Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee

Roorkee, Uttarakhand

Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee Placement Interview Questions

Updated 17 Dec 2024

309 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jan 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had a standard resume for this company as per our institute placement cell norms. For an analyst profile at Capital One, they do look for a consistent academic performance, scholarships, Olympiads etc. So I did make sure to include all my academic achievements in my resume.

Round: Test
Experience: This was the first round and was conducted in September itself, well before the final placement process held in December. The test was based only on Data Interpretation (DI), quite similar to DI questions asked in CAT. It was a 35 minute test comprising of 30 questions. The questions were divided into sets of 4-6 questions, each set based on different data. Typically a set used to have 2 bar graphs/pie charts/line graphs and questions were based on them. Most of the questions were easy but were calculation intensive. Use of calculators was permitted. The cut off was about 22-23 questions. About 80 students were shortlisted for the first case study interview.
Tips: Be accurate. Often it might not be possible to attempt all the questions. So do not spend much time on a particular question.
Duration: 35 minutes
Total Questions: 30

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: The first interview was relatively short – a one to one case study interview was held on the next day of the written test. The case study was mainly quantitative in nature and was based on calculation of break-even point (concept from Profit and Loss). In the case study given to me, a kiosk owner providing delivery of products to dial-in customers wished to expand his operations by setting up an e-commerce platform on the kiosk’s website. Data about the existing number of customers, new distribution of customers, profit per customer, and cost for setting up the e-commerce platform and scaling up the operations was given. I was asked to carry out break even analysis for different cases.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: 24 students got shortlisted for the next interview round which was again a one to one interview. Like the previous interview, this too was mainly focused on the analysis of the quantitative data in the case.
In the case given to me, a bank had two types of credit card customers – ones who paid off their due balance completely within the due date and those who paid only the minimum amount required before the due date and carried forward the remaining amount to the next month. There was a short discussion with the interviewer to identify the sources of revenue and costs for the two types of customers. After all the sources had been identified, I was given the data for all the costs and was asked to calculate the profit/loss the bank makes on each customer. The interview concluded with a short discussion on the possible ways of marketing the credit card. The interview lasted for about 40 minutes and because of a couple of calculation mistakes during the quantitative analysis, I couldn't make it to the next interview round.
Tips: Go through some sample case studies. Get a basic idea of how to prepare for a case study interview. Prepare well for the written test. If you are preparing for CAT, that should be more than enough in almost all the cases.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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NA Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The Analytic section contained Mathematical questions. The Software consisted mostly C/C++ based and few other core CS level questions. The Hardware section consisted of questions on Digital Electronics.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They conducted 2 Technical rounds. They asked about AVL Tree and related questions like rotation, traversal. They also asked unattempted analytical questions from paper (in both the technical interviews).

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interview was all about my projects, my background and a few more typical HR questions. It was pretty easy to answer them.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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NA Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jan 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had a standard resume for this company as per our institute’s placement cell norms. I usually changed my “Areas of Interest” as per the company profile.

Round: Test
Experience: The written test had questions on aptitude and programming skills in which questions related to basic C++ and data structures were asked. In aptitude test a lot of questions were from ‘permutation & combination’ and probability.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Next was the technical interview round where in-depth questions were asked from C++, Java, operating systems and networking. Basic idea of these topics was not enough to answer these questions – one needed to be well versed with the important concepts. A few HR questions (about one’s family and background) were also asked.
Tips: In depth knowledge of programming languages, networking and operating system is required for the interview round.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Most of the information regarding the company was obtained by attending the pre-placement talk. The company gave a lot of attention to our technical knowledge.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: It was an “open to all branches” company. Around 70 students were shortlisted based on resume. Shortlisting was mainly on CGPA basis and on an average 5 top students were shortlisted from each branch.

Round: Test
Experience: The written test was on logical reasoning, verbal ability and quantitative aptitude. The test comprised of 2 sections. 1st section comprised of 3 HR questions:
Why do you want to join this company?
Tell us about yourself.
Describe a situation where you displayed leadership skills.
These 3 questions were to be typed in 150-200 words each in total of 20 min. 2nd section started immediately after this. 25 minutes, 35 multiple choice questions consisting of questions from various sections including 10 coding based questions.
Duration: 45 minutes
Total Questions: 38

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Interview was through a video call on Skype. The interview started with the basic HR question and then the interviewer asked about my area of interest. He asked 2 questions from that field and then asked one guesstimate question
The last question was related to what do I understand about data analysis.
Other candidates were asked some puzzles and several other HR questions as well.
My area of interest was Operations Research. So he asked me some technical questions as well.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The selection process was open for students from all branches. Around 70 students were shortlisted based on their resume. Shortlisting was mainly on CGPA basis and on an average 5 top students were shortlisted from each branch.

Round: Test
Experience: There was a written test conducted for shortlisted candidates. The test was primarily based on the CAT pattern where questions were asked from verbal reasoning, logical reasoning and quantitative aptitude. The test comprised of 2 sections. First section comprised of 3 HR questions:
Why do you want to join this company?
Tell us about yourself.
Describe a situation where you displayed leadership skills.
These 3 questions were to be typed out in 150–200 words each in a total of 20 minutes. Second section started immediately after this. 25 minutes were given to answer 35 multiple choice questions from various sections including 10 coding based questions. The difficulty level was medium.
Duration: 45 minutes
Total Questions: 38

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They asked me to tell them about myself and also some puzzles and core field related questions. Interview was conducted using Skype. It started with basic HR question and then the interviewer asked me about my area of interest. He asked two questions from that field and then asked me to solve one guesstimate case. There was another question on the definition of data analysis.
My area of interest was Operations Research. First he asked me to explain transportation problem and second question was about solving a transshipment problem using Excel solver software. Other candidates were also asked some puzzles and several other HR questions.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jan 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I specified about my extra-curricular activities in an organized manner. I had loads of techno-managerial activities. Whatever extra-curricular activities that I was involved in, I had been pursuing them since my first year, hence I found it necessary to group them in an appropriate manner in the resume. Also I had participated in an event called Robocon, I had done a project and had 2 different internships, I highlighted all these specifically in my resume.
Tips: I referred a site of Princeton University to prepare the resume. It’s a very good website and hugely referred by students for preparing their resume. I also got some valuable insights from my seniors in accordance to building my resume. I intended to join a technical company hence I had framed a technical resume.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This was a direct personal interview round. They started asking H.R. questions initially and then floated over to the technical questions. In total 8 students were short-listed for this round, 2 from mechanical, 2 from electrical and 2 from civil and each and every student was practically asked the same set of the HR questions.

My interview was taken by 2 people, one Indian and the other was a foreigner. Right at the start of the interview they explained me how the interview would proceed. They even told me that the interview would be conducted only for 20 minutes. They started asking questions like ‘Tell me about yourself.’ and the likes. While I was answering the foreign interviewer seemed to be noting down some points. He also asked me whether I had any knowledge whatsoever regarding the company. I gave him an apt reply based on the knowledge of the company that I possessed.

Further he went into the technical questions. He asked me to state the role of a mechanical engineer in a company like Arup which mainly dealt with engineering design and construction. I said that mechanical engineers look after the refrigeration and the piping system. They also asked me to name the building that fascinated me the most and that was built by Arup. I said I liked the building built by Arup in Hong-Kong which consisted of the overhanging beam. I was not aware of the name of the building. They enlightened me further about that building for themselves.

They asked me about which monument did I like the most. I gave a very honest reply to this. I told them that earlier when I was in an internship at Mumbai I had seen the sky-scrappers for the first time. I told them as to how intriguing I found those huge structures and how different I found the world from the top of these sky-scrappers. They were pretty impressed with my honest reply. They moved on to asking me questions on the sky-scrappers. I started talking on vibrations, but they corrected me stating that this is looked after by the civil engineers. They started dropping some hints. I thought for a moment and finally figured out that the mechanical engineers carried out the works related to energy and sustainable development, refrigeration and ventilation and also the piping systems. I also gave some suitable examples for each of them.

He asked whether I had any experiences of working in a team. I gave them a brief account of the Robocon event that we participated in and how under my leadership we gave the best performance compared to the past three years that IIT- Roorkee participated in the event. The Indian interviewer further inquired about my family background. I told them about my father’s business and convinced them that I would never do business and that I would remain loyal to the company.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: I heard about the company for the first time during the recruitment process. I did not even attend the pre-placement talk held by the company; consequently I was not much aware either about the company or the profile on offer.
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NA Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jan 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had a standard resume for this company as per our institute placement cell norms.

Round: Interview
Experience: Arup Engineering directly had an interview round after short listing the students based on their resume. I was the only candidate from Civil Engineering to get shortlisted for the interview round. The interview took about 20 minutes and there was a mix of technical and HR questions. I was asked questions from the areas of interests I had mentioned in my resume. Some very common HR questions were also asked.

General Tips: For written tests of other companies, I did revise concepts from IS 456 for core civil engineering tests. Also, as I had been preparing for CAT, I didn't have much problem with the aptitude based tests.
College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The resume was as per the norms of my college’s Placement Office.I felt that the interviewers were not interested in your resume but were more interested in your family background and the type of person you are. The interviewers are also interested in the reason you choose to leave the core sector.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The next round was the personal interview round. The interview panel had five general managers of the company. They asked some general questions. They were interested in knowing about me and my family background. They asked me about my father’s profession. I told them that my father owned a shop and had a garment business. They asked me some questions related his business like ‘Who purchases your clothes?’, ‘What is the annual turnover of your business?’ and ‘What are the annual earnings?’ They also asked me about my family. They asked me about the job opportunities present in the field of biotechnology. I replied that there were none. They were amazed by the blunt reply. Then I explained the complete scenario to them. I told them that there are certainly a lot of opportunities available in this sector but most of the companies in this sector recruit only students with Masters/Doctoral degrees and even though I have the potential, academically I do not have the necessary qualifications. They seemed to be convinced with my reply.Next, the panel gave me a situation that in case after recruitment I was to be placed in Kerala with a day profile job, where I would have to interact with the local population whose dialect would be completely unknown to me which might cause a lot of trouble, would I still take up the job. This question put me in quite a bit of dilemma. I requested them to give me a few seconds to think about it. They gladly accepted my request. After pondering over the question for few seconds I unwillingly yet confidently said yes.Finally he asked me what I knew about the companies like Facebook, Apple and the likes. He asked me to state the leading biotechnology company and its CEO. They were looking for calm, composed and confident candidates for the job.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: The profile offered was of “General Banking Officer” – a designation just below that of the junior manager. I acquired the knowledge about the company and the profile through the pre-placement talk.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 30 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Though the paper was easy you have to score very high marks to qualify for the next round.
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 25

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The GD round consisted of current affair topics. Since topics like these are very popular and everybody likes to talk about them, it is important that you start the topic so as to have a good hold over the group. If not just try and give a direction to the group with valid points so as to become noticeable. Do conclude the discussion.

Round: Interview
Experience: The interview was basically resume based. They asked me about my projects in the domain of finance and were quite impressed by it. They wanted me to discuss all my academic and internship projects in detail. The interview lasted for 30 minutes approximately.They also inquired briefly about me. They also asked me questions about my technical projects though it didn't have anything to do with the profile offered. Their main aim was to know whether I performed well in the tasks assigned to me even if they did not interest me.
Tips: Try not to mention anything about MBA if any one of you is planning to go for it.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Jan 2015

7 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I consulted my seniors for preparation of my resume. I believe that seniors provide you with the best possible insights in this regards.

Round: Test
Experience: I had prepared for the CAT examination which helped me in these written tests.The first round in A2Z was the aptitude test. The test was open for all. The questions asked in the tests were personality based like:State your experiences of working in a team.What qualities describe you the best?What qualities do you not prominently possess?There were 50 to 60 questions of this sort. It was an online test and nearly 60 to 70 candidates appeared for the test.The written test was not an elimination test; all the candidates who appeared for the test also appeared for the GD.
Tips: For the written tests, particularly the aptitude section, if you have prepared for the CAT examination you would not find it difficult to solve them. There is a book written by an author named R.S. Aggarwal which would prove to be beneficial from these written tests point of view.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This interview was conducted by a panel of 6 to 7 company officials. Next they asked me questions relating to my project work.
Tips: Before appearing for the technical interview do revise your basic concepts particularly the concepts in power systems.

College Name: IIT Roorkee
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