Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad
Your seniors at Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad
Your seniors at Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Interview Type
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement
Tell me about yourself.
A case based on the operations and business model of Arcesium. It revolved around the various services provided by Arcesium. Determine price of the MVP, pros and cons of targeting a given segment and determine the target segment for this product.
Go through Arcesium's website and refer ,After the trade is made" by Daniel Weiss. The case will be based on Arcesium's services
Tell me about yourself
The interviewers asked me to justify each point written in the case solution. There were lot of cross questions also because I was coming from the same industry
Be prepared with the assumptions and statements mentioned in the case. You will be tested on every statement because Arcesium makes sure that candidate well understood the case. You might not remember every case detail. It is ok to ask the interviewer for a copy of case for reference
This round tested my previous work experience and some parts of the case
Be well prepared with every detail mentioned in the resume. If you are coming from the same industry, you might be asked to whiteboard your company's business model or the data flow of the applications you worked on
I applied via Campus Placement
Questions Asked (in sequence if possible) Started with the usual tell me about yourself. After gauging the kind of work I have done in past, asked me to design a dashboard with some metrics which would help the Uber management improve the bottom line. Discussion on the dashboard led to AI/ML algorithms. I was asked algorithms for K-means etc. There were also some questions related to the parallels of work structure between my past organization and Uber, to distinguish between EPM, TPM and PM etc roles and responsibilities
Even though my interview slot was much later, I reached the venue early as I was very keen on this job. When the interviewers arrived I was the first one to be interviewed and had a good discussion with the interviewer. I had done decent research on the work that Uber had been doing across geographies at the backend (technology front) and was well informed about the recent technology innovations and use cases. Also, I am an extensive user of their app so had a good understanding of their offering. All these helped in different points of the conversation with the interviewer
Algorithms for K-means
Distinguish between EPM, TPM and PM etc roles and responsibilities
Even though my interview slot was much later, I reached the venue early as I was very keen on this job. When the interviewers arrived I was the first one to be interviewed and had a good discussion with the interviewer. I had done decent research on the work that Uber had been doing across geographies at the backend (technology front) and was well informed about the recent technology innovations and use cases. Also, I am an extensive user of their app so had a good understanding of their offering. All these helped in different points of the conversation with the interviewer.
I applied via Campus Placement
Tell me about yourself
Return to origin (i.e. to warehouse) for Nykaa has increased from 5% to 7% within a span of 1 month. What are the potential reasons for this increase? How will you solve for these issues?
(I first drew the entire process from order to delivery and the reverse logistics. Then I discussed my hypotheses and asked clarifying questions to reject/ accept the hypotheses)
Nykaa currently has X million registered users, only Y% of them have transacted till date and out of Y, 60% of them have done only 1 transaction. How would you increase the repeat transactions (i.e. 60%) and how would you increase Y i.e. increase the share of transacting customers?
What are the product changes required for solving above problem? How would you prioritize these features?
I applied via Campus Placement
Resume walkthrough in brief
Algorithm and data structure that can be used to reverse a string converted into text by Cortana - assume a separate engine records the speech and converts to text to the best of its ability. Work with whatever you get
What challenges could you envision in reversing the string - again assume the above
Suggest a couple of new use cases for Cortana on laptop - very simple use cases (Cortana can't take dictation)
posted on 21 Oct 2022
I applied via Campus Placement
Tell me about yourself.
Deep drill down into one of the projects I had listed. How would you go about it as a product manager now. Learnings, successes & mistakes from that project.
Give me an example where you made a mistake at Target. How would you make sure you don't repeat the same mistake?
There was one design question which I am forgetting but it was simple
Suppose you are a entrepreneur & a VC has given me $5M. Which industry would you invest in
I started to draw frameworks from ISB case book but after a minute or two he stopped me and said this is too frameworky :). He gave me 2 minutes to think on it. I finally chose tech and gave reasons like asset light & ease of scaling up. Gave few examples.
Couple of follow up questions were asked. E.g. why does it make sense for any company to choose your tech product vs in house implementation. Other question was a guesstimate regarding market size estimation which was simple because I was able to draw on my work experience and explain how much amount we used to spend.
Market size estimation
I was able to draw on my work experience and explain how much amount we used to spend.
I applied via Campus Placement
You have 1000 bottles of wine, 1 is poisoned (cant detect it visually) you can use rats to arrive at which bottle is poisoned. You have only 1 chance (no iterations), what is the minimum number of rats you need for this experiment.
Estimate the number of doctors on Practo in Delhi
Which Doctors would you want on Practo to drive growth?
I applied via Campus Placement
Questions based on case study submitted ( Choose an existing app and increase revenue by 5% for existing users) and resume
Why did you choose MakeMyTrip for the case submission?
Why can the feature fail?
Resume based questions
Puzzle - I have a Mathematical logic in my mind, and I would give you three numbers that satisfy that logic. You cannot ask me questions but can only give me three more numbers to which I would reply ‘yes’ if the numbers satisfy the logic and ‘no’ if they do not. You can ask unlimited number triplets, but you have only one shot in solving the logic. The numbers are 2,4,6. (E.g., If I say 3,6,9, the interviewer will respond as ‘yes’)
The numbers are in ascending order ( The key here is to eliminate all possibilities and not jump to conclusion)
Three ants are sitting on the three corners of an equilateral triangle. Each moves at constant speed and can independently move either in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction. If they start at the same time find the probability of collision
Design an online chess game. How will you monetize it? – Suggest five ways. How will you increase retention? How will you increase engagement?
Why do you think most games have launched a system where they allow users to buy coins through which they can make in-game purchases rather than allowing users to purchase those items directly?
Amazon’s daily revenue has fallen by 20%. Find the root cause.
In Farmville, we organize a seasonal sale during Halloween and Christmas where we sell season specific game items such as Christmas tree, Halloween pumpkins which can be added to the farm. The revenue generated through sale in Halloween was $300,000. Now during Christmas sale, we plan to sell the following in-game items: Reindeer, Christmas tree and Santa statue. The pricing and sales strategy lie in your hands. Suggest a strategy to increase revenue to $1,000,000 during Christmas.
Imagine you are the PM of Dota-2, what do you think is the most important “game-metric” that improved after the launch of Battle Pass. ( The question specific to Dota 2 was asked because I had mentioned I was a Dota2 gamer in my resume.)
I applied via Campus Placement
How to reduce number of SLA breaches (essentially mismatch between promised delivery time and actual delivery time) in Flipkart’s supply chain?
Assume Virat Kohli comes to you and tell you that his batting average and strike rate have been dropping in the last 3 months and asks you to find a solution. How would you solve his problem?
I applied via Campus Placement