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10+ Sieger Spintech Equipments Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. how to perform load test using jmeter
Performing load test using JMeter involves creating test plan, adding thread group, configuring samplers, setting up listeners, and running the test.
Create a test plan in JMeter.
Add a thread group to the test plan.
Configure samplers to simulate user actions.
Set up listeners to view test results.
Run the test and analyze the results.
Adjust the number of threads, ramp-up period, and loop count for load testing.
Use timers to simulate realistic user behavior.
Monitor server more
Q2. How javascript works?
JavaScript is a scripting language that runs on the client-side and is used to create interactive web pages.
JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted language.
It is used to add interactivity to web pages.
It can be used for both front-end and back-end development.
JavaScript code is executed by the browser's JavaScript engine.
It supports object-oriented, functional, and imperative programming styles.
JavaScript has a wide range of built-in functions and libraries.
It can be used more
Q3. Explain broken links program
A broken links program is a tool used to identify and fix hyperlinks on a website that are no longer working.
Broken links can negatively impact user experience and SEO rankings.
The program scans the website for broken links and provides a report of the URLs that need to be fixed.
Webmasters can use the program to update or remove broken links to ensure a seamless browsing experience for users.
Examples of broken links include URLs that lead to 404 error pages or have been more
Q4. What is a server ?
A server is a computer program or device that provides functionality to other programs or devices, called clients.
A server is responsible for managing network resources and providing services to clients.
Examples of servers include web servers, email servers, file servers, and game servers.
Servers can be physical machines or virtual machines running on cloud platforms.
Servers can be accessed remotely by clients over a network.
Servers can be configured to handle specific tasks more
Q5. Array manipulation functions?
Array manipulation functions are used to modify arrays in various ways.
Some common array manipulation functions include push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(), splice(), concat(), slice(), and reverse().
push() adds one or more elements to the end of an array.
pop() removes the last element from an array.
shift() removes the first element from an array.
unshift() adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array.
splice() adds or removes elements from an array at a specified more
Q6. What is the ORM ?
ORM stands for Object-Relational Mapping. It is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in object-oriented programming languages.
ORM maps objects from a database to objects in code, allowing developers to work with data in an object-oriented way.
It eliminates the need for writing complex SQL queries by providing a higher-level API for database operations.
Popular ORM frameworks include Hibernate for Java, Entity Framework for .NET, and more
Q7. Diff types of backup
Different types of backup include full, incremental, differential, and snapshot backups.
Full backup: A complete backup of all data and files.
Incremental backup: Only backs up the changes made since the last backup.
Differential backup: Backs up all changes made since the last full backup.
Snapshot backup: Captures the state of the database at a specific point in time.
Q8. Diff between mysql and mssql
MySQL is open source and widely used, while MSSQL is proprietary and more expensive.
MySQL is open source, while MSSQL is proprietary
MySQL is free to use, while MSSQL requires a license
MySQL is more widely used in web applications, while MSSQL is more commonly used in enterprise applications
MySQL has better support for Linux, while MSSQL is better suited for Windows environments
Q9. Design patterns in Java.
Design patterns in Java are reusable solutions to common problems encountered in software design.
Design patterns help in creating flexible, maintainable, and scalable code.
Some common design patterns in Java include Singleton, Factory, Observer, and Strategy.
Each design pattern has its own purpose and can be applied in different scenarios.
Design patterns promote code reusability and improve code organization.
Q10. Design principles in Java.
Design principles in Java focus on creating modular, reusable, and maintainable code.
Single Responsibility Principle - Each class should have only one responsibility.
Open/Closed Principle - Classes should be open for extension but closed for modification.
Liskov Substitution Principle - Subtypes should be substitutable for their base types.
Interface Segregation Principle - Clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces they do not use.
Dependency Inversion Principle - more
Q11. Postgre sql advantage over oracle
PostgreSQL is open-source, highly extensible, and has strong support for advanced features.
PostgreSQL is open-source, while Oracle is a proprietary database system.
PostgreSQL has strong support for advanced features like JSON data types, full-text search, and custom extensions.
PostgreSQL is highly extensible, allowing users to create custom functions, data types, and indexing methods.
PostgreSQL has a strong community support and regular updates, making it a popular choice more
Q12. What is sanity and regression
Sanity and regression testing are types of software testing used to ensure the stability and functionality of a product.
Sanity testing is a narrow and focused testing approach to quickly determine if the software is ready for further testing.
Regression testing is the process of retesting the unchanged parts of the software after modifications to ensure that no new bugs have been introduced.
Sanity testing is usually performed before regression testing to check critical more
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