way Java applications are written.

    • Lambdas allow for more concise and readable code by enabling functional programming paradigms.

    • Stream API provides a way to process collections of objects in a functional style, allowing for easier parallel processing and improved performance.

    • Java 8 also introduced default methods in interfaces, allowin...

  • Answered by AI

Top Google Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. If your Wi-Fi router is not working then what you will do to fix it?
View answer (14)

Software Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Bridge and torch problem : Four people come to a river in the night. There is a narrow bridge, but it can only hold two people at a time. They have one torch and, because it's night, the torch has to be used when crossing the bridge. Person... read more
View answer (196)

Google interview questions for popular designations

 Software Engineer


 Software Developer




 Senior Software Engineer


 Software Developer Intern




 Softwaretest Engineer


 Data Analyst


Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Selected Selected

I applied via Company Website and was interviewed in Dec 2024. There were 3 interview rounds.

Round 1 - HR 

(6 Questions)

  • Q1. What. about . this. Company
  • Q2. Sir. It. a. fast. grouting. Company. and. will.. learn. More.. new. technology. . In.. future
  • Q3. So. In. my. Point. Of. View. definitely. Your.. Company.will.. be. One. Of. the.. leading. Companies. In. Your country
  • Q4. It. is. fast. growing. company. and.. I Will. learn. more. new.. Works. In. future. I. know. It. good. facility
  • Q5. It. Is. a. best platform. to. Start. my. Career. as. a. fresher. and. it's. helpful. In. any. Professional. growth
  • Q6. This. Is. my career. sterling. time. I. think. your company. Is. a good. platform. fur. me. to. Improve. myself
Round 2 - HR 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. What. about. this. Company
Round 3 - One-on-one 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. What. about. this. Company

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Candidates can. learn. More. about. the. Company. Culture values

Human Resource and Administration Executive Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Suppose If you have more then 10 candidates at the same time for interview then how will you arrange their schedule?
View answer (1)

Get interview-ready with Top Google Interview Questions

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
4-6 weeks
Selected Selected

I was interviewed in Dec 2024.

Round 1 - Aptitude Test 

Data Analysis and Automation Testing.

Round 2 - Group Discussion 

Team work and communication

Round 3 - One-on-one 

(3 Questions)

  • Q1. Work culture and promotion!!?
  • Q2. Better Income and study!?
  • Ans. 

    Balancing income and study is possible with proper time management and prioritization.

    • Prioritize tasks based on importance and deadlines

    • Create a study schedule that fits around work hours

    • Utilize breaks at work to study or review material

    • Consider part-time study options or online courses

    • Seek financial aid or scholarships to alleviate financial burden

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Work freedom!??
Round 4 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Face to face communication?
  • Q2. Discussion?

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Always you keep attention to the job seekers

Quality Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. How you will maintain the balance between operations and quality so that they do not have any conflicts of interest
View answer (3)

Jobs at Google

View all
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
No response

I applied via Approached by Company and was interviewed in Oct 2024. There were 2 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Technical 

(5 Questions)

  • Q1. What is the social networking
  • Ans. 

    Social networking refers to the use of internet-based platforms to connect with others, share information, and build relationships.

    • Social networking sites allow users to create profiles, connect with friends, and share updates and photos.

    • Popular social networking platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

    • Social networking can be used for personal connections, professional networking, and marketing pu...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. How many people added in google
  • Ans. 

    The number of people added in Google is constantly changing due to hiring, acquisitions, and other factors.

    • Google adds thousands of employees each year through hiring and acquisitions.

    • As of 2021, Google has over 140,000 employees worldwide.

    • The exact number of people added in Google can vary depending on the time frame and specific context of the question.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. What is the charts accountant
  • Ans. 

    A charts accountant is a professional who specializes in creating and analyzing financial charts and graphs to help businesses make informed decisions.

    • Charts accountants use data visualization techniques to present financial information in a clear and concise manner.

    • They often work with software programs like Microsoft Excel or Tableau to create charts and graphs.

    • Charts accountants help businesses track key performance...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. What is a gaming review
  • Ans. 

    A gaming review is an evaluation of a video game, assessing its gameplay, graphics, sound, and overall quality.

    • Gaming reviews provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of a game.

    • They often include ratings or scores to summarize the reviewer's opinion.

    • Reviews may also discuss the game's story, mechanics, replay value, and technical performance.

    • Examples of popular gaming review websites include IGN, GameSpot, an

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. How many salary in google
Round 2 - Coding Test 

Very hardworking studying in coding

Interview Preparation Tips

Topics to prepare for Google growth manager interview:
  • Accounting
  • Game Testing
Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Jobs is nothing but life is something

growth manager Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. How an employee contributes to a company to be a brand?
View answer (2)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration

I applied via Campus Placement

Round 1 - One-on-one 

(4 Questions)

  • Q1. Can you describe a challenging project you worked on and how you handled it?
  • Ans. 

    I worked on developing a website for a local non-profit organization.

    • Collaborated with the organization to understand their needs and goals

    • Designed a user-friendly interface with donation functionality

    • Implemented responsive design for mobile compatibility

    • Tested the website for bugs and usability issues

    • Provided training to the organization's staff on how to update content

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. How do you prioritize tasks when you have multiple deadlines to meet?
  • Ans. 

    I prioritize tasks by assessing deadlines, importance, and dependencies.

    • Assess all deadlines and prioritize based on urgency

    • Consider the importance and impact of each task

    • Identify any dependencies between tasks and plan accordingly

    • Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable sub-tasks

    • Use tools like to-do lists or project management software to stay organized

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  • Q3. Tell me about a time when you had to learn a new skill quickly to complete a project. How did you approach it?
  • Q4. Describe a situation where you received constructive criticism. How did you respond and what changes did you make?

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - "Thank you for the opportunity! I'm happy to share interview questions to help job seekers. I believe this is a great way to support them."

Web Development Intern Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Merge Sort Problem Statement You are given a sequence of numbers, ARR. Your task is to return a sorted sequence of ARR in non-descending order using the Merge Sort algorithm. Explanation: The Merge Sort algorithm is a Divide and Conquer app... read more
View answer (1)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
2-4 weeks
Selected Selected

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Sep 2024. There was 1 interview round.

Round 1 - One-on-one 

(6 Questions)

  • Q1. Can you describe a challenging project you worked on and how you handled it?
  • Q2. How do you prioritize tasks when you have multiple deadlines to meet?
  • Ans. 

    Prioritize tasks based on deadlines, importance, and impact on overall project goals.

    • Evaluate deadlines and prioritize tasks based on urgency

    • Consider the importance of each task in relation to project goals

    • Assess the impact of completing each task on overall project progress

    • Communicate with stakeholders to understand priorities and expectations

    • Break down tasks into smaller sub-tasks to manage workload effectively

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  • Q3. Describe a situation where you had to collaborate with a difficult team member. How did you approach the situation?
  • Q4. What strategies do you use to ensure the quality of your work?
  • Q5. How do you handle feedback or criticism from peers or supervisors?
  • Ans. 

    I handle feedback by actively listening, reflecting on the criticism, and using it to improve my work.

    • I actively listen to the feedback without getting defensive

    • I reflect on the criticism to understand the underlying issues

    • I use the feedback to improve my work and skills

    • I seek clarification if needed to fully understand the feedback

    • I appreciate constructive criticism as an opportunity for growth

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  • Q6. Can you describe a time when you had to adapt to a significant change at work? How did you handle it?

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - "Thank you for the opportunity! I'm happy to share interview questions to help job seekers. I believe this is a great way to support them."

Software Development Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Given an acyclic graph of a city where each edge represents a road in the city and each vertex represents an crossing. Write an algo to find out the minimum number of vertices at which a policemen will be kept so that all the roads are cove... read more
View answer (2)

Data Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Jan 2025

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Not Selected

I applied via AmbitionBox and was interviewed in Dec 2024. There were 2 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Aptitude Test 

Aptitude test for selection.

Round 2 - One-on-one 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. What is your understanding of data analytics?
  • Ans. 

    Data analytics involves analyzing raw data to draw conclusions and make informed decisions.

    • Data analytics involves collecting, processing, and analyzing data to identify trends and patterns.

    • It helps businesses make data-driven decisions and improve performance.

    • Techniques used in data analytics include data mining, machine learning, and statistical analysis.

    • Examples of data analytics in action include predicting custome...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What is the significance of data analytics in analyzing and visualizing data?
  • Ans. 

    Data analytics is crucial for extracting insights and patterns from data, and visualizing them in a meaningful way.

    • Data analytics helps in identifying trends, patterns, and correlations within large datasets.

    • It enables businesses to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

    • Visualizations such as charts, graphs, and dashboards make complex data easier to understand and interpret.

    • Data analytics can uncover h...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Always guide to the right place and make informed decisions based on good data analysis.

Data Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Suppose there is a room in the office and X people enter room throughout the day, Y people leave throughout the day [continuously people are entering the room, some are staying there, and rest are going out] .. so tell me the code to calcul... read more
View answer (11)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
2-4 weeks
Not Selected

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Dec 2024. There were 2 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

The coding questions were at Leetcode difficulty level and were derived from the Striver sheet.

Round 2 - Technical 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. BFS graph level
  • Q2. Minimum flight distance . I was not shortlisted for interview.

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Prepare DSA well and computer fundamentals.

Top Google Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. If your Wi-Fi router is not working then what you will do to fix it?
View answer (14)

Software Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Bridge and torch problem : Four people come to a river in the night. There is a narrow bridge, but it can only hold two people at a time. They have one torch and, because it's night, the torch has to be used when crossing the bridge. Person... read more
View answer (196)
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Google Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Google interview?
Google interview process usually has 2-3 rounds. The most common rounds in the Google interview process are Coding Test, Technical and Resume Shortlist.
How to prepare for Google interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Google. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Google expect are Recruitment, Python, Computer science, Networking and Analytical.
What are the top questions asked in Google interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Google interview -

  1. If your Wi-Fi router is not working then what you will do to fix ...read more
  2. Say you have three tables WORK, USERS, MANAGERS WORK - work_id - user_id - how_...read more
  3. You are given 2 eggs. You have access to a 100-story building. Eggs can be very...read more
How long is the Google interview process?

The duration of Google interview process can vary, but typically it takes about less than 2 weeks to complete.

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Bangalore / Bengaluru

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