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Evolent Health International Advisory Consultant Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 14 Feb 2021

Evolent Health International Advisory Consultant Interview Experiences

1 interview found

I applied via Referral and was interviewed in Jan 2021. There were 4 interview rounds.

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. 1. Describe the job profile.
  • Q2. 2. Questions related to healthcare terminology?
  • Q3. 3. Modifiers and Place of service..

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Prepare yourself fully with healthcare questions and answers... Also, there are many questions which we can find on Google.....

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview Questionnaire 

20 Questions

  • Q1. He asked me my specialization?
  • Q2. Why not further studies? (He had noted that I was third in my batch. He appeared impressed by that
  • Q3. He asked me to tell him about my favorite project
  • Q4. He then looked at my grades. He commented that my lowest grade – B- was in Digital Image Processing. I just looked at him like a doofus thinking of what to say. But he quickly added, ‘don’t worry, it happe...
  • Q5. He then asked me a question that had been asked in Round 4, written test:Describe an optimal algorithm to find the second minimum number in an array of numbers. What is the exact number of comparisons requ...
  • Q6. Given a polygon (could be regular, irregular, convex, concave), find out whether a particular point lies inside it or outside it
  • Ans. 

    To determine if a point is inside a polygon, use the ray casting algorithm.

    • Create a line from the point to a point outside the polygon

    • Count the number of times the line intersects with the polygon edges

    • If the count is odd, the point is inside the polygon; otherwise, it is outside

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. He asked me to explain Canny’s algorithm to him. (this was because my DIP project was related to this)
  • Q8. Then, he gave me a practical problem to solve: Suppose you are given an image which contains some text and some photos. How do you find the location of the image?
  • Q9. Which are the four storage classes in C
  • Ans. 

    The four storage classes in C are auto, register, static, and extern.

    • Auto: default storage class for all local variables

    • Register: used to define local variables that should be stored in a register instead of RAM

    • Static: used to define local variables that retain their value between function calls

    • Extern: used to declare a global variable that is defined in another file

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. Given a program: int i; int main() { int j; int *k = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int)); … } Where are each of these variables stored?
  • Ans. 

    i is stored in global data segment, j is stored in stack, k is stored in heap.

    • i is a global variable and is stored in the global data segment

    • j is a local variable and is stored in the stack

    • k is a pointer variable and is stored in the stack, while the memory it points to is allocated on the heap using malloc()

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. Question on polymorphisms
  • Q12. He again went back to the first question he had asked me. Once again
  • Q13. Then he wrote out some code and asked me how the compiler will generate code for it. I gave some answer, but he was clearly not satisfied. I thought it was all over by then. Then, he asked me a DIP quest...
  • Q14. Given a set of words one after another, give me a data structure so that you’ll know whether a word has appeared already or not
  • Ans. 

    Use a hash table to store the words and check for existence in constant time.

    • Create a hash table with the words as keys and a boolean value as the value.

    • For each new word, check if it exists in the hash table. If it does, it has appeared before. If not, add it to the hash table.

    • Alternatively, use a set data structure to store only the unique words and check for existence in the set.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q15. He asked me some questions on Interprocess Communication: What’s a semaphore? How are they used? He would often pick out words from my answers and ask me what they meant. He wanted to make sure that I rea...
  • Q16. He then asked me some DB fundas. Transaction. Serializability, Consistent state, etc
  • Q17. Finally, he asked me whether I had any questions
  • Q18. There is a clock at the bottom of the hill and a clock at the top of the hill. The clock at the bottom of the hill works fine but the clock at the top doesn’t. How will you synchronize the two clocks. Obv...
  • Q19. There was one more puzzle.. I don’t remember it. but I do remember that we started discussing ways of generating large prime numbers
  • Q20. We also talked a bit about my phone browser project

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Duration: 15 minutes
Total Questions: 1

Round: Test
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: Test
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 3

Round: Test
Total Questions: 4

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 1.When I told him that I had none as I didn’t want to specialize in this stage, he was a little surprised but appeared satisfied with my reason.2.I told him that my profile clearly indicated that I’ve been trying to get into the industry via internships, industry-funded projects right from second year, second sem. I said that I was fully sure that I didn’t want to do MS anytime soon.3.I told him about the web-browser that I had developed for cell-phones. I thought that was the only project which was closest to what Adobe was working on. He appeared satisfied with my answers.4. So people, be fully prepared to explain any anomalous grades. I was prepared with the explanation of the W in the my grade-sheet but not of the B- in DIP. I know that this is really stupid considering that I was interviewing with Adobe. Don’t make this mistake.5.I screwed up, big time in this question. I had superficially discussed this question with my friend a while ago and he had outlined an algorithm which I thought that I had understood, but I hadn’t. I started off explaining it but got stuck in the middle. He sternly told me to read it up again. One solution that I could tell him, and which I had written in the test was this Use two variables – min and second min. Initialize them by comparing the first two elements of the array. This is (1) comparison. Then, go through the entire array, from index 2 to n-1 comparing each element, first with min and then with second min, updating each variable as necessary. This will involve a worst case of two comparisons for each element. Therefore, total number of comparisons = 2*(n-2) + 1 = 2*n – 3 comparisons.I’ll try to update this with a better solution, sometime soon.6.This is an easy, straight question from graphics. You shoot a ray parallel to the x-axis passing through this point. Start with odd parity. Change parity of ray each time it intersects an edge of the polygon (consider special case of when the line passes through a vertex of the polygon. Change parity only if it passes through a vertex which has one edge above it and one edge below the ray). If the parity of ray is even when it passes through the point, it is inside the polygon, else it is not.7.This is simple. Study DIP8.I gave various alternatives – from searching for RGB components, to using OCR.. he didn’t appear fully satisfied. I think he was looking for edge-detection, but that would fail, if the text contained tables, etc.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: He was friendly at the start but this interview was my worst. He asked me my favorite subject. I said that it was Programming. (He laughed at that)

1. static, extern, register, auto2.I started off correctly, but he was able to confuse me. He brought in shared libraries, static libraries fundas into the discussion. We had a discussion for about twenty-minutes on this. Finally, he was happy with one of my answers because I had deduced which policy made sense and answered correctly. He said that out of all the people interviewed so far (I was second last), nobody had been able to answer all of these questions correctly.3.this is easy – get it from any C++ book. He tried to confuse me again, but this time I was ready and he was finally satisfied.Then he looked at my grades and said that out of all your grades, you have only two Bs and one of them is in Compilers. Why? (Damn it. three non-A grades and that’s all they ask about. What’s wrong with this world?!)Didn’t you like Compilers? “Not in particular”, I replied. “Fine. Now, I HAVE to ask you questions on compilers”, he said.4.He again went back to the first question he had asked me. Once again5.I first suggested that we capture only a small portion of the board. To locate that portion, we could search for the chalk in the prof’s hand – of course, taking care that it had the blackboard in the background (no point capturing a video of the prof scratching his chin, na?). Further, if the prof was writing only text, we could convert the video into text by OCR and then transmitting. Simple diagrams could also be reduced to a set of vector-graphics instructions (we rarely, see the prof shading stuff). I think he liked my approach, but was not completely satisfied. Anyway, we left it at that and went forward.6.I suggested various alternatives. but he kept helping me and finally, we came up with an array of pointers to 26-trees (each node of the tree has 26 children). Store every word as a path from the root to a leaf with pointers in the correct places. For example, hello would be stored as – pointer from ‘h’ index of the root array to a node which had a pointer from ‘e’ index of it’s array to a node which had a pointer from ‘l’ index of the array.. and so on. This is both time and space efficient.7.I was able to answer all his questions, but I made the mistake of telling him, when we started off that I didn’t know much about this subject as I had done it a long time ago. He was very annoyed at that, apparently because a lot of people before me had said this.8.I was able to answer all of them. I stumbled around a bit in a few questions where I was explaining correctly, but not using the keywords that he was looking for.9.I thought that I should say something to make him realize that I was not completely stupid and so asked him whether there was any logic to the order in which the short-listed candidates were called. This turned out to be a dumb move. The order was alphabetic and he sent me off with a parting shot, saying “You guys do pattern recognition and stuff and still you can’t recognize such a simple pattern” Me and my big mouth! Moral of the story: Don’t ask questions for the sake of asking.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: After the first two interviews, this one was like having a warm batch after being cold and wet for days! I did well in this one.1.You have to go up the hill and come back, with horse, without horse, getting four equations to solve four unknowns – time to go uphill – with horse, without horse, time to go downhill – with horse, without horse. Then you can go up the hill and set the clock to ‘(time when you left) + (time to go uphill with horse)’2.  I told him the funda of Mersenee primes (luckily remembered it) and he was decently impressed.

General Tips: Finally hired by Adobe. Special thanks to AmbitionBox team. Really amazing site for sharing experience. That’s all for the Adobe. They are focusing on your approach and your coding skills. All the best.
Skills: Algorithm, Data structure, C++, C, DIP
College Name: BIT Mesra

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed before Mar 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

10 Aptitude questions with difficulty level hard were asked in this test.

  • Q1. What is the minimum number of planes required to go around the world?
  • Ans. 

    The minimum number of planes required to go around the world is one.

    • One plane can fly around the world without needing to stop.

    • The plane can refuel mid-air or carry enough fuel for the entire journey.

    • Examples: Non-stop flights like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner or Airbus A350 can circumnavigate the globe with one plane.

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Technical Interview round with questions based on data structures and algorithms. Questions about previous projects done and my roles on it and my leadership capabilities. Few technical questions from Threads and multi-processing.

  • Q1. 

    Search in a Row-wise and Column-wise Sorted Matrix Problem Statement

    You are given an N * N matrix of integers where each row and each column is sorted in increasing order. Your task is to find the positi...

  • Ans. 

    Given a sorted N * N matrix, find the position of a target integer 'X'.

    • Start from the top-right corner of the matrix and compare the target with the element at that position.

    • Based on the comparison, move left or down in the matrix to narrow down the search.

    • Repeat the process until the target is found or the search goes out of bounds.

    • Return the position of the target if found, else return {-1, -1}.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Rectangular Numbers Problem Statement

    Ninja has a number 'N'. Your task is to generate a pattern where the outer rectangle is filled with the number 'N', and as you move inward, the numbers decrease conse...

  • Ans. 

    Generate a pattern with outer rectangle filled with number 'N' and decreasing consecutively inward.

    • Start by filling the outermost rectangle with the number 'N'.

    • Decrease the numbers consecutively as you move inward towards the center.

    • Continue this pattern until you reach the center of the rectangle.

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Round 3 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

DSA based questions were asked in this round. Questions on implementation of Linux directory structure were also asked.

  • Q1. 

    Binary Array Sorting Problem Statement

    You are provided with a binary array, i.e., an array containing only 0s and 1s. Your task is to sort this binary array and return it after sorting.


     The fir...
  • Ans. 

    Yes, the binary array sorting problem can be solved in linear time and constant space using a single traversal.

    • Use two pointers approach to swap 0s to the left and 1s to the right.

    • Maintain two pointers, one for 0s and one for 1s, and swap elements accordingly.

    • Example: Input: [1, 0, 1, 0, 1], Output: [0, 0, 1, 1, 1]

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Next Greater Element Problem Statement

    You are given an array arr of length N. For each element in the array, find the next greater element (NGE) that appears to the right. If there is no such greater ele...

  • Ans. 

    The task is to find the next greater element for each element in an array to its right, if no greater element exists, return -1.

    • Iterate through the array from right to left and use a stack to keep track of elements.

    • Pop elements from the stack until a greater element is found or the stack is empty.

    • Store the next greater element for each element in the output array.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. What is the difference between Binary Search Trees (BST) and Tries?
  • Ans. 

    BST is a binary tree structure where each node has at most two children, while Tries are tree structures used for storing strings.

    • BST is used for searching, inserting, and deleting elements in a sorted manner.

    • Tries are used for storing and searching strings efficiently.

    • BST has a hierarchical structure with left and right child nodes.

    • Tries have nodes representing characters, forming a tree-like structure for strings.

    • Exa...

  • Answered by AI
Round 4 - Face to Face 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was a technical round. Questions about previous projects and current one were asked. I was also asked about aptitude problems from the first round and how I understood and approached towards solution?

  • Q1. 

    N Queens Problem

    Given an integer N, find all possible placements of N queens on an N x N chessboard such that no two queens threaten each other.


    A queen can attack another queen if they ar...

  • Ans. 

    The N Queens Problem involves finding all possible placements of N queens on an N x N chessboard without threatening each other.

    • Use backtracking algorithm to explore all possible configurations.

    • Keep track of rows, columns, and diagonals to ensure queens do not threaten each other.

    • Generate valid configurations recursively and backtrack when a solution is not possible.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Form a Triangle Problem Statement

    You are provided with an integer array/list ARR of length N. Your task is to determine if it is possible to construct at least one non-degenerate triangle using the value...

  • Ans. 

    Check if it is possible to form a non-degenerate triangle using the sides provided in the array.

    • Check if the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side for all combinations.

    • If any such combination exists, return true; otherwise, return false.

    • Handle multiple test cases as per the constraints provided.

  • Answered by AI
Round 5 - HR 

Round duration - 30 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Behavioral questions and team skills were discussed in this round.

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAAthenahealth interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, Aptitude, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 4 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed before Jan 2021.

Round 1 - Face to Face 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

The interviewer asked me 2 questions related to DS/Algo in this round . Both the questions were of Easy-Medium difficulty and I was also required to code them in a production ready manner.

  • Q1. 

    Maximum Sum Path in a Binary Tree Problem Statement

    You are provided with a binary tree consisting of N nodes where each node has an integer value. The task is to determine the maximum sum achievable by a...

  • Ans. 

    Find the maximum sum achievable by a simple path between any two nodes in a binary tree.

    • Traverse the binary tree to find all possible paths and calculate their sums.

    • Keep track of the maximum sum encountered during traversal.

    • Consider paths that may include the same node twice.

    • Implement a recursive function to explore all possible paths.

    • Handle cases where nodes have negative values.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Intersection of Two Arrays Problem Statement

    Given two arrays A and B with sizes N and M respectively, both sorted in non-decreasing order, determine their intersection.

    The intersection of two arrays in...

  • Ans. 

    The problem involves finding the intersection of two sorted arrays efficiently.

    • Use two pointers to iterate through both arrays simultaneously.

    • Compare elements at the pointers and move the pointers accordingly.

    • Handle cases where elements are equal, and update the intersection array.

    • Return the intersection array as the result.

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 50 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This round had 2 questions of DS/Algo to solve under 50 minutes and one question related to Operating Systems.

  • Q1. 

    Next Greater Element Problem Statement

    You are provided with an array or list ARR containing N positive integers. Your task is to determine the Next Greater Element (NGE) for each element in the array.


  • Ans. 

    Find the Next Greater Element for each element in an array.

    • Iterate through the array from right to left

    • Use a stack to keep track of elements with no greater element to the right

    • Pop elements from the stack until finding a greater element or stack is empty

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Number In Arithmetic Progression Problem

    Given three integers X, C, and Y, where X is the first term of an arithmetic sequence with a common difference of C, determine if Y is part of this arithmetic sequ...

  • Ans. 

    Check if a given number is part of an arithmetic sequence with a given first term and common difference.

    • Calculate the arithmetic sequence using the formula: nth term = X + (n-1) * C

    • Check if Y is equal to any term in the sequence to determine if it belongs to the sequence

    • Return 'True' if Y belongs to the sequence, otherwise return 'False'

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Can you define process and threads in operating systems?
  • Ans. 

    Processes are instances of programs in execution, while threads are smaller units within a process that can execute independently.

    • A process is a program in execution, consisting of code, data, and resources.

    • Threads are smaller units within a process that can execute independently.

    • Processes have their own memory space, while threads share the same memory space within a process.

    • Processes are heavyweight, while threads ar...

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 50 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This round had 2 questions of DSA of Easy-Medium difficulty and at the end I was asked a Puzzle to check my general problem solving ability.

  • Q1. 

    Max Product Subset Problem Statement

    Given an array/list arr of size n, determine the maximum product possible by taking any subset of the array/list arr. Return the result modulo 10^9+7 since the product ...

  • Ans. 

    Find the maximum product of a subset of an array modulo 10^9+7.

    • Iterate through the array and keep track of the maximum positive product and minimum negative product encountered so far.

    • Handle cases where the array contains zeros separately.

    • Return the maximum product modulo 10^9+7.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node

    Given a complete binary tree with 'N' nodes, your task is to determine the 'next' node immediately to the right in level order for each node in the given tree.

  • Ans. 

    Implement a function to update 'next' pointers in a complete binary tree.

    • Iterate level by level using a queue

    • Connect nodes at each level using 'next' pointers

    • Handle null nodes appropriately

    • Ensure the tree is a complete binary tree

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. You have two wires of different lengths that are both capable of burning for exactly one hour when ignited at both ends. How can you measure a time interval of 45 minutes using these two wires?
Round 4 - Face to Face 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 50 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This round consisted of 2 questions from DSA where I was first asked to explain my approach to the interviewer with proper complexity analysis and then code the problems. The interviewer was quite friendly and also provided me some hints when I was stuck.

  • Q1. 

    Stack with getMin Operation

    Create a stack data structure that supports not only the usual push and pop operations but also getMin(), which retrieves the minimum element, all in O(1) time complexity witho...

  • Ans. 

    Implement a stack with push, pop, top, isEmpty, and getMin operations in O(1) time complexity without using extra space.

    • Use two stacks - one to store the actual elements and another to store the minimum element at each level.

    • When pushing an element, check if it is smaller than the current minimum and update the minimum stack accordingly.

    • When popping an element, also pop from the minimum stack if the popped element is t...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Split Array Into Maximum Subarrays Problem Statement

    You are given an integer array arr of size N. Your task is to split the array into the maximum number of subarrays such that the first and last occurre...

  • Ans. 

    Given an array, split it into maximum subarrays with first and last occurrence of each element in a single subarray.

    • Iterate through the array and keep track of the first and last occurrence of each element.

    • Use a hashmap to store the indices of each element.

    • Split the array whenever the last occurrence of an element is found.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAAdobe interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, Aptitude, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 4 MonthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Questionnaire 

12 Questions

  • Q1. Given a binary tree and an integer x, return whether the binary tree has a path from root to a leaf whose values sum to x
  • Q2. Gievn a binary tree and return all root to leaf node pathss row,col and value
  • Ans. 

    Return all root to leaf node paths in a binary tree with row, col and value.

    • Traverse the binary tree recursively and keep track of the current path.

    • When a leaf node is reached, add the path to the result array.

    • Include row, col and value of each node in the path.

    • Use an array of strings to store the paths.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. He then asked me to give test cases for testing this program
  • Q4. Given two unsorted arrays of numbers and asked me to find the intersection
  • Q5. GetMax() function for a stack in O(1)
  • Ans. 

    To get max value from a stack in O(1), maintain a separate stack to keep track of maximum values.

    • Create a separate stack to keep track of maximum values

    • Push the maximum value onto the stack whenever a new maximum is encountered

    • Pop the maximum value stack whenever the top element of the main stack is popped

    • Return the top element of the maximum value stack to get the maximum value in O(1)

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. GetMax() function for a queue in O(1)
  • Ans. 

    To get max element from a queue in O(1) time complexity

    • Maintain a separate variable to keep track of the maximum element in the queue

    • Update the maximum element variable whenever a new element is added or removed from the queue

    • Return the maximum element variable when getMax() function is called

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Given an array in which consecutive elements differ by 1, i.e. a[i] – a[i + 1] = 1 or -1, and an element x, find the element in the array
  • Q8. Given an array, find the Next Greatest Element to the right for each element
  • Ans. 

    Find the Next Greatest Element to the right for each element in an array of strings.

    • Iterate through the array from right to left

    • Use a stack to keep track of elements

    • Pop elements from stack until a greater element is found

    • If no greater element is found, assign -1

    • Return the result array

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. Given an expression, remove unnecessary parenthesis. For example if (((a + b)) * c) is given make it (a + b) * c, as it evaluates in the same way without those parenthesis also
  • Ans. 

    To remove unnecessary parenthesis from an expression, we need to apply a set of rules to identify and eliminate them.

    • Identify and remove parenthesis around single variables or constants

    • Identify and remove parenthesis around expressions with only one operator

    • Identify and remove parenthesis around expressions with operators of equal precedence

    • Identify and remove parenthesis around expressions with operators of different ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. Given an array of integers, find the maximum product which can be formed by three numbers
  • Ans. 

    Find the maximum product of three integers in an array.

    • Sort the array in descending order.

    • Check the product of the first three numbers and the product of the first and last two numbers.

    • Return the maximum of the two products.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. Given an array of integers, find the length of the longest consecutive sub array which forms an AP
  • Ans. 

    Find length of longest consecutive sub array forming an AP from given array of integers.

    • Sort the array in ascending order

    • Iterate through the array and find the longest consecutive sub array forming an AP

    • Use a variable to keep track of the length of the current consecutive sub array forming an AP

    • Use another variable to keep track of the length of the longest consecutive sub array forming an AP seen so far

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. Given a binary tree, connect all the nodes at the same level. Each node will have a next pointer; you have to make it point to the next node to its right in the same level. If there is no such node, make ...

Interview Preparation Tips

Skills: Algorithm, Data structure
College Name: NA

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed in Sep 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about the Summer Project
  • Ans. 

    Developed a web application for tracking student attendance and performance

    • Used React.js for front-end development

    • Implemented RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express for back-end

    • Utilized MongoDB for database storage

    • Integrated authentication and authorization features for secure access

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Questions on Sql Dbms Java C
  • Q3. Basic Programming Question
  • Q4. Questions on hobbies and CV related

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Use diagrams to describe your project and the interviewer should fully understand your project
Tips: Be Clear and say things which you know

Round: HR Interview
Experience: She asked me about everything related to my hobbies.
Tips: Don't lie about your Interests and Hobbies in CV. Know everything there is to know about the hobbies which you have specified.

Skills: C Programming, Java Programming, SQL, Basic Knowledge Of DBMS, Problem Solving Abilties
College Name: BP Poddar Institute OF Management & Technology

Interview Questionnaire 

16 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me something about yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a passionate software engineer with experience in developing web applications using various technologies.

    • Experienced in developing web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React and Angular

    • Proficient in backend development with Node.js and databases like MongoDB and MySQL

    • Familiar with version control systems like Git and deployment tools like Docker

    • Strong problem-solving skills and ability

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What are your hobbies?
  • Ans. 

    My hobbies include hiking, playing guitar, and reading science fiction novels.

    • Hiking in local trails and national parks

    • Playing acoustic and electric guitar in a band

    • Reading books by authors like Isaac Asimov and Philip K. Dick

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Why cognizant over other companies?
  • Ans. 

    Cognizant offers diverse projects, global exposure, and a strong focus on employee growth and development.

    • Cognizant provides opportunities to work on diverse projects, allowing for a broad range of experience.

    • The company has a global presence, offering exposure to different cultures and markets.

    • Cognizant emphasizes employee growth and development through training programs and career advancement opportunities.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Why engineering?
  • Ans. 

    Engineering allows me to solve complex problems, innovate, and create solutions that have a real impact on society.

    • Engineering provides a platform to apply scientific knowledge to practical problems.

    • It involves critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

    • Engineers have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies and make a tangible difference in the world.

    • For example, designing software systems to impro...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Draw pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor
  • Ans. 

    Pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor

    • 8085 has 40 pins in total

    • Pins are grouped into 5 categories: power supply, address bus, data bus, control and status signals

    • Pin 1 is the reset pin, Pin 40 is the Vcc pin

    • Examples of control signals: RD, WR, ALE, INT, HOLD

    • Examples of status signals: S0, S1, IO/M, HLDA

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Difference between 8085 and 8086 microprocessor
  • Ans. 

    8086 is an advanced version of 8085 with more features and capabilities.

    • 8086 has a 16-bit data bus while 8085 has an 8-bit data bus.

    • 8086 has more registers than 8085.

    • 8086 has a higher clock speed than 8085.

    • 8086 supports virtual memory while 8085 does not.

    • 8086 has a more advanced instruction set than 8085.

    • Example: 8086 can perform multiplication and division operations while 8085 cannot.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. What is opamp?
  • Ans. 

    Opamp stands for operational amplifier. It is an electronic device used to amplify and process signals.

    • Opamps have high gain and can amplify signals to a very high degree.

    • They are commonly used in audio amplifiers, filters, and signal processing circuits.

    • Opamps have two input terminals and one output terminal.

    • They can be configured in different ways to perform various functions such as amplification, filtering, and osc...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. What are different phases of waterfall model?
  • Ans. 

    Waterfall model has five phases: requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.

    • Requirements phase: gathering and documenting requirements

    • Design phase: creating a detailed design based on requirements

    • Implementation phase: coding and integrating components

    • Testing phase: verifying that the system meets requirements

    • Maintenance phase: making changes and updates to the system

    • Example: building a website using...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. Types of testing
  • Ans. 

    Types of testing include unit, integration, system, acceptance, regression, performance, and security testing.

    • Unit testing: testing individual units or components of the software

    • Integration testing: testing how different units or components work together

    • System testing: testing the entire system as a whole

    • Acceptance testing: testing to ensure the software meets the requirements and is ready for release

    • Regression testing...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. Practical question related to normalization and its theory
  • Q11. What extra curricular activities you are interested in?
  • Ans. 

    I enjoy participating in coding competitions, volunteering at tech events, and attending hackathons.

    • Participating in coding competitions such as Codeforces or Topcoder

    • Volunteering at tech events like hackathons or coding workshops

    • Attending hackathons to collaborate with other developers and work on innovative projects

  • Answered by AI
  • Q12. What is your goal in life?
  • Ans. 

    My goal in life is to continuously learn and grow, while making a positive impact on the world around me.

    • Continuous learning and personal growth

    • Making a positive impact on the world

    • Achieving work-life balance

    • Building meaningful relationships

    • Contributing to the community

  • Answered by AI
  • Q13. Do you have any problem in relocation?
  • Ans. 

    I am open to relocation for the right opportunity.

    • I am willing to relocate for the job.

    • I have no issues moving to a new location for work.

    • I am excited about the possibility of experiencing a new city or country.

    • I have relocated for previous jobs and have found it to be a positive experience.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q14. Reasons why you want to and why you don't want to relocate?
  • Ans. 

    I want to relocate for career growth and new experiences, but I am hesitant due to leaving behind family and friends.

    • Career growth opportunities in new location

    • Desire for new experiences and challenges

    • Concerns about leaving behind family and friends

  • Answered by AI
  • Q15. What do you watch ion tv?
  • Ans. 

    I enjoy watching a variety of shows on TV, including dramas, comedies, and documentaries.

    • I watch dramas like Grey's Anatomy and This Is Us

    • I enjoy comedies such as The Office and Brooklyn Nine-Nine

    • I also like watching documentaries on topics like nature and history

  • Answered by AI
  • Q16. Which movie did you last see
  • Ans. 

    I last saw the movie Inception.

    • Directed by Christopher Nolan

    • Released in 2010

    • Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller

    • Starring Leonardo DiCaprio

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: On 1st September 2016, Cognizant held this round at our college. We were initially told that it would be an adaptive paper but it was not so. We could not navigate between questions (both intra and inter section). There was a minimum number of questions which had to be attempted from each section else we would disqualify. The questions were easy and I found many questions common from AMCAT papers.
Tips: Practice as much as you can. Try to learn shortcut tricks to solve the questions quickly and easily. Try to solve questions within certain time limit. Give online tests so that you are familiar with giving tests on machine. Do not waste time in a particular question. If you can't solve it then leave it( if there is negative marking) or answer randomly( if there is no negative marking).
Duration: 55 mins minutes
Total Questions: 55

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interviewer asked me to introduce myself. I was nervous and so i fumbled in 2 or 3 sentences but then i took the pace. he chit chatted with me to release my pressure . he went through my resume and my marksheets. he asked a few HR questions and then started the technical interview. He asked me questions regarding microprocessors and electronics but I had prepared software subjects I being a CS student could not remember most of it. But I sill answered them with best of my knowledge. i told him that I would rather be comfortable with CS core subjects. then he shifted his focus to DBMS and Software Engineering I did not lose my calm although I was very nervous. I thought I would be rejected but finally I got selected.
Tips: Don't be nervous as most of the interviewers are really friendly and they give ample chances to prove yourself. Try to practice the your introduction. They may ask your questions that are not from your domain but try to answer them with your presence of mind and previous knowledge. you may be nervous but don't show that on your face. Try to have basic concepts of your core subjects.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It is the best round. You can voice your own views. The interviewers are mostly friendly and you seem to have a discussion with your friends.
If you manage to appear for this round most probably you will be selected.
Tips: Just be simple and be frank. Answer to the point and do not sound arrogant.

Skill Tips: Try to clear the aptitude and half of your job is done. For technical interview try to learn the basics of c,OOPS,DBMS. Try to know about the company .
Be calm .
All the best..!!
Skills: software engineering, Basic Electronics, Basic Knowledge Of DBMS
College Name: St. Thomas' College Of Engineering & Technology

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Test
Duration: 50 minutes

Skills: Communication, Clear Communication
College Name: Tkr college of engineering and technology

I was interviewed in Sep 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

10 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself ?
  • Ans. 

    I am a passionate software engineer with experience in developing web applications and a strong background in computer science.

    • Experienced in developing web applications using technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React

    • Strong background in computer science with knowledge in algorithms and data structures

    • Passionate about learning new technologies and solving complex problems

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What is your fav subject ?
  • Ans. 

    My favorite subject is computer science because I enjoy problem-solving and creating innovative solutions.

    • Computer science allows me to work on challenging problems and develop new technologies.

    • I enjoy coding and building software applications.

    • I find the intersection of technology and creativity fascinating.

    • Computer science offers endless opportunities for learning and growth.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Write a query to find the employee name who earns maximum salary
  • Ans. 

    The query finds the employee name who earns the maximum salary.

    • Use the SELECT statement to retrieve the employee name and salary from the database table.

    • Use the ORDER BY clause to sort the results in descending order based on salary.

    • Use the LIMIT clause to limit the result to only one row.

    • Return the employee name from the query result.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Another simple query
  • Q5. Introduce yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a passionate software engineer with experience in developing web applications using various technologies.

    • Experienced in front-end development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    • Proficient in back-end development with Node.js and Express

    • Familiar with database management systems like MySQL and MongoDB

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Favorite Game and Player ?
  • Ans. 

    Favorite Game: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Favorite Player: Lionel Messi

    • Favorite Game: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    • Favorite Player: Lionel Messi

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Why him ?
  • Q8. Do you have problem in night shift ?
  • Ans. 

    I am comfortable working night shifts and have no problem with it.

    • I have experience working night shifts in previous roles.

    • I am able to adjust my sleep schedule accordingly to accommodate night shifts.

    • I am aware of the potential challenges of working night shifts and have strategies to overcome them.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. Comfortable working outside kolkata ?
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I am comfortable working outside Kolkata.

    • I am open to new opportunities and experiences in different locations.

    • I am adaptable and can easily adjust to new environments.

    • I have previous experience working in different cities, such as Delhi and Bangalore.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. Then asked to read terms and condition and signed

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Reading Comprehennsion in Verbal needs time, rest was easy. Finished the test in 40 minutes and each section has a time limit with no negative marking and the test was adaptive you cannot vist a question twice and you cannot leave a question you must attempt and move to
Tips: Test vendor is amcat for many years. Practice as many questions you can get of Amcat .
Total Questions: 55

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interview was too short around 3-4 minutes as i was interviewed towards the end then next was HR.I had a certificates .
Design and Analysis of Algorithm-NPTEL. The ignored it
Tips: Things depend on luck I was asked favorite subject I said C he asked from DBMS :) . Some people were asked from Microprocessor :( also. Some were asked programs like reverse a number then prime number vowel count etc

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I was getting nervous HR said you have cleared the interview this is just a discussion why being tensed ? General conception is every one clears Technical clears HR . Around 5-6 didn't clear HR
Tips: Just talk always with a smile in face in HR nothing more

Skill Tips: Be calm that's it in mass recruitment luck often plays a vital role.
Skills: Communication, SQL
College Name: st.thomas college of engineering and technology

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It included quantitative ability questions and a few subjective coding type questions. Nothing known about cutoff as almost major chunk of people appearing for the test were called for the interview.The criteria for test is mainly on CGs and at timesdepartments too.There are rare companies like BCG, DB who actually refer your resumes for interviews without tests.
Duration: 1 hour minute

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 2 rounds of interview were there – first the technical interview which included questions on your resume. Detailed questionson every point you have mentioned, cross checking whether you really know aboutit at times asking you for examples. No speed math was included. The interview was purely on all the stuff mentioned in the resume.
Tips: Study the resume thorough with every point mentioned. Questionswere asked about things externally related (not in the resume) to stuffmentioned as part of skills. So while exaggerating any point be aware of everyfact about it.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR interview included personal level questions like tell me about yourself, where you hail from, positives, negatives, why cognizant, why non-core, how do you see yourself after 2-3 years etc.The second stage may depend upon GDs or interviews. In this case it was purely one –on-one interview in both rounds.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Mentioned about R a tool used in analytics and was talked about linear and logistic regression. Questions about Big Data Analysis and hadoop etc were asked.

General Tips: Its better to start from August solving CAT papers which helps a lot. Purefin certifications do help for companies like DB, Futures First, Nomura and all. Read only quantitative and a few previous years’ case studies (googled as per the company). Read one to two cases everyday and discussions related to them on the internet and write relevant points in some notebook at times searching for terms or phrases. Read the newspaper daily be it times or even the economic times – know whats happening in the world. They may ask you questions like – whats happening in the world. Be sure to answer them with what they would like to hear rather than what you would like to talk on.The situation is better for non core companies because majority of them don’t see the word department while recruiting from iit. Both for non-core or core: give your best for every round andeven if you don’t get selected for first round you can try to push your resumein on spot interview calls for companies you really want to be part of.Although it isn’t fair play but that’s what happens from Placemnt season day 2.And if the rest do it there's no point regretting than to be a part of it.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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