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Citadel Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 2 Dec 2024

Citadel Interview Experiences

Popular Designations

5 interviews found

Interview experience
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Process Duration
2-4 weeks
No response

I applied via LinkedIn and was interviewed in Jun 2024. There were 2 interview rounds.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

Strategies leetcode,pandas,

Round 2 - Behavioral interview 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Premium calculation in options
  • Q2. Backtesting strategies

Quantitative Researcher Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Clarification about what CPI stands(Is it the same as Grade Point Average?)
View answer (1)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Coding Test 

Very hard, 2 hard leetcode questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Topics to prepare for Citadel Software Developer interview:
  • dynamic programming

Software Developer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Maximum Subarray Sum Problem Statement Given an array of integers, determine the maximum possible sum of any contiguous subarray within the array. Example: Input: array = [34, -50, 42, 14, -5, 86] Output: 137 Explanation: The maximum sum is... read more
View answer (43)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration

I applied via Campus Placement

Round 1 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Why do you want to join Citadel?
  • Q2. What’s your career plan?

Quantitative Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. How would you approach the implementation of a new financial product
View answer (1)
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. Walk me through your PhD thesis
  • Q2. How did you hear us, why us?

Quantitative Researcher Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Clarification about what CPI stands(Is it the same as Grade Point Average?)
View answer (1)

Citadel interview questions for popular designations

 Software Developer


 Quantitative Researcher


 Quantitative Analyst


Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
4-6 weeks
Not Selected

I applied via LinkedIn and was interviewed in Mar 2023. There was 1 interview round.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

Solve 2 problems in codility test

Software Developer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Maximum Subarray Sum Problem Statement Given an array of integers, determine the maximum possible sum of any contiguous subarray within the array. Example: Input: array = [34, -50, 42, 14, -5, 86] Output: 137 Explanation: The maximum sum is... read more
View answer (43)

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview Questionnaire 

11 Questions

  • Q1. Print all nodes at a distance k from a given node in binary tree?
  • Q2. RandN function : which generates random number in [1,2,3..N] with equal probability. Given rand5, write a code for rand7 using rand5
  • Ans. 

    Code for rand7 using rand5 function

    • Use rand5 twice to generate a number in [1,25] with equal probability

    • If the number is greater than 21, discard and try again

    • Otherwise, return (number mod 7) + 1

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Puzzle: Using all(8,8,3,3) and only operators(*,/,-,+), make 24
  • Q4. How do you implement LRU cache?
  • Ans. 

    LRU cache is implemented using a doubly linked list and a hash map.

    • Create a doubly linked list to keep track of the order of elements in the cache.

    • Create a hash map to store the key-value pairs of the cache.

    • When a new element is added, check if the cache is full. If it is, remove the least recently used element from the linked list and the hash map.

    • When an element is accessed, move it to the front of the linked list to...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Your current project in Company? A lot of questions from CV? Discussion went on for about 15 minutes?
  • Q6. Then had a lot of questions around java script and java. About different design patterns and web services
  • Q7. A lot of questions around java, collections frameworks, multi threading and so on. (This took a good 25-30 minutes )
  • Q8. A strategy question. It would be asked depending on which team you are being interviewed for.Mine was some apple seller problem. Here knowledge of real world scenario helps. Advice is to observe things aro...
  • Q9. Write down function to select pivot element randomly in Quick Sort
  • Ans. 

    Function to randomly select pivot element in Quick Sort

    • Generate a random index within the range of the array

    • Return the element at the randomly generated index as the pivot

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. He asked me what is a data structure and why do we use one. Explained him. He asked some real life example of stack and queue. All I could gave him was programming examples but when he insisted on real li...
  • Q11. As we were talking very much on each question. He felt like talking more and from tech he went around for some biggest learning from a mistake/biggest achievement of life kind of questions. There were oth...

Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: I recently interviewed with Goldman Sachs, and had 4 rounds of interview with them at their campus in Bangalore.
Skills: Algorithm, Data structure
College Name: na

Skills evaluated in this interview

I appeared for an interview before Sep 2020.

Round 1 - Telephonic Call 

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

The interviewer called my via phone and simultaneously provided me a link where I had to write the code for a given problem. It was scheduled at 12:30 pm, so timing was not an issue. It was a standard DP question involving a 2D matrix. The question was easy and I was able to code it within given time.

Round 2 - Face to Face 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

The interviewer asked me two coding questions in this round.

  • Q1. Write an efficient program to find the sum of the contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers that has the largest sum.
  • Ans. 

    Efficient program to find sum of largest contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array.

    • Use Kadane's algorithm to find the maximum sum subarray in O(n) time complexity.

    • Initialize max_sum and current_sum to 0, iterate through array updating current_sum and max_sum.

    • Return max_sum as the result.

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was on-site round at their Bangalore office. The interviewer was friendly and helpful. The interview held inside a conference room.

  • Q1. 

    DFS Traversal Problem Statement

    Given an undirected and disconnected graph G(V, E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges, the connections between vertices are provided in the 'GR...

  • Ans. 

    DFS traversal problem to find connected components in an undirected and disconnected graph.

    • Use Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm to traverse the graph and find connected components

    • Maintain a visited array to keep track of visited vertices

    • Iterate through all vertices and perform DFS on unvisited vertices to find connected components

  • Answered by AI
Round 4 - Face to Face 

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was the next round of the onsite interviews. Took place in the same conference room as that of the previous round.

Round 5 - Face to Face 

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was the third round of the onsite interview. 

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI completed Software Engineering from Netaji Subhas University Of Technology. I applied for the job as SDE - 1 in BangaloreGoldman Sachs interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, Database, System Design, Operating SystemsTime required to prepare for the interview - 6 MonthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Practice DP based questions as much as you can. Also, be confident during the interview about your solution. For practice, you can prefer Coding Ninjas and Geeks For Geeks.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Keep it short. Mention the academic and professional projects you've done. Add your educational details properly with percentage or CGPA obtained.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I appeared for an interview before Sep 2020.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 150 mintues
Round difficulty - Medium

Nice goes i good environment.

  • Q1. 

    Buy and Sell Stock Problem Statement

    Imagine you are Harshad Mehta's friend, and you have been given the stock prices of a particular company for the next 'N' days. You can perform up to two buy-and-sell ...

  • Ans. 

    The task is to determine the maximum profit that can be achieved by performing up to two buy-and-sell transactions on a given set of stock prices.

    • Iterate through the array of stock prices and calculate the maximum profit that can be achieved by buying and selling at different points.

    • Keep track of the maximum profit after the first transaction and the maximum profit overall by considering different combinations of buy a...

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Video Call 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 90 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

It happens in a nice environment but internet connection was week.

  • Q1. 

    Delete a Node from a Linked List

    You are provided with a linked list of integers. Your task is to implement a function that deletes a node located at a specified position 'POS'.


    The first line co...
  • Ans. 

    Implement a function to delete a node from a linked list at a specified position.

    • Traverse the linked list to find the node at the specified position.

    • Update the pointers of the previous and next nodes to skip the node to be deleted.

    • Handle edge cases such as deleting the head or tail of the linked list.

    • Ensure to free the memory of the deleted node to avoid memory leaks.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 8 CGPAGoldman Sachs interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Pointers, Recursion, Linked List, Binary Search Tree ,Queue, Array ,DP ,GraphTime required to prepare for the interview - 2 MonthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Prepare your resume well. 
Tip 2 : Deploy your projects so that the interviewer can view it. Also provide a hyperlink on your resume.
Tip 3 : Be thorough with Data Structures and Algorithms. Also prepare well topics such as OS,DBMS.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Deploy your projects so that the interviewer can view it. Also provide a hyperlink on your resume
Tip 2 : It's not important to have fancy projects. Only mention those on which you're confident.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I appeared for an interview in Sep 2020.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 90 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

3 coding Questions:
1st : Easy question based on simple loop iteration
2nd :Medium level Dp question 
3rd : Medium level tree question(where we were not just required to complete the tree function but to build whole bst from 

It was conducted from 1:30 - 3:00 pm.
The coding platform was very good (as auto indentation and auto completion of brackets were there)
having camera on.

  • Q1. 

    Selling Stock Problem Statement

    You are given the stock prices for N days. Each day i signifies the price of a stock on that day. Your goal is to calculate the maximum profit that can be achieved by buyin...

  • Ans. 

    Calculate maximum profit by buying and selling stocks on different days.

    • Iterate through the stock prices and buy on the day when the price is lower than the next day's price, and sell on the day when the price is higher than the next day's price.

    • Keep track of the total profit earned by summing up the differences between buying and selling prices.

    • Return the total profit as the maximum profit that can be earned.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Minimum Time to Burn a Binary Tree from a Leaf Node

    You are given a binary tree with 'N' unique nodes, and a specific start node from where the fire will begin. The task is to determine the time in minute...

  • Ans. 

    The task is to determine the time in minutes required to burn the entire binary tree starting from a given node.

    • Traverse the tree from the given start node to calculate the time taken to burn the entire tree.

    • Use a queue to keep track of nodes and their burning time.

    • Increment the burning time for each level of nodes until the entire tree is burned.

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Coding Test 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 75-80 minutes
Round difficulty - Hard

This was a completely technical coding round where I was asked to solve the problems of data structures.
The codepad where i was asked to code was fine,
The interviewer was very friendly and was helpful and understanding.
I also asked him about his work and experience in the company and some other questions.

  • Q1. 

    Matrix Maximum Path Sum Problem

    Given an N*M matrix filled with integer numbers, your task is to find the maximum path sum starting from any cell in the first row and ending at any cell in the last row. Y...

Round 3 - HR 

Round duration - 45 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

It was held on Gmeet platform
The interviewer was very experienced person and was very nice too.
He made me comfortable by first introducing himself in a very detailed way and then asking me mine introduction
Since I feel that his internet connection was not very good so he turned off his camera but I decided not to turn off mine as in online interviews your face reviles your confidence 
the interviewer mostly asked me questions about my interests in technical field and the project that I have done

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI completed Computer Science Engineering from Punjab Engineering College(Deemed To be University). Eligibility criteriaCGPA above 6 and no backlogs (there was no branch criteria for eligibility)Phone Pe interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - 1. C++ basic Coding + Data structures knowledge (learned during the two years of college Courses + Coding Ninjas course of C++ introduction and C++ data structures) 2. OOPs + Pointers (best and complete material for interviews is available at Geeks for geeks) 3. Dynamic programming and Recursion best explained in (Coding Ninjas course) + (Youtube channel of Aditya Verma if you want free material ) 4. Graphs , Hashmaps and Priority Queues (again I found Coding Ninjas course to be super amazing) 5. Operating system + DBMS(theory part) (I found best material of Gate smashers (youtube channel)) 6. Networking (just required for very few companies) (I liked TutorialsPoint tutorials a lot (very concise and to the point ))Time required to prepare for the interview - 1+2 months (rigorous practicing)Interview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Practice atleast(easy and medium questions from leetcode under(Top Interview Questions)) and all the questions from Gfg under(must to do coding questions for interviews))
Tip 2 : Don't learn each and every question you solved but try to solve question in a way that you can solve its variation during interviews
Tip 3 : Do one project(one is enough) which you can explain with full technical details (why you used this technology, and all logics you applied in implementation) 
Tip 4: Atleast read the round 1 (Coding round) Archives from (Geeks for geeks or Glassdoor). To get your mind prepared for the types of questions that company usually asks.(Coding round is the toughest Step in the whole Process to clear)

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1: Have at least one project which you have made yourself and you should know all the technical questions related to that project (I feel project domain hardly matters like web development or android or ML/AI)
Tip 2: You should Put only those skills in resume :
1. Which the company requires (eg if you know company doesn't require Networking domain knowledge so 
don't include it unnecessary if you are not much confident in it)
2. For on campus internships resume shortlisting is very easy so don't add anything unnecessary which might 
cause you pain during interview.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I appeared for an interview in Feb 2022.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 75 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

There are 4 easy brute force question.

  • Q1. 

    Form a Triangle Problem Statement

    You are given an array of integers ARR with a length of N. Your task is to determine whether it's possible to construct at least one non-degenerate triangle using the val...

  • Ans. 

    Determine if it's possible to form a non-degenerate triangle using array elements as sides.

    • Check if the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side to form a triangle.

    • If any such combination exists, return 'YES'; otherwise, return 'NO'.

    • Example: For input [3, 4, 5], sum of 3 + 4 > 5, so 'YES'. For [1, 10, 12, 30], no such combination exists, so 'NO'.

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Coding Test 

Round duration - 90 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

There are 3 DS question, all are easy medium and medium level

Round 3 - Video Call 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 90 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

There are 3 coding problems asked which need to coded and compiled

  • Q1. 

    Minimum Moves to Collect All Keys

    Given an 'N' x 'M' grid, find the minimum number of moves required to collect all keys when starting at a specified point. Each move allows you to travel to an adjacent c...

  • Ans. 

    Find the minimum number of moves required to collect all keys in a grid starting from a specified point.

    • Use breadth-first search (BFS) to explore all possible paths from the starting point to collect keys.

    • Keep track of keys collected, locks encountered, and the number of moves taken in each path.

    • Avoid revisiting cells, and consider the movement rules while traversing the grid.

    • Return the minimum number of moves to colle

  • Answered by AI
Round 4 - Video Call 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

There are back to back many question are asked, one have to give approach and pseudo, no need for compilable code

  • Q1. 

    Insertion in AVL Tree Problem Statement

    You are required to implement an AVL Tree from scratch. Given 'N' values representing nodes, insert these values into the AVL Tree and return its root after all ins...

  • Ans. 

    Implement an AVL Tree from scratch and insert given values to balance the tree.

    • Implement AVL Tree with rotation operations for balancing.

    • Maintain balance factor for each node to ensure AVL property.

    • Perform rotations (single or double) based on balance factor to balance the tree.

    • Update heights of nodes after insertion to maintain AVL property.

    • Ensure tree remains balanced after each insertion operation.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Unlock the Briefcase Problem Statement

    You have a briefcase secured by a lock with 4 circular wheels. The password is a sequence of 4 digits. Each wheel has 10 slots labeled ‘0’ through ‘9’. The wheels ca...

  • Ans. 

    Find the minimum number of rotations required to unlock a briefcase with a given target code, considering dead-end codes.

    • Iterate through all possible combinations of rotations to find the shortest path to the target code.

    • Use a queue to efficiently explore all possible combinations.

    • If the target code is a dead-end code, return -1 as it is not feasible to unlock the briefcase.

  • Answered by AI
Round 5 - Video Call 

Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

it was hiring manager round, most discussion is based on my resume and previous work

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI applied for the job as SDE - 1 in BengaluruEligibility criteriaNo criteriaPhone Pe interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structure, Algorithm, System Design, DBMS, OOPS.Time required to prepare for the interview - 1 monthInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Go through basics of data structure and algorithm. 
Tip 2 : Focus specially on tree, graph and DP( 2D max).
Tip 3 : Detail understanding of everything written in resume

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Keep it clean, no need to use any styles or colour.
Tip 2 : Focus more on projects and experience.
Tip 3 : Use bullets, single lines to explain your work and project, don't be too lengthy, make is brief.
Tip 4 : one page resume is good, you can cut down things like unnecessary achievements

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Citadel Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Citadel interview?
Citadel interview process usually has 1-2 rounds. The most common rounds in the Citadel interview process are Coding Test and HR.
What are the top questions asked in Citadel interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Citadel interview -

  1. Premium calculation in opti...read more
  2. Backtesting strateg...read more

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Citadel Interview Process

based on 5 interviews

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Software Developer
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₹65 L/yr - ₹120 L/yr

Executive Accountant
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₹2.4 L/yr - ₹3.2 L/yr

HR Manager
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₹3.6 L/yr - ₹5.6 L/yr

General Manager
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₹12 L/yr - ₹12 L/yr

Assistant Manager- HR
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₹7 L/yr - ₹7.2 L/yr

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