10+ Bhashyam Educational Institutions Interview Questions and Answers
What is a singleton design pattern?
What is the default access modifier in C#?
What are the different access modifiers in C#?
Q5. What is aingleton and how it ia thread safe?
Singleton is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object and provides a global point of access.
Singleton ensures that only one instance of a class is created and provides a way to access it globally.
It is thread-safe because the instance is created only once and accessed through a synchronized method or block.
Singleton can be implemented using different approaches such as eager initialization, lazy initialization, and enum.
Example: Java's Runtim...read more
Q6. What ia base class of class in c#?
Object class is the base class of all classes in C#.
Object class provides basic functionalities like ToString(), GetHashCode(), and Equals() to all classes.
All classes in C# implicitly inherit from Object class.
Object class is defined in System namespace.
Example: class MyClass : Object { }
Q7. Default aceess modifiers?
Default access modifiers are public, protected, and private.
Public: accessible from anywhere
Protected: accessible within the class and its subclasses
Private: accessible only within the class
Q8. Access modifiers in c#
Access modifiers in C# control the visibility and accessibility of class members.
Public: accessible from anywhere
Private: accessible only within the class
Protected: accessible within the class and derived classes
Internal: accessible within the same assembly
Protected Internal: accessible within the same assembly and derived classes
Example: public int age; private string name;
Example: protected void DoSomething(); internal bool IsEnabled;
Q9. Components of service
Components of a service include functionality, reliability, availability, and performance.
Functionality: The service should perform the intended tasks and meet the requirements.
Reliability: The service should consistently deliver the expected results.
Availability: The service should be accessible and operational when needed.
Performance: The service should perform efficiently and meet performance expectations.
Q10. Lifecycles of web api
The lifecycle of a web API refers to the stages it goes through from development to retirement.
The lifecycle typically includes stages like planning, development, testing, deployment, and retirement.
During planning, the requirements and design of the API are defined.
Development involves writing the code and implementing the functionality.
Testing ensures the API works as expected and meets the requirements.
Deployment involves making the API available for use by clients.
Retirem...read more
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